West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Jun 1934, p. 3

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► 4 */ « ...... . . »!■............. YOUl |%"'w.Vt N«. i j | No. « ' S3t fi'f ' ' "'. B PilLtpWWM̂ n m A V ll ' • ' ii i »'* ' ' " I • I .............................. .. I ir i | [ri . i , n in m | ii j l il ............ i j ■ ;« • » ? '• > . s*'«a4. i ^ P , * - ^ U x$.U m«!imMxd ........... je iMt 0 8uitea.iii> th« FV»rtuiiaJCupJnu^^ at ,I p 8 0 iM iu , . . . , . . a e r ^ w ill Mias Oswald o f WinniiM^ la' , i f i r u ^ r o f 3Ilwr: leavInr u ia K a t ' 12 m idiiiclit. Marino Drive* * . ' ' The R ^nolda Brbtheiw^hiave t ; •ill'll*' FOB UUPENDaBLK ' t " ii.'i DAVE. A N I>E lK §*^ |f l^'vleat V^an<wnverlfepW Phones.i-W ast 69l]b or North 1810, I III ;,|ii-iiii wiiiwwy llll[ll■Mllg|^■^ l.w.l.|jMl>̂ resentative y:'¥'-2 Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Qrafton left for Howe Sound, w h erathey tetum ed on Monday, the 18th will engasre in handioffging; ' .. ~ 0 • * J. G. Cochrane has. moved . ,_ i a y instant*, f ^ m a . tn p to Cape from V aw ouver into th e,G ale son, D o u |d a i; .w .^ e ir why h o m e' house a t Cypress^Parki?r:^;«f^»r they called on their son, William r * * s Grafton, and- fam ily a t Powell ̂ Mrs, Garness o f . the JR o y ^ River,: B. C. They, were accomp- Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton, ^ ^ ....... ............ their daughter-in-law, was the »«e8t^yer^the w eekend I. 0 . ' "Mrs. Bf]B.:<jrraitonand grandson "Of Mrs. T; M r ' M c I ^ n r ' P ^ T^n|inyf'#*tw**«i*#jw?̂ ««*«<>»«'i"»I * - B e l l e v u e T^Avenue. " *• fpp mm f • , ' < - I I..... 'Your -escriptions Promptly Delivered- ■ J The Stwe;ef'BeiPtliavu- 14SS Merlse Drive ' Weit 87 or West 607 J (After 10 p.m.) The Duncan Lawson Chapter* rnî , Erfifftr e , e. [.O.D.jE., have p t e a s ^ m ^ ̂ Calvin W inter, who recently Mrs. HoIdswoHh * p d daug^^ louncing that Mrs. r a u L o ^ Dear S ir:-- ^Perhaps the finest purch^ed th e WUHamson house , ters o f Palo Alto, Cal., are v is it las graciously accepted them m- / nur recent May Day at 26th and Bbllevue Avenue, is m g in W est Vancouver.' itation to celebraiiohs was. the w idespread, haVing> cpnsidefable amount of ' [arden Party on community;effort' that they call- work done, on:the grounds, the garden8..of..Heevou ? .vAvty tytotit. « » 0 Miss Madge Farmer, 2307 - A , '" T**® ' ed f o r f f i . ' V S y ' * M e v u e Avenue, left here on , ,d Mrs, I^yland. . gave.gonerously o f tiiM , money, b ut perfected for a d e ligh tfu l, ori/j thftt mir smi'iniv P. fn which thfl booths, enter- \ ? r 'BJ'i • ;i,fj 'fWi t . f h 4̂ ' I I * r J '■■ ■' "U " 'i I? Stratton's BAKERY BREAD All P A K PTC Homo u A I M l O M a d e PASTRIES ■ ALL KINDS OF FANCIES 1468 Marine Drive Phone W est 27 The mun have had Monday for a trip to the Old f( te, at which the Iwoths,' enter- . m ight come t6 success. two dressing rooms and a large by her uncle, who is returning inmcnt, On .behalf of, the-W est Van- fireplace for picnic parties. to E nglm d from a trip around ;i ns will be more pleasing, t ^ couver May.Day, Committee, and ' • • • » the world and has been viriting i\|er. ---------- paperfm ay I thank all those cm - Gordon A venue, have as their ! * * ' "Zena^who'contributedififlnpiwself-^^uestsrtheformer's brother and' Mr.~and Mrs.