€aAmi«AT7»."i f > i ^ ' t f i i ^ •bob HAKDINBS. In oiJ .J lln« m « Wbito g l lf lf i lP S , W*i or Dry (Small a C. Sbriwii) ....... tin It# CroM# Sc Blsckwtfir# MALt VINB* (lAII, IS o& , b o t « t Iff Aylmer IIONEbBSS CHICKEN ^ 7 Of. tin ............................ l$« MAZOLA OIL -rlAff# t la Jk 41# I.BTTlJ(fE -- TOMATOES , CI/CUMHKKB lied A WhiU PINEAPPLE Crii»h#d or elioeiil. No. 2 aiio tin It# Nabob CHUSilED PINEAPPLE 4 01. 2 (In# IS# Kml A Wbila TOMATO CATSUP ^ 12 ox. bottle ..................IS# lUPB OLIVES. 5 ox. Un.............IS# ijiblp: soctbty's dieplay »RIStE ItfBS OP I_________ _ niMKI'OTROASrOPBBBP.IbIZe c liw U tr , tOlljlEU ' HAM. : PS8tX-.WHl.tiWe::AKEJi ham, Fletelier*# ...... lb, St#(xAl.NEIPH W)NELB8S HAM. , HUftd ti.. . . . . . . . SO# ......... ......... w Hi NEKS .... r - if* yoars and our mill rate for Cori AOK ItOLIsS, Gainer# .-..lb. 21« gchoolsispessatidoWM lower than V K ' S i c HAMS, p̂ieUbePa#.... lb. IS# sevon 'ycar.s average, but BLTTKH-W sjd. * U m o re o f tW s At H l a t e r > l c . __h more to ____ __ self-conirratulationfl. In p a s s in g i t is in tere st in g to n o te t h a t o u r a sw l^setl V aluation is th e lo w e s t It nas been in sev^ n our Golden leadow.w..2 11^ 19c The representative of the British and Foreign Bible Sod>. ety will close the display In John Lawson's office next Saturday evening at 8 p.m. Any who are Sint^ 1927* when Inglewood school Waa built, our total en rollment has incrca.'Jed 15% and by the end 6f this year .will show as20% -increase.^^^ T^ penses over the same peHoa bVer 7%. Desjpite the fact that this year and fast year the Iwal Board spent |M,70U les.s than . « .A , f the year long through re- ■Juiic 20th--Costume Recital in organization, rc<luction in gov- Dnmlarave Hall by the buplls omment flrrants has barred rate- ofMr.s. Clara3Vilson and Miss p ^ e r s f r o ^ direct benefit. Hilda Wilson. • fact our neccs.^ary growth in school facilities ha.s been made Itld A White JELLY P0WUBK8 .\MHort('d FUvor#.... ..4 packet# ISc Itfd K While COFFEE, Varuunt Pack lb. tlii'STc KeilexxV COILN FLAKES. 2 pkU IS# |{«hI a While TEA -- Oranfe Pekoe I II). |)k(. . .... ..... ................. 45c any obtainable in Vancouver and - the Nbcth Shore. Phone US for Quotations on Your Requirements WEST V A N C O U ^ p M B E It : CO- LTD. ■ ; ------ for REAL SA T ISFA O T IpN /^L ir^ Phone West 115 Res. Phone: W. J. Tumbill, West 368L COMING EVENTS TC LA SSIFIE D A D S , The rate for ClassiSM Adv,«rti#ttmenta la 2 cent# per word, minimum 25 cenU. Except in the case of thoae havlttf regiilar aeronata, all cluii. fleds are payable strictly in adr^Cfc • ' . Remember Classifieda in the Woat Vaa Nowa get In m ^ ia to resultn. mCYCLE FOR SALE - B.S.A. P rw WEBB'S '" S H O E ; REPAIRS WEAR wheel. W. S. Wood, Dundarave Hall. BEST -- Dundarave. .Fi.sbermen should take notice possible only by careful pruning thliikim, of DurehMlnir '<*«re are now lots of flsh and cultivation cinried to itsxninKinK oi purennawe any / j,, for last Sunday limit . * I II ? Bibles, Testnments or, religiou» ;^$fi.qs Olive Childs, 1766 Argyle literature are asked to call in Avt-niie, on coming up after a before that date. All sales at divo, iliscovered a^inch fish in missionary prices. lu*r bathing suit. FOUND -- -White Female Dog --̂ Phone West 23X2. .. , FOR RENT -- Cottage on beach. - Phone West~350X... _ . BARRACLOUGH'S '"■pm ' m m 'Radio Service 102 W . 