i l I ' I I J' ■̂■' i ASiv 4 ! r,h„-y*̂'='̂ ' giiPf'! ; >* '♦' ' ' <1'\ 4 , vPWSI! CircuMnim the District of Wea Vasmisver-Amhieside, Hoii,hun, tVctL, Dundoravc : Cyptets Park. Casslfajd, Whjtcciiff, Etc.....:. j:!*' •.».«■«»».»«.., f f P ^ y ^ U R N P.O., yyEST VANpOUVER. B.C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBEfc^3th, 1934 WEST yANCOUVB® .•*'.'* • I' 'I - J # 'J ' •' ' H \'oI. IX liberal m e e t in g No. 20 f«i ah ,4t\,5 t . . , »1 :! >.,U' if ,4**»i I. O. » . E. ., f.^!, -ICl IAN BROWN ^ FATALLY INJURED **' >1̂- c«' DEATH OF OWEN TANNER Ian son Owon Tanner. 10th and Kinff*s . At. x*r 4̂ HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY , --------- A meeting of ̂ the West^Va^^ _ Thp September meeting of the mean Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. , was held Monday. September ................... - , . - and p ro v ^ to be o n e o f t h e « and' " *' e n t l S m fateTly w S ^ e d 'S T o o T M o n rv J * '" "«?<> ?? ' West Vancouver and the a ^ shows staged by the Society for shown for the coming winter's w h f ir r id in i down S hS? M w ** ", . J_1-- Homfl timfi. riAninAHfin*, i« nrnm-flm M, â ^ t . : "ii«- l^uneral services were hold A nieuunH •'**" ;• rr~ ' _ ........ ... ahjs oept couver ^ j ^ ? i * * * w « n oŶ li an n u d exhi- Duncan Lawson ChapterT L07d be held in Dundara^ve Hall a^ bltlon of th e Society was held in D., was held Monday. September son of Mr. and Mrs / Si p.m. Tuesday. •'^e O ra n ^ Hall last Saturday 10th, a t the home of Mrs. Elgar, Brown, 2986 Marine Drive wa ̂ matters affecting atiH nrnvc»il f/t K a ^414-v..,. nn/l fVmnY, v/ m i./rive, wa Ida: *̂4» A venue, passed away suddenly J S tuart at his home last Monday. The .m 9Q«<! n«4„^ ,««« decOascd, who was aged 53, -■ *" n . MV4k T iVV»Cl fW w* U s I m I* 22nd yesterday a t 2 p,m. in St. Step M ember 20th, will be discuss- particularly in the Domestic North Arm which t¥e"ChapteI c in tw l i r h ir U c T ^ ^ ^ cd All Liberals are urged to at- Science Section. The Govern- arranged fo r the patients of thrown over t^^^^ tend.' ment insi^ctor, G. E. Clarke, ex- Shaughnesay Hospital and which the pavement. He received a bad Canilmm v!n\» GISBY - TROTT t S ^ o f s u n r is e a??. fracture of the skull and severe Cemetuy. The home of Mr. and Mrs.' vegetables on•prise a t the class of reported tha t concussion, also a broken wrisf. t r a Ditq v nA n ¥tr.nw c«iaon display, while eleven N orth Vancouver (guides An operation was performed 1 HADES & DOG LICENSES 1, judge . Of Needle- had gone to camp this year, with Tuesday in an effort t a save his rp. , _______ ̂ , Domestic Science, guides from all over Greater life, but he parsed away yester- „ municipal hall wish ii when Rev. Hillis W right umted commented very favorably On Vancouver. Several members day afternoon. Funeral services the pub in marriage Marguerite May, the classes under her jurisdic- were sending magazines to isou will be held a t 2:30 p. m .tom or- ^ eldestdaughter of Mrs. D .,Trott tion. George Moore along with luted families, Mrs. Fiddes re- row in the United Church, Rev. 5^tain same a t once. Owners of o«/̂ Mr Albert Gisbv. SOU of A. Leitch. iudflred.the Eloml See ported and some had also re- Hillio Wvi»Vif ov,a dogs found wltl 1- ' ■ w \ - - W'l'* ■V rh: A H 'I brother, Mr. Cyril Trott, the m h'ru its and Vegetables was pounced the resumption o f , the Bros. & Williamson have charge bride looked charming in a love- obtained by D. McTavish, In the League of Nations Sttidy Group, of