- wSlSf , I S l^ ^ i^ ^ i i s ; , ^ M '%I6M .(.■:;i'V'<~v' W')W«" *«■*»• ••il'v_r*̂'. t 'S' /l',""\f-̂ ̂ » fe.i;..-'J",:'.'VH1 5,- •- '>" "s- ■ I -s' - ...................... .«*! jfiswdsî |f«»«rf» y« >.4 ftsufma ?;>.. N t |v*. ̂ >"-■ ' ■; , ■■ '̂ ' -5|» I . ' » ̂ • ti -• • - •• , • MS •" 'MsSlL̂Stl8Mj<rf5a«WMW»̂'*-̂'«(ft>'5>b'.' #r <.v(-t> ' e -̂ > / ! ,*, '» .s«»-M K r £V "-^9R ^% h K i | m I ^ ^ ; '- --'̂ J r l V / * ~ l A ^ B '" m S H b ^s m u h B ^ V B b I F .. O A s i ^ * i 4 # 8 ^ ^ i u ^ S ' ¥ ^ ' ' "* ■ - -" ■• ' iiiMgjt - * ^ • «■".*» ?,*-'- - s*,' ■ "-.V- - > X x Wî Hii *iNwk* * ̂ ">« ̂ iferi C"" ' ',• '-i» i?.!̂ V-",. *«i#»j f.'t ."!"«aff v̂ f** / 'I ' '""t'.'ii' '̂"*' ■4'A*I"i(.̂ ' !■ K̂* r̂ ' I B 4 - •■ 4|H •.■ V- vî ,' ■ i- I ̂ ...........■ III r.ii.; IniKjifcĵ |■ia ili#^fefi M'lii'; m' A |i|l|^̂-̂̂V11t-r% -ii Mnn ---,..,:.i»...j.,:̂ .̂ .̂ .̂.̂ ...4.,..,.4iî ̂ --- ♦ ' f* .... ' " - ■ ; ' . ' *• ' * . ' -> if ' 7s ^ ,#V'- '̂'v.. J l JL ', ' ft ,',^.aSi C irm laiiiK m hi'-m V ct if, W o / . F « » / . i i i ! « ^ ^ » / « o » * . f l S '/ / j a S / « 'W » . Pmularmt $i.oti'p e r i ^ - "•"■■•'■•'■'. V - ■ '; '-■ . C y p r e s t i ^ r ^ k i '0 S ^ I d , w k p t i t / W y E p ^ , " ■ ' ' copy a t ti«#iitftii(ia.' ::,fi,l,: IX ■. ; ^ ■; V : y At 4 <? f i UVER. B .C ., T H U R S D A Y , -M A Y - | J t . l ' 34 _ • ::..N i . 5 „ . _ . - ■ iH E itillB V B W ̂ l e g i o n -NovS • ; i MAY DAY COMMITTEE m a y D A T : C M « E B i l . A T I O > i - t h e D iscoN nN U A N C E ^ ^ --------- ' ■ ■ ' OP THE DOLE The next tpeneraI;meAtliiir»I The May Day, Committee will . wr ' • TV ' 1. L ' i l i - T B MU u«ii -- thife local branch will be h e ld p t meet a t 8 p.m. next Wednesday. ;Vest Vancouver's M ay:;:I)w . .by. her^aW t^e.J . B. Mitchell act- R^eve tey iand stated yester- 8 p.m: next Friday in the lAtfibn 6th June, in the council cham- lagf .Thursday was on a u a m n ts ..ed as chw r i. au t i day, when Interviewed by us in Memorial Hall. ' l i her. It is he most successful ever held in >. The officim ball a t the Ingle- regard to Prem ier Patullo's. an- Business dealing ..with the delegate make a point of being the municipality, ^ e Jen g th y wood A im j^ u m o^ discontinu-. coming Convention a t^ o r tlh h d . present, IJrieU f events which.nmM.hP,\.Qu|en^^^^ the celebration, lasting , t h a t , while t h f premier's re- (jhemployment problemsi^wilhbe L. 0 . L. No. 2990 fi*5>n am to 1 a.m.v w ent oflf!J. gudstsibeing pw sent TO dance to . ub for discussion, and ri^hiibars --------- 8.20 a .m ..io , ■ -. the a?e r e ^ h e ^ Last Sunday b^hg the ann u ff ' rural BiBtricts, fCr thê ^̂ ^̂ of saitte, remembrance day of the above ~ r;;r- ne waa siuisuea it was not true and Le^on.w elfare. - V lodge, the Capilano Vieŵ ^̂ Ĉ ^ -- :------------- 1........... r*--'-* •'--- -̂------oi^--was~4dgited-4iind-tho-sarvioe^ door activities. ; : Vancouver'5^^^^ there WEST BAY LIBRARY \ of iHjmembrance held for those The great athletic even t" o f ; be^hs^^^w iw ^ v/as no .mthiiclpality in B. C. ____ L-, who had passed to the Groat thedav,theInterhigh;rpte^OM ::;,'pM :#cecte^^ which h ad a loWdr per capita of The West Bay Library iire Beyond, after which wreaths race of 4.1 miles between West m charge of decorations. Dur- unemployment. 