2nd Si. North Van,. TUBES TESTED FREE ALL WORK GUARANTEED, AERIALS - REPAigS- Phone North 17 " West 366 1542 Marine Drive, West Van*. - i i | t im \I^EST VAN MOTORS 1451 Marine Drive' (BILL GROUT) .. West 268__ - ' ' 1 I ^ THE SHELL STATION Com pletef Goodyear and Automotive Service Firestone Tires Willard and Monarch Batteries Greasing - • - Washing (Wo H|)0ciaii^o in pieaslQg the customer) the Public Schools Act and its means will perm i'.. The Depart ment of Education ha.s treated us as generously as the Finance Department would permit, and has used what discretion it had in our favor in giving us a pre ferred grant, i.e., no additional cut in 1934, in appreciation of our system. The Council has also shared the problem and -shown real interest and co-oper ation, and has give u.s as much of the general revenue as they honestly consideied. Llie budget will stand. Last week they a-, greed to set aside at the' request "M lhe Board a valuable site for FOR SALE -- Kitchen Range. $8,00. West 231L, evening^. _______ _ FOR RENT -- Partly furnished cot- tage. West 149L2.______' FURNISHED ROOM Reasonable; Over HoHyburn Post Office, Phone - West 378L. ________________ SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO.-- Electric and treadle machines,, needles, oil, parts, repairs, W est Vancouver resident agent. \V: Arnold, 1076 Kind's Avenue, Phone? West 418R, Hollyburn. FOR SALE -- Buick Touring Car, $6,5; one 7-horse Elto,"̂ 65-%»8h. Apply Ed Black.______________ ■ . FOR RENT -- Cottage on beach, nexr ferry; eheap. Phone W est 36QX. HANDY A N N SHOPPE, Dundarave. ̂ -- „™,WtiJtKool .Sale o f ..oddments, .to. clear, at - -- reduced prices. Purple Heather* Tiger, Monarch, Elasco,' Miss Can- ada Silvertwist; etc.' Friday, June 15thif<3aturday June 16th. >. . ' HUNTER'S,. 2423 Marine Drivc~Por home-made bread, pies and cakes. Phone. W est 610-0. ' ) WANTED -- Twin Beds and three quarter bed m attress or double bed, springs and m attress. West 3BQy! TRY SEAVIEW HOME - COOKING for Bread, Cakes, Cookies or Pies. Any made to order. Bellevue and - 25th.______________ I________ *• RADH) REPAIRS -- W est Vah. Radio Service (J. L, Pettigrew ), West 108. 1473. Marine. . ~ - A QUART of MILK...10 cents school purposes, which will have appreciated in value consider ably by the time population west . of West Bay warrants its use. The move next in importance, however, re.-̂ ts witli the ratepay ers -- to add at least one wing to the Inglewood School as called for in the plan of the building. Normally this would be voted as a matter of course^ and in fact might be provided-out of cur rent revenue if the Board could be alloted the same mill rate as , in 1928, 1929 and 1930, As t h e _______________ - latter colirse~appears~to be^outr^ ------ - . .. of the question in the meantime, RECITAL p Y PUPfLS OF i t would,seem wise to start in - ______ MRS. P. X. HODGSON WANTEDtiU==UBUrdtauU<LJtom._Eh<»ie_l_jSHANNON'S-TAXI--Phone-N<>rtlh60- 395Y.__________ ________;____- Day or n igh t service.' Ambleside to North Vancouver .General Hospital,CRAZY W ATER CRYSTALS. Phone West 622X.r"Free delivery. LESSONS in Dramatic Art, Elocu tion,. Singing, in return for suitable room with piano. Apply Mrs. J. P. Pergusson, F'.T.C.L., (yold Medallist, Phone W êst 347R.________________ HARCELLE SHOPPE -- Thermique ; Permanent Wave without danger o f burning. Marcel 50c; reset 35c; Finger Wave 50c, Phone Mrs. King West 304, 1520 Marine.______ . THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re quires -discarded clothing. Phone -W'est-.37-and-truck-vrfll-^ollect. ------ ^ .2 5 . SHOE REPAIRS --; Get the best mat erial and workmanship at Fox's, 14th a t Ferry. YES, W E H AVE NO b a n a n a s - ..- i . ̂® one;- but our Stock of vigarettes and fTobaccos are always new. Ambleside Tea Rooms, at the Ferry W harf. ' . ^?1^TIN G .