West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Jun 1934, p. 4

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% ' ' ' ' 'y- *•?•' '(I wTO *»Klf*|* S iM C i i l i.iB(p »k ■i <s,»,>'̂J.~' iWMAIf sSli i«*5S>i*fT, „#«ifll8VSc H f ^ |rlU« M.»».|».>«»1«. OKAPKNUT FLAK Av*j * WAKbp ' ' '!i-'- wiij'liAriTi"*""*'**'fidA Wfil^ JBI *Ai f | , ^ , > 1,','Mtjl yiî H mm» iifi T0MAT01IE»» - .......... ....... ..... ^m4 <|««Uir» wn:#!*:NaM* 0IIRIMF8 K#d* CM mtid. Mffl. Aftl. i w i l i l l i ; %m. )8it«ĵ JpH1I0 S * M jp i saj'inf W ' JJU m d . ■MWIUlllW J L M tffefsij dded a HtiMB KIBB OF v o r ROAST BEL , , . CO'ITAOB IIOtAE, par ilk •. »» A J* •■cefv«d i'*lw ^ Wertrup at , » w t t , ^ « » ; , g l j t i j ; ^ ; ^ wylnK he WM *!* ih ,'̂ t ¥ :to « c w York by atr. * * ^ ' e S 5 t u t liil brother. At ly , J fm B a ld w in D e iw tn id i tp i# - ' fmdŝ If- 0 'fk - 4 - S t e r & p h o N tN̂ CL*™-' ..... :ea i r r '»"""'.r ^ - r - ,«****t#**«*4*. . that IMlfilPII Oa „ Whif* l»EAB% F i t tlaU .;. CMc* BartlttUi Ceraa ««4 0tM|*̂ Nabob PUKE STBAWBBRRY' JAM Nay Pafli .♦.«.«l>̂ «.*̂ iw»̂ W^ '̂'tlte*4|Hl CIUJSnED PINBAPPLIt"WFtlf^^ PfJI' ialande undwmUmi^. FWJDS MAYONNAII A 'i Vf i'f BKST FWJDS MAY0NN """ ' ' *** n m : |ar...; U e t 16a f. iarMfi.f/EPa Binaapora BUead PIN EA PPLE' 2 tina IlMi A Wfcltai»BANirr.,B0f™-."l-5̂ t Ihia'Jle ;iiJ 'a HU ?>. -J TCEKtorw Makaa Wrfact^ S traw l^fY •;' 1saw.»ss3Wxr5SBS»^ - 'PICNIC IIAMi par lb 14c Anbthep ndrai &t 3 p.m. IWMCKD IIABL i^r lb. (FHday) alternoon said our III HNB LOAF# SiMclaly lb . ........ 16c traveller '̂ WAs in Chicago and **̂ *̂ *̂ *®* lb. ™ . t u Suturday morning, May I4th, on K*1J„|5K»..... ..... ......... . * iJ f the Aaiutaiiiii, two days from-,1>Si?fN^US, par lb. >«*re»l>««A.4(A•*«■•••««A« 20c VEAL. LAMB, PORK FIN EST QUALITY iIKKF. IM AUVhita FIaOOR WA|; I|b^ tin r,td'CuAxai>ff »7« Vancouver. On Thursday, May 24th, he arrived at his home in Southampton-'̂ Hoven days after receiving the cable, j > \ OXFORD GROUP DRAW LARGE CROWD -N.a- ,-0«K,A B?ANB. - i^ h iv M T e V c J .s '^ At' c»>i(if-n Hipc BANANAS 3 Ibi. 2Sc West Bay of J. Dodd Allan for a few tnonths. ̂ 'it ' A ■ * ■ ■ ■ \ ■,. Mrs. "Clark,I Mrs. Brown and Our lo w AS any obtainable in Vancouver and SMs P hoD e US fo r O uotatiQ B W E S T V A N C O U '^ -^ ^ i C O . I T D . -----FOR'REAljBAflBFAOJ'IdN̂ ^̂ t̂ t̂-̂ :̂̂ Phone West 115 Re8.*#hoBe; W. L f u w 368L The meeting held on Sunday afternoon by some membem of the Oxford Groups* International Team in HoIIybum Theatre was largely attended by an attentive tlui U nited C hurch In ^Toronto, „ ^ Hlatt'd th a t th e s in iio f th e s p ir i t w< f e m ore (Ufflcult to c u re th a n l^ h e r te o n , all the sin.8 o f th e flesh a n d th a t th e g u e s ts a t th e Clachan. Group Movement had hiimani25ed «Hc who planU aTree Snla hope.'»him. ....... ... ...........-- ..... ....... -- .Jerry W a rn er , a b u s in e s s m a n VANCOUVER r ^ r A Q Q T l ? l i r T >». J a_> f * m - L J :.1_ - .Mate-jay !•;2"Wlitô 't̂ f̂ iril̂ '!mininiutgThe rate for Claasified AdvcftiMmeata ia,_ _ -- , »..