• : ^̂ ̂fl« ii> t,, ̂ m m . itor.attlivWirfgltt, §m i»f 'Mmitm \ mad»f $ 1 ^ ^ Bttfi 0triiiftf« # VteSfil » iil)|iii|ii|iiiwiimf>fw*|%|»f!!»fif| ■ "4.> in,f*"»'*«»'" V--** f . 'Û ide-̂ Waoes With Clustering Curls For those who do not wloh'to bothor with fln«#r wavet ilit i . *a wm«r, w« iUfgwt our rt- vitalixing Fermsnm t W*r# m«thod. Thix wove lt*v«» tbf muYBimtHifl. Utk and DaduM • HrNDAY. iuM 24Ui. ifjium Mens Mil. WKMYSS nmut,"'jRilSlSSMKt «Th« 'Good *iii^*i^** ' •I I KKIMY. JUM fWUi Jrt i M». rvay«?r mul Bfblo Study •S(. i'xuPo^dxilo liOSIBlIS# j M iiiii*1£ llidlybiur,.**'̂ fhtg'Sd^jrJp • ^ Sttudsy Stirvieei II*30 Sunday, Junu 24, 1934 8T. H T E V H E m CHURCH Kev. K A. Ramsey, L.S.T. June 24th~~St. John Baptiet'a I ■ i ^ i z holr so suit that on« aMV ̂., od.pt it ^ .uy .tyl. without ,,rn,^Holy Communion. 10 & 1 1 : 1 6 a.m.-i~Suhday School Matins and Sermon "la the Universe, Ihdudlni? Han, Evolwd by Atomic Force?*' Afiiror w.vina. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe lfe§Mariaoiff For-uppulutraonti PHONE WEST 117 •4.FILMS KODAK ntJd AOJA D<!i»̂ «iotKxi *«d PrillUtd 11.15 a.m.- , ^ 7:15 p.m.-- Kvenaong: and Ser mon. '.♦• Auxiliary School n th and Inglewood Sunday School, 10 a.m'. Si: rrancia-in-the-Woodfl, Caulfeild Sunday, 9:45 a.m .-- Holy Com- ■munion. " Sunday School at 10:00 a.n». Tt.timony M««tin ̂ Wednesday at 8*16 p.m- The public i« cordially in vited to attend, our ficrviccB and meetinge. FEKRY OPERATING SURI'MJS $3,719.78 CrrMHl Kloflih T h e U n i v e x G a t |i e r a TAKXH «(XJi) picrruaica V»nms7io, Fams nwi. AMBLESIDÊ PIARNACYI W, L. KBR, Prop The ferries showed an operat ing surplus of four'months ending 30 th April 1401 Marine Drire Phone Weht 888 KIIBB DELIVERY 'n I ™TT rv^^uhnhrpva this year, accordmg to the au^i- Pastor: Hev. II. I . Humphreys gt^tement presented tiy the Sunday, June 24th. council at their last' meeting. 9:45 .n.m.--Sunday School. j„ $26,654.56 in , 10 :()0 a.m.--Adult Class, i passenger fares, the passenger 11 :<K|. a.m.~7«Morninĝ Worship.. J^c^ipta from the buses being Pastor Topic, "First Fruits." ^ _______ __ Tiu/ordin«nce of Believers- ' M rs. R. X..i Ho.iKSon_ w illm ^ PRIC£$ ureaivE Friday SUGAR -- B. C Granuli COHN STARCH COFFEE -- Airway , . , ........ . ORANGR MARMALAD0^^sAyA»Sr.'8 w : J « ; i« d l 21c FLAKED TUNA - Fria^'X«.'44 tta.:wi4;..„i::2'for 16t' •FLAKED TUNA - FrlW^jNO;.,%-tins»j|.^^^^ CORN--Aylmer Golden Bantam, No. 2 tiii....;..'.cadi lOc PINEAPPLE -- Birk's SIIoadrNo. 2 a<b tftii. 2 for 27c SQUIRREL PEANUT BUTTER -- ifl. CRESCENT SHORTENING.-. MIRACLE WHIP -- S'A oz: jar...............-- PEARL SOAP.. CALAY SOAP -- Cake.. TOILET TISSUE -- Sable,. CERTO -- Bottle............ ...:'. OXADE POWDERS -- A ssorted'flavorsrrsrrW tC ' Be I*,t, V lit H.Uri>""V *<« A'*".'............... ID* XOC .8 fo* lOc e a ^IS« « f Mem Mskm ».8i mSm ; 5c 1<* ̂ T t* * t* * * * * ' * ' * ' -loUs l9c each 29c W« reserve the right to limit quanUtloi, ^ S A I w X ^ i i r i M t S S ̂ U M ITED mkm DISTRIBUTION W IT H O U 'i WASTE COOKING SCHOOL orange apohW ' c ^ e . butter. LARGELY ATTENDED scotch refrigeraitor cookies, and corn waffles.