West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Jun 1934, p. 4

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'Mi iipSiiiiiligiiM /M t:4 6 9 '*."'IrlPIPV S ̂ -■ , |î »S tfl$$0imi K i l ' m ' ^ .,**1111111* & II •iwfii'Psti ri# f̂a« î '■"'ijiir'..' PACIFIC ION Ja* #e m>m I I iiSi j lttcmpby»W Jy«" 'l0M0Smm0i "n- --- w m e n w n i i i w i w t t »itifi •;l* -, -'ififiit# I'V Mh. l*OfTBD MBAT0>- H«dlMii*« ^KAlWilli<i «*iiti*>̂ ^ f i s m .„, . ilBRVtIi m m ^ % ¥ » li», I » k f ^ l»e CORN BE»F* Goad * «»• I*« BOGHRB* »YRUI». * Ib. Il», 17e 8IIREODB0 WHEAT, 6KAFBNUT FtAKBS, HICK CKISFfES ' , ■ ^ K«d * Whll# 8FAGIIJBTTI, 2 Uiu 19« FINBAFFf.li. 8«»f»IK»r« 8lle«d 2 Gtti NalMb FOtlK A IIBAN8 , *. Tl«..12 o*.'Tl«.,.,..... .......IHi»'l#« Muri'«y*« JMAliHALAOH,- l,lb,*llj|^29c; AuatralUn SULTANA RAISINS, _ Naw. Kreah 8t4ick. I * 11**i3S Iwda 2*J€ * fKimm for 8 M tiod of At IcAst ton years, U f £ ^ m b fth e V.n«)uver B ridhjM ipaLA iioctotisniiM P h o n e j y « ^ 3 7 i « « . * » ^ ^ „ „ fo r t S r C * n « d » P a c in c Exhibl- TOw::.:i nS: lu ^ '■'4? ®*'*' ! i* > L 7 B M r i |k m . T h e B o a rd o f W ork s h a s t o e - 1 lb, |0 e tlca lly c o m p le te itn w ork o f de- "ikuTTErt-. s^MAlDA VALE G0M)KN MBA HBADCliBBSE. 1 V (yr leOAST from WKI Government ■t 'Si; EjFp ' Ŵ'VV> i M ?i"M Pv H <M' n c n i c H a a M , l b . 1 5 c velM mmit, «nd allw ation of / v ^ . . ' o u n i l a ' Ik «> u n its ; th o ag ricu ltu ra lan d horti- PANCY" *** cultural com m ittee has only 11% ' " -- ___ -- «»• «>* Judges to appoint to, be finished Bon.K|) liAM ., ............ lb. sec with the work of organization; KINNAN HA Pm E. lb............ IS .. ? « "HI|lgll»HI«».WWP» Bulk COCfiANUT, pound ... OATKH. Bulk, CIttm, Fretih Stock.......... 2 Ibu. 15e Cr#Hferit SHORTENING,.... 2 lb*. 2le io- the manufacturing Hcction with its four subsidiaries, pure foods, ihside machinery, outside or 1 ob tainabb, s J At any Ancouvef and P h o n e y s f o r O w o t a t i o WEST VANCOUVER feWI# '■• -fok r e a l s a t w p a c t io n - Phone W est 115 R es. P h o n e ; W e J . T i ^ b j ^ ^ e s t 368L L TD . rei.i,'w>ke<Aia;>iM.w»nTii»nW'ri»̂"¥se« farm' machinery and automobiles is in the middle of a great deal of hard w ork; the livestock uriit '">1 M I8CBM .AN^OU8 W O W B B ^ K t e i - ' & " ^ " " s m i t K e n t r iM ^ ^ ta U ^ tL 'p u b h X com^ shower was given in M aster Karl B u tcher. honor orM Iss Agnes I^'raqn of lMi*EiaALJl'OBACCO mittee has â completely new m ethod'of approach which will . c l a s s i f i e d ; a S s F '< , I 1 ". . I ' I ' 1 « 'tp)'|̂ "" *"Bm.BbI>"r"c i.'iS a * b i? u J 'w S t Yan IJ jw , i k i n n ^ a U ra n lt ,. V- r?g*>"r*w W est V ancouver, a b ride o f , , com ing w eek, by MIs m s B e ia ie H udson and E d ith M elllsh a t t h e hom e o f M rs. C. H. Lawson^ 1827 include large use of newspapers of the^province; the fine arts.(;OMI»ANY O F CA N A D A A G K W "t e "h S FOR RENT -- Modern Cottage part­ ly furnished, nice location; garage Phone West 266X. W EBB'S SH pE WEAR BEST PimdarAv|»A, ' good exhibit; the school board will again take full charge of the Schooi^buHding; the Indian de-"West-"8rd""Avenue,--k*rha+4rooina,!.m-i...* -̂Montreal,. Que., >-June--18; k̂ v/iAw, a/uaauaa, m\; ...