f 1Ik V 3Tg|l - f w B g r v A K O K m H u a o i O i 1 5 '■1 ' J * Sunday Bmrfkm 1 J l ! l6 iM«., 7H6 p M . J 1 s' -4 to son . 1 Ik V W to # , " « » 1 t * r i g w lifMi » i- ̂ -It . . ........ , . ̂ . " r,\- f" mw Waoea m O i Cluatering For U»<M»® who do not boihtr with flniror wavoi thlf guminor, wo otiirgoft our ro- vlulixinir Pormonont Way#, mothod. Thio wnvo lonVti tbo mrnmmfmmmm HOLLYMniHttt v - ' i sr.KOAy. Jmo ITfh, It m m , Suad«y^»clwl n ^ Younir Moan BiUf. Chuii* MB. JOHN B0»» , MatiuawML Bfoilillidii *»*«■j(P 4 F tif^ n a a ia ' w*own. flabjirtt TLESDAn J«M»» *»•" •Proyor ond BiWo BUidy___^ fwomp 3BFUI thin UNITED CHURCH hair tto noft that ono.can itylo withoutadapt It to any hnffor waving. 'J'hij retfular meeting of the Unile<l Church Woman'® Mis- nionary Society will be held a t Gwendolyn • Beauty Shoppe ISie Karlao Orlro For appolnimontn PIIONB WEST m the Manae, 2047 Gordon Avenuo» on Tuesday afternoon, June 19, }4> > H Hi th FOR the BEACHES IIATIIINO CAPS, BUN VISOnS, GOGGLES, BEACH BALLS ..... ' F4« liiUJM l»ROTECTOttB ̂ CBBAMS FOB SUNBURN AMBieSIDE PHARNACY W, L, KBR, Prop . 11.01 Jfarino Drira PboM WMt SIS PKEK OBLIVEKY •. at 2:15. Mr«. J. S. Gordon of Vancouver, will be the apeaker. Soloists expected are Mis® Ivy Mileri and Mis® Mary O'Donnell. The annual shower for Medical iMlsHion Hospitals will take place and any contributions gladly re ceived.' Mrs. Hillls Wright, the host- esH, will serve tea at the close' and all ladies interested are cordially invited. ■■ ii--.' WBWVANCOUVER SocietŷiricK O w iho l Orltt. .it;"in Benton,JlasiOchuBotta Swidi^ ̂ iertiiMt n m Sunday, June 17, 1934 Subject! "GOD THE PRESERVER OF MAN" ;. Sunday School «t 10:00 a.m. Tfttimony Mattin® Wednetdny a t 8 tl6 p.tt> Th« public in cord tally in- vlted to attend our services and i)meetin®s. : PRICES HTEaiVE FEIDAV. MD JATURDAY,^------------------------------- CUT GREEN BEANS - Pr«i «f ROi Kp. X •quaVtliL.J for 25c WHITE CORN - Aylmer, Aylmer, No. m tla^:. ............ $ ">■ * .NM . . M .• Birks Dry. TOMATOES SHRIMPS -• TUNA FISH -- Ulnir's Fan^ Wldto," PINEAPPLE Birk*s Sliced, Nu. '2 mtuat SHREDDED WHEAT (Umit S packages) TEA -- Max*i*muw, 1 lb. package lOc for 27c 40c SUGAR -- B. C. Granulated CDIiitit,,5, lb®»)........,..m.«,.M:.M.6,llMU 27c Swift's Silverleaf Oidwit 8) jt: ^ 'ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood i^ve.. P riest in Charge. Rev. W. J. Millay. Residence: 2828 Inglewood Ave. Residence Phone West 24|)R̂ ; LARD -- Swift'a Silverleaf CMinilt W Ilk carton lOc DATES -- Sair, in cello .2 Um. 15c gOAP -- ]Pels Naptha (Limit'S bars)..........................1............................................̂ ......8 for 19c OXYDOL -- large CLimit 3 pkgs.) M*aaa«*a«akaa*«»«ft«*«Mi««l,«***»ai«RR«*klMi|d| 17C CANADIAN TISSUE -- 4 0*. yoUs aaaa*aa•«aaaa«»kaaa*»« »B*«Ma«s*ak««k 8 for 10c ̂ '.i. n J 1. »,« M » JiiNwiakwiiaJMSi£̂SiiifikiiiS£iS2S22«aMSS£ISSiMiSil*i<̂J££kkJ*k̂ *«»<,.( f 1^.' th« right to limit quantitloi® SAFEWAY STORE® UMITEO DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT WASTE ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:45 a.m. Rector: Rev. R A. Ramsey L.S.T. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:45 June 17th -- 3rd Sunday after Catechism and pJass-r-3:00 Trinity. Vespers and Benediction--7 :30 " 8 :00. a.m.--Holy Communion.- " : .... ^............... ............................... DR. G. D, H, SE ALE D.D.S., L.D.8. d e n t is t Hay Block, .Hth and Marine Dr, Offleo Hours 9 to tf p.m. Evanings by appointment. Phono WestTJ 10:00 a.m .-- Children's Flower Service. 