West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 Jun 1934, p. 1

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J ' ' I ' i» - m ^ w -----------------^ arcu/aaygW m to . Ik n» ' • *. - ' vi-» Ifî ™ ' 1 ^ 2 5 3 j \ ^ i r a r a r r a s ^ - ( lĤ ! 1 -. -.di I i l : i 8 i r " * . 'll.oo per yM*"-• ■•' ' So'iKsrcopyistM wgjW di; ' j f ̂ ...................... ---- - .....-.y;-- ... .... ....... ........... u IX ®krifV!*#» ■i. • j.. "̂ mm 0 . , W E S T V A N C O U V E R , B .C ; T H U R S D A Y . 1934Mi No. 8 COMB TO THE f Lo BAI; ̂ fiT*>ŝ '"5- "»/»?It' . 'AI. I. 0 . D. E. The West Vancobvor A ] r f ^ h « « r w 4 ; 1 »re holding their e lev en ^ Floral Festtval.next Saturtay, ft ^Mh instant, from 2 :80.p.iin;till 10jp.in;'ln ,the Orange HaU. mVer eection.̂ #̂̂ ^ The June imeeting o l the Dun­ can Lawaon Chapter, I.O.D.E., was held Tuesday, the 6th, a t the WBST VANCOUVER. ' HORTICULTURAL DUNDARAVE LADIES' CHOIR ",W ............. h The annual genera! meeting of * (3hoJjethe Dundarave Ladles* ,Td s>'pri"! W ure this y«ar is .' We8t*'vancow hSIn c e le b r a te for its ia r - sms and for this the SocietyH s "mainly- W epM ^ Trar - S war they have4waa goin»d»^^,Yery,g^eat4eal.ot.tepuble J K ptom! not only b f hpldlnir annutflly n sum m er and fall Show but by generally throughout th eV ea y fo ster in g a-toye of, S iu ltu r e ^ S our iM dst A uK W Shripr'fllhO ^^ and.m eetings • t S c h lectures and Iw adyice hevo.hpenigivOT.by, em erts. All this h is b S n a 'Ia lir.o f-,l(?ye bn,.i% f p art ;0 f.th e otficers WeTt'vanfoive^^^^^ b®. nu reta a reside'ntial d}s.tri6t,':a n d 'the .work ? f th e Society te , therefore, of great initportanc^ 'N ature has placed us in the 1 s t wonderful settin g«ih '» a d a ,; y m d , when sett ng i" tanroved by the additiom o/ beautifu l gardens, the,result is otfrofita nieire and m ore residents as the years s the open classes in.roflefli .yhio^ is certein to competition from rbseUoyers a t outside points. Rose & Flower>' * f i a 4'* , will be held on TOe^^ ,w«»i«jiu xww«»^, ui«uwi,«L iiiw W est Vancouver Horticultural loth, nt the home of Mrs. J. home o f 'M r r : ^ Gourlay,'Belle- Association are staglnrt|S«ifr«^; Durbin, 20th and Haywood, viie Avenue. As this was the nual Rose and Flower Festival Meeting a t 7:45; social 8:46▼ viv if«w aaM 9a ' ettobi? vaaio vTcao vaiv i i u d i j.*v p v fetaiA A'avvvvai («»-f««iPi«to v w«* last m eeting -before the summer in the Orange Hall on Saturday, recesa much business was trans- June 16th. The directors are74>̂ l p.m. Mto. V t V V K F O ; - i ' | k « d k V t W * J l v . - ' . f T «»%M ' V a .M A A M P '" - . i V M ia A V * ' A W a t R . . . A acted and m any plans made for pecting keen com petition in a)l th e n ext few mOnths. Arrange- . classes^ as there are good prises . mentfl^w:«r-e,^-W Pleted. to ,hold.„ in alL sectio n s,a n d ,.iijB ,^ M |^ d ............. ..... the Annual Garden Party on that citizens w ill avail thehi- Frank Saturday* July l4 th , In the gar- selves o f the opportunity -b y n., IVTv̂Cf T T) T ^«r.- «««#«» 'IhA ̂ !̂ « V. RIVERS STARTS IN BUSINESS HERE /district which atteacte O 'vaittiti ■ Our irardenS'̂ -havie*!^haidiIundbubtediy4imore„.t,o*d .̂-Witb..- ̂ the progress of the municipaH1y..than many suppose, and for hat we must thank the Society ,̂ an^',the work th ey ^ av e been S i r almost since West VancouverVae jincorporated. „ , ; ̂ W ask on their belwlf' n e r i nf exhibitors ^ d a record attendapce«>3 ^^e world^ fl sad condition a t p resen t^bu t thO 'world of .flowers still tLains^as beautiful'as ever. - A little,vgme.;Ap6nt',amo^^^ S on Saturday will help: up to forgetLhp Saturday* July I4th, In the gar- selves of the opportunity by l>ivc. w h^hiarbefn^a r S den of Repvf) and Mrs. J. B. Ley- bringing their exhibits to ,,the ° ^ ® land and "a general committee show, thereby showing to the throutrhoht the munlci- was appointed with