West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Jun 1934, p. 1

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■1 ;:r-'#F.',ŝ | f ■ .-4̂ jpRiSj • > *a« . t CircuMn, 11.00 per ye«r« \, • 1 Dundaravt ▼ • . • A 0 ■ M.IX B ttR N P.O ;. W EST VANCOUVER.' B.C., TH U R SD A Y . 5o per copy a t newaaUiida* t .............'" ......... ■SSSSBBSS!^^ H 9 3 4 • - j- » -iiNfêH'«- '« | '̂ if -i PAY YOUR TASaa A ■,iii I niOTfiliiiMiiMiiii ]i M •«. The wifutor date o f e « |# y f « t h ( i ' , p ^ o f taxeafiB im [E REEVE WEST VANCOUVER, R C. JUST TO REMIND COUNCIL NOTES Y' mwt their tax' bUls'hy:that o a te ; - ' ' ' - " '■' *' ; :• -' " * % h iK e n e r a l oonditionajn Gr^tgJ^'Vancouver cannot wnuw B. A-K-tn «rAtt<M ••'t^A'rSocond Narroyrs im f a s s s s :> s s is im ^ ** s s * * ' " 'S € ' "^ntB this year renyjfaB '^ S h f unem ployn«ent;rd*^;^' W Tthewage scale auth9J:W ^3®^«Y'sH " To meet these dharstfes-adtWe) „r»icM wTtLut which' Wehfc,Vancouver m ust w S from the status of the>mOst u p ; ^ a t e sectionSCCnCi 4 ii,_ jr.K'foininfr »«! 'J* JlAftlfftl The Carnival is th e best A t the present time the tax- for a good time on July Jt. The council passed a resolu*! le tion suggesting to the Harbour m ihieteir'frbm' in; the .which is fou r/jim ss the normal E verw ep , aluminum .; . .u w w » have floated substantial bondss doubt. jau ah tiiy JlisddJlThe Reason for hams, electric lamps and nmnte^ issues for Marine Drive made, ; ic ip f W a n ^ ^ - ' ih r s ^ necessary when the bridge was splits financial path the exceptionally dry weather souvenir of July 2nd a t the Can- first constructed, and that a ■■■• •••'■ - ih e y e a r adJan Legion Carnival., |arge portion o f the bridge tolls >: b • ■' i" H s 1,4,* . \ ... "' "■ ' Ci-Vk „ ',Y t rlr- is unp) ©'••'©XCCL ^government.,, , since the.begifihing cTf the ^---------- -------------- ---------- t o , an4 .|he ! ■'which hah l e l f f t t l e snoyr, on the , ^ e Bran Tub Is being .filldd is derived from motorists t i w e l - .. . , ,,j.,, .the Increase, mountains, andia limited amount with a bamsl o f good thlngs, aad Img to and fro from W est Von- '■ ,^-X •(?! i of .w h ier",1n r» 'creeks. Other thelladies o f the W.Av ais'fW4Jr. couver. . . . ' ' ■■ 'T, '^.aatW elLa& . ali^thpM ior^m^ , reasons, are,: dficourse, the ad- to serve real hot dogs, etc.,,Ote,' W est\V anc6uver'm ust eventually de- dltional new^hdlhles and gardens' 'The Carnival Circus Bahd | thd m ost up-to-date i^ction o f Greater ' which ate bisih^'ideveloped. all primed up with music read:idevelope tS ii iv e r to the conditions obtaining inVa back Settlement, The C ouhcfllias n o f enforced to fead the public t o j i day £ ? S s t - - not taxes, but paid :̂ ^̂ ̂ . the ' ........................ taxes, the , acid te s t o f a strong community spirit, .gpr; is The council passed a resolu­ tion urging the provincial gov- |i I •« f* 'f* ti " ' ' l%4/ ' '5 "f ; i s '•i ernment to include thO ow ning irln any "have caused 'West'-Vai wateriby^Uw which calls for excitement and fun. ̂The cocoa- of the Garibaldi Highway In any sprinkling, houira from 6 a.m. to huts will be nesting in;their pups construction program contem- !e ̂ ru st that our. believing tIm tT i reasonable dis- Poker game is a gO^.