MAY DAY PARADB MAY QUEEN BALL had notliMn niada) w 8i20 a.m.-- Belay B oi^;Ite^ /Inter.H Ig^^ . ' Lonsdale A ve„ N*.V.,̂ to i4th Street, W. V« 8:45 a.m.- ■ r ' • 8:50 a.m.* -High School, Interhouse: Relay) Bond Race, Sherman to 1 4 th .3 treek ,f -Bicycle Race, Carriers & Delivery Boys, 10*30 a.m.--Sports Prdgrami at Ambleside Park. 12*30 p.m.--Parade Muster-^r2 0 th Street. , , , , 1 • 00 p.m.--Parade oh IMasdnd' D rive ter Ambleside* Park. .1:80 p.m.--O ro w n l# ;9iJh i^ ^ ^ '■'•)', May Pole Danoei?; * -Folk Dances ,S:30 to 6:30 p .m .---Sphrts'PrO gram viW 6:30 p.m.--Supperto':May ,Queen'̂ and;Siliter;..: (A limited num ber:of ti^kei^h available) ; : The corohi^tibn of May Quee;i ' elect M a r g m t Ourry, at Amble* -/side Day^n^* mediately % UofBng the' parade, will be th e outstanding feature o f the fourth ahnual May Day Festival.'A dethbbment from the Seafprth Higblhhder Cadets will form a Guard o f fHonor for May Quee«rlToairwtewlil be escorted: to thb Throne ,oy Reeve J. B. Leyland and Accompanied by Maids of IHohdr Iona Kerrison and Mary- Thomson while Chan cellors Reid Mitchell and Jimmy McDonald lyili:, bear the key of the Municiphlity'and the Parch ment Roll. The Royal Suite will . ^..*v.Ord«r..ot,MaiPch-i', Motor Cycle Officers'. 1: Dedoi^tM ' B id sN sk i'C '!!^ 2.^dnildrien in -(^tumei^ 8. Tricycles, Scooter and Wag ons. ' Children in Costume.'. Children ^ t h Floral D is plays. Boy Scouts, and . C u b s . , School Band,. Girl Guides and Browniies, May Queen and Party 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. May Queen Margaret will open the official May Queen Ball at the Inglewood Auditor* mm, when dancing will be the order of the evening from 9 p.m, to 1 a.m. Gardenia Orchestra will supply the„muslc, ahd the auditorium will be elaborately decorated. The May Queen will officially open the ball at 9:16 p.m. Admission, 60 cents. , ' # 1 ft » \ "f I, :j'.'. '"M "H kfi, , j . f fi' 11. 12. 13. 14. MAY DAY, 1934, SPORTS PROGRAM 1. 2. 3. 9:00 a.m.--Marine Drive ' Relay Race;*Bherman to T4th'St?,*Inter-House,- 6 men teams.- ' :v ,r Relay Race, t/Onsdale to 14th St., W est Vancouver High School ys. North Van. High School, 4 men t e ^ Bicycle Race, Carriers and Delivery Boys, 1 mile,, -------- 23rd-t644th-BtWete:i^:--^'£̂ ^ The 3 Men's Open E vents -- the 1 mile, 220 yards and 440 yards,\;were cancelled' for lack of entries. 10:30 a.m.--Ambleside P ^ k . ' ' 7. 100 yds. -- Boys .16 and 17 years. . , - 100 yds. -- Girls 16 and 17 years. 100 yds. -- Boys 18, 1 9 'and 20.. , ' 100 yds. -- Girls 18, 19 and '20. 100 yds. Men 21 and over; Broad Jump -- Boys 14 and 15. Hop-Step-and-Jump 4-- Girls 14 and 15. -Sunday-Schdoiaielajb^ B c^ s A n d e r . . .g | | |^ ^ Sunday School Relay -- Girls 17 and under. await the arrival of Queen elect ^ Margaret Currv: and entourage Parade Marshal: L, Roy Low^ts announc^ b / the blast oi Official Recorder,: Harold Walkar 3.»wvoi* cMiu transportation w est from / R w «e and Gouricll and Of- "'K" ."