'Jh is was due to holding a removal sale froth the were placed on .each grave. ^ C couver and N orth Vattcou- ing th,0 evening our c & e h s b e in | of a very high 1st to 6th Juhe, as owing i o , On the 24th May, the lodge ver High Schools, was won eaSi- presented oouauets to Mrs; W. type and .the fac t tha t the coun- building alterations they are had the honor of winning the Iv by the local team in .the, re- B. Small and to the con^vener of cji bad from 'the-beginning car- shortly moving to, a new. loca- hrst prize for the best decorated markably fast tim e'of 19 ihih., • the dance, Mrs. W. H. G r^ m ried bu t.a systexn whereby able tion. K nitting wools, hotiohe, car in the parade. This is, the 3 4/5 sec., an, a v e r a g e , h a d ..given,... stationery, .etc.,. all . .a t^ d u u e d .. th in i, time; the ̂ Iwlge^ haa won 39 sec. for the mile, (the'Thigh and t h e i r paren ts w ere jireseh t G o r k in rbturn for same. T h^ prices. > " previous -school-record-is-4.min..47.sec.)r-- . ,at4::t|ie4 ;childwn entireliyjmutual and the. . ....... .......... ............. .-- _____ years the p rize .^y in g been „ Alton Grafton leading by ,100 dance.in the Anditprium_]^ida^^ SHIP AHOY! for best decorated yards at the tape. N orth man- mghfxwJhich was a t o ^ ^ -ed between the Council and th e ' ® , ' a At. i .i , couver lost a good deal of :grpUndf, M̂ ^̂ ̂ unemployed:.^^^ .̂!^^^ ̂ wisdom : of h .M S, P inaforerSalllng Jun<^%. Tuesday next the lodge ' in the middle stages of the race . Collegians', Orchestra^ had th e ^his -an>hngemen|: was shown in ^ - 8 p.m. ' M due to fhe fine"funnihg' of Jim dance going a t full swing until ^be fact, tha t a/g^eat many im- . . _ U . ^ f Grange Hall a t 8 p.nu pharp, , Watson and Wilfred Thomson 10:30, and every ch ild ;r^e ived pr^yements had ,b to carried out The W est Vancouver J u n to and as a result were never able an ice c r e ^ epne.^ Ed J e Which had . received the com- Girls' C hoi? u S the batoh bf the County Master, Right Wor- to make up the lost distance. ; ^ by as c l q ^ , -kept the c h il to n p^endatipn of tKb public. The ^ c o n d m i lT u r l CoHn Map- .Robinson and The other relay, ra c e / from ' men themselves„^ere in healthi- L ^ p , will present b e fo re 'tf te b^s officers on their Sherman to Ambleside between. MollyEdwards* pupils were s condition : thd^ would have r S ^ to West Vancouver. Plans are three teams from W est Vancou- iij ® 5^*^^ been the .case had] they sat down b e r ta n d Sullivan's light opera entertain th e ^ [ ver High School^ resulted, in a. P j^y # .b y and got something for nothing. «H.M.S. Pinafore," (almost in its ' victory for Hojise 3 in 20 mm.,, Gleani, J : O o n d ^ and A . Steph-. ^beir morale had not been- en tirety), - in the Inglewood qpL rflf^nm ^nf The^parade w as 'a very c o lo iv n ^ ^ r ;^ ^ /^ ; '! . '" , * of 'o im ; of two agitators th e r e ' 8 p.m. Tttie choir has heOh ^ iL:sp€ctacle,-Jhejygto:.