West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 May 1934, p. 4

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R«d sk ' f Ih* ' titlt • w*w«wwwwwi**wwi|wggigg^ fcjf'-y ■'■ "'ViniM" #*lMfc" t e n n is clu b iZA ~ aÛ "'JIUIUEmC' tilB'itiî iffilltiWitiII*#"fi>fJltJMyrfrttfift'Hlf̂¥'*tftlWftllBW#**M*̂f""*̂°îiTT̂'l̂' REAS, C»I»«M«. S(*r« B .:.... t i . §«: Rid 41 Whlt« COFFEE ^ ' I iKNind tsetittni tin KEtLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, Wits Cowboy Cutout.......3 pkt« Ue. KUimGQ^B ALL-BRAN, pw pki J«e BOVRIL CORN BEFJ'.......P«r tin 1% CHEF SAUCE, H o*. bottlo........... IjNr IIEOLUND'S MEAT PASTE On $€ AyLMBR JpNELESS CHICliJ^N 7 oun<« Un NABOB PKAClIFil, liirffo 2P,'n tln̂ ,̂ in nyrup,.................... ........ * On 2W Red & Wbito GOLDEN CORN ,v ' * nor tin •*, ,,4J.*•-»*, Jwl! SA f̂iMON, lint tin, fnncy Socktye IStf. Rod & Whlto CHOCOLATE . , Promfumr for bikinn, ^ -ib «nk« 19e kliY p o w d e r s >,4 :pfli«koii:19<;:i reason has «ow „ a considerable A S a b , l a y 1 1 « K ;^ " Teimbi Clul <d»M ;̂|Mo«';3toe to the early «prln#. Tne*#Sre vacancies for P k o n . » . " the 'secre- J i a r t i c l e , at W est^SL M e a t s Red & Wbilo JELI Annortod flavor* ««f5 r f*rt tff**»*t*Jf* i■per Ib. 17c. M rs, Cowaii lias moved into . EiNERB ....................... per Ib. 19c the Wallcer hdUBo at Caulfcild. W ir r s LAKEWOOD LOAF, Ib. 28c »OIA)GNA Wi KAL LOAF .per Ib, 29c PCRF. PORK SAUSAGE l»ey ib. 18c BEEF SAUSAGE............per Ib. 12c FINNAN IIADDIB........ per Ib, 16c BLOOD RING SAUSAGE... lb. 15c BUI"! ER -- Golden Meadow, 2 Iba 58c Aittida Vale, 2 Iba. for 49« .............. . BA<'K BACON, SwIfCa underBlimed. and cndorHod "TcndcrB ib' ----- ................. ^ c Coal." will"'b<t ri'cuivcd. until I ' < p^lll^llTFOltrCOAL' SEALED Toi5Tr7Vi^»'«»«';'L^l,l^^ .jdaralfimod and (?ndor»ed Tenders o ----------*'17"'ik' ?k* ®̂r Coal," will" l»e received, until BKin IJB (.IlIfilSSE ........... 54 Ib« 15c | 2 ̂ o^cIock nooit (diiyliKhl BavJnjf)» R»nI A: White FLOOR WAX 1 Ib. tin * ' 1 ■■"• • - • ■d & White ' 2 larxe rolln ' • Tueaday, May 22,. 1 «.l 1. for the supply ' o f raaf for the Doml..|on .Hu M nas and all Building Materlalaor B U H t l P N Q WEST Phone ^ e s t 115 "Right s W v ic a ^ iiTghf Prices. mW^ 1 ^ 5 ^ 0 . LTD. "0 iiiSw e8t^368L THE BUHNING BUSH By Subadar I lb. Ito '- • - M d - S a p e ^ ^ * Wbi., TOII.BT TISSUE K r & a t c h .V .u ? 'A n S » u n aM ;. Forms of tender with specifications la n«l at one's best when sleep- "from lug with the mouth.open. That, Department of Public.,Works, Ottawa; of course, depends on how many' the District Resident Architect, Win 1 iri The rate for Classified Advertlaem'enia Ja 2 centa per^word. minimum 26 crtU. Eicept in Uiocom of h avln ,. r « w l« a e » u u ^ .11 d.,,1. Ood. nr. poyobl. otrictl̂ i- In .dvr Remember Classifieds in the No (JoUbt everybody ha« been }ii(rH"7honr"a7e"ln * \ 'f̂^̂ ̂ AKh5tec?'̂ Reaind'* Saik/'^hc^DfsSt" *W. CARLEY buys and ftlled with joy at the announce- HurnaiiH, according to him, were Resident.'Architect. rui«:ury.. Alta.; & bioi? Phone W sePs fuhtR ........ . ........... . etc. PoiVshingr'Phone West 71went that the latcat gowna will bIho' nut at theit beat in ea'rly and ^o D l ,» ia»i<iont Architoct, ________ Bhow Borenity, becauBe nothing morning, r n ^ ' not be considered 'WANTED - - Guitar nml nnhriVlv hftvf* bfld*n HhowiniT SOme unless made on the forms supplied by Vancouver for boy.ana nooouy nave ooen snow^g retiching the peak of efficiency the Department and in accordance 3073, 12 to i p.m. any of i t for a*long time, r The uh C pirn. In the gSb'd'bla "'* witĥ ̂ spocmentions ami Van.Nawa get fihmadfate results. FURNISHED'RQOM for two business ' girls, over Hbllyburn Post Office: side door, r.