West Van. News (West Vancouver), 7 Jun 1934, p. 1

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mm'k0-r$ * 4 f A M ^ S ' « i I H r ^ H i P ' j M H k ' u |||||||||b ^ I i^w ..].....V....... .,..| 'aneou $1.00 per year. Ampus/ae, Hoifybut^f.T \ "kk.̂. ■lx'.:.' ««. Cauj^ld, Whyteeliff> Etc ^undarave 4\ f . M Be per copy at newsstands* ̂̂ 4̂. t« "I /*. -sĴiê,̂̂ .►l at V »■ Vol. IX ^̂ ^^0 ... . 5 irrwi *?«««--- ' -T W'j*fc •■■ M§» ¥%• 'OVER. B.C., T h u r s d a y ; fffi. 1934 No. 7 ^ ® S & 5 2 . £ ,. _____ ' : ^ u d ! k s i ^ I f ' .w ĥ 5 S ^ W » e :h e r r ; / ' ; ',■;, .1 ,̂.'̂ !̂ MOR«OW NIGHT L.O.L. No.-S990 The abov6 ledge'mat'In ■■■ : * » ■ 3VEST VANCOUVER f TENNIS CLUB , i - ,, m m - 4 M Narrow I which hM"been 'S taffi anv ta n k railway, a tem toO^,stiructj>!ja to enable to f f ic to , Z it would have been buat-.to'a(n>onth'and <iermiment impairs .ffwted within six nloiiaib.;KAs a,-Vital connection in w ar on fhflines of coiwnunlcatibn heiivldht' t r ^ i c would, have ■ been using "it I tf 'l lw e n ty rT i^ h p u ^ sM ^ ^ of that section would;,MXe*rep41m^ train to the baSeV ;A slfim tl& ;o£. i W Z n fo reZ n . o n u m to and a iW f8 c '» ;d H d f 8 S ri# '« n c « o * ;^ ^ ^ ^ , had vehicular traffic, goipg.oviir a tempp;p#iy;,atructnre,m the ^"^Vhe^failure for t h r e e s p a n b a s 'sca^ tered ruin and bankruptcy, broadcast iihrotf^hout Shore, much m ore'so .th ^ .h a s , ,the;deprps^dn Of th a t there is no question whatever; ' ' .... , , ' We doubt if there will be! any more accidents to the bridge with the new regulations how in force, particularly as regards the lift s p a n . "For"the!liS|te#iryerytheay^"and*t€iy%igh-a^^^ anv accident there would: be almost ̂ certain to mean a sunk -and-broken ship ahd-a dead-ci'ew. Andi th a t is . theLyery._best guarantee in th e 'w o rld . ' . ; ' , >441 **WTWQ fiiA waII lar sessionon TueadA lis^ to ̂ W®st Vancouver Tennis lowM I I o f Gilbert â ^̂ * attendance #«|ehi)^rs. Club have vacancies fpr a few s i l X a n n r S e n t S ^ a l . Several ihteresting.reports.miife more members. The club courts ^ pr̂ fiented by -the' Worshipful are in first class shape and ,a !J?̂ ST îL/̂ SJ?*AnSir Master and others* . " ' good start has been made on to rf^ y * ^ ^ ^ ^ gS woffjeers, of yancoHve; what prom̂ isea to bo a very ac- ; .7 .•" f . . , . H y< * *« - s R t f a a ' f f l s s s Aof .MrSti.yolin,».î cljean, ine, phone Jerry Grisedale at West cboir numbering forty-five, have rSl^rni^T^hir^fh nnif^ lnoif ses-wern'OelivemcirOy-^tnes^uis 434 for full paitieulars. ■ '•j/ki * 1 5 ; ■i i t ^ BIBLE SOCIETY DISPLAY HERE - tinguiahed visitors. Tne wor- fl shipful County M aster stated all ■ A?A nn!X arrangements weiib made fprthepreduction.of̂ toe popû celebration of the '.'Glorious 12th" a t H astings,Park a n d tb p «. * v*v*h** has been spent on the costumes ^all a t night in the Hotel Society are showing a display of ' ^ j Vancouver. The guest speaker Bibles, Testaments; Gospels, andof the deck 'of H.M.S. Pinafore,- __«.ni lU n ^ u i ' The British & Foreign Bible . . . uwiv .V*. Hastings'-A r k will be -the Sunday School supplies a t mls- will he realistic in every way. Hon. Dr. T. M. Anderson, Pyeml- sionary prices for a few days The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. l. . - i? ------ ...i.;. ' *1' f* ^ • The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. ̂ Saskatchewan, who is com -. only in the oifice Of John Law- O.D*E.,, are the sponsors and ing to the Coast-for th is purpose son (kindly loaned), next dpor hope to see-a;,,packed house to- nnrl .who in a staunch member of to the Hollvburn Posf Office., f If ,w"lif?»'[ hope to see ,a,packed house t a and ^ho is a staunch m,ember of ' to the Hollyburn Post Office. jnoTOW ,,ey;^Jf...Jicte^^ W -O ran g e order -Church ..workers -and-S unday - ............. 