West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Jun 1934, p. 2

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ŜMSf i w'- BmiAiĵ ftMTVtOM %ltU M « T*« JWIU m imii'OiM#^i iin c iir^ " ^ ............ BUrtattm * Vtoltm m l l ? 4-̂ M iJ«t*. Csvsliere noUgtB, Pow- Voimif >!«»*• i0M »A f EVBWIWa at 7tM Hriirlit T«ttowde|^#f»* ilif 0K 8»A v/iIIlr*< •* » Pr*y-ei* **SI» PubI'* £ l b ^ !• tlM UOBUUU. o ♦ f ,i, ft-,-. # n Or«Atttji'Mi m . STEPHEirS CHUHCH fir©itt>-'*'^' ' K e e to n . t,.< , ^ Ij*P^S*-^'gS»« Bev. R A. Ranuwy, L.8.T. •iiPSf'* **': l i w i ^ a t t e t . te fle t: il:S0 w , SpJtdayf July 1* 1934. ■ Subjects SC IE N C E " f ■' iw a s GrrtcTivE fRioAV and PIKBAPPLB ijIlCK tibby*» SPAqHKTri - Ubby*«, 15 # il iir ¥ 'M A N l'^ Wbby% N< CSKBBNBBANS Prid« of R C ; 3® V̂A v̂ji- S5c SttiMlcy Sebool ct 10:00 «.«. TsitisMwy Mestliig WednoicUy * e t ' l i l l pJB. PtSk SALMON -- Prid. of R . . VECSTTABLE or TOMATO SO O P^;,5& I^3..U SiS?l& '^^^ Ubbr'. noi- Libbr'A'S («. >'■ /'io , '* '.• 'i; t»it,i. • " ' CATSbl' MUBTAIID i Th# pttbUe if cordially in­ vited to Attond (Our aervlcon end meettoier.," " «oS tiMfr m * July l»t, Dominion Day*fe6tb . d ir bii» #m * S^ fwwb- sjoo tt.m.--Ho!rCciminunlono ^ "-'g-..JJ»*Jia 1 0 * n ; 1 6 a .m ^ u n d * y School I |i' bi popplif 11"" t i l l s H.iTir--Iloly Communion dt ' ' S S r l T f e . t e S „ o n * ^ ^ ^ & e d t e y ! . ST.-PAIM CIA'S SCHOOL Church of the Transfigfur- The pupih of S t Patncia ,v..' ■ atloh; 7:15 p.m.--Evensong aAd Ser- giving.and tea on Tuesday, ^the ̂ mon. Preacher, The Bey. 12th inataht^ tin the - United A. F. T. Holmes, Domiri- Church H ^ L The color scheme ion Padre of Toe H. chosen lo r the occasion was pink Friday. June 29th, St. Peter's and w h lte -^ v e r y summery ef- Day -- 10:15, Holy-Corn--- fecE belng-a^leved-Jjf-the^^ munion. o f big boughs of American pijly* Auxiliary School roses . which outlined the plat- 11th and Inglewood form, These same with the help Sunday ASchobl, 10 a.m. of talL pink tapers, served^to St. Francis-fn-the-Woods, decorate the very pretty tea Caulfelld I.B.C. SlNnVflCH BISCUITS,. ^ 1 pk«. MUFFETS and FLAKBS___::,.„.Jbotli ioc arj witirpraof, and will not hana thi Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 154# Mafia# Driva ----- For-appolntittttiiti PHONE WEST 117 1 liberal aample QUAKlu^^pruM s ^ "CHipSO -- 1 amaU parkago free w |^ ^ i l a r g a p l ^ ^ ^ SOAP ^ P. & <3*. White NapOia C/IjASSIC ......... rfw ./llc COCA COLA --f,6 bottles In haiid"bai.V**f»t*'»Wwbii|4*:#A^j^^^ CORN FLAKES (fu io u iM 'iU c W* r«i«rvi th* riflit to limit quantlUoi.' ; DISTRIBUTION (JNITBD CHURCH W I T H O U T W A S T E evening throughout Juiy, Notice of these w ill; be,;g|yep through ENO'S FRUIT SALT Still 79 Cinta ' The, United Church Sunday the pre^ss. . , . School will hold their picnic on ; ------- table and the whole was a de- Saturday afternoon at Amble- ' LIFE SAVING CL^SSII JlhllL*.A<gM*l ,n..wEH JM.dl>Al««b « « Nik V« . . 