19S4. . . ififi MliViM Burrari ■;*£: pUPEKî AULK V 0AVE A N D E R S O N ^ # ^ |,V a ^ ^ |lfsî ®iftl®Piill®iSSIlî Ĥi 'im:. £:iSS§t:;s?JlJ*feJt#IŜ liliSslwwlSIs mmtft mmmm ')'i> ^ 5 ' ^ t 'rHi.^ ■ iMtIf* wi.̂ W*<iiliiii.>i>il«iii>lliiMiiii»̂ jWMWifiiliM MM .̂ C H ARLE S B tm ^ m D G E/r<» ^ " -A.' jj 1 -*■« ii T e a c h e r d f P td W p d n d ^ T h e o f y siudentH nivparva for Kxttrnloatlon* of A ^ e U tfd ; » w rd ,. Jwtidon, Eng. ® »ini tlie Toronto Conservatory of Muslo i f desired. 1̂00 per cent, successes a t June examinations. Re-Opens T uesday, S ep tem b er 4 th . STUDIO--2309 M arine Drive P h o n e W est 8SX returned Mrs. R. Jf. A. McGuIniiesa a«d flon A i? .Wturn to the city. hhr. I^c- baldi Pak for thespent ip Seattle. ̂ health. Mr. and Mrs. Oileb Ray, who Rev, and Mr .̂HilliB Wright have been spending a month's and family, have returned from holiday m Portland. Oregon, a holiday at Pincher Creek, Al^(V ■* «v,V M rs. F. K N I G H T - H O D G E T ea ch er o f V i o U n , P l a a o a n d T h e o r y Xmons"'WlII'1)6"i'oramed--'Oir'-SGptentbor'lCth^-'at"h6r'Sludio,«l3S2"DUclifelj8'"' Avotiuo. ̂ ' Students proparrcl for B. C. Festival, tKe Associated Board, London t 'ollcgt* of" Music and Toronto Conservatory of Music Examine alions. ■ * . . Fifteen sueeessi-s in the recent June Exams., g a in in g , Distinction and riOnOPS ' ■.;' . ■■■,■:■" .J' ■ '• TERMS ON APPLICATION. W est 62411. il'et r̂ned to their home at berta. 1327 Bellevue Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. George Bulkley Fire Chief H. Whitehouse of teturned to their home at Edmonton, has returned to his ! Nook," 26th arid Ma:^ home after having been for ten S"® » pleasant holi days the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Portland. Oregon. . Sloane, 1105 Duchess Avenue. , * ■* . __ ♦ *y * Mr. and Mrs. J." A. Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Foyster Inglew^d Avenue, have have returned to their home at ® , holiday on 29th and MftrW nrivA Kent's Island. , $1.10 valne for sW Mcllm Tistuc Cr«iin, Melba Cold Cream, or * • « -A" Jp #« iSx«" V*V9=**'* *!*'■< Melba Vaniahlng Cream. I llegular 65e Melba Boii<|<iet Face Powder Bee our 16c linoa of Powders and Creams. «*4< •*■'1%. I I \ h I Gemmill's Onif Store The Store of Service. 1686 Marine Drive West 37 or West 607 Kmerxency Phone West 321 (After 10 p.m.) ,'i 'XU ' S 29th and Marine Drive following a vacation in Victoria. Mr. and Mrs, Baxter, who have been spending the season at "The Gabjes," West Bay, have returned to their home in Vancouver.,* • 4« a * MARGARET M W T Y R E Licentiate of the College of >ViolinistSr*DondonrEngvi (late Royal Manchester,College of Music) TEACHER OF V iolin and P ian o Mrs. T. E. Snelgrove, Associate Teacher. Classes re-open Monday, September 10th. Studio-- 17th Street (over Hollyjbum Post Office) itudio Phone: West' 378L Residence-Phone: West 188L Miss Daisy Brealey, who has been • spending the summer at her home at 18th and Fulton Avenue, has left to resume her n th and Inglewood Avenue, while fishing off Passage Island on the afternoon of Labor Day, saw a large marine animal rear, itself out of the water at some little distance from where they were fishing. It made a tre mendous splash as it surged back into the sea, the spray fly ing many feet in the air. He states it had a long neck, rind. Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Meat Pies, Sausage' Rolls, Banbury Cakes, Cinnamon Buns, " ■ T a r e i r 6 r f s '- s ? ^ '~" Fresh every morning. Note Atidress: 14(18 Marine Drive Phono West 27 4*, -4"' i : I ? duties on the teaching staff of though ofTdarra^^^ the prince-^OTge^sehoDls. « bla?k flfh, 4ith th i app earance M.. ov.,1 iu,.a u nuiii{«„ ' of which species he is quite familiar. A number of launches , Wh t̂e in the vicinity set out at full bnnflo ?+ ̂ Speed to get closeiito the monhouse at 1936 Bellevue Avenue. gt0j.̂ remembered that Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY Sept. 7th and 8th WARNER GLAND HEATHER ANGEL MRS. C LA R A W ILSQ N and M ISS H ILD A W ILSO N, a . t .c .m . PIANO A1W> THEORY iti 4> - V Constable and ' Mrs. A. W. Kruger and family; who have been spending the summer at 'Horseshoe BayrhaveTnoved~into a house at 1467 20th Street. ♦ * ♦ on several occasions "Gaddy" has been reported in the Vicinity of Point Atkinson. ^Mis^MolfylEdwards~is leaving tomorrow for Los Angeles, "where she will get the latest in "Charlie Chan's Greatest Case" Successes at English and Canadian Exaihm'al&ions ' and * B. C. Festivals. RECITALS AND CLASSES " STUDIOS: 2367 Marine Drive, W est Vancouver, and a t 836 West 13th Avenue, Vancouver. . " Phone W est 689X REV. I D A V ID A. A L L A N '(Pupil of the late Henry Talbot, Tragedian) Dramatic Art Elocution Public Speaking STUDY:--The ,Fundamentala of Expression and Practical Application CHILDREN'S CLASS--^Beginning Saturday, Sept! 8tĥ , 10 a.m. MEN'S CLASS--^Monday, Sept. 10th', 7:30 p.m. ^ Apply: 1494 Inglewood Avenue. Miss Madcay and two friends, dancing and swimming. On her who have been on an enjoyable return she will resume her class- ? .motor trip in California and «s in these subjects. Mexico, were the guests last ♦ ♦ xlweek Ql̂ Mr._„ and_Mre.J....Jil 1 JMrs,_j:].„J_,__Stewar.t,„_wJio_iiL , Stratton, ' 1468 Marine Drive, leaving for Scotland on 10th previous to feturhihV to- their instant, was given a farewell; homes at. Fort Langley, B. C. party on the evening of 23rd ♦ * » ^ August by the Scottish Country . Mr. and Mrs. Lea-ph, who have Society, in which she has . been spending the month of active ̂ interest. August at East Beach, have- re- _ „ n/r a txr rr -i.1 i* r» i. --^turried-fo-their-home-in-lhe-city.__^' ♦ ♦ ♦. \ Coquitlam, yim ^T iis brother, Tv/r«« Tv/r XT All tni-u y E. Keith, ol540 Marine Drive, Mrs. M., H. Allwork,, 17th and over the week end. Bellevue Avenue, returned yes terday from a business trip to Bralorn'e, B. C.♦ ♦ * • " Miss Lorna Thomson of the Hollyburn Postal Staff, is back at duty after a month's holi day at Cultus Lake, B. C. Bruce Hamilton . 21st, and Argyle Avenue, left here on PVi- 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside ' Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Listings Wanted Real Estate and Insurance " Mrs. W. Coupler, who has been day for Port Alice, Vancouver the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Island, where he ̂will assume Durian, 11th and Esqufmalt charge of the public school: Avenue, is leaving shortly for ♦ ♦ ♦. Kamloops. Mrs.' Holden and* her mother, . ̂ ♦ ♦ ♦ .Mrs. Mulksley, who have , been Miss Connie Page, 24th and , "visiting in West Vancouver, Bellevue Avenue, has left for a have return^a^ Victoria. ♦ ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Corbett have had as their guest during the- past week their nephew, Horace Bowsher, of H. M. S. Danae. * ■ * * Mrs. Colin. MacLean and Miss Margaret McIntyre are giving a shower today at the home of the latter at 31st and Procter Avenue, in honor of Mrs. H. L. McLean and Mrs.'Alan McIntyre who are leaving in the near future to take up residence in : Nova Scotia. MON-DAY and TUESDAY, Sep);. 