■■ V .;■ ■', .. r.v,.' > . 1 .'If ~ „ » ̂a- s' ' roUR ovvi liS» » ftPEOIALS* ^ c 1̂ H- 1 SX ShJngje#-* ill »&: Astbiiry* .,«A- ■■■■■"■■■ '■' 6th and M arine DrtvS -^ ■#Sl-WWS'iWW,«#»%<«'». I J w J B I ' ^ A bt I . our Rn ) \ ....... '. .'•lt;',,l"'n* t iPi'f I .1 »,111 1 1 a I► k iW ' I , 't ■* V-ScI,- •" V f. .,'ft ■ ■ ■> , in \ »/■ h"f'!. m,' '■"• '. ' ^ Wiwiiiwiii»iWwi|ttii<iiiBrtiMi(|i|l̂ ^ illton •"<)«" ttw-' ... ..... ......_______ L...._.,r?ff...«!fsgHii^gsrr! ' '. f.»' •.■ i - ' .'•̂W'l i JtiDaw»on». pital* VbtoHa, ...gmntad..a " ,.....*................. * "■ Eijrh School hera j j ». iw the metroft im and daugh- |̂ fc the Provincial ! It costs US more, but costs you the same. % :hool '.\.%\r Gennyi'i I>rag Stare ...... -'k-' : , t>* , •*£" ?HW '̂SI ITf B u r r a r d dependable.., ^ ; > ^ i . ; ; . r , v ; 5 ; . ; f j f r f ^ , v ^ ^ .. , . DAVEiANDERSON, West VanoouTO* Reprasen^^^^ Pbones-W est 6WIj or, NorthrlSlO victoria, imve., «" Brockton Polirt^ffi j r W4W, the first tim e aha h a i l e d : ............... . .hurdling; ' '« ', '-1 Miss Jessie Castelh home' , , - « u I M*®s Jessie Castelh -h W .'A t t ¥ , economics teacher hew. hasJrft • for Seattle,-where she-w lll,W te ' iPOint' the i^ n er j; in the p rls' a special course. ';'ItswttnwH hwi/vosij'.iiilirtrm /•1atn*o#1 lAfr . . . . > . The Store »t Serfloe. 1402 Marine Drive Wcet 37 or. Wait 607 Bmerfeney Phone Weat, S ll (After 10 p*ms) junior^ broad^ ĵump cleared 14ft " i thit Stratton's BAKERY tWf'i f L iJS f n S i i A daughter was born 4ast Yinn^^n?®Hollvbn^ Thursday at St. Paul's.Hospital white, com peting m the elimma- - 2257 Pulton Ave '*■ • !•'■ ■ ■ "t' S h e r m a n I .. wniie com peung m im eiimma- > 2 5 7 PnifAn Avo ---------».pi3!JABvLIBT OP MAY IXAY- - ^tiohe-ior the^r^ent Inter-Public.. *■ * V - , r DONATIONS , School sports here, lumped 16^ ^ - ^ tr 9 ftn ♦ . ♦ * was given by Mr. and Mrs. H. U Bob Rbbinsonir Magnus Ross, Thompsoni 3900 Marine Drive ' Bertha J. Campbell Phone W est 2 4 3 X 3 1? .. . et̂ iaGrKUSSjtil v» ̂ i '*■*•6 BREAD CAKES PASTRIES A ll ■ ' iMk,. akaiA.aik jiil ,'11 OHIO M a d e .. ■ - ■ i • S ^ P r S m r ^ a n ^ K A l e ^ birthday of their daughter ' 2 M S V ^ ^ K l / o n , Saturday *"Tv* '*t*'̂ "*"**f*v*..,/k, V T from* a* two '■weeks' fishing trip ing was enjoy ably spent in: play-Dr.^Rusm..'......: , . . .„ . . . . .™ . i.uu . ing games and dancing. Dainty D u n ^ ^ L ^ son ,C h ap ter , on toe ooqumaia luver, c.c,. ^ |r|ghM ents were served: buf- N o r t h ^ f ^ y Cnivin W inter,_ conductor, of fet styjo. Among t^ se ^ p r e w h t ALL KINPS OF FANCIES 1463 Marine Drive Phone W est 27 ■'tJ.:? :■(:> f i l , ; f ..' - 'j *"f|' I. t h A K' N orth Vm . H igh School were the Misses Bonnie , Arm- . ,,Teachers., (cups)............... 7.60,, toe Home ^ VimiflA n f'N ick stroncr. Alice Overington, Mar- Philip C. Chapman Gaieral Jnsurance Agent Fire, Automobile, Burglatya ̂ Accident and Sickness; etc. , 2557 King's Ave. Phone W. 42Y8 ............... niirrhased ^the bouBC of * Nick strong, Alice Overington, Mar- 3.00 -Wdlliamspn-atr^ , ,T3 ieD .ohaH on.Com m itt^ w ish Avenue; , ^ man, M argaret'paddook. May to-expresB-theiK^appreciation.iOi . , .... : ..- ,; « . .. ru««« Tvyro*.« iaL i d- to-expresB-theiE-app^ation ,of • . Nomiaii-.of'C^algary, has Stanley, Mona Olsen, Mary ■O'- th e jen ero u s , support accorded Ponnelj. Gert,rude Pitman, t h e m . » j v . - i '.iDM̂n4- oQe.,1 an/1 ia1 RpII.. TVlftrifui, Rlair.. .Norab ip:-T. A. V E R N O N F E E D A. C. SBARLB Phone West 9 Fcrtiliaers of All Kinds Wood, Coali. Builders' Supplies S ^ ^ S t h T j S s " ^ ieI. B e l I , ; M a n o n S p r t .g J » K K r i v e ; . w h o has just re- S tw n ^ .