Mrs. Small general public the beautiful pgiitv ia startinS»a route hero as convener. ' , flowers th a t can be gtowm>nd H ^ ^ a l î ^ Mrs. Ohajpman reported th a t alsoj^beautiful gardens k^p--. jpcai guaranteed eggs and local a very substantial sum had been i^g with our district, in e air- spring chicken, which ho will de- realized frofn the raffle of the ectors know th a t there are many liver fresh right a t your door, Afghan which was donated by beautiful flower gardens _and Anyone wishing a t any time for M?s. McTavish, and won by Mrs. vegetable gardens m W est Van- suplies is asked Rathjl. ■ a, "»4, *'•"8* i J a t ,a targe ,o kindly phone him ot West ---•■A" poinnil-fcH~to .oaslsb-Mrs- •" "l" ber,will.enter,.thfifc.g^4en8 410L. .........- - ......................- -- *» either o f these com petitions.Frfdes,, th e ,Bdjicational Secre-. competi- itions thief year ih roSba tblfiesi- dents (^tside of; W^ tary , in the Book Exchange, which will, be held again this HOLLYBURN HALL band c o n c e r t BAPTIST CHURCH PICWC -year,-w as--drafted -a s follows: M rs; Lester," Mfs. Hirst, Mrs: Longwoi^hy, Brooks, Mrsi . . 1 ver and i, |3urrounding districts. The B o o k ^x ch p g e which has E xhibitor! in all classes afe re- of .such ;a8Sistance in past quested-to-bring their list of en- years will be;-oi^n with the be- tries to S. H. Trust, secretary, ginning; of s c ^ o l in September, at the Orance Hall, from 7:8( s r s " Z . " S ' S ". i £ : - ;;"n i "s S 1s ■ popiflari rose pow ers in VanCou- 17th, in Hollyburn Hall. A t the 7:30 p.m. service next Sunday evening, John Reid of Mother- well,. Scotland, will give an ad- dress,'"taking as his subject "A^ -j-- ' ' . . - • ' ------- ' ' ginning: of school in September, at the Orange Hall. froih . 7:8d r • The Schools Band will give its The VWost - Vanc^^^^ T he-com niitt'^ " assisting in to 9 :3'0 p.m. on Friday, JuiieiTo. ^ final performance under SundayB chopla^^ production o f , H.M.S. Pinafore, The show will be open to the _«rtvf nrvmr.«i/inv ' .Time■;■'ni -mpm/* urTlI. hA'.held'■ mi Satur- /iv/rvei- .qtviQi!*,'/*AT»irD'non̂ voVinrfo/i- ______1-1-* -A n .n n ____, A and Bible otudy^J^Iro p.m, nextfinal performance unaer &unaay ̂ c n w ia n a produenon or The show will be open, to the and Bi^ îe S t u f l SMamont, n e x t ']a u r^ .a y ,J u n p :;a l picnic ,v l k b e ; L e M ^ n S r t p r - ^ ^ ^ ^ blic a t 2:30 p:m. Admission ■ Tuesd/v the m hinste^^^ 21st, on Ambleside Pier: from . day, June 2 3 r d p ^ e ,W e s to n - ^-wprkmg Very h6rd, particularly ,25c. children 10c. i . luesday, tne xutn instant. 7:30 to 9 :00 p.m. Mr. Delamont cou ji^ F e rry .will leaye Amble- th e costume committee under --------- :----------- . V MTao uTminoTh T̂ :4.„n-- TfrkY'ra' iiflnd , #1 -fAr. Sfanlfiv xi;* __i?iFi?i?~T-wr'Trfirp*-hisi------i 1............. M ] ^ .HIBBERD._HONORED. and)r Hingiana ana .ru.urupe. - ,, ; , ..iijyg,. uie x a t i v ' . w v , - ijwo costumes. wei;e/ue»ii5«tML miu In view 6f his services here may be*obtaindd'from any of the mlade'7heside the numerous ac- our citizens should turn out in .to ch e rs . Adults :25c, chudren cessories h ^essary . Other sub­ force arid show their apprecia- , (o th e rth an scholars) 10c. ^ e a e committees' in charge of the tion. It is hoped to have him tickets will be accepted re ^ rn - gtage setting, advertising, prop- back on his return. Tomorrow ing on iany ferry. erties, etc., reported very satis- night the West Vancouver Band . Everybody is asked/to bring factory .progress, will give a concert a t English , tlieir own basket, including all * i _ -- Bay. __, dishes, and sufficient for one, ad- TJHRISTIAN SCIENCE A change in school prizes was SERVICES AT BEACH Something of a unique .nature in the way of open air-services _is being arranged under auspices -of---West - Vancouver-7-B aptist dishes, and sufficirat for one ad- necessary th is year on ac- ;diti0nal~child. Tea, sugar, milk ..count of their being ho entrance examination, and The chapteretc., will be provided. F r H.M.S. PINAFORE A free lecture on Christian Science will be given by Charles V. Winn,., C.S.B., of Pasadena, California, in the Capitol Thea­ tre a t 3 p.ni. next Sunday, June 17th. Mr. Winn is a member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The, F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Doors will 1^ opened a t 2'P.'m., and the public is cordially invited- to attend. ppIdTUhanihiou ner in Mch grade, of the Junior; coraiaiiy inviiea a..u,m ----------------------------------------Senior High Sehoo) be given a. ^ j,, aian be radio /T h e w ^ t VancouvefTrunior- p rize -p d -a -co ^ n m iitte e -in s is t- StetiSrCKWXTrOTO Young People s Society. 1-',^^" GfrlV Choir under the leadership m g of Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. mmcmv .SiinHav PVPDiDff next a t . vFi® ® . ..I Y .......... i+i, .oaI tiffok l S ^ M r r C o lte lv ta cL ^ i" :^ :^ ! Gourlay, .with Mrs. Kddes as 8-4o__P.nn,it Fri- --convener^was appx>intedTomiak- |. real old-fashioned p sp e l ser-^ dSy^evening of ."H.M.S. Pina- all necessary arrangeinents. Soot of mh^qfrelt^* TT?e m S Inglewood School, under In the League v of Nations i^u thfe sponsorship of the Duncan ^ort, Mrs. Gourlay^ convener of SSer^L^d^^ir^un^^^ Lawson "Chapter, I.O.D.E.' All . committee, told of having organ- cnaracter ana all young people -nriAPinnlQ took- their nart iVpd a f?tndv groun for the fur- ; interested are invited kilocycles. -- A dejjgh^ul event took place Tuesday evening a t the home of Mrs. George H. Faulknor, Gor­ don Avenue, when members of the "Y" were hosts to the W.C. T.U. at a presentation shower in honor of Miss Eileen Hibberd, whose marriage will take place in July. Following a short busi­ ness meeting,a violin and piano arrangem ent of Lohengrin's Wedding March-was rendered by Miss .Winnie Brealey and Miss Alice "Humphreys during which t he bride-elect was escorted into the room where the guests were MA"X^DAY^QMMmPEE- gathered by Miss Eva Campbell, her bridesmaid. Mrs. C. W. Stev- ^ is o n then, on behalf'^ 'theT V : L. 0. L. No. 2990 __ The_regulanjneeting_of .th e above lodge will be held on Tues­ day, June 19th, a t 8 p.m. in the A meeting of the committee to wind up the business »out- V.-- -- ............. ............. standing froifl the Celebratioi| tl|h principals, took their p a rt ized a study group for the fur- yyijj held next Wednesday, the ,_wdll a n d 'th e ir singing and die- therance 'of knoiyledge in con- 20th instant, a t 8 'p.m. in the tidn were remarkably " good, nection with Leaj^e activities.- council chamber, and in this ^assortment of lovely gifts. Miss TOey were well supported by the One meeting was .held in Mrs. connection i t is particularly re- Hibberd also receh^ed a beautiful "ciiorus both-in singing.and danc- - Qourlay-s home-and±he_nexLpiie-- quested-- ^that--every--delegate--^pottery--vase,-presented-by-MrsT . /A 1 4 .___4-, U a An .T n M A .IQ fll iat. M r S . ___ ' * ' - . - l . _: ----- »rr -r i . . . . WXXWiAX^ V * * V * I f f C.T.U., presented the guest of honor with a handsome silk spread and a pair of towels. Mrsr Will Thompson followed with the "Y 's" contribution, a large box containing a miscellaneous make a special point of being present. ANNUAL SCHOOL FAIR ,W. Loucks, frem the teachers and. officers of the Baptist Sun- .ciay School. Tall yellow tapers in silver sconces illuminated the tea table -with iis--lovely Jaee iiRv iiiAA iMTA Of XATA vn fhA tug'* 'A ltogethcr tile perforiii- is To be on June 19th a t Mrs. 0 ™ rH a rA r? L K m " 4 t e ^ f f l 'W e ^ Cromar Bruce's. -be made atih i^/m pJdnffT S the MacLean and her , A s' this was pne of the two 12th July Celebration a t H ast- Alexander, who meetings in the year a t which ings Park On Monday last the helped/ materially throughout members are