35c; students ZOc. Children will i / iphe car will be drawn fo r a t School teachers ospocially invit- v -' ' ^ be a,4initted to, the dress rehear- |,all a t the Hotel Vancouver cd, " =shPar5TRmrtp;day for-lOc^--------(a Ford V8, ;i9S 4T i6ae l)78hd --------- ------------------------ ---- - " TV B. C. eLeCTOIC .COOKING SCHOOLt(( - A hearty invitation is* extended to; ajl y 'ek t Vancouver ladies to attend the annual B; C. Electric free cooking school, which will be held a t 2"p.m. nex t'W edne^ay , June ,13th, in . Hollyburn Theatre.. Doors will open P-^l; ^ ,^i i. • ' As in previous years Miss Jean' E . Mutch, B, 0. E lectnc liome service director,- wilPbe in* chatger On-this occasion ahe will feature'a demonstration of several specially ̂ selected sum­ mer recipes, whibh at' this^season 'ofvfhe year w iirbe of par­ ticular interest. I ̂ < .* ' A'valuable" prize'Will"'be drawn for in accordance-with WEST VANCOVVER _________ , . h o r t ic u l t u r a l a s s n . ' children. Tickets are on ^ le .b ^ ■ '-̂>v the members of the lodge a t the The 'eleventh annual Rose nominal cost of 50c each. all proceeds will go to the Loyal . ROY At. SCHOOLS 0)P Protestant - Home - f o r ' n eeay '< . ' MUSIC EXAMS'. The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, London,vn ' « •* *rV ■ -1 . i ■ *«• T'lWfl m e eievenun auxmiu xwov Show & Floral ^Festival will be The members will again par- England, Vancouver Centre, will held in the^OraiSge Hall on Sat- ade in uniform dress as ir\ other hold their practical examination urday, June, T6th. An addj^d y e a r s f o r the celebration and the fe a tu re - th is -y e a r , is the .open customary parade will be held the studio Mrs. P. Knight iii R6Ses and keen com- in W est Vancouver in the mom- Hodge, 1332^Duchess Avenue, on netitidn - is ' expected in these ing previous to going to Vancou- Saturday, June 23rd, at 9:30 & sesfr< ?m dlitside.pp in ts.A ny .ver. __ . aun. Mr. Herbert Kinsey will be pri^^-v^n-W fo r 'i i ia c m H a h c e .Witt , ll_ _T 'Ll Ak. Wm 1 W - >• V ' * HOLLYBURN-THEATRE re i! ii;. m • ,1*H H ■fVVyi? ̂ J. i « ' JL 4 I'J' under. Miss Mutch's.direction,- w M ^ h f W « w a ^ . .....T ^ ^ S t o j S f c t ' n l m e V f e t - -WwSflvjKJfejdgsi •AnjnMabeft^ -^ ... , popular and have heenjyeiy ^r^^+aij»ndfid-i-; j are asked to take note of tnir*^' In futjire this, theatre will be ^ ^ ^ ^ ------------ •" thiA inunici^^^ the visit and make an effort to travel, open eVery night in the week H orticu ltu re Assbclation their with NoHh Vancouver. Arrange- vrith 'three changes of p ro^am . hearfM uPPort-in .theitlendeav^V L ents are under way for the p e show on Mondays and T ue^ oTs to beautify the muracipality lodge's annual picnic and child- days, and again on Fridays and UJ» bw uc« ^ : ««nrt« n the near future. Saturda.vs will consist of one ;V;;<vv^ CORRESPONDENCE "LE G IO ^N O T E S n,-( West V??NeWs.' ' ■ ; . thf^^ocll brfnch was held F r i - , fu rth e r the .'in tei^sts of ren's sports in the near future. Saturdays will consist of one Dear L T In reading = your, day, June Is t . w lth President H.- C t ie W tu re in onf'-'district, by Refreshments were sewed at article of May 31st, regarding Walker in the chair. com ing, forw ard . w ith the ir ex- j}?®® PpfpH s^hort the West v k - N orth; Van. . ' \Cdmrade Townsend, zone r e p - ' hibits and making: the:. of the best gatherings Road Race, I noticed th a t n o ' resentative, p a id .a v i s i t jp th e , worthy W est VancouveFs beau-' brought to a close near mid- p ro ^am bemgsh^^^^ m entidn>s made:o^^ ; - ' ^ m g h t .---------------- --------------------^evemng. .̂-The^^^^ In my estimation, FYe£^ ran - C o^ade ,.C o l. m AY DAY GOMMI'rTEB ^ S 0 ™ L L of ̂ two^feature^p^^^^^ the hardest race of any of us, ju s t ' returned f r om Uomimon nn/1 .n /vr»i vm̂ 4- ; 4*l«h i-h - 4*/v»4- 'i. fP n khXt'M Ti'ortune--C up^Inn--are- s t i l l - hoursi-therefore-we^will-not-be -1 • r?