West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Jun 1934, p. 2

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ht« «jiu '?*!« VJm, 1 0 p:ii-̂>' ôu 0ufe It' '*»» "'" i--j.'^pJXmr§mf^ i i i p i i f "Evtur'wonts'll UIcm to'ltifsfw.nwl ififr'wswwitt: csR« it shs vstuos htr hsff : r tu f 'j ? s t t r ® v a s ! Kill ly SdMsi «aiA-iriMl9-lŴ ^ An AAmm w , *' HHr m w Bm m w m m i . Snlilinl *̂ Grscs AlMNUMlinf*' 1 A Weleom* for sU/& ?{4 liSoesec p%iiiWI ... .... 'I...IMylmrS"' II ■ I "'ift UNITlBb CHURCH *T5on't ipoii yoor lummer by cxpoHmontlfig' with "bsrfsitt i>»rmaitinti.'̂ * The June meet|n|r and taJewt money tea - of the Women » Ai- : Vf"- Beauty Shoppe m l Mnrtnn t^tfh lociation of tĥ Went Vancouver United Church, held on Tuesda; at the home of the preeidenl ___ A. M. O'Donnefl,. jpj very Huccessfuh The offer of For sppolntmontŝ PaONB WB8 T 117 Mrs. C. I>, Elgar to lend her gVounda for a garden party on Tueeday, June 26, was accepted. At the conclusion of the usual a»*2Sof ewit, Sunday, June 10, 1984 subj^:; "60D THE WLV CAUSE '* / AtAND CHBATOR»» gtUMiar School St 10:001^«. Ths public Is cordially in- vltod to AttSttd our services snd nteetfnat. FfUOS IfFCaiVE* FRIDAY,, aAlWKUMffJ • aLlBBrS AVimUAbl FINBAtBWMa. i u m r » wNEAPPfcB jUK»xr * "- UBBVB TOMATOta, Na iJ i lto-::. UBSyS SPAGBBTTI, 15 «. tla U B B rs SAUBBKKAUT. LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE, p io u s tin. 9ii« ' he I «wwii*twiiitsgy' " 'r z^ '* n ; '<r' i- 1 fi ? # 'k 'n ' <.,i«iiim>m«»» II iM HI II III II n'»* "m 111 I'M..HI" f 11 w t >pyi »;!> •Ml '-J,' ' »e............. . LIBBY'S, CORNED BEEF LIBBY*Ŝ MUSTAIiiD UBBŶ S CATSUP 12 Oa ■.bOm.,,',i,,i>»m>twjw„«M,Mtw,wi'Aiŵ Aadl'̂ 16. 1 TIb LlbBrS CORNED BBBP\A 1 Jar BDBTARUt-lM^.'or 19. SUGAR -- (hlmit 5 lbs) .......... ...........................-6 11m. 27c MAX-i-MUM JELLY POWDBBB KllAFir MIRACLE WHIP -- S)̂ : os. bottls.:.---- ;J«...;»..:»((Mdh'17e KING FANCY WHITE TUNA ^ QUAKER CORN FM^ES «*•»«*«*** •*«•«•**»* SOAP - P. & G. i- > c . ■• ij jMSt V \ K >># « S JIAPTI8 TCHURCH MMpMMf BOB'S UOLLYBURN Barber Shop^ Ladles* Qonts* and Chtidron'a HAIHOUTTlNCf I4D0 M arioe D rive UH ness, an n^ ̂ _ as or: v. . ........... I Stainsbj. ^ iss M. Morris of Vancouver, rgaret Stoblo. loH which gave much pleasure W« V*Birv«'Ui« rirfct to Umlt quAHtlUsipT given by Dr Solos which gave rendered by Mbs. Stainsby, and FOR the BEACHES WrBA!Tff SU N VISORS. GOGGLES, BEACH BALLS EAR DRUM PROTECTORS lUICREAMS FOR SU N BU R N ANULESIIIE PH4RNACY w. W. L. KER, Prop 1401 Marine-Prl^'^ Phone West BBS FREE PELIVBRY accompanists being Miss J. Mc­ Neill and Miss Frame. Mrs. O'Doimeli and Mrs. Ritchie were prcsdnttKl with beautiful bou­ quets. l̂ realding at the prettily decorated tea table were Mrs. A. B. Turnbull and Mrs. D. C.. Ritchie; while those assisting Sunday, June 10th, 1934. 