-l& ck.:,JgESgIjra i^a^beenm ojsto^ -- the line of route :.was;'lm (Sd:^th: ; : j |o ad ,;H ^ % ^y ^ ^ /just^ as good assisting her, Mrs. Alexander, tt® spectators as the v a r i p M ^ ciftzbns as the employed. He also Mrs. John Haydn Young, tions were played by the Schools (F ^ d >erthihgs^. J[im,/W atson;, could not speak too'highly of the ^ho has had charge of the dia- A iq L *% ua ̂ B a n d r : to ^ b le s id e , l ^ ;w b e ^ W il^ fe irT hom sdnr^ lton s p i^ ^ I^ d H j^ o d will logues, and Miss Winona u S e d s of this drawhiff will be ^ ,a crowd numbering T>OQCbwas;v:::tdm/i^paie//I)QUgias;:Shellard):;:^;^^^ who has directed the dancing. I assembled. May Queen Joan with ;2,'*l^prth .Vancouver, 'n m e 19 if the unem ployedin other plac- The stage setting is in the hands ® her entourage was on-her Urrivalv - min^^ 3 4/5,,sec., '. - 3.,-- jes_had/shownJ:h^toelV€s: to. be .of-very competent-directors,. and__. ... . 1 snlp-iri___ greeted with a flourish of of the sam e'calibre, there will be a replica of the quarter- vv^sf Vnni'onvpr ntid i*ati Kp nro pets and escorted to the beauti- 1, House 3 (K ^ - would : never haye /been any deck^of H.M S. Pinafore, upo^ S f r l any S e r o f't^ ^ fully decorated platform by rn e th t Shellard,--H arry- -Parker,- trouble.- : - - , which-^both the scenes will be i^Hirp At thp UnThirifll cont of BOc Reeve Leyland and Mayor Tay- Normjan Patterson,-H ugh,M ont- ; - -- ::------s ta g e d -~ morning and night. On Monday last the loc'al mem- - lor, another flouHsh u f trum pets .:«oine;ry, . Tom ̂ ' The principals in the caste are bers paid^a fraternai visits to announcing the* a rr iv a l_of-Mayi strom) ; H ouse .2 ; 3, .House 1. __ TO THE RANGERS^--------as followst- -- -- r -- i ;O L /No ~l840 N orth-V ancou--//; Queen Elect . M argim et/arid/her " Tinip 20 min.,'50/sec.' " ' .1 - - / FOOTBALL'CLUB Right Hon. Sir. Joseph-Porter, ver "w hST the WyeTlihg Vavel-- Lsuite_w heu_C hairm aiil/J;/l:R /.: /_ Bicycle Race,_Carriers and^Der,_. i_There/was_a_ good^attendance.. _ K.C.B.....Miss Muriel Platt. ' _ ' fb^ emblem of- fraS rn itv 'l-- Mitchell formed Hfer escort as livery Boys -- 1, Jim Turner; 2, a t the Citizens' Banquet in. the Captam Corcoran..Miss PamelA received hv tha t lodire from she preceded to the; p la tfo rm .; Jack 'B eaty ;-3, F. McIntosh., Grange-Hall on Tuesday evening Little. " ̂ Manle Leaf Lodge in Vancouver After an address of/welcome'by - * ------ ̂ ----------- the 22nd instant,,, which was Ralph..........Miss Rhoda Hoffman At the regular meeting TUes^ -Ghairman J7/R./Mitclrell;^he r e - " ~7/Sm B tode Park, 10;30 a.in." ^~given~to ~honor-^the7ilangers'-- Dead Eye Dick:^7:::::Miss Carmen dav" Time ̂ th onH m em bS w ilF tiring May Queen m adejier f^ d ^ : ; lOjj y d s .; B o y s 16 & 17 y r s - - , FooftaU Ciub for. t h e i r . . J o h n s t o n . . . - . ' be received on'certificate. well speech, returned the golden i Ted E lfstrom ; 2, A. MacAulay o^ the League Championship and Boatswain Miss Jessie Davis " ........ ' ...... ....... .. ; key to Reeve L ey land ,"and .-Time 10 115 sec.' r"' the Con. Jones Cup.. A sp irit o f Boatswain's Mate.--....Miss Jean vntTMr* p p a p t ir̂ Q tiatvpp placed the crown oh the,head of i 0q yds., Girls 16'& 17 yearH ffood fellowship prevailed and ' Minkley. ' * ______ her successor. Following^ the _ ^ May A rm strong; 2 ,"B etty , full justice was done;to*the ex- ̂ Josephine,...Miss Dorothy Green- ̂ ^ youn& Peonle's Dance will National Anthem and sending^up/ V ick W ; Time 10 3|5 sec. . cellent banquet which had been wood. ' < h A o i r ? L /^ ^ S w rPHdA^^ n ofarogketM ayQ ueenM ari^ ref. :;T()0 yds, Boys 1 8 ,1 9 & 2 0 y rs . prepared. H. B. Stevens acted H€be....Miss Jaqueline Patter.son which wfll be a d d ^ her sublecte, w ^ a e , p r e ^ . ^ ^ . S S n i u ^ ; ^ 2 , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ..as. ihairm 8n._4nd_.M <w >^<lL .X ittIe- Buttercul....:..M iss Betty by sented by Chairman J ; R. Mltch4-; 'W a€i: Time 10 115 sec.