=>'<)ol at 1 a.m. In event ficial Guests. - "* j'il" Fire Department and F loats f e ' « e t ° high school at 9 Canadian Legion. . ""1®'?? The Young People's Dance for those of 16 year$ and under, will take place on Friday. May 26th, at 7 :30 p.m. Adm/ission 10 cents SV 3 •%'<- *'hr| ( H 1 •>. i D ^orated Autos. Commercial Entries. v;. bugles. iT he Maids of Honor J o a r T ho^ V birand Dale Erlck- sen; Crown Beater Gladys Wil so n ; Flower Girls, Doreen Fletch er, Isabel RusSall, Patricial Pow ell, and Joy Crahwill,and a Guard of "H ohbr~of A lx --girlsr" B e tty Cuthbertsoh, - Barbara Sparrow, Committee: Messrs. AtWood, Rankin; R iv ers ,' Willisfmson,' Stephenson and Dowling. MAY DAY REFRESHMENTS ly Don't forget to visit the re freshment booth at AmblesideNEW BOW LW ^^ ParkonM avD A v OFFICIALLY OPENED f cream,__pop,__tea,__ coffee,--sand- 'It*hi Louise Messinger, Barbara Ed- ' " ̂ -D ( ' 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. -14- 15. wardsj Mary Powell ai)id Dorothy Messihger,. will/accom pany the Queen elect to the Throne escort- Mitchell. A ftered by J. ,R. Mitcneii. A lter a welcome . extended by J. R. MitcbSSll, the retiring Queen, will In spite of the heavy raip Sat- niches, etc urday afternoon a large'and rep- VzxwYWTTZTTiZ---------- resentative crowd from .W est YOUNG PEOPLE'S DANCE Vancouver, North Vartbouver ^ and the city were present at.ithe A dance will be held in the opening of the new g r e i^ 'in Hall on Friday, June 1st, Memorial Park. A fter <>I..the Children's Home, selections-by tHe Schiwds'.BiihA. this is a worthy cause a ■'tf i ' \%i V A M'i conclude her re f& by a Reeve Leyland in his speech , of special appeal is made to W est address an d re^ rn in g the key welcome^said that the occasion are about of--the-M unicip^ity to-.Reeve_J.----Was„anotlLer_^milestonAj|ijJ^e m u m cip a lit/s ' progress. , jHie from the public and, , p,m.--A m m ei^ e Park., ^ . 16. 25 yds. -- Boys 5 dndAndfer.' *4' 17. 25 yds. -- Girls 5 And Under. 25 yds., E gg and Spoon"-- Boys 6 and 7 ., 25 yds., E gg and Spoon Girls 6 and 7. 50 yds,_Three-Legged -- ' Boys 8, 9 and 10. 50 yds., Skipping -- Girls .8,; 9 and 10. ,--Three4egg€d-=5BoysJLl;JL2_andLl8.___ __ 50 yds., Thread N eedle - --Girls 11, 12 and 13. ^ B. Leyland. the floral ~ , -i-r i--- . , . ~ crown;. Ambl4rw & * i^ 4MS^;oM.the;,cris4 î ^̂ ignty on th e head of of the unemployed, by whom. aUticuTty in carrying on, . tEe -18. 19. 20, 21. :22.- 23. 24. 25. 26. Sovereignty Queen elect Margaret, th e . N at ional Anthem, will be, sung and a rocket^ sen t-in to the sky as a salute to W est Vancouver's fourth. May Queeii.; The May _Queen'.s_speech,_wiILiollow_with 27. --28-. -29r 25 yds. -- Boys 6. • 25 yds. -- Girls 6. : . 5P_,yds.. _-::r BpyA.7.____ 50 yds: -- Girls 7. 75 yds. -- Boys 8 and 9.-, -75 yds.-- Girls 8 and 9.^ they had been built, in that t h e y 8 * Y , e fifreat assistance wanted work and not relief. The / * oe dance will commence at 9 first unit of the club house had ' P*^* g^o^jouing till 1 a.m. A bfeen erected by voluntary work beautiful inlaid tray will be of the club members. He then g^^^n for and the ever-popular handed over the lease represent- "lack Diamond Orchestra will ihg'The'bfficial t r ^ s fe r ~ o r th e " 'Jupplrthe music, also th e r e ^ ill greens to President Jack Banks, oe refreshments. A ll for who in accepting same on behalf Please help the children, of the club stated that a wish only. 30. -75 yds. -- Boys 10 and >11. . 