10th and 11th. LESLIE HOWARD HEATHER ANGEL "Berkley Square" (Liberty 4 Star)'n . ̂ ■ ■ ■ * and "So This Is Harris" WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Sept. 12th and 18th. The Crime Doctor' also Tome on Marines' Ambleside S h e e t M e ta l L. SPECK, yrmr x Proprietor W O r K S Sherm an Store 3900 Marine Drive Bertha J. Campbell P h on e W est 243X3 short visit to JMission, B. C. FOR RADIO S A L E S - S E R V I C E See FORST'S LTD. Miss Kathleen Wenmoth, 1193 14th Street, left to resume her ifc V . duties on the teaching staff of S. R. Gillbanks has returned Lytton School, to his home at 2151 Haywood Miss Margaret McIntyre and Miss. Jervis spent the holidays at Qualicum Beach. G. M. GEMMILL North 625 . West 37 Philip C. Chapman .General Insurance Agent Eire, Antomobile ̂ Burglary, • Accident and Sickness, etc. 255TK?>"g's Ave. Phone W. 42Y8 Avenue, after an absence of, sev eral months at Bridge River, B. C. ♦ ♦. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McLean, .2566 Marine Drive, are leaving shortly for their old home in Pictou County, Nova Seotiri, where they expect to reside in future. Mrs. Alan McIntyre will join them later, leaving here the middle of October. . - ♦ ♦ The Ladies of the West Vancouver Liberal Association . Will hold a GARDEN PARTY a t the home of Mr. R.P. Blower 1788 Pulton Ave. SATURDAY, SEPT., 8 th , a t 2,30 p .m . Badminton, Afternoon Tea, Teacup Reading. A cordial invitation to all Liberal Ladies and their friends. W e B u y G O L D In any QUANTITY, QlfALITY or FORM Wi. of Any, Country olthose useless gold trinkets and the returns on^^'sefuPschooI cloths, books. Smelting & ReSnihg Co. Street . . Trinity 3588 Gilbert Lee was the chief vic tim %f-an unfortunate auto acci dent at the comer near. thosOld Second Narrows vlast .Friday week, when-, one of the wheels broke, of a Ford coupe, in which he was riding to town with two other passengers. He received a cracked jaw, scalp; wound, tom ear, several minor , cuts on the face and head, and a had cut oh the leg.. He is still'a patient in: the North Vancouver- General Hospital, where he is doing nice- .|yy-although-more seriousljt-hurt-- than was at first suspected: The other two occupants of the car escap^ injury. West Vancouver Horticultural, & Agricultural Society T he E ig h te e n th A nnual E x h i b i t i o n in Oundavave Hall SATURDAY, 2,30 to 10 p.rri. 8th, 1934 P lease try to have en tr ie s ih by Friday n ig h t 114 M bv i, j i ' i ' f *t "'* I'V'X V, iX 'K I, M L#" nJ 1 >J 1 "•♦fXV,r J ' '1 .% > i A y ' , > ff ^' 'i V. e, I' '|-'ir.X 1 !'i ® 1 .'i£ ■I: i 'Xl. I, J, Jj'.V. ■■ \ V , I m c»; to ; • ; X M ■ U. '. i . ' f f i : 'C , h' % vl\ 1 ; m "J C*;. tf*jtL ' - i ̂ 'M', 4-X' .."Mi n i u y t m 'F > L* '̂ 'ik i l i a *4" I P : .f-vra**' -'1,;, ' * I' >4 ,lj> 1 *• Vv'rto"'?'. ' *■ . ■> . ' ..m r