9:46 a.m.--Sunday School. 10:00 a.m.--Bible Class. , 11:00 a.m.--Morning ŷorship. Pastor will preach, topic: TAAlWAV̂ SVOIbkmî' * f > " « 4 I DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT WASTE ((The Good Ananias." An.mthem. 7:15 p.m.--Evening Worship. Topic, "God's Handwrit- "/ ing/* , Song service at comnience- WEST VANCOUVER PUBLIC SCHQQL SPORTS maniu, wimu uuvov ooo«Di<aii» ment. 50 vd. î ash. 6 years--i, ueoi-̂ i-.' ' Ti"~ *̂ *̂were MrsrF. J.JPattersmiL-Mrs. ' -Wê ^̂ ^ Friday, 1st June, 1934 Boys' Events ' 5p yd. Bash, 6 years--1, Geof-̂ "■•iy ÂÂltelA ■ V AA * VUlIUy XI# p 2, Norma Fellows, P.;, 8, Mar­ garet Glover, P. Jumiis, 6 and 7 years -- 1, WUJ U JVjIOd X * Mi X ilVwAOVAlF ,AV*|.0# W. Blair, Mrs. E. Bell. Mrs. G.".1* prayer service;. ̂ P., and Jack Clement, P. tie. ' Dr-klgarr-Mrsr^R. Howfeson and Thursday,- S-^p.m.--Choir Prac- 50 yd. Dash, 7 years--1, Gor- li^iss I. Philip. ; . ' tice. don.Mitchell, H,; 2, Frank Ker-^ ' or««,>uK,v»a riftimra P'̂ *'Tr ,, ley, P.; 3, Buster Hibbard, H. '- ST. STEI HEN S .CHURCH a hearty invitation to all. 60 yd. Dash, 8 years--1, Eric an,i-" Vn;rr O On Friday, June 1st, the Mis- Lauder, A ; 2, George Mitchell,̂ June 10th, 1934 -- 2nd Sun- gfon Circle of the Baptist Church jj.; 3. David Chapman, H. day alter IVinity. held a very succe.ssful anniver- 5 9 yd. Dash, 9 years--1, Wal-̂ 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion, ĝ ry gathering when a goodly ter Findlay, P.; 2, Alex. Bing- 44 Two women over teacups: And did you have a nice time jorie McTavisH, P.; 3; Nonie Bar- Jumps,.8 and 9 years -- l,i Evelyn Cook, H.; 2, Lola Yates, H.; 3, Freda Jenvey, P. Jumps, 10 and 11 years -- 1, Moirâ MacLeod, H.; 2, Maureen Martin; P.; 8, Anna Spanks, H. Boy's Kibloid Events Hollybuni made 36 points. 1, Stan (Seen; 2, Syd. Breedon; oil your honeymoon?" "Oh, wonderful I And 1 met the darlingest man." -ft--- politics and taxes, it's glorious -that there's such a thing as ilshln'. JO & 11:15 number of friends assembled to- ham, P.; ', Ronald Macaulay, H.: 11.15 a.m.--Matms and Sermon, gether. A very enjoyable pro- 60 yd. Dash, 10 years--1,'Billy ' ____ ___ , _______ 7:lo p.m.̂ Lvensong and Ser- , gram was presented. Greeting ^ill, H.; 2, Fred Smithers, H.; ,3, Merle Spanks;-4, JoeiMatthi- an A T w iw from W.M.g; Board wâ 3, Robert Wilson, P. ̂ ' as; 5, Donald Cox; 6 , Lionel The Rev. A. J* Wiley will be by the President, Mrs. Gordon go yd. Dash, 11 years--1, Pat Crosby; 7, Pat Jefferies; 8 , Pat Jefferies, H.; 2,Jim Anderson, Kerr; 9, Michael Costello; 10, titled ;"The Ring of Rama Knsli- p,; 3 , wally Breedon. H. ___ Wilfred Lind s e y .__ ____ nî ,̂ wasrpuf on by RY.P.U. iqq Da^, 1 2 years and up: . Paulinê " I^am made -which"-carned-a-wonderful-and~-.zzi^erierSphl^'TITX"Jor~2 r p in ^ " * the preacher at both services. : Auxiliary School 1-1 th-and-Inglewood Schoolrlft^tn 1 , Masao Hoshinq.; 2 ,' Bob Glover; 3, Rupert Lycett; 4, Mal- DH. <?. D. H . S E A L E D.D.8., l .d ;s . DEStm: ll»y Block,- 14th and Marino Dr.