West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Jun 1934, p. 3

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.... 1' IR O' U « . IMNIMMMMIII ' :i.- z Z b m m m S ! ^ ' . |H«>*I»»" JL «««, A ■iSj*,.i#,f 4j.,,i5.'*f.i3.'ii...|«»#*t*#.»i»ifcr mi4ii«tiftp- <! «_ 1 3X ShlBr*«*»--------- s i 111 * s ■ I . b«r«f ' Mir rmtm* a m^rnMAlk G 0 U I « ~ H i l d l d ' wi8 Ml«nu il^ttiday tn̂ B u r r a r d L a t i n m im « ______ of ovTM MMMi Morioy . Ai Qulat i»iw JohfiBUm̂ oirDttWiarave, ,U a ized at 7 p.m* ' * St* PwmcMn-the- when Miftfl I Winii, Forty membw»'of the Van- Mitchell of Vancouver* b'ecama' couver Horticultural Society the bride of Donald McK^le o n r Ww*»« GeBunilTt Drug Stin recently-held a basket picnic on Goldie, also of Vancouver. ?ev; ̂beach at'-^^ulfefld after P, A. Ramsey officiated, v . itlM>itto'wae|»8 of Mr.,and /.'.iv,;:, MTS'. fi« êiicfc'.BuTOmb& Rev. F. A. llanisoy I«ff h«» Th« flteiM 4f 8«rrica 1401 Hftrittt Drive We»t 87 or Weit 60T Buergencj Phono Woot 811 (Aftor 10 p.itt;) FOR Tokpewoablb**; ■ . . . v m - .............. -v niVR ANDERSONj West Vancouver Representative ■ Phones^West 691L or North ? 1810 V.-. .;»• •> ! Philip C;\Chapmaii General Insurance A g en t. ®Flr®, Autoittobllo, Burglnrjr, Accident and Slcknesi, t6S7 king's ATe.^Phono W. 4IY^ A^HNG ROMANCE *«d; .jll Julia K en^w e^d the Misses on Monday to attend the house AlIceandREf Kilby. party of the Oxford GhiUili -Movementat'v'Bhnff̂ *'vBpr|iii». " Mrs/' M. Harris has^oved Hotel, from 1810 Argyle Avenue, into * • * a house at 14th\ and Bellevue* Dr. J.d împson Gull| IMO Avenue. Marine Drive, is in charge of the Pjxjvinctai . Medical l ife Mr; and Mrs? Kerr, 18th and Unit in North Vancouver du VERNON feed STORE 1 C. SBABLB Phone WMt 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies L W . S a v o r y 1443 Marine Drive . Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West T43 Listings Wanted̂ : Real Estate inance and .^vA..mutual;Jking,,te outdoor, '» .sports, especially Mountain Marine Drive,̂ left here onj'ues- the absence of Dr; Amyof at a Climbjhigii Skiing ̂ and ' other day for Scotland, where they ex-. "Medical convention in the east, winter pastimes; was responsible pect to reside-li f̂uture. « « U * * n! « te^iromanoe that,had its in- , j- ,, ̂ T;ception far up on; Hollyburn Mrsv G. MacQuarrie df Van- John Alexander and Bob Robin- Ridge, above the snow-line on couver, is occupying a house at son left on Saturday for a tw;o West Vancouver's* magnificent Sherman.;., weeks' fishing trip in the OociuK piaygroiind. This romance reach- « * * * , , . halla River. . ed its logical-culmination last Manley Romaic and his moth-. * . « u n i Saturday ̂at' thê Lutheran jer, and. Mr., and. Mrs. A. F. Ghb- Miss Jessie Seaman Chiirchv Bellingham, when Miss son, are leaving.^ Saturday for gary, is th^ guest of »gss Pat Sylyia)Teppcvof Hasting East; , a trip to the Cariboo. Davidsoh, 22nd and BellevueM Daines of Vancouver. The wed- Mr. and IVK̂ Adam Ŝ ^̂ ^ «r-i ding-was^Very quietr only a few moved. from_23D8.. Nelson-Aye- . Annette-Bryce Wilsom mace intimate' friends ' being present, nue, into a .house at 2882 Marine of Mrs. J. P. Fergusson, had the Miss Elmi Teppor sister of the Drive,, • , honor not so very long ago. of bndeî ahd'Afe. Walfer-Stenner,..... ... ~ ......