fiitiirfiif-̂ iltrirlfMiit ̂ UttB 1 M pjm* 10 ' 'S ttn i if tr r *" Vi»lt«i#' 1 ?g * 1 > P , 1 So What? S o Beautiful! - 'ft H • 4 f j|,< f *h I ' »■•" J • ','f i \ }*', f- •' > ? '.,['i'4 ■ I i : l i i 4 r - ■ H >1 *f ■¥ t | 4 ^ i\\ I ' },?i -• -̂T.if I f 'ei> M i l -r \ : I ' i l l - ^ If t l ' r f| l Tk i?|. ̂H ¥. r Our n«tr loftlhud of P«rrji«ti«ti( Wftviojf ftifntiOAifts «il (Wkiilbility of frixxiog' tb» b»iri A« our «u»«mlnf timo re<]uiref only 3 to 0 mill' uto«4 and will tftko on HOUYIOUI iU tl.. lltfc e g O N W w r " ' ' ' il'W a tSuodsy SfnMi him Youoiir Men*$ B tbh O mmm HVNDAY m m m d m u r n MR. JOHN WAXL;4CE Subiodi **l**»ftli'(i Vkimrf Mmi YMmu,*^ FRIDAY m n iN C u m m tH SERVICES FOR BOYS AND OfRiS wilt b« r«»um«d O ct Hh. «t 7:30 p.m. Come «»d biitig' vour frk-ndi. 0j*U UNITED C H im C H Rev. IlilMs WHfffat ,H inist«r. G w e n d o l y n B e a u t y S h o p p e 1846 Merfiie Drive For appointmente I'lIONK WE8T" I17 D on't wait until he before you praise him. M arionette C i r c u l a t i n g LIBRARY Hooka chariifed once a month Momberahip. 80c a month ANBLESIDE PHARNACY W. L. KBU, Prop 1401 Marine Drive Phone W est 828 10 ;00 a.m.-- Sunday School and Uible Class. 11 * 15 a.m.---M orning Service. 7:15 p.m.-- Evening Service. . - ------- . Next Sabbath is Rally Day. the iineaHialr.,)^ v /e s t Vancouver United Church. The Sunday School unites w ith tin* congregation a t th e morning service ab 11:15 o'cIocIk Sc\ eral classes will be promoted and the Beginners and. In ter- mc*<liate classes will recite and sing. Jtev. John Archibald of Uonsdale United Church will dead I i 'reparatory service will be' ------ held, in the Church on Thursday niglit, Octol>er 4th, a t 7:30 p.m. when new com m unicants will be received. (.'ommunion of the . Lord's Su|)pcr wilLbe-observed on the ' fir/Tt .Sunday in October a t the pioniing service. The regular m eeting of th e W omen's Association will take place at 2:30 p.m. ne îdt Tuesday, S e k n e e Sadety CHtffiCIE KDlFiCB '^ m ir im is ^ f id e s u B ta m m Tbl§ B^cMir b a Branch of f im l l i ^ r Church Tba F irst Oittrcb of Christ, SeltJidsI* in Boston, ' MAMNltbusttts 'AiBMiiy- IkwvlM: lltBO tua* Sunday, Septem ber 30,1934 S ub jec t: * * B E A L I T Y " m H . vmF store No> Ur-UU itlt and 29th » *«!»*»* k *4 >■■».«>» «««*««•* Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8tl6 p m. TIIANK8GIVINC SBUVICE at 11:30 a.m., Monday, Oct. 8th. rHianksfrivinjr i>ay). The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meeting*. PRICES EFFEaiVE FRIDAY AMO SAT ̂ SEFYDUfMEIt TEA -- JHAX-i-MUM COFFEE -- Highway FLOUR -- Wild Rose ]*a«try, T*lb. paper CAKE FI A) UR -- Bwansdown (U m lt 2) CRAFENUT FLAKES JELLY I'OWDER.S -- PEAS Ih. 39c . . -lb. 25c .each 2Sc ««*e».»e«***w*»*,eee«e4êSCl|, 2l5C' (Limit 31 ........................for 25c .Max-LMum (Limit 7 )............. ..... 7 for 25c Ayltp^*'* Sieve 5, No, 2 tin..................... n.-;....J.;...8 for 25c TOMATO JUH;E -- Aylftur, in Una (Limit 6).... !........ j6 for 25c PORK & BEANS -- Libliy'K, No. 2 aq. Una................for 25c WHITE CORN -- Aylmer, No. ,2 Un (Limit 6 )_____ „...8 for 25c TOMATOES -- Aylmer, UVj oa. tin (Limit 5^.^.'..L .7 .3 " fo r 25c 1'OMATO SOUP --^ 25c PICKI.e s -- Happy vale, sweet, sour, chow, mustard, 30 ofc ja r 25c STRAWBERRY JAM -- Empreas, 2 lb. tin ............ ...........each 25c VINEGAR ~ Heinz Cider, Mali, White, 16^2 ox..... ..........2 for 25c SOAP -- I*. & G. (Limit 9 bars).... ....................................,...9 for 25c is Pro- BA PTIST CHliRpH P as to r: Rev. H. P. Humphreys Sunday, Sept. 3()th. 9:45 a.m ,--^Sunday School. Rally Day Special gram . 10:00 a.m.-- ^Adull Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.-- ^Morning Worship. H arvest Thanksgiving, P asto r will p reach ; Speci al Singing. t :1 5 p.m.--Evening Worship. Song • Service a t com- mencemient. W hat shall I render unto the Lord? W* r««crv« the right to limit quantlUeg. SAFEWAY STORES :UMlTEO D I S T R I B U T I O N WITHOUT WASTE L A T E W . T. E L L IS . H E L P E D M U N IC IPA L D E V E L O PM E N T H E R E ST. JO H N 'S AMBULANCE F IR S T A ID , A cordial invitation to all October 2nd, in the church hall. Monday, 8 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. A' ■ J FREE DELIVERY D R : G. D . H . S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. -v!. ■ ■ ■ DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. 11 - -- Olllco Hour* 9 to 6 p.m.. - Evening* by appointment. 1 ̂ ̂ ............. Phuiio Weat T2 Members and friends are cordial ly invited. ST; ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. P riest in Charge, . Rev. W. J. Millay, Residence: 2323 Inglewood Ave. Residence Phone W est 240R. Wednesday^ 8 p.m. -- Midweek p ray er service. Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Choir prac tice. CHURCHES OF CHRIST SC IEN TIST ^Sunday S l i c e s B. GALLANT, D.C., CHIROPRACTOR 2144 Marino Drive, Dundarave, 7 p.nir to 8 PimvrMbndaya; Wed- ncadnya and Fridays. House visits by appointment. Residence: 2308 Marino DHvo; Phono West 8'IOL. Vancouver OlTiee; 712 Robaon Seymour 8700_________ Low Mass -- 8 :45 a.m. High Mass and Serm on -- 10:45 C a te ^ ism and Bible Class--3:00 Vespers and Benediction-- 7:30 Week-day Services Alass, d a i l y 8 a.m. F ridays: "REA LITY " is the subject of: th e Lesson - Sermon which win be read in all Churches .of C hrist, Sm entist, on Sunday, William Thomas Ellis, one of the most prom inent contractors in Vancouver, who recently passed away in the city at an early age, played a very active part in the municipal develop m ent work of th is municipality. Amongst o ther contracts he built the old roadway fo r Marine Drive and la ter was responsible for the present M arine Drive Highway from Capilano to Whytecliff. He also laid most of our^surfaced roads and the pres ent'"cement sidewalk from 13th S treet to 30th S treet. S t. J o h n 's - A m bulance First Aid classes will be conducted by Dr. A. C. N ash , in; th e Council Cham ber o f th e M unicipal Hall com m encing T hursday ; October 4th, a t 7 :30 o'clock; Members a re each requested to bring two trian g u la r bandages, safe ty pins pencil and note-book; Ambleside S h e e t M e ta l L. SPECK, , Proprietor W O T J C S Septem ber SOthi The Golden Text is; "W hat soever th ings a re true, whatso ever th ings are honest, w hats9- ever th in g s are ju s t, whatso- - TeVer th ings are pure, whatsoever th ings are lovely, whatsover Benediction, Rosary, Confes- th ings are of good report; if sions -- 7 ;80. ST.^EPH EN 'S CHURCH C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER E xpert VVork f 14th and M arin^ Phone W est 135 R ov.