- . toasts were given as follows; ,'B lair. , S i e The ell with ^a Bracelet from the ", " oo yds., -Men 21 and o te r -- the Visitors by Colonel Savory, The Duncan Lawson Chapter, Mrs. Chmie. Th^^ jnunicipaUty and by Reeve t e y - i ; B f l I & . . _______.replied to by Mr. Wp ^ j i g n t o L l . q i : ^ . , - i s ^ d e e d - p r o u d ^ t o , &ew W estm tosto ----- land with the golden^key, and. -Broad Jumip,'B6ys 14 & 15 -- Clubs by Percy Masterman, re- sponsor such a performance and ̂ ^ - fntirfA fn cArrv on their with her suite s ig n ^ the parch-' i "S ro Id J^^^ ft. 3 in.; plied to by ComMiUor • K ddes, . h ^ s to see everybody "all a - w K ment rolt; brief speeches being'; 2 S n - A ^ r a S k - l S ft. 2 in k t e r W ait and B to -E d w a rd s ; . board" the "H,M 5. Pinafore" on"- f J made by Reeve Leyland.^.md.c - 'S s t e ^ a ^ t h ^ d i e s by E x^nncfflo r,B ay Friddy, June'Sth, a t 8 p.m. T i c - ' w ll Mapr Taylor. She . ,then • p f ^ & l ^ L l , Lorraine W heelwright , replied to by Mrs. ^ B e j ^ d e ts : Adults, 35c; Students, 20c. " >" «8m swplmd sented the prizes foe.the,m ajor;; 28 ft. 8 in.; 2, joey Thompson,,--Hayes; the R angers,by R ^ v e ------ ---------------- . sporte events,.and yiewed f ro m ,- ,^ a ; ,^ ' Leytand, replied to^by-'C aptan OXFORD GROUP TEAM . t i S i f f l i^ .fn frey wifi 1^ her throne the v ^ .p r e t ty - d i s - .r.Sffluday,School Relay Boys 17 Johncox and R.v,Gneve. - -- HERE SUNDAY d ? 2 S b r and an S d a t t r ^ ' play of mayprie and..'folk d ahc i' and1fiidCT-^ l , W est Van: Unit- -Richardson then presented the ................ . ; ___ ® f w S ' ' i K S v t o d ""An lutem atiorial TearaTi-om L d her pupite. T i^ e te , 25 cents. /Schools /o ld Ij^ohnson, John Fiddes, A. Captam Johncox, Mr& ^ y l a n d . Oxford Group will address --:------------------ who had suTOhei th e ̂ 2„ S t Stephen's, presenting a p h o t ^ ] ^ , o f the ^ ^ s s meeting in the Hollybiim ; - r AND RAFFLE the dancing besides.playing sev- . .T im r44 sec. - ' . team to each memlieE.-R. Gneve fstimHAv -Thua .3rd* at 3 . KAJNJJfirfll'ftflnrav. vi..wwt1.vn...n ..A-- .... ' <-• i 1 n 1 S-IJ-.1 _ -t IT 4l..» wi n n o (Vra-r* ola/\ >mv/X0Xl«i'f'-. - X neairc OUnUay, U , ̂ ^ Th€>followinjg were , the win- .'n ers .o f the prizes in the raffle held by the school band before CO T,* ' . J D-*ir .̂QA nW ̂ Af tlux Taower f/lainland Junior x*"" T*" 'T WiCKing, ivir, j . nft.jyeriion, anff i n t e r n ^ Mrs. Allan, Mrs. ^ p h f t ihiss .it. / , • ■ . . / 'V '/r'-rtiifiNo r v e n T s 'YOUTH -- The Oxford Group LUjWiJNtjr u-\p£s iw IIB B # ~ ' f •• r;;r»y ' it"'Jy "r tti I . " 1 ' ,/' U . ' ' II 'l/*' wft '*{ - i 1 s Vli /,...:._.. ^ f S S : : S 4 I 1 - i t i | i ' IJ-.'- i't: fi V 'ISiiliiSI II 'ik ■ H l?i ' ' i / i k i l ti i " /;*'■' ■'%<r il l ■"A -4ffP 2Tl ' ■'ft ?-;( '.t *1 :k \- fi m m .