~ OOlco Houro 0 to S p.m. Evtningo by appointment ' Phone Went 72. The Cbnrch Committee will ipspiring message and showed Matthias H. • 3 Syd.-Breedon . mcirt a t ' 8:16 on Tuesday, June ^he great n e e d w o r k e r s to j j > . » ., v j>. ^̂ â iiosdav 2 30 D m __ w a <4 Jumps,__6 and_7_yearSrr-l,_Gor-__colm_ Lauder'; 5,-(}eofcge-Rade- ]Uista6s7me!tin/ don Mitchell, H-, and Frank Ker- let; 6 , Jim Anderson; 7, BilloflfennK lor the. work was re- lev. P.. tie: 8 . Junior Orpenwood, Hudson, ft rttiarlaa moro.pi*. a ceived.ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd_& Inglewood Ave. ^ ̂ Priest in Charge. Rev. W. J, Millay, Residence: 2823 Inglewood Ave. Residence Phone West 240R, CHURCHES OP CHRIST, SCIENTIST ley, P., tie; 3, Junior Greenwood, Hudson, 8 , Charles Forster; 9 , H. "Robt, Sheffield; 1 0 ; John Rbb- Jumps, 8 and 9 years -- 1, son. . _ ____ Donald Thompson, P.; 2, Stanley >E, G A LLA N T/ D.C., CHIROPRAGTOR- 2444 Martha Driv«, Dundarave, Monday, Wedneaday A Friday Bvantnga, 6:30 to S.30 p.m. Vancouver-Office: 712 Robson ------Seymour 8790 SundayBervIces ' Low Mass -- 8:45 a.m.. Mass and Sermon a.m. 10:45 riotw -D rj D u -Kif 1 ' Girls' Tabloid Events Davey P., and Ronald ̂ Macaulay, TTniivLû ti "GOD THE ONLY CAUSE H., tie. - ̂ ^ AND CEEATOB" is the subject Jump. 10 and 11 years -- 1, i * V len Ynimt. o r of the Lesson - Sermon which Peter Simmonds, P.; 2 , Dennis . q will be read in all Churches of Nickerson, H.; 3, Billy Simipson, Murfel Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, P. 6 June 10th. - Senior Relay (won by Holly- iot,r^ i'7 râ *̂ ?~ J The-GoldeirT€.xt-ir:" "*BleffS€7l~burn)7 4^an~l7"M erle"Spank^"xjic vjviucn xt;Av AOa X>U;;oot;u -**Auaii----X, lywiXUJ OpailKo. PViirt/v •• i A'" %jr ' 'be the Lord God, the God-of H.; 2, Syd.-Breeddn, H.,; 3, Joi OK>no; 10,. Mary Chap- T o VvCIa Y ^ v ila r _ n y « M n /« l \ T A f f 1 r iQ C TT • A '• TT P c l l * Batabliahed on North Shore X6-Y«ara,- (Lady AaaidtAnt) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON f u n e r a l R ir r r tn r s NorthVnncouverParlors 122 West Sixth Street -PhoiuriNoTth-lSCa Vancouver Parlors > Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Week-day Services Massî daily -- 8 a.m. l̂ 'idaysT comprise the Lesson - Sprmonis Age v, Aibred Hibbard, H ,; Age f J i the following from the Bible: 8 , George Mitchell, H.; Age 9 , A?r«T'̂ Qr........ auu^i-*. TO...J xta. D-- 1.J ....... 'tt ' a Alma Skertqn; 5; Argent-Ray;"Thus saith the Lord the King . Ronald Macaulay, H.; Age 10. J/:Argen̂ ^̂ 5Mo.yo* 0f-Ipael7-and7iis7 d̂eemerrther~§Rl5 f̂fill)fHr7Age-i-l7-Wrfter-- Dorpthy Benediction, Rosary, Confes- Breedon, Ĥ. g j P» MareSette^ l̂O^Teansiona -- 7:30.