West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Sep 1934, p. 2

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m^m iiitti i K * MHMiM S il ISil®'©giiiiii?: fMM ppp wm f t ' f ' l' i ' *' if f m w n ■;ii ■!̂t 5. i"#i *' f - '■t; * ■ f i?•, silS'i i"lit i i i , |i- u>• •̂'<- « f I •fF t' %0 1A. £ ^11 J» m 41K r̂ '- i >̂1i?; p i WBflT VAN tWITJB> CSUMCBWwJmmmfm ▼ #SMnp wsv»»feAe*F wapwŵ PFWUPP 4yMfvid(fi< 11:10 |L»l9HI#i 7:1$ pML Sunduy lkh<^I and Btbl« O m s 6tr«ng«rg At Viiitorg Wgleom#. U H lIB I I .iM IM i lev. irnit. w rttM .M W rtw 10:00 Bible'Claiiii,/.:^:-:F; Fi:;;F #1 'll ®*'«yin 7:15 p.m.--Evtiilnf Servtee#::; Jn spite of the atonny weath- «** <>n Tuesday afternoon there 1 h B I h r B B V U a r t B t ^vag a good attendance of mem- f> ^ - ber\,and friends a t the first fall M ^ e t f n Q f l B n t f ¥ 0 v 0 mcMitlnif of the Women's Asaod- f. i.i*t ih« Atioii of the United Church. The thinif for tlio pn-Hident, Mrs, A, M. C ÎlOliliell# sdtou] irirJ wbo was in the chair» and in the ha« s wave on top but *itralehi, unruly and*, fn thut method the »dfi wave on lop rruined-iaod tho ends are curlisl so tha t they can he esMily arrani(«d. Very helpful devotional exercls- lieh ' ....................es which always precede the Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe Marine Drift1540 ^ For appointments ̂ PHONE WEST 117 business. The reports given on finances, welfare work and sick visitiiiK showed that! the work was not neglected in the holi­ days, Arrangements were made foi- ,'i tea to be held on Tuesday, .September^25th, in the church hall, for which Mrs.lR. P. Steev- e;s, M.L.A., has been secured as gu!.'st sr>eaker. Her subject will b(' "Women's Place in the New INCOUVEB Soeace > -mirn-i--r-- <*<»w,wwi ' • • •- -< • t m m i 9 i|ld tns)t. HoUybura. m s e d t ^ b a Branch of T h t i W r r Church T ht p i t f t Oiurch of Christ, , Seientlit, in Boston, . llaMiiichttssits Stmdsy fitirics; 11:80 a.m. Sunday^ S^^>mlxfr 16,1934 Subject; " S U B S T A N C E * ' m tv ic z Sunday School <it 10:00 a.m. Testimony Me«*tini; Wednesday. At.$:lC p.m. The puUic is cordially in* vited to attend our services and meetings. Mr», Colin IMacI^ean and Miss M arj^ret McIntyre were 1 host­ esses ttt a dellgh t ful farewell tea c ; VrV.. Mrs. H. h,' McLean and Mrs. .Soc ial Alan McIntyre last Tuesday aft- f ernoon. The affair was held in a rmiHical program arranged by garden of Miss McIntyre's S c h o o l S u p p l i e s MiKH Krame. Other conveners will be: Tea, Mrs. J. H, Mon- cridf; Decorations, Mrs. W. Partridge; Home-cooking, Mrs. H. B. Garland. It was decided Exorciso Books, Bcribblors, Looho Luuf Books, Criiyons etc, Pons PonclU- Klrnsers Paints home when the blooming flowers and shady trees made a beauti­ ful setting for the affair. The guests were Mrs. Leyland, Mrs. i.. Gordon Robson, Mrs. Geo. Hay, Ifl.- to n m A t D orrllig , M rs. W. B.ai mcLtings to 2.30 p.m. A t g^^ jj jyj „ , young. Miss PRICES EFFEaiVE FRIDAY ItNh SAT.. SC PIB II^^ NABOB TEA ...»....... COFFEE •-«- IlighwBjf »■■ ."Ihii,, U c PUFFED W'ilEAT FLAKEB ................................... |Acf. l(k KOYAL CITY TOMATOES -- l4U'«e t im .------------------- «sd i 0c M'HITE TUNA MEAT -- BIrka Solid, No. 1/2 Uhl------- joach 15c PINBAI*PLE JUICE -- Ubby*s No. 1 Un,...............-- .....««ch 9e I I»INEAPPLE -- Birks Slteed .....-- ................. ..........-.2 for 25c PI.UM^.JAM -- Supreme, 4 lb. tin................... ................... »..CMM:h 27c STItAWBEUKY JAM ~ Frasor Valley, 4 Ih. U n ---------....each 86c WTLD ROSE PASTRY FLOUR -- 7-ib. paper aack.;.....»:„each 25c E.MPKESS SPICES -- (Ulmii 3) dredge tlna.1..........-- »each 6c LIGHT AMBER WALNUT PIECES -- Vt lb............ -̂----- ---- 18c JAPAN RICE -- in cello.............. J .................................... .2 H». 10c SPAGHEITI -- Canadian Beauty, 17 ox. Un.... ........... ..J2 for 16c SUNBEAM LAMPS -r- 80/60 w att ..............................,..;.each 16c JUMBO CARBOLIC .SOAP. 10c Wb to Hitilt QiUHiiitltliBiBs SAPCViTAY STOiRESUMtlTHD D I S T R I B U T I O N WITHOUT WASTE th<! dose of the business tea was "v'L-'T"*' iV 'ho Mr« Rnidwiti winona Young, Mrs. Hampton,saved by Mrs, Gco.^HaJawin, Howard'Leggatt, Mrs. J.Mr4 F Bell and Mias RiwVridffe F?**'®- Howard'LOggait, Mrs. J.Beveridge. jvjcArthur, Mrs. Cha.s. Hay, Mrs. S. Persons (San Ii\-ancIsco), Mrs. ANBLESIDE PHARNACY W. L. KEB, Prop 1401 Marine Drive Phone Weit 828 FREE DELIVERY , ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Priest in Charge, liev. W. J. Millay, Jti'.sidence: 2323 Inglewood Ave. Kesidenco Phone West 240K. _r DR. G. D. H, SEALE D.D.8., L.D.B. D E N T I S T Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. „ Office Hours 0 to 6 p, m. v -----Evenings^by-appolntment;------ Phone Weat 72 -- Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8 ;46 a.m. China, Mrs. R. Ogilvie, Mrs. Blair Edwards, Miss iK.i Ed­ wards, Mrs. Phil Chapman, Mrs. James McIntyre, Mr.s. K. V. For­ ster, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Blair Clerk, Mrs. Wells Crawford, Mrs. W. -Watson, Mrs. C. Ed­ wards, Mrs. J. Hunt, Mrs. Wee- don, Mrs. Durbin, 'Miss Joan Durbin. 'The clima.x of the aft­ ernoon , came when small Beth E.. GALLANT, D.C.. C H I R O P R A C T O R 2444. Marine Drive, Dundaravc, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Mondays, Wed­ nesdays and Fridays. House visits by apnointmont. Residence: 2308 Marine Drive; . Phono West S46L. Vancouver Office: 712 Robson ______ tSoymour 8790 High Mass and Sermon -- 10:46 Catechism aiid Bible Class--3:00 mI!!:!? nnUtiL Ve.spers and Benediction--7:30 Wcek-dav Serviccfi sented each ol the guests of Mass daflv 8 a m ^ ith a leather purse with Fi idavs* ■ ^ » lovely col- -nyeff^rctioSTH osary; Confes- °n<®lT:>ou«lueH^-flowerBr : = r ^ sions 7.30. . ^ Cherry, 1430 Argyle ̂ entertained a t a de- Among the affairs taking the form of farewells to Mr, and Mrs. H. L. McLean was the Sup­ per Bridge held a t Mrs. W. Wat­ son's Gordon ' Avenue home on* Tuesday night. 'I^is "No Host'* affair was given to bring the old Bridge Club of former years to­ gether to wish the McLeans "God Speed" on .their trip to the East. It proved a very pleasant evening for everybody, though tempered with the sadness al- ■ ways present when old friends areJeaving a familiar group. In a very apt speech jMr. Geo. Hay made a presentation on behalf of this group. Those present were * Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hay, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Small, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Dorring, Mr. and Mrs. Wells Crawford, Mrs. Watson and Miss Jean Watson. LIBERAL LADIES GIVE SUCCESSFUL GARDEN PARTY There was a large .attendance Saturday afternoon a t the gar­ den party given by the ladies of the West Vancouver Liberal As­ sociation on ...the beautiful grounds of Mr. and Mrs. .R. P. Blower's residence a t 1788 Ful­ ton Avenue. Afternoon tea was served from a marquee on the lawn, and many availed them­ selves of. the opportunity of playing badminton. There was also teacup reading and fortune telling for the entertainment of the guests. Teacher: "Describe what is meant by nothing." Boy: "The head,, sir." inside - o f ' your Pastor® R l™ H .™ a fm p h re ^ ^ s f t i j d iy jF h ™ o r ' ? f t o sot Philijp's fourth birthday. Games HOLLYBURN GIFT ^ H O P Sunday, Sept. 16th, 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School. 