*¥Ti ' and against the g reatest'.odds.C brnm and . a t Ottawa. - The in jg reQuested* th a t , those' wifii West able to show the entire nroirram He took the lead whlcfelthe re s t.- fo rn^ tlon proved , interesting, h a v i n g a n y accounts-6yving them. , t r ^ c o n d nlace - t ^ c e program nf ne wdva aWo ^+n. maiTi+.fliV ' i,Tfrt iTiQf.rimtivA. coverinff a wido VC. n«,v nrvrv*v?.4+fAA artA Van. Lumber..1|1̂ second place.,; twite. P.C.I. have played 6 games and • 4'>' *' throughout the--racO. -- r . -----. r ' navmg any aucuuuuB uwing W4«xii of us wdre able 'to maintain ' arid instructiye, c o v i n g a wide May Day Committee, and Also, I ^ r ^ g e of L eg ip i^c tiv ities relat- already dpne_so, puld , bev ing fb unempIdynSerit^fpensionsr-^Viid - tY e K b v ^ ^ ^ ______ splendid'/ ^ ______ coaching and support he gave tq-r Act. ' ' a s soon as possible. fl„̂ riext_ general meeting, . ______ ^ think Mr." Condon should bê s ing fb'uhempldyiriierit^fpensionsi ^ n J " th "em)l:o~the Secreta"ry7'L; mentioned for the< splendid' and' W ar Veterans' Allowance Brooks, 2334 Haywood Avenue, coaching and sunnort he gave to-r Act. - . Qci on An a a 'nn.c(.<4ible. the team. A TEAM. MEMBER.- - JUhe 15th. ------------------- r - ; Menibers are requested to Editor- < " 1 .4 J. note Decoration .Day Service,- West Van News. Sunday, June 24tH. „ , < Sir: I beg through th e court- ' ENGAGEMENT "have yet to* be-defeated. Last, Wednesday Spencers sent over a team and were defeated by P . C.1.17 rims to 1. Spencer's, how­ ever, did"riot field their regular team and have asked for a re- YOUNG PEOPLE'S DANCE ------LARGELY AM ENDED , There was a large attehdance a t the Young People's Dance team aiiu iiitvti « - - - sponsored^by the Black Diamond . ----------- . . .. , - tu rn game for «which they wi l l Or che s t r a , in co-operation with Mr. and Mrs. A .,H . Hibberd . bring over a-rstronger team and,, L*O.L. N a 2990, which took of 576 16th-Street, HoHybum, "try to geF revenge. This game,. Nace last FV ida^vem ng in the West Vancouver, announce th e w a s to be played a t Ambleside.. Orange Hall. The latter had !*> -4 . • -fL t th^ Tin suggest 4®' AV lONDALE ' ^ S g e r S ^ ^ ^ p S c^o n '̂ - W e d S JunToth" been "beautifully decorated ip r S toibS'̂ ' j f t h e ' O f . : X)nSunday"M e s t .Vancou-' Ham H Swanson-,_eldest son of i„ „ext week's issue. Gwing to, Black ? ,-- flio __i mill o-iwo fwn Mr: and Mrs. Hi.. ' r m 0 9 m 'f small iriDute to the,.ra!emoRy.ol.̂ .On Sunday tne w esi yamjiu- M:7E"'H"Swihson of P ^ lS n game the their well known brand of snap- and Tipjipp +A +Viia et̂ oii 4 /.+i't7n. Hiiih livilL suDolv take place in the West- vancou ,, brings together S «srssfW3Kns K S B & S r V jaararjaKjssa •. SCHOOL t r u s t e e s ,. ASgN. -- - / T"«?F,, the lucky ticket Would ithoVbe apprbpm tditb _____, re-name the No. 6 ,Eer3^ 'th e ' band will play a t ;English Bay. Caulfeild o r" ̂ a n c is Caulfeild?, C y M M wt̂ uixciiu ui f.x2tui:is A^auut^ixu;, ' »" -- For there can surely:be no bet- . . ',WHY BE A DRUDGE? ter way of perpetuating such ia ' ' generous benefactbif4 rhemoiyVT^ :"Why be a /.d rudge :in sum- L o w e r ,M ainla^ B ranch of th e -risting feature^ of the evening than by naming k stbut^sbip 4 m er" .is the question-put; to all B, T^irion Hall a very well executed exhi- after him, and a t 'theVsame tim'e^ W e s t Vancouver housewives by Ttion.the fo llp w i^ the put an end to" th e foul system ' .Ji*H. P. Brown; form erly w ith introduced by the W est V ancou-> on Wednesday, June 13th, a t Busst of numberinir irvf +i<.A TTnnvnr Gnmnanvi'Mr. Brown ver Trustees and unanimously p.m. All ratepayers in Kritb mmila n RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION . N®-' J05 h e i f by Miss IdaK A i i v r A . a - o i j - . Boshier; who received th~e" pm e" well executed exhi- Carioca by Miss > f' I ' 'Sj ."4. I w /.V ;'>ri ■ % '-.ViA f", ' . *c l m i .- . ' -j. / < p m -M y * ' VJ'V/fv ,l -U ,:■■ 7 < -; 1$;: mjci m •