«.u.um 2fi centa. Except In the caao of tb o fi M v io f regidiuf^a^^ *1} .d „ ,i. fleda are payable strictly In advaact. _ '.[ >. jr*m - .̂ ŜA ■ AimM.- VEfaaMiiA'v■ BrA DBySvICI ■MIWVSY CM* irwb w mwmmmm . - . i .• . r -v̂Bcniember Clasaifioda in the W w t Vaa News, get Im m e ^ ty results. WANTED--Paying jjuests, fine view; near beach'and ferry. Badmmtpn Court.. Moderate. Phone West 251R HVNl'BlitS M " B .^ ; .n k d . Brc»L Oatcakea. Plea;and>Cnk^ audience. Reeve l̂ yiand ex­ tended a welcome on behalf of . ------- ------------------ ., VAXVl,Utl V JE.K ;;fa) "iirWm^LTh^ »*«««"" ̂ . . ss.onbrs th(* Group Movement had given BY-LAW No. 127 TsjAV- UNDER Le s s o n s in Dramatic Art, Elwu-.. ..MB • • A . . . -̂ W EgffS S H O i :iiM *A m 8 WEAR, BEST -r- Dundaravo. ,,i:.9DUi^D HI A/iamowa.tion, SinKinx,,m return for suitable F T r L ^ ® d M a m s ^ * FO R , SALE -- ; 8 , hens, and J ' , ,.. pheasaî <»>wjr6̂ for̂ fî ^̂ ̂-also WS BRIDGE. IN VA.NCOUVER HAR­ BOUR. VANCOUVER. B.C. ■.. r . ,, . -a n d . THE CONDUCT. MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE SAID BRIDGE. NO'l'ICE S m i t h ■'• Smith, wife 'of the Sliw YoJf f ?« of*the Group Move- L ktrodheed the virioun ' /f«- . speakers,' He related thecircum- - heidinand Laun, a ^rman stances under which he had ̂ aA®come interested in the - O^ord fought the Allies in 1918, * w»ijiY. ,«v*^iv.n-r Group Movement, whiph he said had nothing but the represented the church in action Slay 28th,̂ leSL̂ concû rod ii' by theendeavoring to bring God into chiefly the result, ol Department of Marine, that By-Law the daily life of humanity joining the Group Move- No. 127 of the Vancouver .Harbour G ordon H unti^r a hiislni»a« m ent. . •* » CommiBsionera, coverinj: regulations man from TorSStp: end a ^ , "'h« chairman wound up the q ^ iS f er R.A.F. pilot in the War,, told earnest plea Vancouver. Harbour. ' ' of his p re se n t f r ie n d ship with a that-those who were able attend duct, manairement a cousin of the celebrated German _. J ^ ^ace who had shot him down and at Banff Springs Hotel, of how he had been rescued bj F0R|SALE -- Weatlnghouse Electric 4-hoIe range; electric water heater; ' Airway cleaner. Phone West 376R. MARCELLE SHOPPE -- Thermiaiie • Permanent Wave without danger',of burning. Marcel 50c; reset 3Bc; Finger Wave 60c. Phone Mrs. King , West 304, 1520 Marine^ > FOR RENT -- Cottage on beach, near ferry; cheap. Phone; West 3B0X. WANTED -- Young Girl as help at summer cottage, sleep out. West 367R3. PUBLIC .NOTICIv i.s hereby given, THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION rer ■ «,»« >«;!til niifhnrif.v nn- Quircs discarded clothing. Phone West 87 and truck will collect, i F U R N ISH E D H O U SE on Waterfront --Three beds, moderm last two weeks m July. Phone Trinity 1268. FOR RENT -- Large, comfortable room, view porch, "near beach, bowl­ ing,' tennis, reasonable. Accommo­ date two. Phone West 44 9R. ELECTRIC M ILK -SH A K ER for Sak or Exchange fo r .bicycle. Phone West 227L. YOUNG MAN' W ants' any kind of - work. Good .references. Phone West 87 .' the Oxford Group after being Mrs. Payne, Sr., and Mrs. almost ruined financially and