v̂ »l ■-;|WlKfi -» : iw a t., iinii. w r f ^ i P your coin '•'Wt"8itlir ntm% lot your colffi fth numnt». VoulJ lor# tS^ ^ "•-•ittitiottf .w ifo n # i « ii#»t •ndii m d j fm m t b t iWf* fwi » l u a ' u i i ' t i t r m : ■gomltlf- Sehotl tud-BW t JC9m » * " ' I I UNITED CHimCH Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe i m Marteo Drlto For uppolntmonta. PUONB WJB8T m r The Semi-Annual Spring Tea at the Burnaby Home f w Olrla, Tlib "■Th» " SiSul' I**#' ir ie« !• » Brancb of Church' b of Cbriii, in Holton, o iittf ■-H IC€S CFTEaiVE FRIDAY, PUFFED lUCB ......... ^WANSDOWN CAKE FtO Su«Hex Avenue, will be held on TWediieaday afternoon, May 30. Take Central Park car to Burn aby West station Sunday, May 27,1934 BubJbetr' «SOUL AND BODY" ."*t ( W/* ^ If*9 Ktn Jle 1/a ' i Vi b t . STEPHEN'S CHURCH * '•ft I? » f * May 27th, 1934 -- Trinity Sunday Scho^ «t 10:00 a.io.* Teitimony Mwtinjf Wedneiday at 8tl5 p.m. ' CANADIAN BEAUTY COORBP SPAOHETn, M ifc Uii, i for Ifa PEAS -- Aylmer. Ju«bo-, No. f CORNED BEEP -- Libby's, tin LOBSTER " " Elayla,Brand, 1/8 .idae tin..M»..>*u*iN»e.,»».M>*«.faacih £2c II. I*. SAUCE »-- bottle..... 2Sc Tho public ii i-ordmlly in vited to attend our serviccB and meetinffa. «***«*«*4l •«•«•**•••« SARDINES -- Brunawick, telll CHICKEN I*ASTB - - Aylmer, | for 25c tlna'.v:;.;:.t:;.,rj.;..u...each lOc ̂a<l CHURCHES OF CHRIST, r - ' SCIENTIST The West Vancouver W.C.T.U, 'u. 1 1 • 8:00 a.m.-- Holy Communion.> l î!:*A?fhe home S S l n ^ C ^ ^ 10 :>6 a.m.-^unday School b S w .; u = ' o . T h f '* d ^ lL 1 u '* w ^ ^ ^ ' "S t o Z ' r J ' f S ; ' "SOUJU A N D HO»V" i» Ihe w h o ^ f ^ <;'«-<liany InYfted. aubj^ t of the Lesson - Sermon I mv Infa-rMUnm^ccount*^^ - 7:15 p.ni.-- Evensong & Sermon which wm be read in all Church- very intereBtmg account Dinner Auxiliary . Sunday School • es of Christ Scientist, on bun- nth whd Inglewood GREEN BEANS - - Praucr « « « , PICKLES -- IJbby's Happyvalei 80 ox. pmr............ .E....l„;.each 28c OAKINC POV/DBIt ]VIftjfiCy;,8 l O X * . 23c1, I » r ̂ . ,nf tt*'0 •i r- t' f.'tr t fl' m CALAY bar 5c ONTARIO CHEESE - Mild lb. 17c ̂ .1' -*r , * K > ' < ̂ ^ We reierve the right to limit quentitlofc ... ̂ SAPaWAY STORES LIMITED work in hospitals and jails. Mrs, Chapman gave the second and ̂ third lessons on the course of Scientific Temperance lessons now being studied by the Union, The hostess served dainty re freshments at the close o f the meeting. DISTRIBUTiON 10:00 ii.m.-- Sunday School. »theHt, PrancIfl-in-the-Woods Cuulfeild Sunday, 9:45 a.m. Holy Com- rnunion. day, May 27th The Golden Text is: "The very God of peace sanctify you w holly; and I pray God your b . c . MUSICAL whole spirit and soul and body FESTIVAL RESULTS be preserved blameless unto the WITHOUT WASTE )(_("*' / -HI ' ' ,1'- ,} Powell, 8.1 1 Dorothy Curtis, 87. Dundarave In d ies .Quartette-- , 83; , The Ladies: Choir were in .M c o m t o " o f our Lord Jesus The following are furtheri, the Ghampionshlp Class last -- • * " " "• '*3, giving Saturday night.. DR. G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.8. w'MrMTTicnr UPJBdn a b 9JI 1 '■'! "tfi' ? H«y (ilockr Util Rud Marine Dr. ^ Onice Hours 9 to 0 p .m .. Evenings by appointment. Rhone Weat .72 *#A{iMiB»«*̂ Claraiî Wil8on- srt larViertnWiF̂ f̂taŴ ^̂ Piano Class' under 15--Mar Mrs. garet Dickinson, 86, 84 - I 170. . E. GALLANT, D.C., CHIROPRACTOR ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC Christ."' (.1 Theasalonians 5: 23) West Vancouver results ........... .. CHURCH:""'" -if "Amb'ng" the citations which' .the name of the teacher. 