' I U , ' I^I I rt. 1.1 i ::: ̂ .r . f u ................ . ■--■;■'■ - ■■ . : } I . t t ' .>»« , M n j .IV %f - -*_ «c. f*r-mifvnk. xJ r i s s w r e s r a w . • * I ■ Mr, and^liiri.;.J fftnuly WB . f O i A a« is ■'" ^ w r ih w d w .̂1 .-/v -Vf v-̂ ,..,;s ■; W i n d o w s ^ * D < M rs» R o o f i n g •t. Building -ft ^ Mm ••m -L ' 1 t- "-jA -u*' •% ̂ ------------ ̂^ ^ ^--- * , î WwH sMUCL dUyUfivAK̂ Ni sV XSb V VoAiAVk « t I J ^ Esplanade. Mrs. CopeUmd of TorontOp Is staying a t the Clachan. ' I n ^ Mr. and Mrs. Peters and faM- IT'S DEUCI0D8 s & l\ 16th and M arin e Drive. P h o n e W est 199 YOUR OWN leiWN LtniBBR YARD tiolr^iHlwHbrigad^^Snsd fixmi^Vancoww^^ I G ra m i's Dnit Store KOU IJWl'BN D A B L fcV r ^ $ l R ^ C E ' ' ̂ ft .. f-T f DAVE A N D E R SO N ^ W est Vancouver R epresentative out and extingdiahed the blaze, Satu^ay into a house at 2 ^ 6 very littlo damage being done. Gordon Avenue. Mrs. I. Wells Crawford, 1486 3 » Y f \ ViuiMuver U t ^ Haywood Avenue, entertained at qd: a n*>st deli^ tfb l bridge and thronghout May Ds k TOe . • * . , "«? Brat boat win leave AuMentde .... ̂ ' ai».„ and i f Tht 8t»r« of Btrvlot. . lloa MoriM Drlf* Woat 37 or Weit 607 Bmergoiugr Phoao Wm I S it (Aftor 10 p.m.) w ' * INlV FrcMM the d ty dooh' the ItSO aeiiie Phones--W est 691L or Niorth 1810iilHiilii-.... miiiiiyii.ipiwn...... ' m iiriiii]ii|X»naiŵ,j|B....-----M i ̂ H *,g 1 ̂ i' U N D E R -N E W rM A N A G E M E N T FORTUNE CUP INfT m m d O M SH*t, Specializing in Lunches and T eas Dances ahd Parties catered for • * I,"*' :\L P H O N E W E S T ; 3 6 The Misses H attV Y bung and'"" S O F T tfA llt'SC kED U LE Pat Davidson returned on Sun- , , ---------- day via Victoria from . Union Balance of first half Paish, who are leaving today for .hoai wiU ^ a trip to AustrnlliL i |»<l the t o t a t 1? »M»>Rht. ------* 0 * li" r . Buses meet all boats. See the ■ Miss Llltas t&vie. Miss Jean; advertisement In this tone, , Thomson, andj;;Master Gordon' ■Mitchell" spent'^he week .end'at*- Gambler Island.- daughter, 28th and Qum ii b ........ 0 <>. Avenue; arrived home yesterday Harold Lang is having aî ad- dition built to h is home at 23rd ' and Mathers^ Avenue. a serious . ninesB. ^ 0 . 0 ; 'S i« i ) : L * m o v e d from Drive, from TranquiUe, B. 0 . ■ ♦ r-'v' Stratton's BAKERY BREAD CAKES PASTRI All H om e JVlade ALL KINDS OF FANCI S 1468 Marine Drive Phone W est 27 ' I'SP'^ -i ■ V .: *; 'ts fvL ̂ .Ac* > -i - .*S ,--r>T.n' Bay, V.I., where they visited'fpr , May 28th-- Fortun'e Cup Inn vs. „ . . A fine full grown'diser was a month with the latter's uncle, ' Freeman's Flashes, Ami- B e ^ Chisholm, sIct painter, gge„ Tuesday by W. McQUaker, A. Matheson. M ft. .Davidron , bteside Park. .