k̂. ̂ i< :i-**. wW » I#*'* inoN '. ■ '*. '- '. 1 sSiSi I pyyl̂ 2i«.|kib-UEMjl Stiiii!{iili Priflkir JIM A J ll l i l i t mt <!*»»»■ v«s mmu, pt. t»| K' I - • If u '£ ' r r r P-C 1 ■E . i ' %'■ ?!- % i P i Sijs® mm Â' IS -V '■ m p^:i-S - a. I^MATOm fWNi iVt n i|Pllwiiii|atftfi^firism iiffer«iA«rlilllln^iilp l# wwmJLmtSkM ih»f****JtMM** JM lH lf, , |Hlt»M<»<«»»<*<#«Mr<.u mŵgLmtk0, Up. I«LUM M M 4 ibu.tlA S|kt STRAW BEItliY JAM ... 4 lb .;tte IN Murray'* MAKMALADB ̂̂ 0 ' l̂Mijir ' *»*̂«i»'#»«#i*#***r*»**'*»###**#*MtL aSnF0:|. Had « WhitP TOMATO JO IC B - ' ' 't'T U m i$ i Bill* * w w u w im r» « o « N -• • * > r CliofcA Quality A.,>.«'...».*».»»«*....«*tJii jOa MeCormlelt'a TOASTED SODAS , Packet lOe Croaaa & Blackwdl PRBPARBO M U STA R D .................. » o*. Jar lOe IIOLUY PORK A BEANS , :;' \» oa. tin "ATtMER' PBAS;'Biifr8.T.*..7.":::iiirif>i:i ^ Rad A White TO ILET TISSUE m laraa rail* '-irntt JJLSgj^ ^ PKoH0"W < iB r3 » ,'~'!* r * ^ « (t|M B KIBB 6 K B K B P .:J U .m 14c lb. 20e ^R IM E POT ROASTS OP B E E r per Ib, a *')*i.)!»».* ***k*.K in' p l a t e a im iSKBT OP BEEP C<yn A(iB KOLI.8 «t i*0d*-»'*»**m**f»» ib. 21a BOli^Kf) HAM ... WKINKItS ........................... • FLKrCHKiPS FANCY BAKED HAM Ib. 50a SW li'T'S SILVER LEAP LARD 2 Iba* 25c BUT'i'KU -4> Mafda Vale.....2 Iba.. 45c BU'iT'KU---tloldeit Mcadowr. 2 Iba. 47c VHAI., LAMB. BEEF. PORK. , FINEST QUALITY 11, f e , 5 S A1 (Iff Jar 19c > - I . ' - I GoMftfOc ' bI m ® Boys n , 12 and h Climie and Buiy ■̂ Buncan .McTavish l ^ ^ . N e a d l e . : : G l r i a ; Anns Spanks? 2, lietty Hobden and Marian Curry. ^ ^ .ES ydfl.; Boys C - If Geoffrey Cue? 2, Martm Staln»by. . 26 yds.f Girls G -- 1.. Mavis Ward ? 2, June Fcim. 60 yds.# Boys Mitchell? 2, Gordoh Mitchell. 50 yds., Girls 7 -- 1, Bernice LaFItihe?42, Marjorie McTavish. 75 yds., Boys « and 9 -- 1. Alec'Bingham; 2, Norman Hay. 7B' yds., Girls 8 and 9 - 1 , ' Evelyn Oookr? 2, Jean Gamage. 76 yds., Boys 19 ami 11 -- 1, Billy Hill; 2, Pal Jefferies. 76 yds., Girls 10 and 11 -- 1, Ie F F E R I K ' -GaygBJM^ . I. I■ ' i t o m * , * * m k. Bf an d nil BjilldlnK M a t e r l ^ i i l l ^ i ^ ! ^ W EST VANCOUVER L O W IH i iCO; LID. Phone West 115 Res. Phone: W. J. Turnbull, West 368L 15th and Marine Right Servjlce r - Right Grades^ r»rit»!,'a3sai»58g«s^ ̂ ■■ rrrasrs=5n==sŝ ̂ '/O yOS.* i»inS AO HllU l i -- a INGLEWOOD AUDITORIUM tion than any other perennial Maisie Grieve; 2. Carmen John -----7 ^ ' j.x » problem, not excluding finances, . The building of an audltoylum That each Board has had to 76 yds., Boys 12 and 13 -- 1. at Inglewood High School'was / Billy Dickinson; 2, Verschoyle adversely criticised in some . attitude, that the present ^®7^^"ds., Girls 12 and 13 - 1 C L A S S I F l . E ® 'i : ; A W ' The rate for ClassHied AdvciiiMm4n!bi b ,2 canUrpar w minitnam aamunta. all daui.25 cent*. Except in the case of thoaa haTla|jf.. ^ »„ c,, nedfl are payable etrletly in ■dfM et. ; ; -i, - ' « Remember Claaaifi^a in the West Van.. Nawa .gat imnadlata reaulte. Phone quarters at that time as unnec- SPIRELLA CORSEllERE Boai-d is forced to adopt Is that \lovce Dav^oiV ••■ -- ■fhr. Mnrfb wihir of Tne-lowood 2, BpKG ÎJa.WSOn. wessons in Dramatic Art, Elocuf£"V Z*".