I ^ ^ E , B ' ̂ ' _ . ------------- ---- Speciali FriaBj & Sat, Sept 14tb aod IStli <ff fMiW' in' *lr 1) '* lf jA !«'■ t' '4'V f 1'1**'*̂' £ 'T&r •i-"; I %ll .:. i'. r '# H| /K' } J i r j <>̂if f ,i I j i A 'f fe-i '4it, m I .'•-I TT 4 t 'M I't'l l | iy^i ■ ft I 'A 4 i w t t t i r j n ; 'O T O T ! > :»B»OraAUU,CUIB. • r mmj s t t a f s a t t 2Se I9e ISOVKiL CORNiSU BKET, 2 Um »1« KmI a W h iU CHICKEN UAD0JK8 Hup SAH KOLtBIl OATS, < lb. M>ck.... ...... SSe M A Wblt* COFFEEil Ufc HfaMf Jar, Vacunm FbcImmI,--........lb. 41c Cac ih» |ar« for prcacrvliif. UUAKiSK CORN FLAKEg 3 Fackcta ............................. AUNT MARY'S TEA, per IK..... KaceptionaRp ffood value. OUJ FASHIONED OATMEAL DATE COOKIES .......... „..,lb, IIKST FOODS MAYONNAISE U o*. Jar.... 17c; 16 oc. Jar It'a Double Whipped. 8KRVUH CHEESE. Fi lb. carton ISe Red A White TOMATO JUICE 2 tine .lir *«■**#«#*.>•**•• 16e Red A White FIX)OR WAX, lb tin 37e AYLMER TOMATOES......2 tina 16c No. 1 I'all 11na. CALIFORNIA ORAFEFRUIT 4 for 19c m 31c Meata P h o n e W est 370 FRIME RIBS OF BEEF, pet Ibu 14e iH/l' ROAST front Frinie Beef, lb. 12c FORK SAUSAOEL ......... lb. IBc BKF.F SAUSAGF̂ Jb. 12;c. lkc;h of l a m b ................. .Jb, 26c ROUND STEAK.........2 Ibw for 85c FINNAN IIADDIE ....... lb. 15c FINEST QUALITY BACON, Hark or Side ..... per Ib. 40c FLEICHER'S SLICED HAM, <̂ N>ked ............................. lb. 60c FLEIdlER'S LARD........ .2 Iba. 26c Roaatintr Chicken, Boiling Foirl, Reef, Fork, Lamb, Veal, Aii Fineat Quality. |IAF» le tn j^ ts n t , a t s p m . m a l i t ' Divlaioii Junior Alliance » ■"againat-"" North This team has recently bean promoted to the 1st DIvisioil on their showing last year and a good game is United will field seven of their original team and are trying out four new men, who are sure to give a good account of them selves to retain their positions. The manager, J. Stark, would like to hear from a good left winger who would like a work out Saturday. Don't forget kick-off 3 p.m. OffiQla yG o v e ra n ^ B spm^ mT at HolijrI>im i,4Hwt^ea.r. PHONE WEST 3 mm sharp. H e ^ t t . il referee, Mr. LAIU;E size lemons .. .6 for 16c 6UNK1KT ORANGES-- Medium Size ............ 2 dozen 66e l.firRc Size ...................dozen 39e WEALTHY AFFLB8.........9 Iba. 25c NOTICE Schedules are about to be drawn up for the first half of the season's play of the West Vancouver Ping Pong League, in order tha t play may com- CVCrF.CLUB * The meeting of the Club on Tuesday night a t the West Van-, couver headquarters was well attended, when W. W. Lefeaux was the .speaker,, taking as his W. C. T. U. The Young Women's branch of the W.C.T.U. held their regu lar monthly meeting at the home of their President, Mrs. A. E. Brown of West Bay, on Tues day, September 11th. Delegates for the W.C.T.U. convention which is, bein held in New Westminster on Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday of next week,-were chosen. A- mong the many interesting feat ures of the convention will be th pageant and silver medal con- L D N B E R O u r prices a rc as low as any obtainable in Vancouver and the Nlorth ilhore. P h o n e u s fo r Q u o ta t io n s o n Y o u r R e q u i r e m e n ts WEST VANtOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. FOK HEAL SATISFACTION Phone West 115 KeA Phone: W. J . TumbulL West 368L r C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rate for Classifled Advertlaemdnta 1s 2 cents per word, minimum 25 centa. Except in the case of tboue having regular accounts, all classi* fleds are payable strictly in advance. Remember Classifleda in the West Vab News get immediate results. FOR SALE -- McCIary Water-heater and Garbage burner, aimost new. West G89R. menco around the l^ t of Octob- t(fs()^cLlism A^number^orim^ pageant and silver medal con- er Any new teams w i s l ^ l l th enter, please phone West 156Y mMmi.Pt-Hhin----- - - ' lo th Instant. for further information regard- ing same. All entries to by September 27th. I Coffee and cake 18th instant.The work for the coming win- HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave. Sale of Wool (oddments), Sept. 15th We have Stamped' Goods, School Supplies, Notions, etc. FOR SA LB-6-H ole Ckial and Wood Enterprise Range; good condition. $26.00. Good Cheer Coal and Wood heater, $8.00. W est 818R8. e in SCOTTISH SOCIETY meeting of the will be welcome, also pamphlets, West .y®"couver Scottish SocI- newspapers and periodicals deal- will be^held in the Clachan ing with current events. Any on F riday, Sep^m ber 21st. Bus- wishing to donate any of the a- bove are requested to phone , T ' ' *«*• was discuaaed and "plana riiiilv fmm 9 fUl K J m interesting and fruit- Iinrff!!