- L. Mi . Peel o f ishly, both by donation and per- ;Wife,. Mt, and Mra. John Pincher Creek, A lta^ are t^cupyi ■ sonal. aerVice,. to„the, success o f Pa^hjo w ith their family, of La- mg a suite at our M ay'DaV functions. combe;.Alta." * fj^n. - ̂ ' Hollyburo Thieatre FRIDAY and SATURDAiY June 29th and 80th JL-SEECK. Pri^prietor , Shcet?rt M'tetaJ::;'-;: W o rk s MARIB DRfiSSLBR a i^ LIONEL BARRYMORE In " Her Sweetheart" Philip C. Chapman . General Insurance* A gen t' ̂ Fire, Automobile, Burglary, Accident and SiekruMs, .ete*:: ̂ .2557 King's Are. Phone ,Wi:42YS - T TTGT Tw r» i-f*T»tortr\trcs ' A son was boim last Friday a t Miss Nina Hunter o f Prince iih ibL m D. G. BROOI^, the Vancouver (Seheral Hospital Rupert, "is the guest o f Captain Wr I tr Secretary, to Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Edgar o f i and Mrs. , Douglas W. Graham. - W est V^ncou^ver West Bay. 2128 BelleVue Avenue. 'May Day Committee, . . ♦ *, * , * 'e * " ■ . MONDAY and TUESDAY^" July 2nd and 3rd THE RED WAGON A. Edwards, manager of„the Mr. Tait iF ^ u ttin g quite an Fraser V alley. Milk Producers' addition to his house at 27th ahd iti: VERNON FEED S tO iE l A. C. SEARLE Phone W ^ t r Fertilizers of All Kinds Crraftoii -- Pettingell . .r . A,( wedding„ o f interest to a Association,', has moved into a Bellevue Avenue. , host o f,'friends' took place on , house a t Cymress Park. * * ♦ . Saturday; June,16th; in th e Indi- ; • , e , ♦ , Mrs. J. f^ e r g u s s o n , F.T.C.L., church on Quadra Is- _̂_ Mrs. 1 Harry TVrell, Jr., and Gold .Medallist, has opened her --land;: gevr-Freem an " officiating,- her sisteV, MisTDoyrie Green 6 f studio--overMTfiiylmim P o s r 0 3 ^ "When Dorothy Anna -Pettingell;""" l^attle, W ash'./are spending a- fice, where she will-teach Elocu- also RUBINOFF and Hla Orchestra Special Ham In j fhe News-- Floating S^sono^Narrows Span in position. MATINEE MONDAY ( if It rains) . -WBDNESDAY^&" THURSDAr Wood, C M Builders* SuppIiiM daughter , o f Mr. and Mrs; E , holiday a t Point-Atkinson Light- tion, Public Speaking, Singing -Pettingell o f Cape Mudge L ight- "housev They were joined a t the French Classes, house, was united in marriage w eek-^nd'by H a iry O ^^ll, Jr., • , to D^Vid Douglas Grafton, son Carney Tyrell and M isi Audrey Pat Grady, J.. A. Matheson,- of{,M^. andHMrs. T. D. Grafton Wheaton o f Vancouver. Val. O'Grady and Nat. Cosby oL Point' Atkinson Lighthouse. ♦ * . ♦ have le ft for Barclay Sound fol- They were attended by Miss Dr. F .'Stainsby's fine new 31- lowing the salmon run and will Edna. P ettingell/ sister o f th e foot cruiser "Patom ar/' which. SQ on to Queen Charlotte Is- bride, and Mr. Donald Latham he has had built a t th e back of lands. They expect to be fishing of N ew W estminster, B. C. A fter his property, was successfully for four or five months.-.N ________-----r-_-----?i -- -T-------r- .------n ---- --------------------- * - * ---------- <j -- - July 4th andl 6th 'Search foi; Beauty' also ' Wharf Angel' th a ceremony: a reception^w ^ launched Monday" morning from Be K .W .S a ^ e i $ held a t-th e home of the bride's Ambleside j^ ach and proceeded Mrs. Dean of *'Shoredene," parents a t Gape Mudge L ight- under her own power to F isher- Dundarave, w ith her sister, Mrs. .TirVlfnl.-' m a n a4-i'a-nA^A" 1%vv T ;4 .4 .1 'Y!,..,!. 04 ...X ..mU-.. 'FTlint'Ol* -Qn01nf> a -̂IVVIA /\v\:,hqus^ whiĉ ^̂ ̂ was_ attendedljby __ man's Cove.__Little F a t ̂ ^tainsby_._H^aM^ ^ e n t a short t ime on mn«v/' j*^Iatives_ and friends, christened her and her, brother- Newcastle- Island, going on 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside . / Phone W est /340 ; Evenings, W est 143 many' r e la t iv e and . friends. _________ _____________________ . , „ „ They are spendmg their honey- Martin unfurled the flag. Tea- Captain Hunter's ship, "S.S. moon̂ ̂on their bpat the '^Aleetha r o e . and Son, u s in g ' a special Princess- M arguerite." 