^ " thT Nort'h' wlng o r iVKiewo "VriH Vr.,r.;i ,R 1 testify, but their foresight has Drlmarily and a?co?5lS Johnson; 2 Ian Richards given us an^asBot'ttaWoold toi"̂ gu,ia„rium, b u lira r th /p fe ii: ■ e considered an eswntlal.. „„j cultural development of „„f ® Partridge, FOR RENT--Cottage, Modern, Fully per month. Phone" OR B Furni West SIR Joey Th.pjiv given day be considered ati es^ntial.^ j cultural development oi It is now the only, hall in-the--:pjjlyjiĵ f5chool children-under the-- inn vHq pnnh R M i s S m t t f f e * 3 " . . } ' K f i j i " • - i 'g p ' K ; . . . v f c : ; ' ; III JU/lUHlttlua. jra.i., ......... -.... ■-... , ... FcrM ..oa. F .T aL .. Gold Medalist, . , H es and Crtcs.room Ferg-- Phone West 347R. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR FOR SALE ~_Wej|tjnghou8e Electric BEgT -- Dundarave. 4-hole range; electric "water h e^er; ' /■ , 1 ^ ----- --- ^ Airway cleaner. Phone West 376R. FANCY,,PIGEONS FOR SALE - ̂ Goqd .. Syera, reasonable. Nell b} p fsa iin fe i? ^ p u iM ... v̂ a A/Ma »t«bp vv#*w vw be regarded in fa c ia s the public, Assnclafion Bevond that tho , hall. Trustees, present and past, faci ilies of the b^uilding mav be ^ Stamatis and appreciating th i s . , have .been cxtcmled t6 any WEST-VANCOUVER PROPERTIES For Sale and Wanted..C. J. Archer Ltd., 1415 Marine Drive. Phone West 225, Seymour 6954. ---- VAieiiuuu Lo any ui gaiii/iaviun jiu anxlous to make it as widely a- eluding, as. a major purpose, dir- yailable as possible, but have * * • Gloria. 100 yds., Married Men's Race 1, Bill Davie; 2, K. Price. AGENT -- For Crazy Water Crystals. Free Delivery. Phone West 622X.' FOR SALE -- Mdhafeh Range, 6-hole good conditions r Library Table and household furniture. Nell B. Saun--. dfera, Dundarave P.;b. • yailable as possible, but have ^ct aid 'to the student bodv fin- " r i' j 7 later been forced to restrict Its ^ d illy or otherwi™ or to , ing demand from all sorts of aâ ' y1..m«.n/')inrv nn#.nmivi.̂ rl.>4-jnv> • _ _ _ an d T g ^ in ^ th eT u to elsewhere available. j Peterson ; 2, Mrs. C. E, Shar on the question were con8id^d"~,~'{!!^^^r??/*^- mand from all sorte of ggt demanding accommodation \ adteq^Nail ninvintr 1 Mrs and organizations. Time that i ̂ not elsewhere available r t . r^®*tnai IS not eisewnere avanaoie. t pAfpraoTi; 2. ATrs n. E Shar- 400 COCKERELS. 