2.3rd & Inglewood Ave. comprise the Lesson'- Sermon is Mrs. Colin MacLean Priest in Charge. the following from the Bible: Lyric Sopfano Class -- _ . Rev. W. J. Millay, "Our soul waiteth for the Lord: F. F. Lovegrove, 83 marks. Piano Class under 13-~01ive Residence: 2323 Inglewood Ave. jj„ j,, our help and our shield," .*■ Young vocalists under 12 yrs. Rt^bins, 78, 77 -- 155. --^Residence"Phone"West"240Rr""; 3 3 * 20). -- Dorothy Greenwood, 84; Kath- Piano Class" under 12 -- Joan qimdnv SorvirPA Lesson - Sermon also in; |een Robson, 80; Dorothy Smith, Sharman, 8 ,̂ 82 163. Low M a ;s- - -8 r TROPHY^WON High Mass and Sermon-- . 1 0 : 4 5 . "Science and Health w ith .,. ellyn Staples, 80. * ST; JO H N S AMBULANCE a.m. Key to the Scripture'^" by Mary Under 15, Xow Voice -- Betty The ' W est Vancouver St. Catechism and Bible Class-- 3:00 Baker Eddy: "Soul is the sub- Blair, 77. - John's Ambulance Team last P.m. _ . _____ stance, Life, and intelligence of B .^ 's Solo"-- Clifford Tearoe, ■ Saturday , won Mrs. Malkin's I 'r .V i a 2444'̂ Marino Drive, Dundarave, Monday, Wedneaday & Friday , Eveninga. 6:30 to 8,30 p.m. . -Vnneou ver-Offic.e: --712--Robson- Seymour 8790 Vespers and Benediction-- 7 :30 inan. which is individualized, but ' 78; Eric Lashbrook, 75. • trophy/for ^enipr ladies' teams not in matter. Soul can never . Young ^ V ocalto; under ̂ 20 in Vancouver Centre. The per- Week-day Services reflect anything inferior to y«ars -- Eunice Colpitts, 78. . sohnel of th e team were, Winnie Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. Snirit." (b: '477). ̂ Mrs. C. Burbridge ̂ Dorchesterv captain,. Connie Endays: , ̂ Piano, under 15 years -- Joan Page,T^arjbrie^^^ ■*l?cncdictioi^y-^Rosttry*, wonfes* : ' CORRBSPOND]p^JCE SpErrowy^847^8 "■=- Bathing Caps sions -- 7 :30. instruc- Wo have a fine selection. ̂AirOflaiHeaaon'a goods. 15C-tO 6 5 c __- ANBLESIOE PHARMACY W. L. KER, Prop - 1401 Marine Drive Phone WMt 328 FREI3 DELIVERY BAP'lJiST CHURCH : Sunday,' May 27th - 9:45 a.m.-- Sunday School. 10:00 a.ml-- Adult Class. Editor West Van News. • Sir:-- Ât the oiritorical.contest as--held--in--the^auditorium:_on Mrs. J. C. L. Hunt in the dra-^' tor is Dr.̂ '̂A.̂ C.' Nash. mlatic Soprano. Class made 86 -- --------------- marks. _ / A. Beck of'Vancouver is oc- Mrs. F. X. Hodgson________cup.ying^his summer _home_at_ Friday May 13 th, sponsored by Î '̂amatic Soprano Glass -- Mrs. 3245 Marine JlriVe. . "P astor will preach; topic: ~ », " HldrfoTi Mfinnn .^OrKS,'Hidden Manna." ' as the judges put it. Anthem Now a little girl of immature 7 :8d p.m .~Evening'W orship. ' &se giving a memory test of in-. ""'"" The'GoiperM ale Quarfê ^̂ an d-how of the Metropolitan Tab- murders were committed proved ernacle will have ch^g^very-poor_.iudgment,_difficult.as_ ■ I - W O M E N ! , o f the evening's service, it seemed to the judges. Special program; , One would presume that the s i I? [i'l I xL- If you 1mv« tried everythittyr oleo and fulled but a:t old poctor'u preucription led and sold for nearly' HAtK only In SianatnrnKnlokarWkor ttemedy Co. P andoa ana aoia lor nearly', No DanijBroi}* DruRa.̂ Nê oua ,.. , A hearty invitation to all. schools were, or should be, try- Mbnday, 8 p.m.