MftiWWWI t ■anwfj * - -» - ̂ »■. ŵ K> ».|M > Nk f >.4«»*lfWC« P ilo n e W4M(f 44 »*»M-l*-*>il!lW-W*̂^ iU B C H fiS OF CHRIST#-•**' ■* 'smmmSi ' SfrV'EKSBriN-' CLUDIMG m a n , E \ m i ^ B Y ATOMIC P O K C tr is the J W|» ̂• whfch will he read |n allO riit . Scieny«t,'On Sunday* JTune 24. ;fifii« ' & £ w ^ ............................................................ . CNMUirt#'yitwwtwi# BeUtDATBB <.«̂> *. J 'iiî 8BRK0DKII WHRAt yUPFKO WHEAT Ei^utar. Orta faat €ari«l«i fk i tie' IM « WWU 8 IMOHETri,'*jtt^ ̂ r Cliaaa# A Tomato «a«e#* 2 Una ll« CORN BEEF „ .........;38 tliw Ifa Hood Qaatitŷ -Mmjjt. 4 ttna. (Iftabar CORN FLAKES, 2 l^to, 2Se Nabob BTKAWIIEKttyjAM ̂ ^ N#w P ack .... .. . ... 22 Of. Jar. 27* . The Gdlden'Text isi **To us P hone W est 370 2 Ito.VBANIJT BUTTER 214: INJT HO AST from Prime Beef, Ib J2c . W E I K K H S i b , j l » * . c o n AGK KOLI/.S. Floeat duality l.^er' lb av, ; 22e PKMC HAMS, per Ib .............. I5e BOMIGNA, per Ib.................... iSc FINNAN UAimiK, per Ib......... Ifte llOII.Ki) HAM, per lb. .............. 40r M>B0TKU PASTE, Beaver, tin l ie Red A White SHRIMPS , _ Wet br P r y ........ t............».' ti« tie Nabob CIIKAM OF MUSHROOM*- SOUP................ ............... . tin II*. Aunt Mary'a COFFEE ■ ^ Good duality ................... . Ib. 29e CANNING SPECIAL CEHTO. K oa. iMtttle.......................26e lied /t VVtiHc KUBIJER RINGS 2j>»ckeh JSe PAIG»\\ AX, 1 Ib. rarton, 2 crartoiia 25c Aylnur rOMATOKS, tall 16 ox. tin 7c NalMib HKD PLUM JAM, 4 lb. tin 35c o f whom » re all things, In Him." a Corinthians 8 : G) ._̂ Amfing the citations which comprise the Lcsson-^Tmon is "the fonowinE:from the Bible. **The Lord by wisdom hath founded the e a r th ; by under- standing hath he established the heavens/* (Phiverbs d; lu). "The ijeseon-Sernioii also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text- iJoolt, '̂Science a n d 'Health with ' -Jeffer ' - ■■ Government 1 Store at Hoi / » *<wv as any ■ obtainable in' Vancouver and Key to the S c rip tu re s ." by Mary Baker Eddy: 'Tbe human mor- S;».| . BOARD i»-W ' t'f B M* ^ w f l ' f i l l ? NORTH VAN. BOARD OF Scvtiml:' Narrows ' Bridge and TRADE BRIDGE BANQUET whatTuiVopening meant to the ____:__ ' North Shore. A general feeling of cnthus- Mayor Taylor miade similar lasm prevailed at the North statements about the Second Vancouver Board of TVade Ban- be"" d t r K o "iS quet held on Mondayj.night to ̂ Narrows Bridge and a celebrate the re-opening of-the»* GftH!m!di Park highway.-* i . Second Narrows Bridge, the ban- "(.'onimissioner Tisdal said the quet taking place on the Prin- North Shore was now looking cess Joan at berth in North Van- forward to an era of prosperity couver. A large number .of and <unpha.sized the need of a W est. Vancouver citizens were, bil?h\vay to Garibaldi. . . present, as were ali?o many Mr. Thomson of the Harbour prominent men from North Van- Board, promised that the Board lal mind; by an inevitable, per version. makes all thinij.s start from the lowest instead of from the highest mortal thought. The reveri^e is the case with all the formations of imnvntal divine Mind. They proceed' from the divine source; and .so, in tracing them we constantly ascend in in finite being/' (p. 189). • P hone U8 