- M a r g ^ C u r r y j ^ S e d from a trip around the and Doreen T h^pson , Grace . - . ----- -- . . ' ., , and Gertrude Thompson and The jregular mbnthly meeting wuim. ♦ , Messrs. Rupert Harrison, Alan of,the'W est Vancouver R-T. A. A t ____ loot WaHhoh- Vauerhan. Hillis .Wright, Ken, took - place last Tuesday at the ? '• the meeting last Wednes- Vaughan, Hillis Wright, Ken took-place last Tuesday at the ^ +i.g North Shore Teach-~ McKenzie, Norris Sta^ej^^ Mel Inglewood' School. The meeting ^ PAderation Leslie Brooks Watson. Bernard and Ken Nash, was'in the nature of a sociahaf- elected president and Mrs. Albert Kendrick, Gillie fair,'being the; last meeting be- w ^ptid . secretary reys, Harold Astbury, Bobbie fore the summer recess. ' W. R eid .sec^ta^ . ̂ Curry, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mrs. Selwood gave an mtei> -r. . , Phillin** and Ernie Jamtes Thompson, Miss L. Murray, Mr. estingTeport of A 'F raserfaltey . . land Mrs.. H. L. Thompson. . . #vn«Tn :nw,- a'AAi/nixaa 'n'nrvn rVio _- --... .... __yj-...she '^ W am a d t o s upon .the j j '.,y jj green, president unemployed-youth-cIasws,.T^ich « j L e^„„ V7.A. here, » ta . were p y , D o u g l a s Graham.' Mrs. E. L. \ancouver _P.TT- A. last winter. .n d M rs-Butt. have re- ELKIS-HARRISpN 4443-Mafine-Ifeive^- Ambleside -- Phone West 340' 'Ev^ings, W^»t"143; Listings Wanted- i X, 'd 7( - -f-t- _ A quiet wedding took place aneouverP.rT: A; last: winter, n^S llSS^uttT iave re- Saturday evening, June 16th, afcr? A'̂ question 'box was passed &Zpd f ^ ^ e home of th e officiating around , and: promoted an i n t e r - ^ ^ t e n S the Legion Con- clergyman. Rev. Hilhs Wright, esting. discussion on, pertinent in that city when Elsie Mary, eldest daugh-matters o f R.-T. A. work. The vention in that cit^. g Harrison, musical items included-solos by . « *: * 1734 Haywood Avenue, became. Miss Joan Durbin, accompanied . The Helping Hands Branch of the bride of Mr. Frank Ellis, by ;Mrs. Durbin, o n 'the piano, junior-Red Cross a t Pauline only son of Mrs. T. Ronson of ■ahdfMiss-DIaJVlacI^ai^CCOjnp-^ ihe.Peace River^ Alberta.■n/r»»ri T? -V TTrû nra/vn vf-rxtiMv , __._ mi, wfl<J hPi Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY June 22nd and 28rd .rOE E. BROWN " In "Son of a Sailor" MONDAY and TUESDAY Juno 25th and 26th. JOAN CRAWFORD in Dancing Lady WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY June 27th and 28th PAUL MUNI in "1 AM A FUGITIVE TROHnUSTlCE" also .lOAN BLONDEL WARREN WILLIAN in "GOODBY AGAIN." UUirt,*.iff«mLr"'W itj* I 1 ̂\ lEJi ' ' V i : : f , ? - !■. (.■■.l-'w-v.'.f,'.,,,7)-. .I-jiil.i-._3!l 'i!V 44 Ji 'I I' ifiKMUi ", ;> w i;i TEAROE & SON ConcreteiCowt rectors Cement Floors Garden'Walks Lily-Pools-------- Gravel and Cement •T'v -- -- - . V , . When, adjournment was made to/ihe lunch: room; it was found reception followed at the _ . ♦ , home of the bride's parents, A danffhter was born last where a buffet supper was serv-A UdUSiiLCi t r ___ A /lalro 1474 Phoiie -Marine_Drive West 84 ' 1%/' ■}: k'K '^ X Q . ' X U U i l l y I V W t * D XVIAXAVI. Q d U g l A t C l W « » 0 - ' -W"^ *1 A J 1 J * 1 T 1 th a t-th e sociaL commiittee'had Thursday at the North;' V^n- edi A three-tier wedding ' excelled -themselves,' as all were couver General Hospital to M r... centered the bride s table, em- a h » to' regftle themselves on a . and Mrs. Robert A. Thompson ^dded in pink tulle and ro.ses. 1 ^ * ' o.Onfl - fl.Tid Thfi room WAR tastefnllv decor-■ aOie' l/U .Llicuiocivw, vaa «, anu mXiS. xwwcai/ *.