West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Sep 1934, p. 3

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<Wf ,>- ™.« -> VOUR i*. .',■-•'%'• tfIffcWl l i t JMhtf' SmoCr ̂OMENT TtUE UME sand: IUME I V ■■'̂ ..... m'» ' ■'*• ..........'aM-:tmŜ ^m̂ ê ^m -« ; . . rJ . -- i , H m .m t ^ SPEqnCATIONS Dravim up and «$tt« iimtts oivan Frt*. TTym '••"' 'TUfilInf T*io4| r WwvMCSAul"' VjfAUlA# w " vJL '" '̂fV'lpOV ' v diHiDtioD Df 1*^ on condition .tim e, has moved to Vnnoonver, that they cattied the name of . the hotS on the back of their !Rir. and Mra, Percy HopWns jerseys, lilanager John Stark have moved from 18th ant tn r n ^ the ^ « r down and his gaimalt Avenue into one^of action wae uphhld by the major­ ity of the club. ■ " - a f " * ' * * Burfard L aundry Ltd. SERVICEFORDepen d a ble , DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones-v-West 691L or. North 1810___________ Sid Key has now taken over the duties of Miss May Trott, now Mrs. A. Gisby, in the Dun- damve branch of Smith's Red and White Stores, where he will henceforth be in charge as man­ ager. Miss Amelia Walters, who has nice houses at 21st and Marine Drive. Mrs. Thompson and Mra. El­ liott have taken a suite a t 180o8 Argylo Avenue. Iniihn!:: NEW-IOCATION Our Phone is ihe same * W E S T 3 7 All orders promptly delivered 't Drag Store The Store of Service. 1586 Marino Drive West 37 or West 607 Kineritency Phone West 381 (After 10 p.m.) Mr. has taken •. Hastings of Vancouver, ^ taken a house at Sherman. Wlngett Irish, who has been away in the Interior, has return- Stratton's BAKERY been the. guest of her sister, ed to his home at 1461 Haywood Mrs. Peters,. 2285 Gordon Ave- Avenue, nue, has returned to her home e a » . , , in doquitlam. -The-salmon-run has at lest • * ♦ started in our waters, a l^rge Li The North Shore Out^Post of number of cohoes and hy***!}" the T. V. Section, Canadian backs having gone the Caml- Legion, has been presented with ano River and Sê MARGARET Licentiate of the College of Violinists, London; Eng., . (late Royal, Manchester College of Music) TEACHER OF Vio lin and P ia iio Mrs. £ E^iSiielgrove, Assf^iate Teacher. Classes re-open Monday, September 10th. ' Studior- 17th Street (over Hollyburn Post .Off ice) Studio Phone: West 378L Residence. Phone: W est 188L WEST VANCOUVER tIBERAL ASSN. IN DUNDARAVE HALL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 8 th , at 8 p.m. BUSINESS-'-Important matters affecting W est Vancouver. Aopointmeht of .Delegates to Federal Nomination mec^ 2̂0th^ ̂̂ TT/'* me Up the Gap **«« ................. ..... Seymour Creeks a gavel by Mrs. T. Parker, a over the week end. For reasons member of its Auxiliary. unknown they, are about one e * ♦ month late. Many anglers have E. Johnson and his son Victor been out trolling in boats this 1676 Argyle Avenue, have re- week. ̂ * turned from«Rivers Inlet where ̂ Tur^rt^Aa. wim they spent the summer, fishing. sp" n d in fth e Miss MargiSet Nyland, 2 9 t h «P coast, have retum^^ and Marine Drive, is spending home on Manne Drive at We this week on a holiday at Half * * * Moon Bay. - ̂ ̂ jj. P. Breckenridge^ Radcliffe Principal Nesbitt of the Wood- Iv iS u e land School, Vancouver, who Allan house on that aven . with his family has been spend- ing the summer in the Messin- The Gables, West ger Block at 16th and Marine having a very gewd sun^ ^ ^ Drive, has returned to his home son which fully in the city. • provements and at^^it^ons, is ♦ ♦ * ^ once more going ahead and in- Mr. and Mrs. E. George of stalling an up-to-date oil hurn- Vancouver, have moved into a or in preparation for the fall Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Aleat Pies', Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes, . Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads. Fresh every morning. Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY Sopt. 14th and 16th CONSTANCE BENNETT LNCPANCHOT TONE 'MOULIN ROUGE' also Making the Rounds MONDAY and TUESDAY, Sept. 17th and 18th GRETA GARBO JOHN GILBERT ihg September All Liberals are urged to attend. cottage at Eagle Harbor. * ♦ * , -Mrs;-P. Green, 20th and-Mar^^ Mr. and Mrs. G. Sv Robertson, -- -- oKi-i. a njr • Matherq Avenue have as tord, who have been visinng l , q . Brown, 25th and Marine their guests Mrs Robertson's Mrs. Handford-s parents, ^ Drive, has a second crop of hr^the? Rev f^ V ' c . Wâ ^̂ of and Mrs. George Bryan of 612 raspberries ripening in his gar- st^ T onis Saskatchewan, her 16th Street, left on^ Sunday to (jen, another indication of the lo th * r ito P ^ w S r ^ r u t̂o their home m ^ m s- i^eness of the season. onto, and her aunt, Miss B. A. fail Alberta. tvjt r« t o+ ̂ ^ i, v,o Myers of Buffalo. ■ * Mrs. C. J. Stewait, who has , Robert-Gibson and daughter, been the guest of l^nor at a who have been spending the number of dehghtful social, af- suinmer in a house at 31st and fairs lately, I^ t on Monday af̂ ^ Procter Avenue, have returned emoon for Dundee, Scotland, to-their home inISIorth Vancou- ' where she expects to .y isit.for a -iW .