31. 7 5 y d s : -^ 'G ir ls l6 a n d ,iL ' 32. ' 75 yds. -- Boys 12 arid 13 .. -- - . 33. 75 yds. -- Girls 12 and 13. 34.. 100 y d s .-- Boys 14 an d45 . - - - - 35. 100 yds. -- G ir l l l4 and'lo.^ . ' - 3i5.» Father and 8on, 100 yds;.,each., 37. " Mother and Daughter, 5]9 yds. each. 38. 100 yds. -- Married Men's Rstce. 39. 50 yds. Ladies 21 and over. 40. Ladies-Nail Drivirig.t : f , - - The above events are*oi>en to residents of_West Vancouver three cheers for the new Queen. J; R. Mitchell will , present the g ift from the citizens '^of the Municipality and JReeve. Leyland_____ . ~ ~ ... . - ------ ----------* , will , present theAGoIden' Key. "long desired had now been ful- Members of the R6yal;Suite will filled. The club-was <me of . the ^ sign the-Parchm ent.R oll Prizes oldest .in B. C. dating from 1915 . ~ / , for major sport events will, be and they had a membership of L. M, Astbury o£^he Astbury presented by the May Queen fol- 60, which would soon be raised ~ Lu*nber Co., North Vancouver, ■ -- ■ ' to 100. He thanked all who had ' has purchased the plant and ■'ll, w'•'ri'-Ai ASTBURY'S BUILDERS' -------- SUPPLIES OPEN H EEE k, i< ' T'*'T4, . >:■ \ > lowed by a display o f .Folk and Mav-pole Dancing by the School children. Queen /M argaret will irisiiect the Band and escorting units and will start th'e first race of the sport events. A t. 3:30 p.m. the Royal Party will pro- helped in 4he construction work equipment of the Ambleside and. extended a hearty welcome , Lumber Co. at 16th and Marine to all. Drive, and will carry on busi- Mr. Smith, president of the ness there under the name of B. C. Lawn Bowling Association, - Astbury's Builders' Supplies. A after_A :brief speech, proceeded' full line carried of all builders' f i c ^ d to the Memorial Arch plac- to. the green, where Mrs. Banks supplies, including l u m b e r , ing a wreath and wilLthen make throw the first jack, Mr. Sm^th, shingles, lath, /Iaa,.*. No person may.coiripete outside his own class; J*̂ > k year old may not,com pete in a. ra<^ for seven and eight year olds. ' , ' ,, ' I . . ; t Brizes to the value of ^250 w ill be distributed for sports and parade prizesis® V windows, doors, a tour of.her realm, going as far Reeve Leyland, J ., Banks, Pat roofingTbuilding paper,_veneer, as Whytecliff, afterwards v isit- Campbell, Mrs. Leyland, Mrs. gyproc, etc. Two plants at your ing. the North T^aricouver c ^ o ^ S ti< ;t7 lz~C." Jack"an-d"Dr7^H€nry" "^ervice--Phone~West l 9 9 r --------- taph and general hospital. A each throwing a bowl in the -̂----- ------- supper at 6 :30 p.m. and the.M ay order named. Following this Mr. .j^xY DAY DANCE AT _Queen Ball will conclude another Sm ith declared the greens g>en. HOLLYBURN PAVILION May Day iri W est Vancouver* A photo was taken oi tnpse ■ \ ' ' J t { I '.... MAY D A Y PARADE * Those taking part. ̂in May Driy Parade will assemble a t 12:30 p.m. as follows: ' , ' , Decorated Bicycles --^20th Street, north of Drive, i . Tricycles. "Scooters-anfi W age St., north o f Drive. ______ pisplays-^^^h^iE^^ Boy Scouts and Cubs-- On Es<iuimalt. w est of 