- " L ani the last; and beside Ime Girls' Evenfe Miiifey. ' ' W. C. T. U, 4̂ u ' rt AT « u., Girls' Eventsth^e is no God/'tlsaiah 44: 6 ) 7 Senior Relay (Won by Pauline . * The Lesson - sermon also in- Johnson) 4-man_1 Margaret i " Awar|ia eludes the following passage Glover, P.; 2, Norma Fello t^ P- l*"~School having ̂ the greaterfrftT« +ho nViriaHon 0 n/r-.T ' aiTfiTeorfl+nThe W.C.T.U. will hold their % phristiiih &ience text- S Pearl McLennan, P.; 4 , dW ®"P ôn reg.dar mtaithly meeting at the ®̂*'v ĥy Jessiman, P. ,, , "y Hogybnni School.,. hoTSranaHTArfrBeBmer, cor- , Senior Relay (Won by Holly- -2 .--®°y? ::Chmpipnahip for • eciofJgtoBd^ttawa^enue,- S - Q ttme-Jihnd is--burn) 6 man, ages 6 to 1 1 --Am--^ ..Thursday, June 14th, at 2:16 : Age 7 , Ber-on p.m HANDICRAFT SHOP iĝ THE W est Van News FUbllulicid Rv«rr Thurudar ■ X « /s/ IHtbtiahur Pe P. LOVEGROVE Phone W^t 363 EttulntlHi «ad Bdit̂ rUd OITic«: 17th and < Mariiic Drive (Next to HeUyburn P.O.) Phinlo West 863 existence. Cause does not̂ êxist nice La Fleche. H.;' Age S Jac- ,, -̂""Girls' GKampiohship for in mattei; in mor^ mind, or in queline Vance, H.; Age 9 *Bve- greater ag^egrate score; physical forms." (p. 262). lyn Cook. H.; Age 1 0 , CanX won by Pauline John- ----- - - - wrtcjtit Johnson, H.; Age 1 1 , Marjmret Girls.- ; : - :• ;;; Miss Lr H, Morris of West WEST ^^COUVER ' Kidd, H. 4.--Individual.̂ Championship Bay, took-Hrst prize for the best UNEMPLOYED ASSN. 50 yd. Dash, 6 years "l Joy Hrefdiest;score; Cup woven article of Empire Wool 1 ... , Cranwell, H.; 2, Mavis Ward H • Sp^k^H.S. at the Salt Spring'̂ IsIand Exhi- 3, Angela Luke, P. *' » •̂'rMividual;, Championship bition:>̂ ̂ on Monday of this , 7 years -- 1 score; CuPo. wonk. . , S S ta y Jto ^ hT I mJ^ "y N-brma.FeUbwn.PJ.S. ^ " <=!»"?>>, P., and-Florence Mail Addinm: ,P. 0. Box'41, Hollybuni, B.<X i>#v' North Yancodver Officer 123 IiO R Sdale Ave. I LOO R yeor b^ cigrler: 12.00 a yeor 7'tm v ' -ft, A Whitt bush fire, which was •luickly but out by the brigade ^®®*̂ .were: President bmto^ntlaatMohdayatiA- """i^Danse^P.l^ w i e s ^ ™ww^\ho.Sr'8 t : j ^ » for ̂ ........ " ■ KerIey.Mrs. Ke;ranaEJB;«h; lyn ------------------------------ Ways and Means Conanittee; H.; 3. NmŜ ^Mrs.'Kerr, -R, Stuart, and M 6 0 vrf nLvf Phfflips: Itegistrar. Y fe ^ a te I!h<rfa Tw IJ' p . The next meeting of the As- Johnson w . q S 'sooiation̂ ^ 1 1 be', hJd " H ' ® ' ««vg8hy, lUgion Hall on Thuiaday, June 60 yd. Dash, 1 1 years -- 1 --Jlfaisie Grieve, P.; 2, Alma Skerl̂ j|Q|j|yh»¥-'6?*dl2afc*Wi7,s m JOHN LAWSON'S OFFICE :&pspet'sr'CTc RADIOS RANGES WASHERS ' Ranse D U B um ers •'S - L T D . 2t,. -̂ 5 r ' 14, iK - r r jn 1^' tJn ......,» i i mmsm I s3Siim nv - In., " '• i J, '* ' J , , r jj H i tsmSi WM iSi ml H *.\V7' '•< -rt-t Mm -ii. 'Mm§ S' is Bit