the funeral arrangements, ly frock of pink lace posed o^cr Needlework Mrs. J. Henrickson pp Tuesday, September 18th, a t TTie whole-hearted sym pathy of crepe bf the same shade with was high point winner. In the {he h o r^ of Mrs. Bernard our residents will go out to his large ruffled sleeves and flaring Domestic Science Miss, Bessie Hayes. E m pire , study will be parents in their sudden bereave- J 1. J TT«» 'U<̂4- .v.nn in 'nnw.llv.n ' TTviOTVIA Txr/Yv. Itin.!. mnj~.X;.i 'fall'Oin IITV Ivi 4'lm 4̂r\.4VV. n4? M/.n.44iL ' i. T. V. SECTION CANADIAN LEGION at hem. Her hat was a pamline ' Fram e won high points. taken up'. in the^ form of short ment. model of poudre blue and her The Directors of the Society members of the ' . ■■ ' n • 1 X j i JL̂ -L̂ XL' • JX • I .• 4*̂ . I .nim roT. n f f l i a ■i*ii(yii1nx« xvxrxn4>xv.n.n The T. V. Section cordially in vite ex-service men to join them, this section having increased its moaei oi puuuiu uiuc aim nci in e i^irecrors 01 the society ^ wie -- ----------------- poudre blue shoes , finished the wish to take th is opportunity to COMMUNITY PLAYERS TO . 4ms section naving increased its costume. She carried a bouquet express th e ir appreciation to R®P®>'s *» PRESENT "HAWK ISLAND" membershin t r r . L T 4,rv ! ! ,„ „ .r i of opheha roses and sweet peas, those exhibitors who so freelv ^®,®'̂ rangcd t o Mrs. Fiddes, the __ . membership in Gicater Vanoou-i M.nn unoxxi TVnff oo Txssx* oio_ A-- Anj A T . . , EducatioHal Secretary .- ■ Thfi Wpnf Vflti4»nnvAr r*Am ^er 100 per cent during the past Arrangements were discussed .munity - - - . fo r an entirely- different ............. . is '. f ' .h'**",' ' > i 4 # . j Miss Pearl . Trott as her sis- donated fh e ir-en trie s " towa^^ Educational Secretary iter's only attendant, had shosen an Auction th a t was very sue- Arrangem ents : I nw i®"l l , a smart gown of pale green org- cessfully conducted by Reeve J. committees appo in t^ for an entirely different pla andie which - featured floral B. Leyland a t the close of the Peoples Fall-Dance, their last. "Hawk Islam .,3 I A ̂ A .3 show. ' packed with thrills and the ef- members of their N The bride s table was centred The following is the prize list: Optnh^r ?ects of storm ,,thunder, lightn- Out Post, of wlich with pink carnations, and . tall Bpsh Wax B e a n s - . . I, Mrs. F - l mg, the ringing of the "calam- meeting of the S .T)pn!_arH-nu-a„-side_tjihlA._waa.-iY::iArtir>_o--.-Twrx.o-- ------ lore,-- which-js,^to_be_rjBpeated-^itv--bell.---and-the-flash-of^thp-- -a- - - SXS.S- ■ W "5", ; S "K f ! s Three hew members wer6 pro- -4apera-and-bn-a. side-table-was---G©ok ;-2r3ilrsr-Busst; the three-tiered wedding cake. , --Green Beans 1, A. -Mrs. Trott, mother of the A rthu r; 2, Mrs. Busst. bride chose a frock of merrona Scarlet ̂ Runners -- 1, Mrs. year. They also >vish to thank the many ex-service men who bftve made application to become members of their Norh Shore the t o t seasdn will be ,• ' ■ ' ' ' PjL brown trimmed with cut steel , W iltshire; 2, D. McTavish. beeds. Mrs. Gisby was wearing a becoming frock of coffee color ed lace and hat tojmatch. For travelling Mrs. Gisby don ned an attractive toilleur of brown and beige crepe over which she wore a twined coat in the same shades. Her h a t of brown fur felt had a flat crown McTavish Beets -- 1, D.McTayish; 2, Fred Jlasterm an . . Chard -- 1, D. McTavish; 2, C. F. Powell. Round Cabbage - - 1, D. Mc Tavish; 2, C. F . Powell. F la t Cabbage-- 1, D. McTavish Savoy -- 1, Ed B