̂..... .................... year.^Many of her,tnends were ^* » • present a t the a N .E . depot to ■ CalCTiTi t o e been ^ „ Mrs • E. L. . Howdle and wish her bon Y « > ^ j l Smuck of D t- youngest daughter, Dons, 204b ine Drive, - is a-patient in the : North Vancouver . (Jeneral Hos­ pital. season. Hi • __The-I.O^D.E,_danceJPpr_^e younger set will be held at Hoi- " QUEEN CHRISTINA" - WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works Phone West te ' Furnace and Range ^Repairs, Sawdjost Burners ' lyburh Pavilion on Friday, Sep­ tember 28th. Mr. and l\frs! Colin Allan of Jubilee and their guest, Miss Agnes Oliver, have been spend­ ing the summer in West Vari- ecTuver. ^ Mrs. Carl Davis and little daughter, of Seattle, are visit­ ing the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Green, 20th and Marine Drive.0 ♦ ♦ Mr.' and Mrs. D. B. Keir of WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Sopt. 19th and 20th GEORGE ARLISS in " V o lta ire" also « H A R O L D T E E N '* L W .S ira ry 1443 Marine-Drive. Ambleside ^ Phone West: B40 Eveningŝ West. 143 !.vC p ,a n d p « - H .p r r i s o n t o e . K eteha;b" n from a three weeks' vacation at returned J® their home at W frflnsfprrprf to H.Q. Staff M.D. SEE,THE NEW 1935 RADIOS ALL'WAVE SETS from $ 6 6 .8 0 FORST'S LTD. 66 Lonsdale1586 Marine ' Sasl^toon and Banff. CONCRETE JOBS Phone West 84 ftCan't go wrong if TEaRDE & SON ̂ Do Your Cement Work SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS FLAGSTONES - 1 - Anything in Concrete ^ Large or Small. 1474 Marine Drive returnea to tneir nome xiov • _ Bellevue Avenue, after spending transfeired to H.Q. Statt i ,u , a holiday at Brandon, Manitoba. No. 11, Esquimalt^ ♦ ♦ , ♦ ♦ * ♦ R. S. B. Lillico has moved Mrs. Geo. Bulkley of "Dreamy from Vancouver into a house at Nook," 26th and Bellevue A ^ - 2814 Bellevue Avenue. nue, was the winner ot the ' ♦ ♦ prize in the Sun newspaper for 2 3 ^ a n d * ^ r to "Drive le ft'ln ^oduirta d1& a? t h e * c S a is visiting her m o tto p s . Mc- S d " to" ^ Pacific Exhibition. Gregor, at 21st and Argyle. in the Old Couritry> where they Ambleside-S îfV M e t a l Proprietor W o r k s Mrs. Deacon of Grenfell, Sask., expect' to reside in future. iPhilip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, Antoniobileb Burglary, Accident and Siefcneas, etc. 2557 King's Ave. Phone W. 42Y8 ■ In any QUANTITY, QUALITY or FORM . Also.Ghid-Coin of Any Country ' Why not"di^.Q^ of those useless gold trinkets and appV the returns on useful school cloths, bewKS, Paiiv';Giyi4 ' & ReBniBg; Co:' -600-JW bsaA lStife-!J.-^r-------Irinify 3588 Mr. and Mrs., Thompson, who have been qccupyiilg the Swan­ son house at 14th and Marine Drive, have moved back to the city. ^ .> The new house, which Mr. and ' Mrs. Seward of Arrow Park, B. C/, have had constructed at 1185 Duchess Avenue, is now finish­ ed. Ted Elfstrom who left Sunday for Kamloops, was taken to the hospital there suffering from an infected arm. •West Vancouver, Horticultural Society CONCERT AND PRIZE . DISTRIBUTION W E D N E S D A Y , S e p t . 1 9 t h , 8 p.m.. Orange Hall Throueh the kindness of Miss McIntyre assisted b y . Miss Hattie Young, Mrs. Anthony, Mr. A. J. Addy .and o thers, a concert >s being arranged to ' follow the prize giving. A Saver (Collection will be taken. CORPORATION OF TtfE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER if TRA D E an d O Q G LICENSES Engagement . Mr. and Mrs, Robert Frew, 462 West Eighteenth, announce the engagement o f their only daughter, Margaret (Peggy), to Mr. Adam Bell, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, JohnrBefl of 17th Street. The. wedding will take place quietly on September 15, All persons liable for above are notified to obtain same at once. ^ Owners of dogs which are found without tags, will be prosecuted'without further^ notice. w / H E K i ^ i a G o l l e c t o r J . r \ C V , i "' i " " ' ' i ^ ■>* -J r ' < ' * 4 \ ' " I '"'f J ' 'f A *1 s "'M 4 ^■ I I I It > ' t* i! J Ml "i vil' L ' N','i"! ii I I u i* L ̂ ' l-.f A , M'j UI '■ 1. ' 'As i % J f 1 i , ' li )*.1 . '-I/H'i'. I'-': , li!' 'liUM 'P r' - ; *h- Vi,'H' »1.'}t? I ' ■■ ■: 1 . f «■,, 'M M t . \ . \ r rVt .11-: ̂4̂ ¥ {'J 'W - f M ' t fi i i m fIJ