' j - t !»■ ̂ - ., ' - ■ <»-fc«»MHt'o r t»~- • « • . >.TM A « -„fl»(h««f- nwi^w-vj f^* ii CircuIatH$£ in the jyhtrict o f , W«st Vancoum^Amhfeside, Holfybtf^y, Cypress Pari, Cdu^Id.Whyteciiffy EtCA : m, Dunaarave ?siim $1.00 per year. - H ̂ ̂ f* -t ̂ **1 .. M t" ■'" *̂ 'v ..«V ? ̂' j'i.ii î : i-.&, * 5c per copy at newsstands. Vol. IX r H O L L Y B U k N K d : ; B.C., T H U R SD A Y , SE t»T E K fB iK^Oth. 1934 N o. 21 THE FIRST NARROWS BRIDGE C.C.F. ACTIVITIES DANCE FOR YOUNGER SET The Province newspaper carried ah editorial recently on the First Narrows Bridge with the evident intention of jkmr- liig'oil on the troubled waters, but unfortunately for them auDoar to have only added insult to injury. The bridge project* has been definitely turned down, for tliat is what the request for 1800 feet actually amounts to, and there is nobody.in.:yancouver...wha,does-.not-.think.that, bttiwa deliberately took that method of doing so. Their raiiiest was made contrary to the recomrneiidations of their own cabinet comhiittee, and departmental engineers, of Sir Alexander Gibb, and of a royal commission. It is being freely said on the streets of Vancouver that even the cabinet ap proved it, and that the insane finale waMthe work of Premier ̂ ̂*The people of Vancouver in giving an overwhelming pleb iscite for a bridge expected that its size wOuld be governed bv expert opinion. As the opmiori of every expert has been icmor ̂ the voice of the people has been deliberately flouted, and that in a supposedly democratic country. / Again, with winter upon us and unemployment rife m the dtv and province a contract, which Vvould bring in $6,000,000 of 'outside capital, is deliberately turned down without one reason which would stand outside a den of lunatics. In face'of all the above the Province editorial says *'We do not believe there is anything- approaching resentment in Vancouver over the governmeriFs decision. The nobility of France thought the same before the french Revolution. In this connection we regret to have to adniit that, although it does not appear on the official list of factory products, the manufacture of Reds is Canada's le^ing industry at present. The editorial of the Province sa p |u r tto : Vancouver should be building not for today, but for the ence to the request for a longer span. Should these British capitalists become disgusted and pull out, neither Vancouver no? Canada will have any future for in every big financial centre in the world as a land of hick financiers which it would be foolish to waste time or money on. And that's the, kind of fu tu l^ o r .which the Province TMrnewspa^^^ ̂is politically strictlyandependent, but we can assure thie~Province~that~they-would~be..-wise-to-get-br^ed.^ lor the Shock' of the next federal election returns, if they think that the-pOople of Vancsq^pr^ap not feeling any. re-. sentment.- , ' With the-definite opening of The first of the winter series the fall session of C.C.F. activ- of Whist Drives and Damys will ities, the .West Vancouver units start next Saturday, 2tod hj*t., have several interesting things T.,«ictA« Wiiil to offer. Tuesday, September 26, the regular Club meeting will be ad dressed by Mrs. R. P. Steeves, at 8 p.m. at the Ueglon Hall. 'The Entertainment Committee would like to see as many mem bers of the Legion and the Ladies' Auxiliary as possible in M.L.A., this being her first of- attendance, A warm welcome is flcial speech here since her elec- extended to all our patrons who tion. She will take as her sub- are, asked as a special favor to ject "Are We Ready to Take . come along and bring their Corrtrw?'̂ friends, who can be assured ol On Friday, 28th September, a good night's entertainment. there .will be a Whist Drive for _ --■■■■-- ---- members and friends to which L. O. L. No. 2»siu ^ no-charge will be made, but a x --------- . collection will be taken. These The regular meeting o^ the whist drives, of which this will above M ge was held last Tup- be the first, are to allow mem- day in -the Orange Hall. bers to mix socially, and -to bid rangements are under way fw new members welcome. ,the ninth ' anmye^ary ot the The Sunday. Open Forum is lodge, which will be c^ebr^ again in demand, the opening on Tuesday, 2nd.̂ date for such" events being set , . Tpmorrovv night the thirtieth at Sunday, September 30, at 2 birthday of .