'iX . - . ... * .J ._. ...... t- ....'.̂ .... 1.J #111... -I . 1 t' 1.,̂ _. . ..,:. ^Waaipala'i Ora^ gall# ' I |*^Sunday, 3 p.m,--Evensong and lightfui^ setting-for such a fes- side beaqh. There will be the 60e iiid fl.00 Aodratr'a Liver. Salt , 85 ceaia and 6# eenta A W tE S lO E -P H iU N iitr W. L. EBB, Prop 1401 Marini Dri?t PbonuWiitS2S ; FREE DELIVERY OR. G, O . H. S E A L E D*D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST Kay Ql^lt. 14th and Marini Dr. Heura 9 to # p.m. E»anlnga by a ^ ln tm e n t Pbona, Waft 72 E. GALLANT. a c „ CHlROPBAiCroR 2414 Marino Drive, Dundarave, Monday: Wedneaday A Friday Evenlnga. 6;80 to 8.80 p.m. Vancouver Office; 718 Robaon Seymour 8700 WOMEN I 11 •v.#nftbinK *iw» H »*tnf«ga(cli«rt)^or lU m e^ Co. Ratabliahed on North Shore , 20 Yeara. <Lady Aaitatant) HARRON BROS: & WILLIAMSON fulirrai Sifretora North Vanc^ver. Parlors Sermon, Preacher, Rev. tive occasion; - usual sports with swimming con- , A Life Saving. Class is being II Canon Hedley. ' The proceedings opened with tests. Parents will bring well- formed. Any girl w ishing to join The annual choir picnic was a short entertmnment by the fiHed baskets. The program will please be at* Dundarave Pier held at Whyteclilf Park on Sat- pupils, which included action begin at 3 p,m. next Sunday a t 9:80 ,a.m. ::^i^ayT-The-afternooA wasJipeht " sbngSjbXth5iittle;^ik^nder in sports.- baseball and swim- direction of Miss m pgj. „g'xt Sabbath a t ' Near-sighted Old Lady: "Look ming. Following supper the rec- and songs rw ĵjg morning service. Members there's a dear, old-fashioned girl tor on behalf of the choir pre- older pupils. There were a so jp arrange to be pres- H er dress buttons, all the way sented Mrs. F. X. Hodgson with several pteno numbers by g„t/. ' up the back." , , ' * a beautiful leather purse, ex- o r Mrs. Arrangementsjare being made Her Daughteri ' "."Nonsense, pressing the hope that she would ^ o ^ n X « Special Services each Sunday mother. That's her' backbone." reconsider her resignation as were presented by Mrs. Dallas -------------------- ;________________ choir director. Perry of Vancouver, who was _____________ _ presented with a bouquet by IIAPTIST CHURCH Delyn B a n y on behalft of, the Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys P^PiJs* ^ h o ^ meriting the a- ______ Sundav-Jidv-lalr-;_______ wards were;------------------- -- -9r45Tinn;===®anday^Scl^^-------_^Senlor-Hroficipncy--=--Barbar^ 10:00 a;m,--Adult Class, .. A w 11:00 a.m.--^Morning Worship. Jocelyn f"i fEagle Picnic Grounds7~Tenhis Courts, -T«a-roomBr-Sandy-EeacheSr^ Cottiiges for rent " « j Inre.-'. *,<«■,I . HEWETT AUCTIONEERS H O N E* N O R T H 8 9v-' (f > / i-.-'-.t .-i'*. V... • .j The Politeness ---.Peggy Marshall. S u S ir ° ; n l r X m l X close of the morning service, 'SJJJS w T»yir.i.r.tm m e t t t ^ D o n a m S L . ' 8:46 p d S .'