.. «• /»'* <***TiW.KV ;mm *ber rANKBrni I yO U R O W --fi ■ I .-■ v' -r , r̂ . r-s '» iwlitiWiwiiMHuiwHmomwnii iiilwjjwŵ M Local and Personalr.. Ŵ dWÎ ppI*** •5*(W«wii8ftitSi|ijî ^ WINDOWS doors shincues :.WTH VENEERS ROOHNC building paper * C M E ID lete Service BRICK. CEMENT HUE UME SAND Mt* $ m liia», Albert Gisby Mrs. 1* JinamerB have returned their honey* daughter. Jacqueline, also Hita t ̂ moon and are occupying a house Goddiard,' who have b m gueeta * ter* l l tSat 1280 Fulton "Avenue.' '#•^*'>111* - PUNS AND . SPEOnCATIONS Drawn up and t$B- ^.iiiadiN'0v«K Prti. . Mrs. F. Bayhaa. who has been spending three weeks on Van couver Island* returned a t the end of last week to her home at 24th and Bellevue Avenue, a *<a. * of Mrs. Salter, Drive, have left foir their h c ^ in Vancouver, The Duncan Lawson Chapter* I.O.D.E., are sponsoring ihe col- lectjcn of used sqhool books, for the use of those unable fo ptu> Astbury's Builders' Supplies The Misses Stevenson, 2fith chase them for themselves and Bellevue Avenue, have 16th an d Mairine D rive P h o n e W est 199 I Burrard Laundry Ltd. LAUNDRY SERVICEB'ORd e p e n d a b l e 'B A V E "A N 0 E R S O N , 'W e s V 'V an eo n W ip rit^^ ' Phones--West 691L or North -1310 .moved back to the Clachan. • « * , • * * . * * . Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McLean, 2666 Marine Drive, left hei*e on Sunday for Pictqu County, Nova - Scotia, where they will reside in future. ' ' * , * * Mr. and Mris. Tom Smith, 1176, Esquimalt Avenue, have WiWed ?tb' Vaneoo'ver; " ■ 4> * " * \ . OJip? .Any one willing to donate, to this col lection please leave books at the •Book Exchan^, Inglewood School, Friday, Septemberi21st, or phone Mrs. B. Fiddes,>West 193R. , 3 f J. Bowden, 2611 Marine Drive, has moved into a house at 2540 Bellevue Avenue. Hi « 4i Dr, and Mrs. Dible~have ur- rWed'herb" from Eastern Canada and are the guests of the form I . 0 . D; ;E. DANCE F O R Y O U N G E R S E T FRIDAY. SEPT. 28tli, 9 to 12 p ;m .h o l l y b u i i nP A V IL IO N *Orchestra*--̂ Slim and His Hollybuni Rhythm Boys Refreshments " T. 2 6 c Ambleside L. SPECK. Eroprietor S h ee t M e ta l W o rk s UNEMPtOYED 'ASS<k3IAmON and"M ^S Drive. I W. Savoiy 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone Wrat^40 Evenings, West .143 Listings Wanted Finance and The regular meeting, of this association was held last Thurs day evening in the Legion Hall. Many children ' of . unemployed ^parents are unable to buy those textbooks which are not provid ed by the Department of Educa tion, consequently* these^child- ren are seriously hampered in their' studies particularly in the High School. Several local org anizations are co-operating with this Association in arranging a series of entertainments, so that funds 'may be raised with which "^t'a pT irchaM ^hooks-f or^ tho^^ ̂ able ,to buy them! Details will be announced at an early date. -At the above-meeting a "dis- Mrs.