Payne, Jr., with her children, otherw'lse by his exce.sses.. all of Woodfibre, B.C., are stav- Rev. Ronald McLeod, D.D., of -ing at-the Clachan. . and the con- ■ and operation of ----------reading as follows, has been-duly passed: -- -------- 1, Interpretatibn-- (a) "Vessel" inclade.s every kind of ship, vessel, boat, barge. PUPPY 6 WEEKS OLD -- English Collie and Terrier cross, medium size, well~lSfed and marked, price' $4 Phone West 153R. ■WANTER TO : HIRE -- , An invalid -- chair--WesbTfl8SL; ~ r " ---- =-- ŜKSSIli ■S9QW BrCdEicctrfc JFceeCookiiigSiBhool ~ liN D E Il MISS J l ^ E. MUTCH WEST VANCOUVER Ladies aro cordially invitwi to attend the B. C. Electric's annual Free Cook mg , School which will be'hold in the Hollyburn* Theatre, Maxine Drive, on Wednesday Afternoon, June 13. The school starts at" 2 pan, sharp . , . doors open a t 1:30 p.m. - . jAa In thi» past'4hc.^achooL wilt he under the personal ilirecUon of Miss Jean E.' Mutdi, B.C. Rb'cirlo lltnue Settee Director. Miss Mutch will feattire a detaonst^tfOA of «evcrar«|^}al- ly select tsl sumttier i^ ipcs. dredge, lioating elevator, ^scow or other floating craft', and house boats. ,_^ (b) "Raff--includes any logs, lim­ ber or lumber, afloat and held "together "or" enclosed~in--any ̂ way whatsoever to facilitate being towed, or being towed, (c) "Bridge" means the bridge .across the Second Narrows of Burrard Inlet, _^-2^Inbound vessels shall use spahs C, p, or E only and outbound vessels shall use spans A, B, or C .only, and all vessels shall observe the IhCerna- lionaj__Regulaliana for the= vessel's signal for the rais­ ing of the lift span has been heard and understood. II. Should the black ball be dropped this will signify the vessel must not approach the bridge. III. Two black balls hoisted vertically on the south side of the signal mast indicates that the span has been raised. By Day, With Respect to a. Vessel Outbound: IV. A red cone hoisted .to the yard arjm on the north side of the signal mast indicates that TO RENT -- Cottage o ir Waterfront, two weeks in July,: fully furnished, $10. Phone Wesl\235R.' TRY SEAVIEW -HGM Er COOKING for Bread, Cakes, Cookies or Pies, ^ y m ade,to order. Bellevue and 25th. .. ' ' , RADIO REPAIRS -- W est Van. Radio Fettis^ew), West 108, 1473 Marine. ~ SHANNON'S TAXI--Phone North 50 pay or night s ^ c e . , , Ambleside to • Yancouvef . Geheral Hospital, $1.25. ' ■ -- > ^eventing- colnsions at sea while-passing under the lift span' or imy fi.xed span of the bridge. \ „_8-_ A vessel towing-through the lift span opening or under any fixed span of the bridge shall, during the passage hnd until both vessel and tow have completed the passage and AiXL^(^cleur--of--the--bridge-piersT hesEjn'at, mg ot the lift span has been *. enaF and workmanship a t Fox's, heard and understood. V. Should the red cone be T4th a t Ferry. dropped, this will signify the YES, W E H A V E N D BANANAS -- ------J^a^-'an-uldhjrierhufrour Stoc^^^ VT°*^Twn 1. • L i Cigarettes arid Tobaccos are always vertiP^K°n« +1. 2.