'M;":in northern waters; .. cradle constiructed "by them , took ........ . -- -- --------------- the cruiser from Dr. Stainsby's BAND, NOTES 0 . E. S. , property along Marine Drive to - _ _ , . .. Ambleside Beach, where she . The ;Sch<^I BandL will carry on TEAROE & SON Concrete Contractoirs Cement Floors Garden W alks Lily Pools Gravel and Cement V 1474: Phone Marine Drive W est 84 Listings Real Ekthti Miss Fannie McCleery has floated clear on the rising tide. *^pring the? summer under the been re-elected for a fifth term * - direction of'H arry "Hilts, one of o f , office-as Grand Treasurer, o f The effect of the opening of ^^"couyei^s well known musici- the'/Order o f the Eastern Star, the Second Narrows Bridge was ans.- The-,boys wilL again go to A^si^ R../MacVean was also ap- seen last Sunday, w hens& eam s fam p during^ the last tw o weeks Tiointed to a committee in con- o f cars used the Marine Drive. aii -- -- m e c ^ n with the Grand, Chapter. The resorts in the west' had. a ; ' ' ........"" ' busy day. ' " .^>po'-^Not Ask Questions I % * ♦ *, ̂ ^ .Cu^iner .(pointingr to Chinese Mrs. Prowse and daughter, ^chaiacters on laundry ticket): "Is who have been renting a Suite in ■ : Chffl[, SSSfcym an^'No,,'MUptioi... Jh® Fortune Clip Inn iuOT^. to 'Means IFl ol' man, cross-eyed, no the City on Tuesday, but; Will re- t e e tv n . i turn a t th e beginning^'o f Sep- in August. AH - members are asked to be a t the High School on FViday a t 10 o'clock when a definite program for the summer will be drawn up. WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works Phone. W est 89 FiimaM and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners SOFTBALL ' Customer: "Er--thank you.'- tember. 3900 MamieD^ Bertha *L Campbell, P h o n e W e s t 3 4 3 X 3 l^ew Beach Hathing, Boating, FisMng ' jSnmmer Cottages^; Mai^ihe'Dr. *West Vancouver ;M iheral. Spring- on. the-rpropprifer: e *-- * James Murray of Vancouver, jC. J. Overington ipiONEES BARBER Expert Work 14th and Marine Phone W est 135 Beryl Traish, aged 14 years, In the only gam e played dur­ ing. the past week, W est Van. Lumber m et and defeated Seeds , . w* fo 4. Bus Young playing moved Tuesday into one o f the f®*" . Burley cottages a t. 28th and t®am to make -i 4, tt n u Waterfront for the summer. 2. o f their 4 runs when he con- a form er /p u p il o f Hollybum * ♦ ♦ . • . nected for a home run with a School, passed away in the city Miss Kathleen W enmoth i s ex- . . . on W ednesday of la st week and pected- home th is week faom-.the ■ A m b i S ." '.® » « ; V Park when Seeds .p l^ Free- pathy/rf their many friendsInterior. Ml*. W right of Altamont.: haa F lashes, the winner of will go - out \ Mr, and Mrs. " . T n i f i v 4 - 1 . M __1 ^ ' - --left for a short v isit to.Bdm on- .^^van^ into the ^ a is h , who ^ ev io u s f o moving ton. ' , playoffs and m eet W est Van. to.. Vancouver,* resided,, a t 19th ' ̂ . * * * p ; . , .L . ̂ ^ n d Marine Drive. There will be a. mdtiiiea, a t QUAN.i(iiiaMimOT^ ............................................................................ iTrinity - > HdUybiinr Theatre* o h ,Monday, i f i t rains. Mrs. Gerald Lancaster / . ed on Monday to ,h er ,h o m e a t ̂ ' ' 2257 Piilton Avenue;Vfi*chi';iS^ ? j;: Paul's Hospital, bringing /w ith " Tier her baby daughter. / ̂ 1, CANADIAN legion q/^RlSnV A L d o m i n i o n d a y AMBLBSIDE ' ,PABK Invite your Friends in idwri to spend the day in W est Vancouver at the LEGION GAKNIVAL «*!*« . * l s m t' * '̂4 'f H \ T|f i l|i»k I r '"f" • V ' i h o■âM Hi h> m!-■**» V.}I 1U/ y ' /S'. V ' ' A ' : . ' 'V ■ % f I 4 i cf ,iP• ! TT i ■ V 'S. _ r