lack;,2, D. pHere cate fb J KT d-i 1 n/r most hardened. Anything -posed: Mrs. Croker, Mrs Allan, m ight happen bn "Hawk Island" and . Mrs. Robertson, and regret is the keynote of the play, and w ^ expressed a t the loss of two what does happen m ust be seen d n n trm valued members, Mrs. H. L. Me- to be antireemteil Mina Winnn. CONCERT & PRIZE DISTRIBUTION paper. An advertisement relative to the above appears in this issue. V 'i Milt'll [ .V-) W i vateed nrnmj^rs, Mrs. H. L. Me- to be appreciated. Miss Winon- Lean and Mrs. Alan McIntyre, ah Young is unable to take part Who are leaving for, the east. owing to illness, her place being taken by Edna Home, a new- T urai;^ --- 1, .D. Mc'Tavish; com'er to the Community play- and medium brim and her acces sories were brown suede. , Mrs. George Ayling was solo ist during the signing of the register. Carrots -- 1, D. McTavish; 2, F red Masterman. Carrots, Short .-- 1, D. Mcr Tavish; 2, Mrs. Richardson. Cauliflower--1, McTavish; 2, C ̂F. PoweJL Celery -- 1, C. F. Powell. T^ble Corn -- 1,. D. McTavish; 2, V/. Dickinson. Cucumbers --̂ -1, Mrs., B usst: 2, Mrs. H airington. " Herbs -- 1, Mrs. Hutchinson; 2, Mrs. W. E. Davies. , Citron--1, W. J . Dent. Onions (w hite)-- 1, W. Dick inson. ; ' " Onions (red)-- 1, D. McTav- 2, C. F. Powell. .Collection of Vegetables -- 1, Dr^McTavish ;-2r C--FV^owelL-- Display of Vegetables -- 1, ers. Miss Margaret McIntyre with the assistance of other artists, has a rranged Jo ig iv e . a concert- AUCTION CHORAL SOCIETY SOCIAL The social given by the. W est Vancouver Choral Society last Monday evening in th e Legion nail was most enjoyable, ^nd was attended by a large number M the members and their . mends.' ' . An original featuire o f the was a farce entitled Merrie England Up-to-Date," ______ . especially written for th e occas- ish ; 2, Mrs, Busst. ion by Miss Jervis with special I ^ k s --1, D. McTavish; 2, W. {ration by Miss McIntyre, ĴJ 'Dent. ' , . , ' wnich kept everyone in screams Eschalots 1, Mrs. B usst; oUaughter throughout. Those^ 2, Ds' McTavish., ^king part were .'\jMesdames . P ^ s le y -- 1, Mrs. W. E. Davies; 2, D. McTavish. ' Parsnips --•* 1, Mrs. Hutchin son;-. 2,- W. Dickinson. X vv. Potatoes (white)_-- 1, D. Mc- fftiS J-.Fiddes. Some p re tty Tavish; 2, W. J . Dent. • K dancing, which was very Potatoes (red );-- 1, D. Mc- e r o t n f ^ f ^ T a^S h ; 2, B etty Blair. ^ D. McTavish; 2, W. J. D ent; 3, C. F. Powell. Children's Collection of Veg etables Duncan McTavish. Flowers a t 8 p.m. next Wednesday, Sep tem ber 19th, in the Orange Hall" on the occasion of the distribu tion pf the prizes won a t the .r/ >.'^1-, if' - J. S. Bennett, West and North x,v1x4KxN-x'«« "a4» Vancouver auctioneer, will hold V anroiiw r xr ^afi*' ATI Aiipfion 1 *^n "n m TiAvi" t/norfll oocic.ty# Sil*"an auction ^ l e a t 1 .du p.m. next fftlW+inn 4.h.x <â Tuesday, 18th instant!' ai " S '*'*'® ®®- auction room-, 2462 Marine Sweet Peas -- 1, Mrs. D. Me- Drive, of the household effects Tavish; 2, C. F. Powell. of Mrs. H. L. McLean and Mrs. Basket of Flowers -- 1, Mrs. Day, also some antiques. Full Rhodes; 2, T. Batchelor. ̂ particulars appear in the adver- Nasturtiums -- 1, Mrs. Tin-, tisement in this issue. ney; 2, Mrs. D. McTavish. -------------- ------- Display of Garden F lo w e r ^ LEGION NOTES 1, Mrs. Albin; 2, Mrs. D. McTav ish. Dahlias, P.-T. A. NEWS The regular monthly meeting of the West Vancouver P.