} fleeting refreshments werestaitcd and .books op socialism served by the joint hostesses FOR SALE -- One Electric Heater, pedestal shape, suitable for invalid, $5.0Q; English Mailcart, leather hood and apron, $4.50. Phone West 347R. ' COMFORTABLE 4-Room Bungalow /fu ll plumbing, open fireplace, nice garden, 2439 Be ___ne,ar Bellevue. aaa.vpa»V̂7, iUtC waterfront. .Apply RADIO REPAIRS -- Prompt, efficl- ent service. Tubes tested. All work guaranteed. Tom Brown, West 266R 'SC Mrs. A. E; Brown and Mrs. A. Cave. WANTED TO RENT--6 Room Semi- bungalow, open fireplace, garage, permanent tenant. Phone West .426Y. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage for sale. ' John Lawson, ,17th and Marine, Phone West 65. 3:45 p.m. All members are re quested to be present and friends will be cordially welcom ed. West 209, when they will be called for. or they may be left a t C. C. F. Headquarters, 1730 Marine Drive. The council ordered $1,000 transferred from the Ferry Ac count to the Corporation Gener al Savings Account. WANTED --r Capable girl to stay with child ^n e or two evenings weekly, vicinity Dundarave. Write giving particulars, phone nuipber, etc. to Box 21, West Van News. -lSLUNT®R-S--for--Home-made Bread, pies and Cakes. 2423 Marine Drive. West 610. a p p r e c i a t i o n T H E T . y . SE C T IO N Canadian Legion, B.EilS.L. Wishes to thank the many e.x-service men who have applied for membership in oUr NORTH SHORE OUT-POST. Location K̂® meeting of the season will be announced shortly in Pi*es8. We cordially invite you to join this progressive SECTION, which has increased its membership in Greater Vancouver by 100% during the past twelve months. Acting Chairman: Norman McNeil ^ Acting Seci'ctnry: T. E. Batchelor, 137A Gordon Avenue, Hollybunii "Phono W est 629X Vancouver Offices: 1116 Dominion Bank Bldg. 'F" A s k f o r . c a p i l A n o " AUCTION CRAZY WATER CRYSTALS--Phone the agent. West 622X. Free delivery R A m o Brvice 14 IPAIRS --• West Van. Radio r. Pettigrew ), West 108, DUNDARAVE W est Van. "SPECIAL -- Graham'Gems, 10c en. Dainty Cake Shoppe. SHOE REDAEKS -- Get the best mat- workmanship a t Fox's, -- 14th-at-Ferijy:---------------- ---------- - S e p t e m b e r l a t h , '3 4 ------------- 1.30 |).m-sharp;------------ --̂- Favored with instructions from Mrs. H. L. liIcLean,„ 2566 Marine Drive, and Mrs. Day, 2644 Bellevue TO RENT -- Four, room bungalow, furnished; reasonalble to good ten ant. Trinity 2651. daytime. ,__WEST_ BAY, LIBRARY -r- Subscrip tion 50c month. Visitors 2 weeks tor 25c. English Magazines now on sale. Wool, Stationery. Gifts'; etc.' a/. JpROM the «tart, Copilcmo Beer hoa built ita reputation on QuolitY . . . a richer brow, exaettv oged in the wood. That reputation will be medntednod by rigid adherence to o policy which ̂ already hos Won such onthuaiasUc public receptign Ibr this good Boor. ̂ CRPILRNO BEEH is olwoys avail, able--oiniply oak ior "Copllono.'* "Owe Q<w/«(y atuf One Brand** CAPlLAlfO BBEWma COMPANY UNITED VaaeottvaK, B. C. ___ Avenue, who are leaving for the East; I will offer for sale at the above Room. 2462 Marine Drive on the above date these household effects togetheT with a collection of Antiques as fol lows: ' 1. Georgian Settee; 2 Hand carved Brass Candlesticks 175 years old; 2 copper and Silver-plated Nut Trays, 150 yoars_ old̂ * 1 silver Cake Dish on stand, 175 years old; 1 papier mache^ jnk_stan(LinIaid with -mother' of-pearl- (exceptionally fine piece),ov er 100 years old; 1 early Victorian beaded pm cushion; 1 Rosewood writing desk, early Victorian, cut glass cream and sugar, 3 old Sheffield forks. Household Furniture, Etc.; Chesterfield and chair, rocking chair m mahogany, a m chair, tables, fire CTard, __oak bookcase, 2 sideboards, dmmg table, 1 ladies' broadcloth coat, carico collar and cuffs, standard lamp, dJ" >ng room chairs, wardrobe, 4' 6'̂ bedstead complete, 3' 6" wood bed stead and springs, brown enamel bed- I ' .spring and mattress. 