̂O.L. No. 1840 pum. As all speakersj addressing North Vancouver, will take the C.C.F. meetings in KC. must bfe- forrn of a covert ai^ ball in the obtained throughJa . speakers' committee of the^rovincial C. full proceeds of which wiU be. C.F. so that only authentic C.C. turn^ over to the L(^al Fwt- hes will be made,, an- estant Home for Orphan Chil- lent of name of speaker dren. This is solely by- Jfi||tft-^ date is not yet available, tion and the same may be had on Monday, pctober 1, at 2 by phoning West 85. The Duncan Ijawsbn Chapter annoujice a dance on Friday, September 28th, In the Holly- burn Pavilion, for the younger set of West Vancouver. This will be the third dance of this type arranged by the Chapter for the pleasure of the young/ people, and judging by their in- cixiasing popularity, they will continue to be put on -- one in the spring, one In the autumh, and another at New Year. The committee convened by Mrs. J. McIntyre and Mrs. K. B. Fors ter, have arranged to have "Slim and his Hollyburn Rhythm Boys," provide the music, which will bo a real attraction, and having it in the Pavilion will also add to the enjoyment. Refreshments and punch will be served durmg the evening, t h ^ 'and despite th^'attractive ad ditions the admission price re mains the same -- 25c. The Chapter hopes that every young person will consider this their own dance. Tickets may be pur chased from I.O.D.E. members, or pay at the door. FUNERAL OF IAN BROWN p.m., a meeting for women will be held; it being^f^that mUny women are now free in the, aft ernoon while the children are at BROWNIES ' The Brownie Pack will hold ---------------------------------- their first meeting at the United school, who perhaps ̂ could not Church Hall on Thursday, Sep-, attend--such-^auni^ting_-in_-the--tember-27th.------------------- ----- telephone EXCHANGE OPENED IN BRIDGE RIVER AREA WEST LAKE SKI ^ JUMP HIGHEir evening.- ^ There , i s .. a,,ir^d,. expressed. alike by the parents and by the young people themselves for â -youth night, regularly, and so,^ MRSl COLIN MACLEAN TO RESUME TEACHING, ^Mrs. Colin MacLean will re- A telephone exchange was opened in the Bridge River min ing area on August 25th by the B. C. Telephone Company. The name of the exchange is Bndge, River Mines. The telephone sWitchboard is instated in a .new building at Bralorne, and it will ultimately serve a 30-mile stretch of terri tory. Construction -.<>f :-Unes is still proceeding and telephones are being added from* time to time as the construction forces push on down the .valley from Bralorne. ' v The new exchange is. connect ed with the outside world rby means of a new long; distance line just completed frbm Bra lorne over McGillivray Pass to-' McGillivray Falls, on the F.Q-E. Railway, where it meets, a line that extends to Vanebuyei' by way of Sguimish and Britannia Beach. The new line over Mc- Gillivray Pass is 25; miles long and reaches a height of 6,300 feet above "sea level. ;An~exist- ing line along the P.G.E. from. McGillivray:; V Falls . 't̂ ̂ ' Bridge River Station. has been'extended to Shalalth. ' " -The trestle at West Lake Ski Camp has been raised ten feet to give further scope to the ski- jumping abilities of "Tom Mo- braaten, 1934 North West Am erican ski jumping champion and holder of the B. C. champ ionship and Nordal Kaldahl, holder_of Vancouver City champ ionship, and also bf"'several others of the "A", class jumpers who are making West Lake their headquarters for the coming season. " " . ' ' The work' is being done by Olaf Moen, well known Western Canada sk|-jumping judge. to forTTnilate such a plan and in snme her vocal teaching after recognition of the very excellent the sum,mer recess next Tues:' services rendered by the young day, 25th instant, at her studio, people during , the last election, 2031 Marine Drive. She is the , and since, h '^ r ty for young conductor of the Girls' Junior people will be given on Friday, Choir, which has been enlarged October 5th. ; this year to take in girls from All these activities will beheld the ages of. 8 to .15 years. _ The in the C.C.F. Headquarters younger and older girls will be under the joint managership of taken in separate, groups.,for both-units of. the -C.C.F., these___ study-purposes,hu_t__aJLwill:<meet_ .P[padquarters_at.~_lT30_Marine--at^he^UnitecLJIlhurch-^all ôn,. The sympathy felt throughout the municipality for Mr. and Mrs. J. Stuart Brown in the tragic death of their son lai., was shown by the many who at tended the funeral services last Friday afternoon in the United < Church, filling the edifice. Rev. .,Hillis Wright,. who officiatiedi gave the address, and. Mrs. J. E. Durbin at the organ played a prelude and postlude, and the hymn sung by the congregation,-' "^lso~iftc"c o m p a n y in g ^ M is s~ Jo a "n" " Durbin, who sang "There's a -Friend for Little Children,'̂ as a solo. Three boy friends of the ' deceased, Desmond Elgar, Jim Miller and Doug. Watt were a- mong the pallbearers, while Pat Fega'n, Ernie Harrison, Vincent Bracewell, and Billy Dickinson of the local Boy_ Scout Troops. flLJfficb Jthe--deceased--was--a- T , Ji J! T'.n"Vs I li „ . t' ̂ \ lin - jJ--. fi' fe - r f ; I, being now open from 2 to 5, and Saturday mornings for the regu- from 7 to 9, daily, as a reading 'lar weekly practices. room and library. . " --------- -----------^ A large affair, on October. 