„a.pnyate..audience at.BuckIngr_ being; ,the.attendants... After the L W;. Pattison, of Vancouver, ham Palace, before their Mafes- ceremony*'the newlyweds-left, on is moving to Caulfeild. ties the KingandQueenofE^- a, tour of Mount Baker.* On." re- " recited an excerpt jturnin]g?to Vancouver they will Miss Winnie Logan, 14th and from Shakespeare and her owJij?̂' ^Tfie iup their, residence at, the Marine Drive,: ĥ retur̂ ^̂ ̂ * * * Winchester Apartments, * Jervis an* extended visit to Califoma, X Street where she attended the wedding A son was born on Sunday, wall of her sister. 27th May, at the North Vancou- ♦ ♦ ♦ ver General Hospital; to Mr. mid l^ S w o n ^ v era m Mr. and. Mrs. Weir ^ West Mrs. J. h:* Fletcher, 2283 iSy- - a S K eppo fe s r g pt Bay, have mpv^ ito Gleneagjes. wood Avenue. ̂ ^ sport. - '-- ^o^^ag,^receiv^TdiereHthat---- Mre.-Gr*nt?%>rden-of-Xiondonr- Stratton's BAKERY B R E A D All C A K F S S-Sl*>yisl XliwXi/ JMftOO PA ST R IE S * ALL KINDS OF FANCIES 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY Juno, 8th and 9th **Tiw K ing o f " ~ W ild H o rs ^ ^ MONDAY and TUESDAY Juno 11th and 12th "Flying Down to Rio" with GENE RAYMOND WEDNESDAY, JU N E"i3 th ** DISRAELI" : also . He Couldn't Take I t ' nbleside Sheet ......M e fa L L SPECK. Proprietor W OrfeS, " .ij T ~a ' 4.U..+ the father of Dr; G. D.,H.Seale. England, who is spending a por- News-c(^es fromXondon that* passed *away Friday at his tion of the summer With her Dodd Allan and her ̂ ome in Brandon; Man. mother, Mrs. Julia Henshawe of daughter: Josephine, enfe^ined . Caulfeild, has been the guest of in their apartment m Chism j^g Williams who has been honor recently at a number of Park on May 10th, at a bir^dayi^^ patient in North "Vancouver informal social affairs, lunch^wm honorof Mî ^̂ ^̂ Hospital, has returned ♦ * " *̂̂ ^̂ "rt®~^dlieFhome"at 15tK;andrDuchess J~G. Tearrl2th and Ingle- tastefuHy. decorated and Avenue.' wood Avenue, returned last week ed ,.with a b^utiful birthday Vermilion, Alta. His wife calre. After the luncheon the Provincial vidth her two is remaining there with her son- children, 1 2 th - and Inglewood in-law and his family for the . Avenue, has'returned here after balance of the summer, hghtful afternoon returning to ̂ visit of ̂ eighteen months at ̂ ♦ ♦ ♦ Chiswick for. tea. Sorel, P.Q. ̂ , __ It is of interest to note that? "---- -- ♦--fL-- -- i-- _ i _ _ . jjgj,_]yĵ jgĝ y- tiig -Queen has-re-- i^studying at the. Royal college ferries last month'carried quested that the portraits and ,0 1 AlXlSiC*' ~ , " «w/» nner T/i/kf/wio r̂ airif. THURSDAY, JUNE 14th * ^HTCoiirdiiTTikc It' also "The Midshipmaid 76,395 passengers "as . compared pictures of Queen Victoria paint- 7 ' , with 67,704 passengers for Maŷ ed„by JohnJHayter, R.A., late A collision took place lastjveek iggST̂ b̂eing an increaseTof :8;691.T President of the Royal Academy TEAROE & SON Concrete Contractors Cement Floors Garden Walks Lily Pools.