3 weeks old, 6 cents each; Chicken Manure, $3.00 load; delivered. Stuart McIntyre, 11th '& King's._______________.. • ' WANTED - i Hand Clothes Wringer in good order; ̂Phone West 19R. «nif* WANTED -- Housework of any kind, care of children. Phone West 436R3 Mrs. Bower, 29th and Mathers. HELP WANTED -- Girl to sleep in or out, general housework; fond of children. W rite, stating age, experi- ence an<L wages expected. Mrs. R Taylor, - Caulfeild, B.d. annulfed--through-- rjj ^ feeling__iiS5[:yds.,JBgg_&j:S'pQon,i>iri3-6-̂ -Ĵ ^̂ a^jv id te^^ made, beingquoted as precedents granting of the use .of and 7 1, Evelyn Clark;' 2, near.;beaeV ^andrferry,' Badmk̂ ^̂ ^ bynew a S Nonce Barber. ' . _ Court-^Mdderate. Thone. West 25lR Of this and «««" on, the whim of the Board mem- PARADE EVENTS fa ilu re o f th is an d rm«t B onrdq » n ,tn e w nim or m e Lsoaru m em - . ----------------------- , . f a s t ru lin g a s to w ho sh a ll use jhaM is^iofliv tn k e q ^ H h J S ^ ^ * a d a t u ?. i th e school g y m n as iu m an d fo r e l o ^ o f xr u- i w h a t p u rp o se , h a s cau sed m ore ose o f th e S u m m e r holidays. V eh ide C lass c h a r p a o f - d i s . C o u rW is the coin of which Ahe - d eco ra ted F lo a t C lin tina tion and m isap p ro p ria - mbre we-spend the more we receive. appreciate any. information of;* dog, whether dead or alive. Phone .West 435L or West 4 2 5R7 ■ -------------- West A N O V i r i t W E E K F O R g A Q c ^ O J l J i O l t E Vancouver Higli School Students Best Decorated Private Auto --1, West Vancouver L.O.L.; 2,. Fram ar Montessorri SchooK'-"̂ ""r * Best Co^mgrciarFloat MARCELLE SECURE -- Thermique Permanent Wave without danger of • burning*. Marcel 50c; reset 35c; ' Finger Wave 50c. Phone Mrs. King West 304. 1520 Marine. BUY Y our.Eausage Rolls, Pies and Cakes Tor your week' end picnic at Hunter's. 2423 Marine Drive. RADIO REPAIRS -- West Van. Radio ^ Pettigrew), West 108, 1473 Marine.- THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re- quires discarded clothing. Rhone West 37 and truck will collect. SHANNON'S TAXI--Phone North 50 Day ( * ■ Nerth . $1.26. Day or night service. Ambleside to North Vancouver General Hospital, (i.* • Seeds, West Vancouver, Best Decorated Bicycle -r- 1, Bubbles Bernard, age 14; 2, Joe- R. FOR RENT -- Large, comfortable - i t OTGraly, age 8. Best Decorated Tricycle -- 1, Marion Kruger, age 4; 2, Ian M ^G la^kin , age 5. Best Decorated Scooters -- 1, ing, tennis, reasonable. Acebnamo- date two. Phone West 449R.r m SHOE r e p a i r s erial, .andywoi - 14th a t Perry, H> /Y Get the best mat- erW snd 'li^kitfasV hiF^rF rfr-14+Vi o+ TH.;;;..;'.; -■ - i a S E T j x N c n m a S s s i S T o ^ i r ^ '^ ^ t ^_____ « - * • 9. l l i a t R'AYY nin /\rux* l%ii4- Qf^nLHs II; Be ginners and ad vane'ed - bal I - room; Carioca, Tango. Highland rling. Tap and Acrobatic, Interpre- .etc., 50c per leSsonj.'