31 BELL -- FREW will take place in the form of a ; -------- , Hallowe'en Masquerade, to>. Simplicity marked the wed- which, as well as to the other ding of Miss Peggie Frew to .. -J.*____ ___________u i i - . ------- n f r . . A Jt.. member, acted as honorary pall bearers. ; ( w r GOMMUNI'TY PLAYERS PRESENT HAWK ISLAND There will be a public meeting ̂Wednesday, September 26th, iat ' 8 p.m. in the lidgibn Hall, under the auspices of the Educational Committee. 'The. speaker will be. -Mr. Don Munday,, well Imovm, mountaineer and his subject will be "Some Mountaineering Ex periences in B. C." 'Everybody welcome. Collection.m ---- ' > William llforris, of Ambleside,; .has returned here from; the Qld Country,' where r:he.v̂ ̂ spending th e .^rihg suihf-. m c r . \ ' j. -- ' êr^he Community. Payers- are presenting ■ the 3-Act drama *'Hawk Island" at the Hollyburn Theatre on Tuesday and Wed nesday of next week starting at tery drama, and the- entire -action of-the play takes.place on ' Hawk Island. There are thirteen in the cast, including many of the old players who have done so rnheh to make the Commun- -itv Players so popular with local ' audiences. "The fact that Frank Vyvyan is" director ensures a really first class show. Re^ryed seats, 50c; general admission, 85c and 25c. . ; " open meetings the public is cor- Mr. Adam} Bell at the manse of dially invited to attend. the Rev. Hiljis Wright on Satur- Members and . prospective day, 15th instant. Given in m^- members are urged to tarn out riage by her father, the bride on Tuesday evening, September wore a crushed strawbe^y col- 25th, and are reniinded of the ored flat crepe dress ivith hat need for- donations of socialist to match, the bridesmaid. Miss books and pamphlets for us^ at Winnie Bell, wearing a dress of Headquarters. --------- --------royarblue"Tlarcreprflress and hat to match. The groom w ^ HOLLYBURN HALL There will be Sunday School and a Young Men's Bible Class as. usual at 10 a.m. next Sunday in Hollyburn Hall. At the 7:30 p.m. service next Sunday even ing Alexander Simpson of Mont real, will give an address, taking as his subject "Three Behold- ings of Christ." Prayer and Bible study at 8 p.m. next Tues day. 5>5 i lr -■H#® ----- " t i l l LIBERALS START supported by Mr. John B̂ ll, jt. -WIN-TER-PROGRAM-^--A:.reception-wa.s-Jieldlat_th^. 1 it TiJT 'V t n/r_ 171 MRS. STEEVES TO ADDRESS UNITED CHURCH W. A. - ' • I f 'The West Vancouver Liberals home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Bell, held their first winter meeting when relatives and intimate on Tuesday evening in the Or- friends were received by Mrs. ange Hall with Mackenzie Math- Frew and Mrs. Bell. The brides eson in the chairi there being a table was centred by a three- good attendance. 'The guest speaker was Harry Butcher, M.„ 'P., of Last Mounta:in, Sask-., who gave an intere^rig address on conditions in the prairies afld generally in Canada. He is holi- tier wedding cake witĥ silver . sconces, tall tapers and a pro fusion of-carnations^and _sw^t peas completing the I , effect. Covers were laid forVthirty. The bride and groom left on Mrs. R. P. Steeves, M.L.A. elect will be the guest speaker at the tea; to be given ̂ by the United Church W.A. next Tues day in the Church Hall, starting at . 2:30 p.m. She will take as her subject "Womeh's Place in the New Social Order," This TO BUILD BADMINTON HALL A number of local Badminton enthusiasts are holding a mass meeting at 8,p.m. n e^ Tuesday iii St. Stephen's papsh hall to discuss a propos,al for the ^ e ^ :tion of a Baiftninton .^U here. All interested are cordially m- ■.wted to be present. daying on the coast and -is the a honeymoon trip to Edmonton, guest of IVir. and Mrs. R. C. Mit- the bride's ■ travelling costume ten, 2091 Bellevue Avenue, being a brown ensemble and ^ Delegates were also chosen for cessories to match. On their re- the nominating meeting tonight, turn they will take up residence It has been decided to hold a in Vancouver, series of meetings this winter, each of which will , be addressed COMING EVENTS by a guest speaker. should prove of g^eat interest, also the musical program ar ranged by Miss Frame, for which the soloists will be Mrs. J. D. Donovan and Mrsv J--G. L. Hunt. Other conveners will be: Tea, Mrs. J, H. Moncreiff; Dec orations, Mrs. W. Partridge; Home-cooking, Mrs. H. B. Gar land. i .m m ;•• If ̂ ^ Vt J* , ■ 'it* Friday, October 6th -- First A day without a gqod deed is of Old Time Dances by Legion a day lost. W.A. ^ A large coon was seen ..early Monday morning in the vicinity of 17th and Fulton Avenue, ap parently looking for a meal, / V , J, 4,