-- -Gravel and Cement- 1474 Phone Marine Drive West 84 . . :̂ ^̂ ^̂ -̂ b3^Mr ;̂-Butt.--Both:-cAr^we^Q sor Gartle to the National Gal- badlSdimaKed,the;drIyer8 -for ̂ . fery, London, where they will be S f c * into,the unately escaplngiinjury., on view intemationaUy. WEST VAN Sheet MeldJUforfc*^ Phone W est 39 WHY BE A DRUDGE IN SUMMER? Let me Gleaiftjyom and Mtand efficient work- done.right in your .home.at an -ammsingly low cost. Finest equipment used., Ten yearsi experience ALSO CLEANERS TO RENT AT LOW mATBrPER DAY. I. H . P . B R O W N ' PH O N E W EST 4 5 8 L Formerly with Hoover Co.> . ' Surprise Party -A.--very--delightfuL Surprise: Millar Wylie Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners Party was held in the Old Green . The wedding took place at 7 School on' Friday eveningj June p.m). Monday in St. Andrews- 1st the guest of honor of. the Wesley Church, Vancouver, of evening feing Miss* Grace Tite Miss Alice. Wylie, daughter of of%€st-Vancouver^r^^even- Mr. George^-Wyhe^of-Vanew- C. J. OTeringtoa PIONEER-BARBiER Expert Work 14th and Marine Phone Whst 135 ing was spent in dancing, , music ym:, to Mr. Charles Millar, B.Sc and games* Among'the< guests (Edin.), A.I.C., A.C.I.C., 1436 firê ent from West Vancouver Thurlow Street, youngest son of were Miss Grace Tite, J. .Tito; Mr. William S. Mill^ and the mÎ and Mrs. Atwood, Mr; and . late Mrs; Millar of Edinburgh. ------- -̂----- Mr« D Keith Mr. and Mrs;. Hi / Following a two weeks', honey- . .The brush on the boulevard m T)Avirh?on Mr and' Mrs. G/ moon' in California, the happy j^fronl of Pauline Johnson School rMidt Mr "and Mrs. J. Patter- couple will take up residence in has. been cut and the boulevard son Roy L̂ iwes, Mws C. Page,. West;'Vancouver. levelled. . ̂ ; - IN '-ANY? ̂ ̂ ,̂ .QUANTITY, qUALITYlTOR^ORlif and Pay a Premium Consistent ^th"Government Quotations OBTAFN^OUR VALjUTATIONS Pacific Gold Tune in to ̂Our R ad io 'B ro^cast over CKMO - /.A/. - every m om inir'10 .to l0 :15 . . ^OO- Rpbson ' . S t r ee t . ^ ^ ' ^ J I f ^ . f Af mi i y . ? "35^, .1; Miss M: Atwood, 5&88;G.Dawd- son. Miss G. Wilba^,-A, SheU lard, A. Hookham, R,a*mson. ' / Those, present from Gapilano in­ cluded Mrs. Wotton-' and Afess Annie Wotton, Mr. a n d S . Fraser, Mr. and Mjs., F, Isa^ , -Mr.-^d^Mrs^M. V^l, A*r8t W. ' Griffin,.Miss LiUian Fraser, Miss M.' Cummings, ^fS;. Miss M. Pere, Miss, A*. Wotton, MisI y. Lmie, D.|mt^on, E. Fraser, D. Fraser, JWStally) C. McKinnon, W. Cummings, XK.-Voil, J* Granberg; ArftSShir-. Iey< . ' ^ . L ARMSTRONG 13L1BCTRIC 1462 Marine Drive AGENT FOR CLA R KSO N 'S LTD. GENERAL ELECTRIC f 7 HOME APPLIANCES Phone West 443 . Evenings North 925 WEST Va n c o u v er TENNIS club Have vacancies for a few more ihcmbers., Pirst^class Courts. For particulars please phone Jc it^ O i^aJe? . W est 434 'Vi [IS t'i I't ■V):% , ' * , ,t?* o W * A.'> k V 1,' M̂li'1 i M V. ViHh *r'." t •■V y U A a • *t *>': ! . % i | Sfiaa !& W Y a l l m t ■* >' A ,-;r/ ¥'J t * 1 'I ? £ -'•i - f Vi ?Jj m mI ' 1ft I i tv i / a X Hi . ̂'I h f , ■ .y: . f W 0 k "A iil'