-T. A. will take place in" the Inglewood School a t 8 p.m. Tuesday, Sep tem ber 18th. The speaker will be Mrs. R. P. Steeves, M.L.A., W iv i Miqq R. w . FVoud, slL j^Iessrs, H ; J . Hob- : Clarke, R. W. r. A . . . general meeting of Ioannas, Cactus -- 1, Mrs. the local branch was held in the ^̂ "̂ p ^ s u b je c t Some Compari- H^hberger; 2, Mrs. W. E. Davies Legion Hall,. Friday, September I vX ^ h * TTniil® Dahlias, Decorative -- 1, Mrs. 7th, with " President H. Walker, of Holland and Can- D. lilcTavish; 2, Mrs. Rehberger in the chair. •?!* ^ Q^®stion^ and discussion ̂ Dahlias, §how -- ' 1, Mrs. H. - Fall and W inter actWities of „ lollow. Pi Allen; 2, Mrs. Rehberger. the entertainm ent committee , - Several im portant items of Dahlias, Semi-Cactus -- Mrs. promise an interesting and vari- business a r e , on the agenda in- Rehberger; 2, Mrs. D. McTavish ed program with the education eluding the program of activit- Dahlias, Pompon -- 1, C. F. committee taking care of the lec- ------ -------------- » Powell; 2, Mrs. W. E. Davies. tures for which a special even- Dahlias, Display 1, Mrs. D. ing will be set aside, in order MgTavish; 2, Mrs. Rehberger. not to interfere with the busi- Lilies 1, Mrs. D. McTavish. ness o f the general meetings. At a meeting of the Lower Mainland Branch's i|v. les fo r the, w inter and the usual musical numbers and refresh m ents will be in evidence. Everybody welcome. JUNIOR GIRLS' CHOIR Executive held a t Post 19, Vancouver, Monday evening last, it was an 3 a. 2, Q Ft P ow ell.. eivî n welcome was Squash (green) -- 1, Mrs. F. Sd H. J . Hobson Macdonald; 2, Mrs, Cook. Colin Toung by Mrs. Marrow (green) !-r ̂1, Mrs. on behalf „yice-president E. Davies; 2, W alter Findlay. X tbe Society. .. ........................... and A?®®bments were served i«« of the even- J *D nn?"* ® dancing. Mrs. ish; 2, Mrs. Rhodes. Phlox -- 1, Mrs. Rhodes; 2, Mrs. D. McTavishJ 1, Mri|. Rhodes; McTavish. . "Pinafore" is being repeated j.£*ovf XU vv«D ; V Oil. Octobor nounoed th a t General Ross, Do- 5th, in ̂the Auditorium. All minion President, will be in the Hiris taking p art in the play last city on October 4th, enroute to. season are asked to rejiort for the Veterans'-Cohference to be , practice a t 10 o'clock on Satur- . held in Australia. Arrange- day morning in the United ments are being made to have Church Hall. ' V m3 I > ?i /-If V I S t'iu i - I .1, ^ S' / , fV % :k€i\ V4% E , ____ _ ________________ Michaelmas Daisies--1, Mrs. General Ross address four Legi- Mrs. Colin MacLean asks th a t Marrow (white) -- 1, Mrs. W. Rhodes; 2, Mrs. H. P. Allen. on meetingss,w hich will be dlv- all new, members for the coming Davies; 2, D. McTavish. Chrysanthem ui^ --,, 1, Mrs. ided between Greater Vancou- season report On Saturday •• .. xiir.._ TT-.A_̂ ,*̂ Rhodes; 2, Mrs. Dickinson.; ver, V ictoria.and possibly the morning a t the Church Hall or Annuals -- 1, Mrs. Rhodes; North Shore, during his short phone to her as she wants names 2, Mrs. Albin. . ^ stay in the City, before he em-- listed as soom^as possible. The Perennials -- 1, Mrs. Rhodes; barks. . new work of the-seaapn-begihs^ , -Mr^s.-AlbiiL-- -- :--------------------N ext general meeting Septem -j_aa-soon as--th^-produetion - of^ (Ckmtinued in our nex t issue) ber 21st. ° "Pinafore" is over. Pumpkins -- 1, MrsJ Hutchin- . son; 2, Mrs. Richardson. Biggest Pumpkin in . show, wonconvenpT social " _ J'ssDonjnhiJ ̂ ^P^ug by George Perrie. . . ------vyr. ® ppgtty decor- Tomatoes 1, W. Hickinson-r 2r^i^s^^lbin ' V 2, C. F. Powell. ,it H f iuf , - < * 4,1m# ».'= ■■ i. \ > v"p̂, 3: '-'(.ai ■III pgf