for JfEST VANCOUM i l p p ^ p . ITD. ____ FOR RliAL SATIBFAOTION '■ 11; * 'y ^ Phone West 115 Res. Phone: W* J; TurabuU, V^est 368L C L A S S I F I E D A X I S 'J'he rale for Classified Adrartiaettianta la 2 ebnta liar word, minimnm 25 cents. Except .in the case of tboM hav ing , rofttlor accounta, all dual* fieds are payable strictly in adrime^ y i • . Remember Classifieds in the West Vaii Kewa get Idunediato results. -L coiiver and . Vancouver. Reeve Leyland, in bis •address hoped that optlinlsm would rule henceforth and sectionalism and politics be forgotten. He stated SOFTBALIu The Fortune Cup Inn contin ued their 'string of victories by defeating the Young Liberals of North Vancouver 7 runs to 5 last Wednesday, June 13th, at Confederation Park. The For tune CiipJfnn have won all their six league games, and their three exhibition games. On Monday, Dominioh Day, July 2nd, at Am- KINDLY RETURN borrowed scythe. WEBB'S SHOE HBFAIRS WEAIl Owner needs it, but has forgotten BEST -- Dunfiarave. who has it. ■ ' ' ' * ----------r ----------~ T HUNTER'S. 2428 Marine Drive-For FOR RENT --• Modern Cottage part- hofne-made bread, pies and cakes ly furnished, nî ce location; garage^ ,u .?h 6ne West.filOrO.^'l.^,,. ^ LOST -- Small brown leather case with kev.s. Phone West 43. FOR SALE -^ Singer treadle sewing machine; new, snap for cash. Phone . West 85. ' PAITERNS DESIGNED and drafted to«^uit thC' indiyidua), Children s ■ Smocked Garments a specialty.- Evelvn Young. Phone West .311Y2. FOR SALE -- Child's Collapsible . Buggy. Phone West 441R. would do their beat to bring in dustries to the North " ^ I b e 'an winch they considered an impor- ^xhibitibn game between Keates' tent part of the harbqr. The (3 j.ô ;g|,y Vancouver ........ ... . . . danger of another accident to and the Fortune Cup Inn a t 6 :30 that a First Narrows Bridge the bridge had been reduced to p.^i. ̂The North Vancouver would do more to build-up Van-, a mmimum. . ^ team stand second in their couver and the province gener- A ally than any .other project, also would link up the North Shore ,, 7 7 7 : ■"........ ~ be expected. Come along and d GarlbHtdi^iiT^qQamtsh in ^ dham ^ hite, 2 ~Park help our team to maintain their, one huge tourist triangle. He js spendmg a holiday at good record. Further announce further remarked upon the e.x- Ĵ ^merald l.ake Chalet near Field, ments of this game will appeal RANGETTB FOR SALE, $9.00; al most as new. Phone West 151X2.' FOR SALE . Ehtorprise, six-hole range; w hite . enamel back; oven thermometer, in good order, $46 Phone West 172X2, ' ^ HANDY ANN SHOPPE. Dundarare. 'Wools; Notions; D.MXT Cards; Toys; Stationery; Hardware; Nails,, etc. -TO RENT -- 2 rooms, furnished, use of kitchen. Phone West 619R. team stand second m their A congratulatmy telegram league and are reputed to read from A. E. Munn, M.P.__goq ̂ team. so - a keen gaine can' b a c h e l o r WANTS rent small house Dtindarave district with bath-,and - plumbing.___________________ _ TRY BBAVIBW HOME-COOKING for Bread, :fkkes. Cookies or Pies. Any made to order. Bellevue and 25th. CRAZY WATER CRYSTALS. Phone __ Wjest-fi22X--,Eree_deliy.eTy.___ ____ ^ADIO_R.EPAIRSlrr-JWestWan.