■ . " h » . onm «l- a » « i shim m th e j -----* « i - ««-- ♦>«- . ■-'r*r >'̂ *7"'**^^ .? * • li. ' seen Auesatty oy vvi AVii;v«uoA«A» _________ , ____ _ ,s . has opened a Sign shop in the walkina down 11th went l o Nanaimo" on'^atfi^uF"^ and Marine vicin ity of the Esnlanade7 The" and spent the 'week end,, them in Victoria, returning with them Sunday evening. vs. W est Van Lumber,' Ir win Park. M t Philip C. Chapman General Insurance A gent ,; Fire, Automobile, Burglary, Accident and Sickness, etc. 2557 King's Ave. Phone W. 42Y8 June 4th-- Fortune Cup Inn vs. Seeds, Ambleside.J ■'S inv 5 VERNON F E E fi^T O R E A. a SEARLE Phone W est 9■■ , ̂ wV, * Fertilizers of A ll Kinds " Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplira . ,ui . u, and Marine vicinitT o f thTEwlana^^^ TH^ Drivq | o r m ^ bempied by the stamped on the ^Driim West Van, Sheet Metal Works, and, being disturbed by an .auto, who are now in their own store disappeared In the bush east of at 1421 Marine Drive. AmbIeside.PjSk;.,.U,™̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ B. W. Rogers of Vancouver, ; Mr7 and Mrs. Colin ̂ M has moved into a house at 23rd and friends are leaving th la^ j^ and Bellevue Avenue, , Ternpoh to spend t^ " * * * Seattle, going by motor. . Mrs. Colin Turner and her ♦ ♦ ♦ , . The following donations and daughter,Trene,-celebrated their The Armstrong Electric, 1462 prizes received are gratefully joint birthday by giving a de- Marine Drive, have an exchange ̂ . .. . . .« i:...l.4.4}.:i 1n'«4- Qr;4-,..*/lo.r 4-n ...1___ 4 . U ....... June 6th-- l^eds vs. Freeman's Flashes, Ambleside. * m a y DAY DONATIONS . U , 5 irTi"Q Rnrim...........- -- nuc, when & vcry enj6yabl^^evi^n-_i:read.„This-.isJ3y__wayli>f-E _com= _|- S i c? • prize spent in dancing and munity service, serv ice . gam es, after - whichufiainty: re- -- --̂ .s' Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, 24th May ' The SON OF KONG with ry ROBERT ARMSTRONG Special Matinee a t 2 p.m., if it ' , rains. May 25th and 20th ' Peg-of My H eart' with MARIAN DAVIES MON., TPES„ & WEDNESDAY May ^ th , 29th, and 80th " I'M NO ANGEL" with MAE WEST ,'N(! •v ;!7w.; ■"/i .*1 , , \\ -r-K-i I 'i e j 'i i.A 1 TmriTrini ntnVii gam es, after whichuoarnty re- iT ^ T E a ^ " ""nriM freshmienta were saw ed by the LEGION NOTES ■ H k n > ./n h Ehop Z;;;;r ^he t o t general m eeting of; TEAROE & SON Handy Ann Jittop........ i;; prizes "" j-'r ti,-- M i«»* Murid Pick ™ last general meeting ot A. Searle :.................... prize m " R n S ' . the local branch was held Friday Tdr s r Lr M. ^ j ^d^=r z r pr i z e -- evening last in th-e-EegioTrCIub' Mrs. Marline ...................nrizes Jessie Davies, L i a Keynows,. p „ .„ p„„.idp„* w w dker Concrete Contractors -Cement-Floors___ Mrs, M arling ,.:„..;;:::;:;Z; prizes , S V a t S n a h 'A rS iY T ^ ra l Room; with President H. Walker Ambleside Home Furnish- Waterman and. Irene i-u m - ings :z:rr:„..z.:::..z.~.r.:::.:: priz^^ : ♦ "* - * " Later^ the, same evening an- Garden Walks Lily Pools 1 W. Savory j . H. F l e t c h e r ............prizes ^ Ttfv» meved from 1570 interesting lecture was given by h Safeway Stores ........ prizes Professor Soward, of the Uni- . ster lin g M arket....... ,...........prize f , r̂ D uV S A v ^ e ' versity o f B. C. H is subject was P iggly W ig g ly ....................prizes 1186 Duchera Avenue._ instructive, and gave t t e audi- Bobbie S e e d s ............. ...........prize ______ ence ample opportunity for the------------ ----------------------^M issM eK ee^of-V ^^uvor,.has Gravel and Cement 1474 Phone Marine Drive W est 84 t'zTS w p : Jk'- f 17'm s 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside - Finlayson's Drug Store......prize taken a house at J201 D ^ h ^ s gpgaker at the end of a splendid Phone W est 340 • Evenings, W est 148 hstings Wanted r-iniaysons u ru g o iore......prize - - - - - - . speaker ar rne ena oi a spieiiuia Lonsdale Theatre ............. prizes Avenue, and ,-has taken, posses- address. Dealing with the rise Associated D a ir ie s .....:...... prizes sion. ̂ * '♦ - ^ of Hitler in Germany and his C.lij; O verin gton .....50c ■ influence on the peace of Europe ' jr, McC. Hill ..................... $2.0 0 ; The West at the present time, the audi- r a e n d ......... :...........50c oi- were treated to many inteiv |̂ C. J. Archer L t d . . ...... . 2.50 esting sidelights on the German evening at Beach. Houses 24th. jg^der's character, and general - - --WEST VAN - Sheet Metal Works Phone West 39 Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners t ; ■ 'V m ̂ Al ' &4. W. -H............................... - ......... 2.00 ̂ '•* 1 J'""V-•>* Vi Real Estate D?. M c C u b b in Z Z Z Z Z iy - X.Q0 and"W Sm ith's Grocery .................. 2.50 rabiiities, which in the speaker's Sm ith's Grocery .................. 2.30 « o tj v,oc opinion makes him one of the Geo. H a y ............................-- 2.00 outstanding public men in Miss M; M. Chappell.^........ . 5.00 Vancouver'.into a house at,20tn 'B!nr»n,Vui /a von orrufi+'or' tVum hisEurope, even greatei^ than his illustrous predecessor, Bismark. ' r . --- ~ " -- C. J. Ovefinglon .'.-7 ■ S':',-i! PIO N EE R BARBER Expert Work 14th and Marine Phone W est 135 s ,W" ' ' '■ f'H L. SPECK, si- Proprietor: M i t a l l l W o r k s . S S £ n Z S r ; Z ~ E m . M K I n f . A v . ; , . .......................................... Well W isher ......... -- 50c posit on haying given his time and ___________________ Well W ish er ........................... 50c fo r th e summer^ patknoe on a topic which is - _ , ,. , , - T, . A. : j, A je l lo .....:.................... 2.00 _ a, -Rn̂ d'inir o S ^ a n d in g the attention of the Tpie International team of the Girl Guides, 1 s t W est Van . m em ^ rs p u ^ fem every country. , Group Movement are ex- Troop.................. ................. 2.00 Tlr^next general m eeting June pected here on 3rd June for a , W est \^ n . Florist-... Flowers fdr m eeting. » . " Mrs. T. A. S p e n c e r -X v v ^ s for Hall b / • M ^ ^ Q ueeuandb^ yQ ueeu , I '■ ■ XI -- II -- 111 1I -- ti -- II-- m-- SI ■■ U -- II P» <><^<| -- II , rU"XIf - " W est Van N ew * was a sto ted HilUs Mrs>H. B. Garland ..' $2.00 G O M E t o t h e t " t M 'lB ...-- ::.-- - w ^ oo Mrs. S. A. G. » s . A. Giarthome, Mrs. J.,®>®fiiiicreiff, Mr& F. J. P atterson ,, M iss I. Philip; Mrs, :J^ ISYW^^ M bs Stella Bruce; ̂ ilffissK̂ B etty M a y J in th e INGLE WOOP AUDITORIUM THURSDAY, MAY 24tb: Dancing 9 tq 1 1..----------------- ;=- G arden's O rchestra Adm ission 50c. A R M S T R O N G E L E C T R IC 14̂ 2 Marine Drive ■ Y% .„; Sjpkial This W eek Re^ai Electric Iron Phone West 443 Evenings West 649R , a <4-' i/r - ■ ■ ; i v ¥ , :,s smasm^ m M S ®5 'r> mmm iSiSasisasgit 'SMVSiS.'a ■fv < "a ̂ , mt-.a S ' *: *:/dlSS'