-^/.Fpr all kinds.-of printing phone West Van News. W est 363. ^?^^^<>l!L^SSpARPENEDjri^^^^ special m achine;, all makes. West Vancouver Machine Shop, I44S Marine Drive. good time consideration of the addtion of two rooms at least for our High School students, as QUE "QUMS E i E a m i SERU1CF 6J'̂ Mrs. F. X. Hodgson presented „ 1, ĥ er pupils in a vocal recital on a rational and vitally necessary Friday, June 8th, bringing the step m pace with the grqwdh of .1933-1934 season to a cloie with tne District This is the pressing ~a--program of singularly well need apart from the expected chosen groups of songs. Particu- increase beyond the first thous- lar mention should be made of the marked improvement, vocal- b ; and technically, in each class ASSN. The first p a i i ' ̂ g d ^ FURNISHED A N D UNFURNISHED Houses .to Rent.-' Houses, lots, and acreage for sale. John Lawson, 17th and. Marine,. Phone West 65. W E S T V A N C O U V E R U N E M P L O Y E D Mtllc, that iihiversal and most nouiishing food^costs 9c to I !c a ouart.., an laadaquate return ̂say tna spineiiiitificatioa Yet eiectn^^mce/ayailable 24 hours a day^lbrltgitting^ cooking, heating, cocdihg ̂cleaning and - - a v e i^ je iY e b a iw tr h c i ^ ' i ^ i ^ ; 6 J c 'mnti-m' The Association meets tonight devoted to intennediate and in the Legion Hal! a t 8 o^cIock. f«^or students all o f whom ren- The questionairo was a good f i extreme- start. Now come to meetings L"Pi®ssmg maimer. In th e sec- _Md_support_tiie_Association*- part of the program all ad- ; --------------------- j a n c e d ^ u ^ s were heard, ren- Honoring M i^ Madge Farmer with admirable versatil- who is leaving shortly for.Eng-. ® ĵ!l§ip_^y_.high grade of land, Mrs. F. X Hodgson enter- "°**R* achieved a standard ta in ^ at a garden tea on Satur- both teacher, and Iftst. During the course of heartily congrat- the aft^noon Miss Farm er was !? ?j singer a t all times the recipient of numerous gifts . attention and . interest enclosed in a miniature sn io l^ lier audience, their T Ale.xander and Mrs. perfectly suited to J- G, F a ^ e r presided at the and tempera- .c h a ^ n g ly appointed tea table artists were were ®^err, K anist, and the ^ s s e s Kathleen Hodgson,__Osbaldestoh, Vio- &i«l B etty Hodgr^lv of whom d e l i g S included Mrs. audience with their rendi- Vito ^ n c i , i t o . B. Crichton; of M e n d e l S t^ d le Archer, Miss Olive Chil- , Those taking part were: Dun- Uurbin, Miss Ladies' Quartette Ola Jean Hood, f e ? ^ a n , Edna W a lk ^ . 'j iS n V Esther Shaw, .Edith Miss pe^en Stevenson Joyce Barfnn ^S S ; and Miss Lorna G O R D O N R O B S O N Barrister -- Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office N o. 1447, Marine Drive Phone Westti403. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER QFPICE-- S rite 501: 610 H astings St. W. Phone, Seym our 4199. 2 to 5. g eo ,^Ha t in Real Estate Notary Pnblic Real Estate & Insarance (E sta h li^ i^ 1912) 1405 M arine Drive Phone W est 21 'or ^ ym ou r 1260 £yenings*^%est 204X RA D IO S - RANGES .W A S H E R S . o i l " B uraW s f i ; L T D . A . R eid '^.West-649R Gti M. Gemmili W est 37 m Stevmson" : p " f s s i . . p a g ® : . , f ^ J Clothier. E ric-P eakerE the^ lti--- 1tanson. '̂ 'i'CLUMSLA. EL ®"" '-®>"cSineeton?M adSE=r ?horliy.fOT«.t& fe:m 6nths"tW BAHWIG BAIT m ^/D orothy C u S ' ^ t t e .JpW^Qdtotiy, t t a v ^ &anhtiiase oB is said to Do®i ' . i , , ® '- H o d g s o n , v e r v can- TntKHer m ide who is »; tivdy destroy ail earwigs. ***** "' " " Panild aD h e rn n m ^ ® world and is »t . a w n i n g s . -----a t the pianoT - present^ o f I f r . aad ' ' A. " ' - , ' . , ■ . I V.:,