®̂ * 4®W«sMe-Tea Rooms, at theyertically on the north side of Perry Wharf; - ̂ . - ' have her tow line shortened so that the distance measured from the stem or the towing vessel to the .foremost part of the vessel, raft or other object being towed shall not feet, 7^.-N o-raft-of-m ore-thau-ten sec the signal mast indicates t.h.nf tions. of logs and no ra ft of more tmvlllfK® ia, Bsngth shall be towed tJu-ougK or under the bridge. ®- No vessel, ra f t or ;tow shall Hie span has been raised. By NighL with Respect to a ' vtP® "̂"Ound or Outbound: y l l . A red light on operating ®̂ 4e) indicates p a t the vessel's signal -has _rieen_ heard- and understood PRINTENG -- For aU kinds of PHnungr • phone West Van NewsrWest 363i l a w n m o w e r s h h a r p ^ e d with Ji--speciaL-mac|hine;-'all-makes--West- Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449VIII. Two red lights on the , -------- operating house not less than ^Marine Drivel .5 foot-apart vertically sic-' i-i mfies that the vessel must no t- AND,tUNPURNISHED hrfdi^A " ? *̂ ŷ span of thebridge unless such vessel, raft' or 50"'PJ®teb': under control: risk of injury to herself or the bridge, f^r hridS . shall not signal n " ®* t® oe raised. . . 7 ® ® equipped with masts, funnels or other erections which ran jjapproach _the_ bridge.U® _______ ____ ___ Î X. A CTeen light on operating house , (either side) indicate! House's'itd-iRent. ^Houses, -lots, and- acreage . for ' sa le :/Jo h n Lawson, span has been I ' erections which can P a s s T d e f f h o t o the fijced spans and which >s not prevented by . circumstances SS ". I r t r .! ? ? ! " - ^ r C S ' or You ami yoor fclends Ate invited to make up 0 party aiui ntieud. . . . an inteOresUuK ai^emoon has been arrang^'" - ' . • - X V A l i p A | p . » R I Z E < W IL L B l B i l t A W i r i O l t-V) " Si '."'V I- O*:-* i ̂ '5</>'fv - '̂•s' BRI TI SH C O L U M B I A E L E C T R I C RAIL\XV\Y C O . ^ h e r erections,'s im lln S i i S torthe lift span to open. " he used whiVK®«̂ *̂ '1*̂ ®j®P®?®tor, also those raised are liereby dir- wse. are as follows: - A ' 5Y Hm vessel:, wbfffin blasts, - of S a t to signifyimat the vessd desires the lift m r i raised,^ Tlria signal is ^ bv triitil acknowieJiged" 0 .) r 4 "e ' s ^ ~ , hoisted to the ^ r d arm on t te south side of --,_"the signal m ast mdicates that that the raised. 9. Every vessel having'Itnade the r^uired s i^ a l for the ra?si"g of he I&t sn«?. operator tha t thelit span has been raised. 10. No vessel shall 17th and Marine, Phone West 55. attem pt to ?p? w«y o S aw w t d ^ « z to K S a d ' "* W Syo GORDbN?RpBSON ° B arris te r -- Solicitor WEST IV A N C p U Y E ^ Office No. 14^1'M arine Drive Phone W est 403, 10 to 12. V A N CbU V EBV O FFIC^ S ^ te 501; S lO .H h X ^ s St. W. Phoney 2 to 6. SMn o f f to " ydue cfliit;n« exercise all py£t?^^l®5 having due regard to existirtg t,dgg currents t'ons prevailiii a ? S j ' bridee" ?a" of^any"'̂ eas2°provisiont! a n y of the. , .By.-^aw Coinmî roriCTs'; W. J. ENWRIGHT, "Vancouver, B. C,, May 3 0 th ,5 ^ ^ * ^ ' GEO. HAY -N otarjr^lSiblie Reid E s^ te & linstirance 5 S IIh^ ̂ 'Ihrive PhmieT^es't^ 21'o r Seymour 1260 ; ̂ eriiii|ir;W citi^204X / ■' ̂ _1«L'I I't ::.C d : m V' i . ' h