^ one. ployment. The council stated as . p.rAHriti iH iiRAd'̂ aiio.h rpfl+.Hp>.ionfl Housie-housie games, o f 'Which their opiropinion that-i|uch an und- loat ertaking would not-dnly provide l e g io n NOTES :'.V., flower gardens e of the f Com'. L e w is andf' 4 n <UJ•i V sp ĥt* .> Grant M acNiil Of Ea r r l Yl YY hour, was chosin? as the C.C.F, candidate for the North Vancou­ ver Riding in the next' fe d e ra l' ... election at an-open'Conventtofi :-~ -^ ti.# am irirex tiS im d av "B rtrW lrr-q ^ iia rt^^ HOLLYBURN H A L U ,, ,.^v.«v.y. Because tlie % hcU do n o ti^ ish to disepur^ Sunday; School and T< ■ i-AW will be on hand to receive' 8d|f- V t -f next night. He was a delegate from bright the North Shore branches Of the . ,^u,cbim erye: the '.imtui^ water testim onies from the yoiing mem L ig iin at~the' Legion Conven- to tion in Ottawa There was quite ' '"Out of inenibers laS OToon at. the Capilano -'View ■•.J^'aursday). A fu ll attendance ed"'d S 7 ^11 t o ^ i a t T t h e Cemetery when a service was. as,requested. ~ .justice o f th is a p W l. *nd i t is made at th is timedbecause o f the fact th a t tw o m onths ,of dry this spring and' Bible study on St. a t the recent Portland Conven- to the Romans. ̂ tioh. RECITAL BY PDPIW-fljP DOSS'<MAR6ARET MeINTYRB COSTUME RECITAL BY PUPILS OF MRS. CLARA WILSON AND MISS HILDA WILSON, A.T.C.M. ; ! Ji , i fŷ The pupils o f Miss Margaret lilcln tyre will give a recital ~'rr"r --weatherY-are _priicted.J„ Please, A costume recital, will be given at 8:16 p.m. . tomorrow do your share inrm aldng n g id (Friday),, by the pupils of Mrs. Clara Wilson and Miss Hilda . Hall;^assisted by B etty Blair Mrs. GoSn MacLeah. There^- »/A'i > ' 4 ft'- M •4 t, The program is as follows: VIOLIN ENSEMBLE--Theme .......YY........ _______..............., Schubert Y alse \ ..............................................Y-...-. Brahms ' Marjorie Murray, Ylrene Griacey,,Charlie Miles, Nancy Rudolph, John jThygeseh, Jacli^Howdle, Jessie Davies, Patty Weedeli, George Brealey,"Buth W illiam s, Molly . , . /R ^ v e:t -1 -,, EAGLE H A R S& tm Eagle Harbour is how open for the sWson. Visitors, will find there a sheltered bay with pic­ nic grounds, sandy-beaches, ten­ nis courts,- bathing, fishing, cot- .tages for rent, tearooms, and . -The following is the programs - . Eighteenth Century Music-- ' , H a n d e l.......................................... ................... ............ . Minuet in B Plat ^ . Olive Bobbins German'CompOMrs-- Schumann .................. ................... ................................. "Soldier's March" 4.,̂ ' . V' Clifford Hill Burgmuller ................................................................................ * "The Chase" B illy Hill ' «.r' ,,Peter. AjQlfr' . VIOLIN--Lullaby :....... Y......Y........ ;...YYY:Y.:....:........ .̂........... ' ' Bill Gracey ...........Buck boats for hire, also ampleT)ark- -ing-space-for-cars; at-the- shore, t. Ellmenreich ..................................... .................................. "Spinning Song" ' - Elsie Robbins Jungrmann........................................................................ "Will of the W isp" Margaret W hite s ' Russian- KEW BEACH PIANO--|Rock a Bye Baby Sleep S o n g .....,,...Y.Y..,.YY.L'.........................................Gaynor ' ' - K arganoff.................................