3 6 Childs crib complete, drop side couch and pad, 1 single bed, 1 f ir dres- dresser, separate glass, cliildV'Wicker chair, and high chair, Home Electric sewing machine, al«n*»inum uten- 2 Plateielectric b ira- ® refrigerator, Kl!fi " poles and poYtieres, 2 wash poilera, Apex Vacuum Cleaner, quant- jSr^^nSS^lv®' ^oMiPg buggy, d inner, garden tools, wheel- ^w ow , and large quantity of other goods too numerous to mentionJ I S. BENNETT, .West and North Vancouver- ^ Auctioneer _ On view morning of sale. Terns cash. North 893R BLACK COCKER PUPS FOR SALE --Good hunting strain, 1347 Clyde Avenue. ̂ ^ WANTED -- Mother's Help: house work and plain cookingT Apply Box 9, West Van News. HEADQUARTERS fo r All Popular of Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also Fishing Gadgitp for local wat ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. LOST -- By School Girl, $5.00, be tween 21st and 23rd on. Marine. Reward. Phone West 96. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED with special machine; all makes. West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine Drive. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR „ACT" WANTED^House for winter months modem, furnace; partly furnished; ' reasonable" rent; Phone: West"379Yl OF. APPLICATION FOR VETERANS' CLUB LICENSE MARCEL,: SHOP --r ■ New Thermique steam permanent,, without danger of burning. Marcel 50c; R ese t 35c; Finger Wave 50c.' New location-- Royal Bank Bldg., 17th and Marine, entrance on 17th., Phone West 304. FOR RENT -- Modern furnished ̂ on Waterfront, $15 and , $25. Phone West 47L. . , OIVEN that on the 12th of October next the West Vancouver Branch No? 60? Canadian egion of the British Empire- Service L e a ^ e undersigned, intends to ap- Control Board for a License in respect of premises situate a t the Comer of D^uc^ss Avenue and 18th Street, .in the Municipality of W est .Vancouver,• - V ■ WT CgH* -.J V M -Ilt'l f l I v r? I - One (1), K,. Distect Lot Seven Hun- SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO.- Electric and treadle machines, needles, oil, parts, repairs, .West Vancouver ■ resident agent.' W. Arnold, W,76 King's Ave,. Phone ' West 418R, Hollyburn. fpnushed and one unturaished 4-room cottage near ferry. Phone West 340 or West 143 -- Modern (^ttage, furn- O nf Sevei^-five. (775), Group ^ e ( p , New W estm instw District, according to Map No. 4140 in Van- .^ irfstra tion District in the Province of British Columbia for fi!o ® *be glass or by bottle to bona fide members n s *1*® premises, 19^1^^^^ J a y of September, No. 60*̂ Ca S&ADIAN OF TH E BRITISH . e m p i r e s e r v i c e LEAGUE, Applicant f S H O P P E , Dundarave, - ^ c h w l Supplies, Wool, Notions fnvite?*^ Your patronage repairs. Black- smithing. We repair anything at all. Res. Phone W est 515L. G i » . H A T For Snapjs in R eal Estate ,T1ds adv^^m ent is not publi^hod or displayed by th© Liquor vontrol Board or by th© Govemmont.of Mtlsh Columbia.. VERNON FEED iSTORE A. CnSBARLB Phone West Fertilizers of AH ^ d s >^ood» cimi, Builders* Supplies Va G ^ E W E ^ s a trial for yoor o « t shoe repairs. 2468 Marine Drive. P R I N ^ G - Ror au'lkfads of prm tm e phone West Van Newa, West 363. Notary 'Public R**b Estate & Inshraneo (Established 1912) 1405Pk Marino i llrivo P h o n eW ^ t 21 orlSejonour 1260 Eve^ngs Wea,t. 204X ;?otbing.- ̂ Phone »»e8i and truck -will f»niiAA«- Kiade.an offer to the GORDON ROBSON Barrister -- SoHcHm WEST VANCOUTOR-- ! ifarn le Drive Phone West 403. 10 to 12. '^^JlfOUVER OBTO3E:?-;,, Smte 501; 610 Hastings W. Phoney Seymour 4199. 2 to 6i \ vT r r -- <f «L ^ "jp / ̂ -r. J 1" ^ V \ 1 I > • ■*'- -i;.- -?'w ?>