11.15 a.m:--Matins and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong & Group- Service. At Evensong there will be .Speakers, who attended thte Banff House Party and who will give a picture of., the vision arvd challenge pre sented there. Week-day Services Mass, daUy -- 8 a.m. Fridays: -- Benediction, .Rosary, Confes: sions -- 7:80. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, "Go d M OF MAN" is the subject of the Les- ̂ _ . son - Sermon which will be read Tue.sday, 8:15 p.m.--The post- jn all Churches of Christ; Sci- poned Church- Committee ent?st, on Sunday. June 17th. meeting. rru ̂ r « . x i " Ao ku K. GALLANT, D.C., g*U fik A ib l i A rT *A ik 24<I4 Marine Drive, Dundaravc, Monday, Wedneaday & Friday KveningM, 6:30 to B.30 p.m. Vancouver OtTice: 712 Robson Seymour 8790 .. ____ The Golden Text is : "As birds TvT" THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Vancouver, B.C. - Anhoundes A • E R E E - L E C X U - R E - ^ ' . ' -- on --' ' CHRISTIAN SCIENCB m If ^ 2 ^ t i , ■. » ,1 * . H; •it (.cH r« .W r W ̂ VV ClaliforniaCHARLES V. WINN, C.S.B., of Pasadena, Member of the Board of Lectureship o f The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. in the CAPITOL THEATRE, Granville street, *' SUNDAY A FTERN O O N , JU N E 17th, a t 3 p .m .- Doors o p e n - a t p .m . The public is cordially invited to attend. This lecture will be radiocast over Station CKWX, 1010 kilocycles. Aiikiiiary. School flying, so will the Lord'^of hosts . , , , _ ahtw iyi? ci r ' a p̂attitp 11th shd Inglewood defend' Jerusalem'; defending Mrs. A ll Chisholm and Miss - DEATH OF S. C. 0 ROUKE a, Sunday School, 10 a,m. also ho will deliver it; and pass- H. Overington recently gave ,a . , ^Oltourke passed away_ . . SlTTrancis-ift-the^W^ ing over H e 'w ill preserve it." party in honor of the eleventh last"Friday'^n"Insr60th7yoa^^ Caulfelld (laaiah 31: 5). _ birthday of Nora Kingsley, Sunday, 8:00 p.m.--Evemsong & Among the* citations which j ^ ^ n/r t loss his wife and fo u r daughters. Sermon. c o m S t h e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.- Mass for the.repose of his soul The regular monthly meeting the following from rfie Bible: Kingsley, 14th and Duchess. The was.held a t 9 a.m. last Tuesday, CoriHtratlon of the Dimrict of Wo*|t Vancouver Ii Scalwi - U'iuU*r« r̂<j-i«vUvd- .purrhiise of tt hduso and lot known tt» D.L. 1058 S.W.U, Block NH, Lot 0. No. aiOfj .Icfferson Avenue. of tho^Inglewood Branch of St. <*Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and afternoon w as.spent in playing in Holy Rosary; Cathedral and Stephen's W. A. will take place forget not all His benefits: Who . games. Delightful refreshments interment was made in the Re- on Wednesday, June 20th, a t forgiveth all thine iniquities; ̂ served, the table being dec- turned Soldiers' Plot, Mountain9 (Psalms 103: 2, 3). The Lesson - Sermon also in streamers. Among those pres ent were Doreen Forrester, Al-BAPTIST CHURCH ..... ................ ......... Ts TimderH must̂ bfj dSivored to Uu* Fastor: Rev, H. P. Humphrey6 . eludes tine following - passage Chisholm, Pearl undorsitruicd by 12 o'clcH'k noon on the Sunday, June 17^-1934, from the Christian Science text- Ruby_ Bourgeois, Isabel, iMh of Juno, 19JI. 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School. book, "Science and Health with Barbara and Patricia "White- O'Rourke formerly resided at 27th and IVlJarine Drive. The Kiirhost or any toiuler, hot noc- eti«ttrlly nccopti'd, WM. u tn m iN . -Muntclpal ClbrkT ,luno IHlh, 1931. 10:00 a.m.