*.-*--*--r-- ----- -- a.*, ~ 11 1 „dainty lunch which included (nee 'Ruth Jackson), 22nd and TJe room was tastefully decor- -sfi^wbenries--and--Ice--cieam,--Beilevue-Av6--------------- j__^,J_ated jm_pjnkL.andjvhite,_with_a ;^ i i ls f S e « ig h Sch^^ Grbhes: * * *. profusion of ^m m er flowers. ' t e entertained with very-enjoy- An article recently appeared Later the bride, and . ' able music, alT of which occas- j ĵjg Toronto Star. Weekly re- teft on a motonng trip to be G. Oliver of the Royal Bank Monedi â very hearty vote of ' arding W. H. Golpitts of >he spent on Vancouver teland staff here is on his annual vaca- thanks to; those.who had con- gf cioverdale and Colpitts, Theguests were: Mr. and Mrs. tion, . ^ , tributed. - . -- " " 120 Wall St., New York, one of B. Harrison, Dr. and Mrs Dun- fh(^ leading U. S; aiuthorities on can, Mr. and Mrs. L. Speck, Mr. railway transportation. He is a and Mrs. McManus, Miss Mar- New Hrunswicker. and a" second jorie Barnett, Miss JPe^yy K«>b-_ cousin of K P- 7 - WESrVAN Sheet Metal Works ' , Phone West 39 jFurnace and Range Repairs, ~Sawdust"BurnerB~ , "vi! t \ f \ J ':i J i ' v l d f x # l . ■ MRS. FORBESV TEA ROOM AND STORE Foot of O^cy Street> WestBay Sea Front Ice Cream, Soft D rinks, Tens, Tobaceos, C andy Piaygrounjd̂ Swings, Teeter-Totters, Shade Trees, Sand Pile.> I . ~ / J ,1 "D/̂ A-rc' ir/-vrh 1 imi-* ' ' r%t" \ î OOf 0BOATS FOR HIRE__ ' l" .T1 ̂ >1- . *V i ( Phone West' 698L2 ^Uton Ave He early ^diatin- Eunice Harrison, Miss June Har-'ruityii _____ • nid/. :5| G. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER Expert Work 14th and Marine P h r a e ^ ^ t 1B5 tnikhod himself, having won in rison; Bobby Robinson, O c. Miss Connie Page, 24th p d 1899 the British Asteciation',s Hodgson, Mike Cowan,' Cliff Bellevue Ave., is visiting a t Hat- ' __ flfiidpnl? -Gustin. Eric HarrkoTi. zic. R.G ' ̂ r 7 7 * ■'V, :f; SijSSSffiSS' IN ANY"1 7v? .-'I-. . -- . . ̂ q u a n t it y , q u a l i t y o r f o r m ' J ~ t 7, 7 ' and Pay a Premium Consistent with Government Quotations OBTAIN OMR VALUATIONS?7 ; n ) 5 7 « . ^ ^̂ iu,"-.fi®sa®sef7Si-M' L/0« t m ed a l in'science while a student Gustin, Eric Harrison. at McGill. The firsfcmeml^r.of ------------------ -̂--------- the Colpitts family to settle m New "Brunswick, was sent out from England by the E n tish Governmient to ihake . a. hydro- graphic survey of the Bay of Fundy. _ \ ^ - President Harrfd.- _ of the local branch of the Le^on and Grant MaeNeir returned the latter part of t o t w eekfrm .atr, tending the Canadian.' Legion Convention in Porttend,-Oregon. ........... • •" ■■• .. ................ .. -V WEST VANCOUVER' UNITED CHURCH 7 a t the home of Mrs. G. D. Eigar : - 1566 Garden Aver um; M J'. 'vsi'lfc:. iftjrlj; ; :■ "7> UK TU ESpAY AFTERNOON June ^ th . " 1 MUSICAL; PROdRAMME* <1 I. Miss M argaret M cIntyr?,M st ̂ an d Procter A ve., r ^ u m e d ^ ' week from a short visit, to Seatite* 7 ■ if >'i, .-■"'■'.F V,JlA<nKt„- * ' .7' C A R N IV A L AMBLcgDc d o m in io n ̂d a y K'S" I invite your friends in , towh^to spend the day in-West Vancouver at the ' ' " CARNIVAL 4 /.7. ■ 7, S IS •"t. :'77>€? k77H ,4 'V