10:00 a.m.--Adult Bible Class/ 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. Topic: "Guidance." Anthem. 7;15 p.m.--Evening Worship.' C J. Overington PIOireER BARBER Expert Work 14th and Marine Phono West 135 were (enjoyed by all, also., a dainty supper, decorations being artistically arranged in pink and white. Mrs. Sayers assisted at the table. The guests were Ernest Sayers, Buster and Bud- ....................... - . . . - <̂ y Bobby Scott, Dick :Topicr"Awake! Awake^" ̂ Sayers, Dene " Stephenson, Dot" bong Service a t com- Sayers, Jean Dougherty, Mary mencement. Boult, Dorset Stephenson, Kath- KNITTING TIME IS HERE A compliete New Stock. Free gauge measure with wool. ALL THE NEW KNITTING BOOKS We-extend-a special-invitation leen Gollinsom EatabUslicd cm North Shore - 20 Year«. (Lady Asaistant) r . HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral Sicectors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone NorUi 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Pair. 134 to our Sunday School. We have a staff of consecrated teachers and We teach the International Sunday School Lessons^. Monday, 8 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. Mr. R. Cholton and Mr. Colin Buckley of the Shanty- men's Christian Association will give an Illustrated Lec­ ture on their work.. Every­ body Welcome. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Midweek prayer service. Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Choir prac­ tice. .... -■ ■ 'J- ■ , The League of Nations Study Group will hold its first meeting of the fall term on Tuesday, September 18lh, a t Mrs. Bernard Hayes',.West Bay; for informa­ tion phone Mrs, Walter Gourlay. C H U R C H ES O P C H R IST , S C IE N T IS T ' S T . S T E P H E N 'S CHU RCH Rector: ' Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Jj.S.T. Sept. 16th, 1984..'.Trinity XVI 4liM mmm mm TUB c o = t C ? . T " T11 '1 6 .a.m --Mating the Lesson - Sermon is "SUBSTANCE" is the subject of the Lesson - Sermon which will be read in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, September 16th. The Golden Text is: "My God shall supply all ^ u r need ac- wrding to his riches-in-glory-by Christ Jesus." (Philippians 19)» ' - Among the citations which a\ • *.4 West Vain News PttbUxlied Every Thunday llU 5.a.m .-~M atins and"Sermon t h e ' S w ' i w ! T:16 p.m .-Evensong nnd Ser- :r' . PnbllshiT F . P . LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 BttulneM and Editorial Office: - ' 17th and Alarine Drive (Nrnct to HoUybum F. 0.) Phono West 368; Mail Addict F, O. Box 61, HbHybuni, EC mon. Auxiliary Sunday School, 11th & Inglewood Sunday School, 10 a.m. St..Francis-in-tlie-Woods. CaulfeUd things hop^ for, ^ e evidence of things not seen," (Hebrews 11: X)* The Lesson - Sermon also in­ cludes the fbllowing passage from the Christian Science t e ^ \ North Vancouver Office: 12S Iionsdale Ave. _ Sunday, 3 p,m.--Evensong and book, "Science and Health with 1. > Mary p^ker Eddy: "AH substance, in- mglewptm Branch will hold its . telligence, wisdom, being, im- t e i ^ n t e r meeting on Wednes- mortality, cause, a n d . e ^ t be- ' ^ tributes, th^ eternal manifesta- attendanoe is requested. tions of the infinite divine Prin- ^ i.- i u No wisdom is wiseMr. Smith and his sister, who but His wisdom; no tru th is C "̂ % ' 1 R o " 3 ' i f 5 . ' g ^ ; rm ll.Od • year carrier: -luaiL have ̂ een spending a holiday in true, no. love is lovely, no life is V ietori^ have returned to theii^ Life but the d iv in e ^ o ^ is 12.00 a year ^^th and Pulton Ave- bu t the good God bestows " (n* , " .X m i ' .... ^