mormially re- members t r a v e M ^ t h North ,th%'whoIe training of th e child- ggived into the,: Chapter, the Vancouver Lodge to Steveston **̂ fe*" regent had the pleasure of ex- when the travelling gavel was ®he stage setting of the quar- Tending a welcome to Mrs; Jas- presented to Boynl te |deek of H.M.S. Pinafore was Brooks, Mrs. Pegrum, Mrs. B ar ' the North Shore brethren. A fter wonderfully , realistic, and th js the meeting a wonderful pro- - th e colorful: costumes sub- Sram was presented by the boys -st^htially, assisted in th e suc- from this side of the whieb cegs of the opera. / ijaiucu x , vv ^ wm oe given uvei tu mufvxuu**.. ~ was well received and etiioved hv J?oiiniiets were/Presented to Mrs. R. C. Proctor's,'Wancouver,^ subjects in order th a t as great G ranger and Mrs. Cave, t thelareegathS na ^ Adfn SfacLean on Friday, June 22ijd, under the a range as'possible of students' tn b u tm g to a short progr ̂ garnering. JMSS. Uolin iviacixean ana rô ____.__ +v.o MiiAiViVtal nbenL _____ Ua «i.A«r»a were. Mrs. W. Herrin. TVfr.<<. " The first annual School Fair spread and centrepiece of Alpine for West Vancouver Schools will snapdragons T/i a silver vase, be held in the High School Audi- Tea was poured by Mrs. A. H. xpxuuno, xTxx». ----- - -- ------- torium on Friday night, June Hibberd, the bride-elect's moth- ker, Mrs^ Longworthy, Mrs. Me- 15th. There will be a display of er, and Mrs; D. Chapman. The Kenzie and Mrs. Proud* work from all the. grades of the serviteurs included Miss Alice Notice was given of an I.O. school . system. Special rooms Humphreys, Mr.s. Will Thomp- D.E. Garden Party to be held, a t ^ ijl be given over to individuar son, Mrs, ,P . Trus,3ell, Mrs. E. ■ ............... ...... ....... '.....^ ----------'"'-ve. Con- program S m n " o f t h e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ L sp ices of the Municipal. Chap^ activities may be shown. . . were Mrs. W Herrin, Mrs. G. f f i S M c L i y ^ ^ te r to which all.members were ^>rhe practical a rts displav from ' Brealey and Mr. H. P. Hum- -A. ____ : jl AAvrliQllvr in v irp d . . . XI.- nwl-ne » d W n ^ t S '.'" " " man^47 ^ An additional feature ws p e n last Thursday after- al& ' reteived bouquets. .Dunng t o . Jas. M eintwe -and t o . Junior Red Ctms and the home ■ g a s the wesOTtetion to t o A. noon by one of the grolim ofThe the interval between acts George K. V. Forster who have arranged economics will be arranged "lo u era , vv .o .i.u . piesiaent, W W . " ta C T a ^ u l ^ h the 1 .0 ,R E . J o u n g F a U ' the auditorimm A dress parade, ^ of Mrs. A. D. Chisholm, to all those responsible Dances,, which have prwed so will also be held. A dress parade. V .president. Mis. 1597 Inglewood Avenue. j-We for the evening's entertainment, popular, are makmg plans to the art work p d wnting wiU be Arthur Brown, fl™..-. . . , . ae- :̂ ne " e eve g one early in Sep-, aiyanged in the.halls and Eng- i A £ r S .« ®T^HavdTfYoune-Ac- tember,, when everyone, IS home h'sh. Social ^studies, aeience and f to " their holidays. nature, mathematics, etc, given Y & ng; Sceneijy, t o . " C. W. s A very cpmpreheMive report -space. ' i m m t ' i v - ' n *»»(i I p i f e ■ V iTA' "' 'I 'P'lt, ' U 't 1 ' a ; ; /i/ 44r« ■' :,]v w i i ; ' f t i - s w l l m, I 1,1 .p A 'A ' if If i4 L'. ! >4 . |Vni; Yi W 'f ;v^' : V f p f 1 :1l-r T : '■'% X ' ? ;■ / I ->■ '"t I* ingiewood / w ^ e a t the tf S ^ delightful-set; te /art? party. Afternoon ®i'^awberries and cream/ COURT OF REVISION , , A Court of Revision of the "The F a ir is non-competitive Provincial Voters' L ist will be ■ X r % A -V ' 1, ' ^septe ■-! X-' wr/'l/r 7-/'. *'C^-i 0? 3 V ■' "-*-." -.*1 t}" Iw~' ^ - * ', ► ' 1 y T;. •eV > J.."" V C. I ' . X f Aii'-P m L l / l i U d C ? W i i v The next meetihg will, he held September 10th ateMrs. ElgaFs. night. >r/ , u /,-k V „ 1/ I '-Hw/: its IS iiiSw'iJiMm m W N filiisilli • t4T / r irt ' »«8