-Radio Service (J. L; Pettigrew), West 108, -- 1473-Marine . - ' -- rT~ iJ .ll eellence of the reconstructed O- 0. in this paper. appear ill I a L l 4 : i d L i BARRACLOUGH'S Radio T U B E S T E ST E D F R E E A L L W O R K g u a r a n t e e d -- AERIALS- ^-- REPAIRS Phone North 17 West 366 m I02-W ^2nd St^NorthA/nn. 1542 Marine Drive,-West Van- MARCELLE SHOPPE -- Thermique Permanent Wave without danger of burning. Marcel 50c; reset 35c; Finger Wave 50c. Phone Mrs. King West 304, 1520 Marine. SHANNON'S TAXI--Phone North 50 Day or m ght service. "Ambleside to North Vancouver. General Hospital, $1.25. - . • Knew What He-Wanted Architect: Have you any sugges tions for the study, Mh Quickrich? Quickrich; Only that it must be brown. Great thinkers, I understand, are, generally found in a' brown study" THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re quires discarded clothing. Phone West 37 and truck will collect. SHOE REIPAIRS -- Gel the best mat* *"*1 workmanship a t Fox's, 14th a t Perry. . ^ JUNIOR CliOIR DUNDARAVE-6AKAGE John Maepherson, Prop, GAS. OILS, BATTERY"CHARCING GENERAL. REPAIRS TIRES Cor. 25th and Narine Drive The West Vancouver Junior . Choir weiV entertained at a party by the Duncan Lawson Chapter last Saturday afternoon at Jthe United Church Hall. "The"^ntertainment^te"^m!es" YES, WE HAVE NO BANANAS - i hat s an old one; but our Stock of ■Vigarettes and Tobaccos are always new. Ambleside = Tea Rooms, at the -JFerry-W hhrL- ~ - PRINTING -- For all kinds of printing phone West Van News. West. __________ _ CHANGE OF BUS SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JUNE 23 - - Between ' Vancouver--North Vanwuver--̂ Weal Vancouver -- Caulfcild__^Horseshoe Bay w ith Terminal Depots at VIA: SEC!ONO NARROWS BRIDGE AND MARINE DRIVE were in charge of a committee of the young choir members themselves. The results of their efforts reflected great credit on them for everybody, older ones ' as well as younger, had a thor oughly delightful timer LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED With special machine; rlOl "makes. West Vancouver Machine Shop, 144& Marine Drive. 1 WESTBOUN D--WEKK DA Y SERVICE- ---- ------ ------------- AM AM AM AM AM WSa SaO -PM P5I 1.50 30 ■- Lv, Vanrouver ........... NorUt Vancouver .... ' 7,20 .S.OO 0.20 11-.20 3.40 2.20 Ambicaidc ... .........„o;40 7,28 8.08 0.80 U.30 1.50 2.30 Ar, CaulfeUd ................. .0.50 7. to 8.20 9.46 11,46 2,06 2.45 2.45 llpratohoD Bay . .... ..... 10,00 1^00 2,20 3.00 3.00 Wl^a: benotea WeJncsdairiit and 8aUirdi^s"i5NLV7f■■ - PM -PM » '2 0 -P.M- 4.20 4..30 4,45 SaOL -TM- e.l5 WSa SaO .5.40 6.40 6.40 5.50 6.50 6.50 6.05 7.05 7.05 6.20 7.20 7.20 NOTE; All trips. Westbouml and Eaatbound. route via ' Pivr~l57^1 PM PM AM ........ 11.30 ....... 9.40 12,00 12.00 9.50 12.10 12.10 10.05 12.25 12.25 10.20 12.40 12.40 Lovely bouquets were present- ' ed to Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. John Haydn Young and Miss Wenona Young frem Mrs. MacLean Md tp4Irs_._W.JB,_SmaIl^rom-the- FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to ' Rent. Houses, lots, and' - sale. John Lawson, 17th and Maruie, Phone West 56. . 9.40 9.50 10.06 WESTBOUND- -SUNDAY SERVICE AM. „ AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM PM PM Lv. Vancmivcr ....................... 8.50 .. . ...... 1.50 .......... 