^ljance Garthorne, Miss er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dible, Freda Garthorne, R.N., Arnold 23rd and Bellevue Avenue. Garthorne and Don Stewart left ♦ * ♦ ^ here on Saturday by motor for Miss Madge Fraser, 23rd and Calgary, where Arnold Gar- Bellevue Avenue, is spending a thorne's wedding will take place holiday at her old -home near today (Thursday). Kamloops, B. C.4t 4* i)< ♦ ♦ Mr. Woods has moved from Mr. and Mrs. Day, 2644 Belle- Dundarave Hall into a house at vue Avenue, are leaving this week for Calgary, where • they expect to take up prmannt resi dence.:' " Miss F4va Campbell has re turned! here; After spihdih^ ̂ weeks with her parents in El- nora, Alberta, and visiting in Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Byrnell have moved from l4th and Clyde Avenue, into a house at 1857 Bellevue Avenue. A. Peterson of Holden, Alber ta; who formerly resided at 1055 Calgary. Duchess Avenue, was visiting ♦ ♦ • friends in\West Vancouver for Mr. W. Wallace Lynd, K.C., two days last week, having come and Mrs. Lynd who have occu- to the coast to attend the funer- pied A. D. Collie's house at 2946 West Park Lane for par̂ t of the summer, have now returned to their home in Saskatbhewari. Medicine ■ Hat/ pAlberta,: Are; al of a relative, ip Burnaby. cusaon took, place regarding the failure of employers to observe reside in future. \Mrs. Jones, who has been standing the summer at Whyte- cliff,_has_r(eturnedrtd -his-Jiome in Vancouver. _Mrs. H. A., Eager and family, 825 22nd Street, have left to join Mr. Eager in, Kelowna, where guests at the Clachan. the regulations of the Hours of Further action was^ b or Act. runner aciieii was josepH Tite, 16th and Marine ̂ , 1. A« Drive, has returned from a trip " The next meeting of the As- Moose Jaw, Regina, and other sociation ^11 be held in ^ne ̂ part of Saskatche- Legion Hall, on ^ursdgy, ^ tn jjg states the wheat crop instant. Proposals of aiiiliation jg practically all harvested and with* the. B. €. Unemployed Wbi-kers Council will be discuss ed; V will net about 15 to 25 bushels per acre. Shower In' honor of Miss Nettie. Har-r man, whose marriage takes' -place-on-September -22hdr Mrs.̂ W. Forrest and Mrs. E. Ward were joint hostesses at' the home of the latter, 2361 Mathers Avenue, at a miscellaneous shower. They were assisted by Mrs. L. McGlashan. After an evening of games, . Pat Grady, 1895 Belleyue Avenue, has left for a fishing -trip-up coast.. - -' Hope is about the only thing in this country which is not taxed at the moment. LEGION NOTES little Rose Forrest and Virginia -Ward -presented -the- bride êlect: with a dainty chest containing the gifts. Refreshments ' were Mrs. Brindle to 3 .1'l- " Oh, Arthur I sa^ Mrs. Brindle. "Ish't it great to have -a-telephone again?---Mrs.-Xhumlcy<just-calIedJo inyitc_usjo_ a party she's giving pert Friday, I said we'd be delighted to go. I hope i didn't sound too anxious, but you know we were invited out so, seldom while'̂ e were without a telê phone that as soon as .Mrs. ;Thuinley asked me I wanted to , shout for joy." <r 1 * So, thanks to the telephoni^,'thc Brmdles are going to spend a pleasant evenings with the Thunnlcys. Most invitations come by telephone nowadays. The next general- meeting of served from a prettily arranged the local branch will be held table,^presided over by Mrs. Friday evening next, September 'Harman, and Mrs. Denton. 21st, in the Legion Hall. The invited guests wereT Mrs. Executive meeting. "Monday Harman, Mrs. Denton, Mrs. Mil evening next,/September 24th. lard, Mrs. McGlashan, Mrs. Bain, General Ross, Dominion Pres- Mrs. Levens, Mrs. Lambert, Mrs. ident of the Canadian Legion, Lloyd, Mrs.