■/.»--....... ......................... ............ "Scherzino" Catherine-jHirst Norwegian-s-- u i J ' i - j , -i% 44YYM fe • • r'f. (Beginner's 'Clasi ?T." Snelgrove), JUNIOR ^ S E N lb it GRADES . VIOLIN-Cojicertante i n , G Y .... Y....' M olly Glen Ruegger 2 ,__ . ........... Koelling Y " ............Borowski PIANO--Rbapsbdie Mighonhe";" . ,x - Doreen _ VIOLIN-Rustic Dance;..........:......... ' - ' (^o rge Breatey PUNO--(No. 6) Valse Suite-..:.....!..::;...... :......:..... Coleridge-Taylor : P a tty Weeden - ' - VIOLIN-Polish Dance - ...:.....^::...:;....Y.......Y.. J........... Severn V- 3 Jessie D a ^ s ' - ' .EiEcellcnt fishing; mid boating !?{ S M •••'..........................; .....................'"(hf w " can be obtained aC.Kew Beach,.. . ............................M i'ute-lw " - " " ' ' a secluded bay ill the w est eiid Bohemian-- _ ' r * of the municipality; A sandy Dvorak ................................ nn^n t̂v ................... "Humoresque beach, bathing, ahd ̂ individual ESurfish-- " Dorothy Sharman .. dressing rooms, summer cot-. " (a ) Grainger .......... ........Y.................;........................... "Country Gardens" jb) O'Cohn'df-^Morris ..... "Album Leaf" ly<T Mi' y iV:l ; y ' i>><: 0 ,d h'l) y tages^fdr r ^ t r t e a r ^ also e: mineral spring on :the property. THE BY-ELECHON Colonial-- (a) A letter ...i.......................... Joan. Sharman / f Intermezzo Clayton ............ .................... ............................................... Grand March ̂ B etty Blair A t th e nominating eontention last night Mrs. R. R B teeyes.w as elected to represent th e C.C.F. Duet .. Vocal Solo--̂ ,, ̂ (a)̂ 5?'^?®.....i....... ■,0, , n » • » • • • • • • • » 0000 Joan and Dorothy -Sharman- ~ "Lachtaubchen" f'. I ............. 0 0000 0»M 00 0 0 l/0000rm m ¥00*000 000000 0' "The Lamb" ^^Spring Song'!nartv in the forthcom ing prov- , (b) Gluck ............................ ........................................ "Spring So - J n c ia lb y -e lc c t io b C c h v ^ ^ ^ ^ A » s t r i . « - ■ t ' ' „ ■ ; MB i^mndale H Mozart arian-- ....... .. 0̂ *̂»0*00l00.m00000S0000'0m000.000000 Fantasie in D Minor Margaret Dickinson•> '̂■2' VIOLIN ~^SH6re. - i > I t i s r ep o rted . t h a t M c K e n z ie ^ _______ _ A ™ .a«Ie ' J fa th e so n o f C a u tt^ ld , i . . . . ' . T h e ,e l e c t io n ^ . - U k e l y . t e f e ». Vocal W - . , , - n , . .™ seller" n e x t ' 'n3onthi-'^"-'̂ "'"'""'"*""-;*""""'f""'̂ - Dfeam%)06i*er^3' •I " . ' 0/f f000» 000 000 00 0' ■00 0»00t00.000:*00000»000004m000*000»00̂0000 0000'•0.000:00000000410004000̂ Jean Hill Marche MighbjntieY is another .prospective who m ay surprise ' electora. ' .'., , , " Dorothy .Greenwood • / irpnse the - Modem-- - . . . ' ' ^ ( a ) Macdowell ...................-.......................................... ____________ ____-M ar^retyD fcldnson ,,,,^___________________________ ... ' ...-.■:.... Y______ fb) B c h u b e ii....... >«*•r00*m000»00m0< Dotothy Greenwood ...."Cradle Song" i S T •* 1. i M 1 ̂ "StUIhoAmut̂ X Accompanist, 0000'mm*m000 00004»00*0»̂»*rf̂ f:.**TT-.'̂ £l fFoYF#®Lovegruve' ■; ' ' .. - ' Y ' .......... "Shadow Dance" ' " ^•00m000000m0000000000000000m0:.:, ----- . S r S S ' 'H - " , ... ,..... . r i .