- She explained the There was a large attendance recipes step by-steprand invited at the Annual I* ree Cooking™.qu0gtions. -^Sh€falso-ste^ School put on in the HollybiM*n willingness to give advice at any Theatre oh Wednesday after- a:™;. 4.̂ ai------- .1.' fhe 13th inst., by 'the time to those phoning her de- mt. prizes and pri:^ winners D K . G. D . H , S E A L E I).D.a, t.D.8. Hay Block, Utb and Marine Or. Olllce Hours 9 to 6 p.m. BveningH by appointment. Phone Weet.72:aflllBi»s(<(iiiiiSWiwi The Ordinance ot oeiievers noon,'the 13th inst., by the partment. Baptism will be observed at the Lfd^^nrlHpnfcSl lonionw by Service Department of T henri close of.thL^:morning.service.,.....C._.Electric ^Railway Co.- ^Electric clock Miss M 7:15 p.m.--Evening Worship. ivancou Etd. Miss Jean E. Mutch, their . Topic, '.'All At It." 7 f r Service director, was in 8:30 p.m, -- Young People's state charge and with her assistants pu .j'j ., Mrc Society will meet, if fine, in cooked before the audience the ^ on the . beach at Holly- , ^o^^owing, recipes: Mixed grilh burn; if . wet, in the Bellingham. jellied mayonnaise, cheese drops, cheese dix)ps,.Mrs. D. McMiII&n, -5'.̂ B. dTAtiiANT, D.C., pl'Tlwf -iTBitiit A H - ib ' l i 2444 Marino Drive, Dundaravo, Monday, W^noaday & Friday BvouingOj 9:30 to 8.30 p.m. Vancouver Office: 7J2 Robson Seymour 8700 ^ ' Church. W,cdnC'H(lay, 8 p.m. -- Mid-week prayer service. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir Prac tice. A cordial invitation to .all, O. E. S. lemon tarts with meringue, 20th Street. Ambleside L. SPKCK. TropTfetoiT Sheet Metal Works ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 2Srd & Inglewood Ave. Priest in Charge. Rev. W. J. Millay, Residence: 2323 Inglewood Ave. Residence Phone West 240R, The Grand ' Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Stai% is holding their convention in Vic- toria this week and the follow- ing are attending from West Vancouver: Miss Fannie. Mc- Cleery, Mrs. H.j L. Thompson, WEST BAY LIBRARY and GIFT SHOP Re-opening Saturday, anhe f J-' J ■'" - .Subscription 60c a month New Books. Magazines,. Stationery, Etc. Mrs. R. MaeVean, Mrs. Walter -Gray and-Mrs., Rutherford, past Grand Matron of Saskatchewan, W'ho is at pre.sent residing here- Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:45 a.m. High Mass and Sermon BARCLAY -- G LEED , F L' r 1 f Jones (at '2 a,m.); "I shay, ^liTisherj-is-t h is-Bla nk Street-?--- Officer: "yes,"- Jones: "Wish you'd -- hie 10:45 Last Monday evening Frances Catechism and Bible Class--3 :00 Mary deed was 'united in mar- Vesp^rs .and Behedictioh--7:30 riage to Reginald William Bar- p.m. ' ' clay, at 1356 Gomox Street, the Week-day Services home of her parents, Mr. and Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. , Mrs. Harry Gleed^formerly of Fr^ays;" " W^s Vane ou v eTrThe"c^emohy"^ \ FRANK RIVERS rem FISH - EGGS - CHICKEN - iHTTER Local guaranteed Local Spring ' ■ * " ■ ^ 2820 M arine