-.Minkley, Mrs. E. will give an addresŝ in; the Legi-. Lauder, Mrs. Gilchrist, Mrs. on Hall on Saturday evening, Busst, Mrs. Duckworth, Mrs. October 6th. General Boss, who, Speck, Mrs. Crane, Mrs. Ridley, is a judge in, Regina, was an of- Mrs. Clark,'Mrs. Guinan, Mrs. " ficer in the Militia for many^ Coles, Mrs. McMillan and Misses years, and had a distinguished N, Cates, V. McNair, G. McNair, record Overseas. M. Busst,. M. Cripps. SKI CLUB RE-UNION ----- -----AT WEST LAKE COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY The West Vancouver Scottish This Iasi week-end was a gala Country Dance Society will hold 'B a C : C O M P A N Y . A occasion for the HoUybum Pac ific Ski Club, when R. D. Brewis, manager of the West Lake Ski Camp and Hikers', Lodge, hmid- ed over the camp to, the Club, as well as all profits made during that period. On Saturday even ing a dance was held which was thoroughly enjoyed, by over a hundred participants,, the excel lent music being provided by the Hollyburn Mountaih Orchestra.; . On Sunday a ft^ o o n under ideal weatfier conditidhs a race was staged, the cdiirse. being a circle round the lake; through/ berry bushes, over and under fallen logs and across swamps, which with a few tumbles, in dhe lake provided a thrilling sight' for the big crowd of spectators. The winner"was Percy McArdle with Irish Beaumont a close second. . Its opening.dance of the season in the Legion Hall, Saturday, September 29th, and 'regularly on the second and fourth Satur days of the month. F lyT ox for Fllis: 40c-w*^Spray Genmiirs Drn̂ Store Th« Stom of S«rvle«, ̂ 1686 Marino Driv« ̂ J West 37 or Woat 607 Eraerironcy Phone- West 321 (After 10 p.m.) Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banhury Cakes, Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh* every morning.' Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY- Sopl, 21 Ht and 22nd, (UJY LOMBARDO tmd IIIh Royal CnnadiaiiM "Many Happy , Returns I' also PARDON M Y PUPS ' MON., TUBS., and WED. ..Sopt. 24th, 25th and 20th, COMMUNITY PLAYERS .■ in .5 ., »HAW K ISLAND** -THURSDAY--SEPT. 27th. KATHLEEN HEPBURN i n " ; U Morning Glory" - also Hips, Hips, Hurrah CONCRETE JOBS Phone West 84 You can't . gorwrongrif- TEAROE & SON Do Your Cement Work SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS - FLAGSTONES Anything in Concrete Large or Small. 1474 Marine Drive Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobile, Burglary, Accident and Sickbesn, etc. 2667 King's Ave. Phone W. 42Y8 SALE of-Nantel Radior $ 2 9 5 01934 Supcr-Hct. Good quality, tone, volume, etc. F O R S T 'S LTD. • a M, GBMMILL West 37 1586 Marine Drive Whist Drive and Dance SATURDAY, SEPT, 22nd, 8 p .m . LEGION HALL ADMISSION 2 6 9 i Refreshments TUESDAY, S ep t, 25th , 8 p.m. C.C.F; Headquarters, 1730 Marine Dr. SPEAKER-MRS- R. P. STEEVES, M.LA. Subject;: "Are'We Ready to Take Control" PUBLIC CORRIALLY INVI'TEP, TO ATTEND___________ t;C.F. MiaETlNG a "hh i.r, i,:' /■ '.S 1I f l ' l r ' v i l l ' l P m ■ t; rii ' .y-' it 'M- f i ■mi ' ' a r /4L if % W" / "5 J'4 Mi S 1? 1 %fk( . in4}̂•j.- r: It / f t 4 / , . V,':i V " >> I} , -l/a M * " v W l , m ' ' - -"'i ' i I . / Vav w ' -? f rr̂ TTTcTy ̂ ^ ■ z' -A '■ I > i ij, v_̂ 'v&X 54 " '■■Jf v'fiTfV '̂ n C ̂ •> A' j ~ ISSISSSr'i r-'r'M-