-- .YounB People's f ri"®"'® Psrnwr. several h ^ U h t d " " (if wet) in the Church projects, sewing and per- s^'^^icT Women's Mission Circle until Icindergarten - l y - : - I D t h ^ ^ r t h e r - ^ ^ ^ , - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ Mrs. JohiT Redden and Mrs. J. , Haydn Young, while the seniors acted as serviteurs under the direc­ tion of Carolyn Marsh. . The little folk had a party , of itheir ' own in a gaily deitorated room adjoining. Among the invited guests w^re: Reeve and Mrs. J. 3 . l^yland, Rev. and Mrs. Hillis F R A N K R IV E R S fo r nSH - EGGS - CHICKEN - BUTTER -Local guaranteed Local Spring -- L„----------- 2820 M arine Drive Phone W est 4I0L L A PAIR of SILK STOCKINGL..$1.50 notice wKI be given later. ST* ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 28rd A Inglewood Ave. F r l^ t in Charge. Rev. W; J. M ilky, Residence: 2323 Inglewood. Ave. Residence Phone W est 240R. i-? ' -■*-... 1 I . Siitiday Services----------- 122 W est Sixth Street Vancouv^lParlors I Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair* 134 Not T h it Far [Along "H a ^ ^ o ^ a ^ ^ c h ild re n . Jonca?'» . . daughter»,'î Itw with you at home?" ioy*ro still ain«!e.»"Not yoL Thu B i THE W est Van Niews IhlUifIlid Bvtry Thuraday PttSSbr F .'P*, L 0V E 6R 0V B Phone West 863 Bualnaai and JBditorial Offlca; » . ITtli and Nhurise Drivle , - (Next to Hotiybarn P.O .) Phone W est 363 P. 0 , Box e ii HoUybam* R C N etd :y « ie b e ro F O m ee : 123 Lonsdalp Ave, Low M a ss__8'45 s m Wright, BeV: and Mrs. F. Ram- High Mass and Sermon --- 10:46 Mr ' - Gatechiam and Bible Class--3 :00 ̂ j ^ d d p n Benediction^7.-80 Week«day Services Mrs. B. Good, Mass, daily -- 8 a m Mrs. A . E. Mor- Howden. Mrs. A, l^ iw dteU w , Roaary, Confes- a**?' f " ** , , _ i - __________ Stuart Cameron, UNEMPLOYED ASHV ?&!• one monTHS ELECTRII SEftUICE ster, - Mrsr- Blanchflower." Mrs: u IL90 a year ^r^irtier: |£ba a year - .,hy mail; . ^ rs. iverr, J irss in thB liMHoB H*n »V s ' ., ™ " .'■«• Baini Miss Flor-u) tne. le g io n Hail ^ . 8 p.m. ence Edw»ards, Miss Lojran - • <t V i ? ' 1 ' - ' t - •" i. THUROTAY. 3aly Wh. *t BUS p,m. to THE LEGION HALL " li:-';.' > - j-': . A to fcsiM . S!5 Cents " " ' ^ ,. P , ' Lovetrrhvft n HtVER WtHT UP - LanNuiM Proceeds to aid ot. "LecsLChniities: - Many Voncouver homes r idô not poy 08 much for eleĉ *c service os the lady of the house pd)̂ for hosiery. ♦- The overetjgê cpst 1sâS tfb a* * i 1 d* â'- '*'* i/-r'.t-vV" „ • * - -*>etyi7iuuuii/ ironing* r o o io ond so forth, ond th o i^ * trf tafflihet,espec!ally;na^^^^ dp nbl pay this muck; Vi^lEI^Ic •w'ce is inde«d e h P ' amallesE items ̂ 'yow kouseholdoi ^ ® 8 *r>oi 'V - ; 't-T 5̂ ■ ■ .1; BUTiTHistoMEDowH OLUMBIA ELECTRIC ■< * <' _ a m s'mm-'m 'MM ip i SiSi tLMi I f"'- . .... s f f iP l iS i i iyr ' WMS ' *->1 ' e ̂ J4 1 ' . / ■■■ lis ' yy- /--'y' ' si " it®m •■' - »̂ k'l JL'd aiiss