-^v-A . Ramsey,"L:s!T. Trin- Eatabliahed on North Shoro 20 Yonra, ( l.adly AaRbtant) IIARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON fu n e ra l itc e c la rs N orth Vancouver Ihirlors 122 W est S ix th S treet Phone N orth 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue E ast Phone F a ir. 184 Septem ber 30th, 1934 ity X V III. - 8 :Q0 a.m .-- Holy Communion. JIO _4S5-_11_:1& a.m.-- Sunday School i l : 1 5 a.m .--^Matins and Sermon 7:16 p.m.-- Evensong and Ser mon, A ux ilia ry Sunday School, n t h & Inglewood Sunday School, 10 a.m. Si. Francis-in-the-Wo^, Caulfeild Sunday^ 3 p.m. -- Evensong and Serm on. ^ th e re b e a n y virtue, and if there be any praise, th ink on these th ings." (PhiJippians 4 : 8 ) . Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermoii is the following from the Bible: E veryth ing Reduced See W iOduW s h o l L y b u r n g i f t s h o p ______ LIBRARY 2 5 c TO e N d O F Y E A R Mr. A . B ryan Williams, late Frovm cial Game W arden, winFrovincial Game W arden, will give an illustrated address to the M e n s Club m eeting in the "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heav en is perfect;." (M atthew 5: 48). -The-Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science te x t book, "Science and H ealth with Key to the Scriptures" by M ary Baker E ddy : "When we learn in Science how to be perfect even as our F a th e r in heaven is per fect, thought is turned into new and healthy channels,-- ^towards the contemplation o f th ings im- inortal and away „from material-, ity to the Principle of th e uni verse, including harm onious man." (p. 276). YEAR'S SHOES...$27 up (3 pairs ladles'-! pairs men's) Barish 8:30 '»enw»9iiiD!ii ^ , TUB West Van News Published ^ l^ r y Thursday--t,. P.m4 on ""Experiences w ith th e Game L ife of B.^C." All men welcome. i ■: The, H arvest Festival will be held on Sunday, Octobei* 7th. and a Patdsh Social will be held -on th e following Tuesday, Oct- obepj9Uh.r ■ ' . . HORSESHOE BAY W ATERFRONT Publiaher F. F, LOVEGROVE Phone W est 363 Bttsineaa and Editorial Office:. 17th and Marine Drive (Next to Hollyburn P.O.) Phone W est 363 Malt Addrejm: P. O. Box_61, HoUybum, B :a F i^ n k Hodgson, son o f Mr. and M rs. F , X. Hodgson, 2Srd and M Ie v u e Ayemiej who_is_jon the Colum bia Coast Mission r " waoucu a- boat "John An tie," w as v isiting smashed by th e break- Very considerable dam age was done to small c ra ft and th e w at erfron t a t Horseshoe Bay by a sixty-miie_gale, whichr^blew in fw m Howe Sound la te Saturday a f t i^ o o n and continued until early Sunday m orning. The ten- foot waves cajTied, all before them , one launch l^ in g , sunk, and several o thers washed a- IT NEVER WENT UP.-- North Vancoaver ORIce: - -128-Lonsdale Ave,- - 11.00 R-yeur b^^rriw: $2.00 m year maO. CUT Foryou, 171 /I 1 8 /I 7 D G Harvest Festival - ■ Wft V an F lo r ist 18th St Marine .Rtone - West--305 ^ to pieces on th e beach, while th e m arine gas sta tion was driven ashdibe. and ano ther float dam aged. Ashore everj'th ing e x ^ p t one tree in the g iw e withstood th e blow The overage VoncoiiveT iibmel pays only $22.20 o yeor, $l;«5 a month,43 cents o week, 6.1 cehts o doy for contlnuou5,alwoyi oyiil- oble eiectTfc servjce. ^ Comjpore this with the cost of. shqes ond _yarious other household-items__ ana you will Teolî e how^ . ̂ cheap the boon., of electric J fierw^is,. Y ourV ia-on ly one point of view. but JT HAS COME DOHH;OLUMRFA ClI--------■ ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. LTi