̂ were decorated in mauve and Gray Alilltir,--"President of the nartm ent will be bigger than green,"-A"■nhower-~of--atreamera---ImiK r̂ial ~ iobacco Company -of anver conseouent unon active and coming from an umbrella, and Canada, Ltd., states th a t '" 'The 'financial interest of the Domin- -descending into » ^ a u H f u l ^ ^ Ontario flue ;ithe„_Sports., chest, the giift^qf J h e groom s ers are now practically assured consider HANDY ANN SHOPPE Dundaraw. ^ pf^Stehen; PhSy-V esrtfl9R .* "" Wools; Notions; D.M.C.; ^ ^ . Toys; Stationery;, Hardwarej jN a U s ^ --------------T----- -- r r r T T -- Mathers. ' - • .earson. an DISAPPEARED on night of 21st June.*. 2 bantam hens and rooster. Any FOR SALE 'H e ln tm a n " Upright ^ {n̂ nKmnHAn n1/>fl8r> Tihone ' West , . Piftpo: Rnatti;'27fiiV' PKonrt WfiBf. .t(SKY t'information 649R.- ■v plea.se phone W est , Piano; snap«'lt75; Phione W est 38 gifts were presented from the _ a-uicbli v chest by tiny Madeline Mfcrks.* though we' are* still without any w ilLhe hig hprause of The hostesses were assisted in assurance that other manufac- fhp^ nPw'nrosnpHi v whirh has serving^ by. Misses Anne and turer.H will follow out . lead, we come to the iii^Stry. Wilma Clark. The prize winners ̂ have now agreed to meet the re- u ^ of the evening were Mias Pat quest of the growers for a 27c .W om ens Work, which oc- Davidson and Mrs. G, P. Boston average price, and we have given P * ® ® . P ^ ^ ^ SWIMMING AND DIVING.c l a s s e s commencing for July and August. Phone Moljy Edwards, West 436R1. CRAZY WATER CRYSTALS. Phone West 622X. Frfee delivery. ______ WANTED -- Two double bed mat, tresses or twin beds.. Phone West 350X.. -I !\ St RADIO REPAIRS West Van. Radio lilso Mrs. Cora Scott, Jr, Other guests, were; Mrs. C, Cox, Mrs. K. Watson, Mrs. S. Milligan, Mrs, B. Butcher, Mrs. Mrs, Davidson, Mrs. G. Edwards, Mrs, A . Wilson, Mrs. Scott, Mrs, Downham, Mrs. Baker; the Mis­ ses A, Goss, E. Baker, E. MeJlish, B. Mollish, a Mellish, M. Wilson, B. Hudson, N. Hudson, T. Hud- them our definite undertaking in Exhibition's curriculum promis-* m ^ r c e l LE SHOPPE -- Thermique writing to adhere to that basis ®® ^ t t e r than for several permanent Wave without danger of for the .iasd crop, provided they y®ars. ̂ In every department burning Marcel 50c;, reset 8Bc; can secure an agreement from w X 3oT.̂ i520 the same price."* , ^ which will show several THE WELFARE ASSOCFATiBn re- -.......... V. .. new exhibits from the great gold Charley: "Ever see one .of them il6ldsofthepiovin .ee. It is.pro- Service (J. L .,Pettigrew), West 108, 1473 Marine. WANTED r-. Sedan Car; must be late' model in first-cIaBs. condition and cheap fo r spot'caShr'Give full par- ' ^ ' " Neiticulars in writing. iW est Van News. Box ■ A. quires discarded clothing. Phone West 37 and truck, will collect. 'WANTED ■-- 'G ir l '. 