_$1.50 That s. an, old. one; hut our Stock of Cigaretfcdte and Toba.ccos are always new. Ambleside Tea Rooms, at the Ferry Wharf. Nina Barbour, age 7; 2, Bert Taylor, age 6. Best Decorated Wagon -- 1, Betty MacGlaskin. age 3; 2,' Buddy Garland, age. 5. Character Class ~ Best Advertising Costume -- h Diana Chapman, , age 10; 2, Betty Wilson, age 9. Most Humorous Costume -- 1, Lyman, Jones,. age 9; 2, George Bassett, age 12. Most Patriotic Couple -- 1, Molly ^Mwards. k ind , printing, /phone--West uVan°SHOPPE. Dundarave; . D.M.C.* Stamped Goods; Stationery; Hardware, Nails etc. . _ - News, W est 368. l a w n M bW £»S JSHARPENED with special. >machine; - all -makes. West ■ Vancouverr Machine Shop, 1449 Marine .Drive: ; ' * -- Unfurnished Rooms-- .)• Reasonably. Inquire a t Handy Ann' Shoppe, Dundarave. ■ ivŵv.' " ■ MAY DAY d o n a t io n s RADIO T E tH N iG I^ Your Radio troubles "giyeh* prompt expert at- tennon-^aerials, tubes. Tom Brown W est 266R. T ne overogo hom b in V oncouver uses only o en fs w orth o f elec-B b A ■%)(?-'■V'r"". 'l IL. ( dk ... .fc"' acreage ̂for-^sile. John Lawson, i I7th and M ^ihej Phone West 55. IT NtVfi; W(Ht HI' •' s :5 ',;A ^yK ^i;«5 -b tricityior oll̂ iHirpbses... lighting, electric rong^'̂ shihg machine, vacuum cleoheiv iron, rodio ohd so forth, ♦ Wll^Voniierfbl enter* toinment yoV^bek'̂ a movie for 30 cents eQ ^fiit hc>w much more wontferful Iso wî iĉ s service of light^jid foY o n m o n U . Lw* i * iS GOai^pN BOBSON BaifHstef p . SoUeitor WEST VANCOUVER-- iH liiiiS ii to ™ kn ished 'An d u n f u r n is h e d Marion M a a to r S ^ r a g H r a n d ' r«eip t"T f fo U o i^ ^ T o n a ! ' Jack Masterman, age 14;-2, An- tions: * nette Clowes, age 9, and Eric Lions' Gate Grocery., ' nrize Best Dressed B o y -- 1, David. Dad's Cookies .... rnrize Jay ag e6 ;2 . HughM asterman, J -H . Fletcher ... " 7 T " s 2 50 w w e s f v a k Poiice::7;:;:::7;::^3 o5 Dressed Girl -- 1, Patsy D. M.......... , . '̂ c aa Murphy, age 4; E; P atsy Jamie- P- Eatock ...7 ...................... o on P h iihn^hA i - 'Mention, If receipt of any d o iitiW lia s Inihp l^eet, aga 7, been inadvertently omittpH tha r> Flowers -- 1, committee would be obliVpH^hv ' 3. , J , R. Patterson a t W est 133X3 m order that the oimssion may be corrected. .. Office No. 144*7i';j&rine Drive Phone W est'486 .-10 to 12. vANCOIJVBR^'dPMCE- 3^te 6(H:"6i6;.Hii8t&^ St. W. Phone.>ymonr :4 m 2 to 6. '1 : 4,, MASC0Ht0QKN:OLUMBlA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. LTD, J \ ? > 4 7*. >- ^ m ^ "7*' ̂ ^ t - ? " ' \ -- ^ Ob H i. (hm • » « . ' AutosTto Ginrgo Mochibic: ■'Wtat Ub.. i. it> taqifra, H,.. G.M.,: "Certainly;" ■ Uswife Autoiat: "Please -pour.'ave v 5 i 5 M S ^ & a V i : u , 1 ^7 ̂ ̂ . i / 'VJV. r / Phom 1U.MMV Drive Seymour 1260 » S : 2 0 4 X A'l V,f-'y, ms»i m '>iv; ..V- rL ^ Cv: -•v.' !#3i i". I H vjr.' a i i sew 1 1m im ■SS*»(>5fr '-.VfS mm si