-- BIY.P.U. ing to bring out the construc- Wednesday, 8:00 p.ni.,-- Prayer* tive, the creative ability of their meeting. - - -- pupils and place mind over m at- »ache,' OixKinew, MenutMatioii. Sold #■ S?: t i ' B^tnbltahtd on North Shore f aO 'Yenra. <Lady Aaaistnnt) Friday, 8:00 p.rn^,-- Women's ter, firsj: and not the material . Mission Circle, 10th An- matter â s some of us know it." . Y. niversary. We should have the courage F r ^ y , Tihm, -- C.G.I.T. as was expressed to us that The w est- Vancouver Baptis^^ night to realize that the things Mtesion Qr̂ ^̂ celebrate we should love in this life are IIARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON fb n e riil 9 ir;fc tors their TehtB A^^^ in the the realities ofva higher and Ghu:rch on Fi;ida^ June 1 st. more noble mind than many of flrtn/) ni'nirvnm Ail 1-' i.i_ ____ . WEST VANCOUVER MUNICIPAL FERRIES -nr May Day- Sehedille Half Hourly Service Throughbut the Day AMBLESIDE -F ir s t Boat leaves at 6 a.m. Last Boat leaves at 11:30. p.m. CITY DOCK -- First Boat leaves at 6:30 a.m. Last Boat leaves at 12 midnight. all feories^ .Good program. All .interested us'have a t the present day and please keep this date ̂open. the youth who can visualize the stupid mistakes of our older and North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street .Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors "65 Tenth Avenue E a s t - Phone Fair. 134 W T. U. wise (?) men may achieve the m eeting of infinite glory that belongs to the Y.W.C.T.U, took place at the man._ TUTowImA-r\v.fvtn « Methinks a . child who can im-Marins Drive. The following of- teimvp * nnd hjy*w vice s.mwsiiiiteiR'lu corresponding secretary; Mias T. « r ,« n v H am ilton. tSea.RiirAr/MJflo w FERRY OPERATINGTHE Hamilton, treasurer; Miss H. Greene, corresponding secretary-; SURPLUS $4,296.04W e s t * V an rsew s Um M, smith, devStional con- ----- ' PoUlilKd B m , Thand., v ^ t o j - Mias. A. I ^ p h r e y s , , The au .d itys.report on the music con v ^ e r ; Mrs. W. Thomp- . f e m e s for the first quarter of Publisher F. F . LOVEGROVE N Phone W est 363 X '0-' 1 2 ■* , '-JM. i M Battnem and Bditorial Office: 17th and Marine Drive (Next te HoHyburn P, O.) Phone W est 363 Mail Address: P. 0, Box 01; Hollybum, B.C. w - i'%%- '-r'- • II.O0 a year t.' ' > RW iiliiilliSiffiiliir' ' North VancimTer Office: ftive. i 01̂ 00 a year son, " work .convener; The la s / li« s year, which was .pi^esented' twp; officers are starting their P Council at their last meet; first td m o f office, ; mg, showed an operating sur- Ther.next.regular.meeting will P^«s of $4,296.04: The receipts be held oh June 12th a t the home fJ'om the boats were $19,827.79 of G. Falconer, when the from the b u s^ $4,651.42. juniqr,W. G. T. U. will entertain *---------- -- the ^ n io r members. WELFARE ASSOCIATION liSi LEGTON W. A . m Lonsdale Avettt. t J ' . 1 i s i i p i iSSSSM? --Ur'-' 17th a n d Bellevue^ DAT CELEBRATION A T hursday, M ay 2 4 th 'I I S lim M c M y ll in .a n d h is P a v i l io n O r c h e s tr a M U S IC - P E P . ,'R H Y T H M V a l u a b l e a n d U s e f u L P r i z e s A D M I S S I O N ; S O c : ! V- <• ., n V - ̂V V ; ^ Regular Dances--Wednesdby^£ Saturday ŜCrmt«' '■"'iji'7 ,j- -"35c* FREE Pacific Stage • f r o m . N o r EveryJ V E D N ^ D A Y , SATURDAY and, HOLIDAYS. 5'Ah I - .; ________________ ^ J ." i. '