'f o ' assist with housework; Sleep , oUt. West 485Y. machines that can tell when a person posod that in addition to using is jying?" the -thoroughbred horses in the Jim: "Seen one? married one." Good Lord, I m h r-ii racing program, a section be organipd forejudging the best animal' under various headings as tojiges and .otherJtems. Not for many years has there been so great interest in the dog and^cat shows and in the former, DUNDARAVE GARAGE0 -1 -• t t y . J ' John Maepherson, Prop. -GAS, OILS, BATTERY CHARGING GENERAL REPAIRS TIRES Cor. 25th and Narine Drive SHANNON'S TAXI-«^PJione North 50 Day or night s e ^ e . Ambleside to North Vancouver General Hospital, $1.25. SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best mat­ erial and workmanship a t Fox's, 14th a t Ferry. _ ' for the organization o;̂ whippet racing as a great attraction to THE GLASGOW HERALD YES. WE HAVE NO BANANAS - That's an old one; but our Stock of J Cigarettes: and-; Tobaccos are always _ Ferry Wharf. p r in t in g i- : F or all kinds oIthe. 2 2 n d S t t e e t . . v e r y . . k i n d l y - a l l o w e d - . " I r i ; ; ? ; ; - " - ! : " ground.s where the puBlic may- ug to look over the 1 6 « h Anni- p h o n e /W e st Van News, West: 36a:comfort versary Supplement of the Glas- ,anci .satistaction. Herald, one of the leading laWN MOWERS SHARPENED with 1 he opening ceremony will be Scottish papers. It is^verv finely axienifti mAPhina. on moieao woaf performed by Hon. T. D: PattuI--------- --------- io, M.L.A., Premier of the Prov- beautiful reproductions of eh- a number Of mS S T m ; ? special machine; all .makes. West Vaaeouver-- Machine-- Shopj--1449- V' acreage -for .saie.?,,fJphn Lawson, I7th and'Marine,'Pfione West 55, Eagle Harbour BAllRAaOUGH'S iRAdlo Service 102 W . 2nd Si. North V&n, FREE ALL WORK _GUARANTEED._ ^ .AERIAU - REPAIRS Phone Nortirx? ince, and arrangements are being gravings of Glasgow, and con- BURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED made for the Premier to deliver tains a mine of information a- "ouses to'Rent..:H6uses, lots, and a special message to the youth bout that city, and the Glasgow of the P*'cvince at t]^ annual Herald, both past and present. Llks and Childrens Flag Day, From a newspaper standpoint ~ Diost interesting part o f the oftJu ̂ s u p p l e m e n t is an exact ireproduo- 11̂ 29th. ' - tion of the. first edition of the ̂ Specially reduced railway and Herald in 1783. It is four pages steampship rates will be in effect set an small handset type ^ d is for the ^ n efit of visitors from largely taken up with tfie.ddngs Parliament and iihe Cabinit, and evei-y facility possible for also of the preliminary peace the entertainment of these vis- terms anent the war S i befnl developed by the waged, by Britain w ith France Exhibition Association. and Spain. -- . GORDON. l^OBSON ■.T Bari|B'^,?~ WEST VAN&UVER-:- OflFice No. 144?; Marine Drive Phone West 403:,.-10, to. 12, VANCOU^B OFFICE^ . Suite 501: 610 Haetiiige St. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. 2 to 6. «» West 366 1542 Marine Drive. W est Van. J WEST VANCOUVER Ratepayers are hereby noUfl^ that taxes must be paid to the Municipal Hall. West Vancouver, on or before June 30th, MJAv 1« order to avoid percentaRe additions.. •K HERRIN. u :x i *■' ' '•f 1 G E O . ^ - H A T in xm-, {f F o r 'Noti^y";SPiii!ic" Real E ^ i e & W a n c e (Established 1912) Phone 1406. M arini Drive i "West 2.1,or jSeymonr Evenihjra JWMt 204X 1260 P re -k ie it # Sale ^ P * Kew Beach • ■ - I - 'J t'-5' i t s i a a f i MANYJ t iV.'.vtv, V I.,'T TO CLEAR j^asim R A D io 37