-*7-BibIe Class,- Key to the Scrintures" bv Marv' head, Normlan Hay, John Dono- Worship. B a to Eddy : "C hristian .kience. ^ora Kingsley, Mrs. Over- Paator will,preach. ~ exterminates the drug, and rests . Mr, and M ra.'Kihgsleyr 'iB̂ tsbltibrd on tvorlh Shoro .20 Year*. fl.,ady AssiaUnt) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral Birectors A spyice of 3>raise;and Thanks- on Mind alone as the curative Mrs. A. Chisholhi and Miss H. "Principle, acknowiedging that ® '̂ ^̂ riiigton'i ̂ Ambleside Metal - L. SPECK; Proprieto j ' tne L/nurch and the the divine Mind has all power, world of Charles Haddoii (n 157) Spurgeon. ______________ T V lS ^ ^ v e n in g W o r s h ip . ' Th<»"l»o" North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street . P hone^orth -134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East 'T op ic : 'T he Te?:t. th a tk " Pi-ederickJTiompson brought C. H. Spurgeon ""'"y !»®' Christ." " family residence, 2342 Law- iial singing. Avenue, in his 59th year. Wednesday, 8 pirn. -- Mid-week leaves to mourn his loss his -prayer-service.-- :------------ wife,--one-daughter,--Mrs.--Greg-~ Thursday, 8 n.^a^(5hoir Prac- and two sons, . ' ticcr of Winnipeg, and James at home, also his mother, two sis- M O M B m W E L F A W ASS()CIATION J®*'®, brothers in Eng land. Funeral services were held K you h«T« trl«l av«r>'Oiin« AnJ foiitsl ------ ' Oortof* D ^tobutors and others inter- / ;ted are reauested. to kindiv Pfos. Williamson's UUnR iMwv unt Alt old Oogioi'**' t»rfr*crt»' f«*»L WiVKjSprvf itiwo AI.K osted are requested , to kindiv & Williamson's chapel, 122 note tha t,from now on the of- ^ « s t 6th Street, North Vancou- flee of the West Vancouver Wei- Percy King officiating, fare Associatioii will be open a t interment was made in Cap- iwwwwwMwww^ wiamMiwwj'iwa THE _____ L the following hours Wodnesdays--10 to 12 noon. Saturdays--10 to 1 p.m. ilano View Cemetery. W h e n , tim e sav in g m eans life sav ing -L BOWLING CLUB NOTES W est Van N ews Publt«h«d Every Thursday s'lSlSl Pobliaher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 ^ and Editorial Office: 17*Ji and_ Marino Drivo CARD OF THANKS - t*. ' ; .. t, f ^ ^ !* & r 'S • - : (Next to Hollyburn P.O.) Phone West 363 , ■ _ «H afl Address; p4 O. Box 61, RoHybum, B.C. ; , North Vancouver DlTice: " , ; " Lonsdale Ave. ll.oo a year 1300 a year The Editor < West Van News. Sir: I v^uld like to express Bthrough ̂the medium of your m r ,^?nfcs and̂ appreci- ktion to all those residents of Bay and District who have supported my Idbmrj' >- "I Am foî eed, to movo ot iho stwtr-of the summer season owlnit to alterations in the store T «ow,i^upy. but I hope to re open'within the next few days and will announce location in 'mis .TMIOOTa ̂ , . Voum truisv ' , ■ AMyBOUCHElt .'A;. ̂ R«y Library. ̂Five rinks from the Grand- view_GIub will be over here on Saturday to play West Vancou ver in a league gahie. The members of the local club are busy in the evenings with the-ehi.b singles and some inter esting and close games have b ^ n played between the new members. Cat Flowers, iBdding Plante Pot Plants, Hanging Baskets an^ handle Tankage, Organic Fertilizer. Abso lutely safe and easy to use, WEST VAN. FLORIST 18th 3: .Marine M'e st 305 "*gggpS In limes off emergency when, a fe w minutes saved mean the saving of life or property, it, is important to have a telephone in the house. One never knows where or w heh' burglary, fire, ac-- cident or sudden illness will strike. < ' r T he telephone brings help in a hurry. S¥»se 5s#;i ' ̂ „ ">■' ' liiliiil® • ;■ l i i i i i ■r ; B.C. T E L E E H O N g C O M PA N Y ".a «•" >1 4, * 3r 5; fie' -u.f' ■< 'MSt-rt'-'#-".',"-1 p: ■'9̂ SS," - ,\"'/ W S g m X m I . A J ■:? ' .8 i'o ' " * 'J ,1