20th St. School Band-- ^Esquimialt, "^st o f ^ h St. ' _ ̂ , Girl Guides-- ^Esquimalt, east"Of 2 ® Street. . May Queen and Party--2 1 st St., n^irth of Marine I^jjve. Reev ̂and Council, anfi Official G u ^ ts-- 21st St. north of Drive Fire Truck and;FloatSr^21st St:,:soiith ,of Marine Drive.; En route to the park th e May assembled, when an adjourn^n^^^^ ̂ Hollybum Pavilion are Queen will plant a.toee at Menj- w as the holding: a May D ay, Celehratlbn orial Park. , A Dance tomorrow evening from 9 MRS. FERGUSSON'S - w L r e br" eches were m ^ e P U P II# IN RECITAL by Reeve ^ l a n d Councillor t ^ S c ® V & • --FT/P' -ii u • ^Rrnpp P useful prizes will be A public recital w l l be given Henr^, th^ ^ v en . Admission 50 cents. Free in the Women's BuiMmg, on F n - Stage from North Van- nflvra There are regular dances a t /th e Pavilion every Wednesday a t, 25 cents and. Saturday a t 35 ̂ 'U i 4 M M I •• -1 fH Canadian Legion-- ^ ihB t:," kdutbW 'iVterine D rive .- . A u to s^ 2 0 th ̂ t ilso u th of Manned Drive. cents. Free Pacific Stage from N orth Vancouver. Decorated Private Autos-^20th-St^SO uth . _ . Commercial Entries-V-20th;St:7 SOUitjb„of Marine Drive It is to be hoped th at,as^ te ik y children as possible will take part in 'the Earadê taff4̂ ^̂ ^̂ pot in costume,' then.? A ̂ ® 18 being o ffer^ in th is event-tp th e boy arid girl parade with the b est florat display l^ st representing th e ̂ u t y J:oBe/found4n-West^Vririeeaveri ̂ ̂ ^ day, May 26th, a t 8 p.m. by the pupils of the Vancouver School _ of Expression, of which Mrs. J. -officials in Vancouver. Reeve,- P. Fergusson, F.T.C.L., Gold Leyland exhibited a solid silver Mdallist, is 'principaL ̂ Several perpetual challenge trophy for W est Vancouver pupils will be the best club rink presented by on the program and .the Mary the British Pacific Properties Isdale Dancers and Mr. Cuth- Ltd.* and another . challenge bert's Orchestra vrill assist. Ad- trophy from 0 . B. Allan for the mission 25'cents. -' > , > , best club sinirles. The 'Vancou- . -. - ' . ver Club are also presenting a > ,June 8th-- W est Vancouver Jun- -- T fie^ o rth " Vanequver Study third trophy.- ̂ , / t o r Choir, Mrs. Colin M acL e^ of the Dbiiglris" Social A m / f i0 < ' . % V 1 COMING EVENTS Hr 'tP. 'J, Group - .. . -XI. Credit System, will riieet in the^ Library"'of vthe Masonic Temple- Lonsdale-Avehue/.:(bfitween„ at Floats and caiPS'^lh'parkfoh,:iputh sidê <̂ ̂ X0th;and 12th Sts;v);iat / 8 ;-p.m. Ambleride,Bari£|^g^'£S^ii^2^ ^ :■ e v e iy -a lte r r m te ^ WParade will circle the ôundŝ iiqe arid, fall in oirittsr r̂ commencing on W w nesday, the FORTUNE CUP INN TEARO O M S The Fortune .Cu^ Inn Rooms are m w ' under new man- - Tea conductor, presents "H.M.S. Pinafore," under the auspices fo tlthe I.O.D.E. in the Ingle wood Auditorium. ' '-h -"tr'l' (Boy Scouts), for Coronation Ceremony and review by May |„gtant. All interested are Queen. . - > " cordially i n v i t e d . ^ " agem ent, who will specialize in^ .June Sth-^Recital by pupils o f; luncheons, and teas. Dances and ̂ Mrs. F. X . Hodgson in the parties will also be catered for. , .. W estern Galleries, Seymour W : A n ' ">'/ / X Phone W ^ '36i, 0m '