5.50 North Vancouver .,..8.20 9.2010,20 11,20.12.20 1.20 2.20 3.20 5.20" 6.20 7 '>6 8 *^ AmbleaWe ....,...,.,,...430 9.3010.30 11.80,12.30 1.30 2,30 8.30 5.30 6.30 I B O 830 A.r. Caulfeild .......... ..,.,....8.46 9.45 10,45 11.45 ; 12,45 1.45 2.45 3:46 6.45 6 45 7 45 f i t Moriioahoc Hay .......9.QQ l O.QO 11 .qq 12.OO i;00 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 7 00 8 M « PM PM W fT PM AM 9.20 9.30 9.45 10.00 EASTBOUNI>--WB:KKDAY SERVICBI , lu « M aml*v, Ifor^ahw Bay ........... 6.30 7.10 ........ .. Caulfeild ...... ............ 6,40 7.20 7.40 8.20 10.10,1,05 3,40 4.40 4.40 AmUealde ,,.,.........7.00 7.40 8.00 8.40 10.30 .1.25 4.00 6.00 6.00 5 15 Ar. North Vancouver ..-.7.15 7.55 8,15 8.65 ■ 10,46 4.85 4.15 6.16 5.15 6*30 715 815 'Vancouver................ . ............................ :........^................. 5.4O .... ' 8 40 10.20 12.00 10.80 12.10 10.45. 12.25 11.00 12.40 ASU-'P M - , ; p a i PM iP M '^ H f 18.55 ikSiP. 4..30 4.S0 ...... 6.30 7.30 ■ 7 30 5.00 6.40 7.40 7.40 7.00 .8.00 8.00 B;15: choir as a small "thank-you" to her and her obmmjttee for the staging of H.M.S. Pinafore, ' The choir then presented Mrs. Colin MacLean, their leader, with a. beautiful Swede bag and Mrs. Alexander, their accomp- anirt, with a dainty Onyx neck lace. , ' -- Mrs. Small-and her committee served the company with ice creanc and -cake, rounding out a very delightful party, . GORDON ROBSON -BairHster'-- Solidtqr WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447, Marine Drive Phone West 403. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER - OFFICE--. Suite 501: 610 Hastings St. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. 2 to 6. WSa PM PAI 10.80 ....... 10.40 10.40 1 1 . 0 0 .1 1 . 0 0 l i : i 6 11.15 ^SaaLaSa»«Ja«»itea-gBte:.-§!tQ iJa^ w&.: p<.n.t<s V L y 'nH l'v BASYbOUND--SUNDAY SERVICE ' ' * ' ' ' ™ '-- Lv. IIortM^oe Hay n̂lfeOd A6I AM Canlffi Amhlealde Ar. .N<urfh Vancouver Va«icou¥er.. AM AM PM PM P5f PM PM ~PM .......a so 10.30 U.S0 m o 1.80 2.S0 4.30 6.3(K.5.S0 7.30 S . 9.4010.4,0 1L40 12.40 1.40 2.40 4;40 5.40 6.40 7 40 S m O ; 1^00, 2.00 8.00 5.(H) 6,00 7 M B m t o o 9..1510,1511.15^12.16 1.16 2.16 8.16 6.15 6.35 " IIAOIS 5.40 11.30 ......^ t h r 2 7 3 0 p .m ISth's t r e e f PM PM 9.30 10,30 9.40 10.40 11.40 V1 R ciK Î-OO 1 2 . 0 0 --------------------------- ----IM S-m s NOTE: All trtpa. Wcilbound* and Easthoundg-ito^^ . - liEGION NOTES 1 general meeting of -the It^al branch was hdd Fri- with President H. Walker in the chair. Members, and .the Legion W A are hereby ̂ lotified that bus trrosportation mil be available toi Decoration Day service, Sun- HAY in Real. Estate' - NotarjTPublic Real Estate A Insurance ^Established 1912) 1405 JIfarine Drive Phone West M or Seymour 1260 Evehings West 204X Marine Dnve. A special meeting ..of; S' PA G T IC iS toO ISJtaM IIE O TELEPHONES iWe s t : 1 2 SEY. T131 branch ■with im- Pu^i^/^^_M^mess_arising out o f - memliers PRICES ARE GOING UP! Bufr That Ra£p Now Liberal lYade-in Allowance FQRSf L T D . North;S25. 'X a r .4 rAnn-ao* j i . " ' "V " -- «*a,cao W aiter; f^Siit ̂ fwhen .you cst inakenglveiy e f- flo not need to dust off the pl^^W- fort to attfin^l . ^ Customer: pardon, force 9 , habit. -Pin an ,umi^e."7^'^ fm mmM I I -v