Drive Phone W est 410L 3£= d'reet me't 411^ Coin' t' 'tend ttJecture thero.';^ Officer: "Who's givin' a Fec- ture at this hour?" Jones; "My wife, offiaher -- hie -- my -- liic -- my duui wife;" Benediction, Rosary, Confes- was performed by Rev. F. H sions:-- 7:30, . ^ - .Smith of S t.' John's United --------------------. Church and was attended by the ^IDNEY-BRUCE-PASSES------ relativesniLthe-bride-and groom with Alargaret McClintock act- ONE YEAB'5 SHOES. ,i.$27 lip (3 pairs ladies'- ! pair»nien's) KaUbliah^d on North Shore M Yeara. (Lady: AaaiatHnt) ___ ■ t , 11 H A RRO N BRO S. & W ILLIAM SON funeral 9 trrctors North Vancouver Parlors 122 WestrSixth Street-^ Phono North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 T6nth Avenue East Phono Pair. 184 Sidney Bruce of North Van- ing as bridesmaid and Gerald couvier was found dead at the Hardman as best man. Later in , wheel: of his car at 9 a.m. last the evening a reception was Monday) the car being parked held and a happy time was spent just outside his garage.M r. by all in dancing _and listening Bnico' had been under the doc- to the playing arid singing of some time, and Mr. and Mrs. N; Williamson and Tleath apparently was due to Mrs. Danvers, hemrt failui'e. \ - Among those present were: Mr.-and Mrs.-Barelay.-Mr, and f""®®' Mi-S. Bossenbury.-Mr. and Mrs, Ida,Phyllis and Robert S a** "J®®' »«<i Mrs. N. William-vived by his w i% two daughter., son, Mi-, and Mrs. Danvers. Mr. Mrs. Bean, Mr. and Mrs. ®" '"8hton, Mrs. Bosquet, the i S Misses Eileen Barclay, Thora officiating, Bean. Pat Davidsnn Nnn TTomn- interment will be made in SEBi/ICE &a & Bean, Pat Davidson, Nan Demp sey, Alyma McArthur, Selma ______ ... overage" VohcbiiiYer home m»8|MllWMi8egi!l̂ ^ TUB W est Van N ew s '• ?. _ PttbU»h«4 Fhttry Thurtdur V,-' • h mmm FuWiBher F. F. LOVEGROVB PhfHie West 363 ButiiMWi und Bditorlal Offic«: -- ITth «ad.-H«ri&e-Driv« (Next to. Hollyburn F. 0.) Phone West 363 ^ Hail Addttot: F. O. Bbx 61, HoHybuni, RC AIcClintock, Nellie Young and ^ s s r s . Bossenbury, Carson, I t only tokos one smoll Jack to lift SinclaiiyBar- .1111 nutontobilo, but it takes a lot of Hulton. Hardman, McLm- Jack to keep ii up. tock^ '-•V North Vancouver-Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave.: 11,00 « year by eaniert $9.00 a year . by mail. ■SaV-'s i-Cr. SftS:" .^ Presented :by-pupilarof MRa CLARA AJtGLSON and - MISS HILDA WILSON, A.T.C.M. ' assitted bv Battvassisted to' Betty Blair and Dorothy Green\robd , , . Pupils of Mm. Colin MacL^n. , • in Dondarave Hall ' ^ t C i n ^ r i d m M n e 2 9 t h , a t S . j f p . m . . . . SILVER COLLECTION pays only $2 2 ^ 0 qryeor^^l.85 a monl:h;43cents.Q week)/6 ;l cents Q̂ ejoy for continuous; Qlwoyi pyoil- oble electric seiyice*u<^ te m p o re this with the , cost bH'shoes and various otherhouseKoIcntem s ond you W irred B ie how"h.- its ■> seryieeis. ; ^ BBBBBBBMRBBA.irr*'-- - ■BBBamBBBBBBBBr.",.-, •■■■■BBBBBBBB.BB..",:.. |tii\ B.NMrjTHAs:oMEcowH:oLUMBlA ELECTRIC RyKlLWAY CO. LTD -V '\ffi t jjjifi; v.' f-a■ ) i V d' 4'