̂ ' ^ i ■ lessons in West , Phone Seymour LOST wearin I > Brown Irish Terrier Pup, ig collari . white spot on chest. Reward! Phone West 838R. conditions.o)d_.earth Jh all upset and has ^y .s bofoie the W ar a lot of The right to demami from the sue wooi; xnououb, treated humartity to the finest flnc lidlows never really got into cessful tenderer a clepo.sit, not ex- d .M.C.; Putty; Turps.; Rennie's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ **"'«'GrRLf»WANTS!^ORK,- « HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave. home, small wages, sleep in. Phone : Wool; Notions; Hardware; Toys;" evenings, Fairmont 5484L. Vi An <■ ■•S f at the same time are promising . , . , - __ , , thcmselvea 'the plcaaure_of tear-*. J- h*fve seen men devel- ing the other fellow's eyes out JP uHtomshing activity be­ a t the first opportunity for some- a.m.,, when they had a thing they think he has or., has chc(|uo out and no funds in slight not done. To re tu rn to the ^ even cutting gowns showing serenity, by coi'»crs on one leg as the fatal which is meant, one supposes, hour iipiw-oached. Now own up, that they Will infect the wearers, my hrolhers. and dpn't be bash- with that quality. Of course - they will, if th aH s-th e fashion.-:-------- -- ----- -------- Department of Public Works, OPaiwa,. April 19, 1934. Secretary. mARCELLE SHOPPE -- Thermique i 4'- ■ With fio back in it, i f In style, for wom<m arc always serene ^ when their dress is in the mode. Probably bemuse, his stjde of "If you-don't believe this, w atcir 'm-atory was new m those p a rt^ a wonian garbed in the latest,. calmly walk up to a front seat hours the banking committee sat after a big concert has started and began to^take notice, with her husband tagging be- /Jhey did no such thing, because hind in the la test," but feeling^ asleep--by that and looking 4is if he had been run through a meat chopper. distuibed by of ^erry s most resounding periods, may then have" changed"-ends in their Some doctor in giving a talk sleep, but tha t's about all. Why oil sleep before the American a twp hour's discourse on bank- College of Physicians, pulled' i n g 'would be dryer than the several, fast onca.MIe stated one dqllCst sermon ever preached: GORDON ROBSON Barrlstei; -- Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- ..jDlffi.ee No. ,1447,_Mairin_e Drive.. Phone West 403. 10 to 12. -V-A-NCOUVER-OFFICE==- - Suite 501; 510 Hastings St. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. 2 to 6. Cakes for your week end picnic at -- Hunter's," 2423 Jtfarine-Prive. ------ RADIO REPAIRS -- West Wan. Radio Service (J. K Tettigtew ), West 108, 1473 Marine. -_______________J SHANNON'S TAXI--Phone North SO Day or night" Service. Ambleside to North yancouver General Hospital, ■' $1.26.' 'r : GEO. HAY ' Notary Public/ Real Estate & Insurance Listings W anted 1405 Marine Drive Phone West 2-1 or Seymour 1260 Evenings West" 204X Permanent Wave without danger of; burning. Marcel 50c; reset '36c; Finger Wave 60c. Phone Mrs. King West 304, 1620 Marine._______^ THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re­ quires discarded clothing. Phone West 3,7 and truck will collect. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED with COt A vGE FOR , BENT -- Modern̂ spefeial machine; all makes. West partly furnished,. newly decorated "VaTTci5uver""-Machine' Shop, Jjl49 throughl3nat;7attrn6tlve location near ■ Marine Drive.________ ' , waterfyont." Phone IVest 265X. . SHOE REPAIRS Get the best mat­ erial ^and workmanship at Pox's, 14th at Perry. ' " YES, WE HAVE NO BANANAs - That's an old one;. jbut:our Stock of Cigarettes ana.Tobaccos are always - new. - Ambleside-Tea-Roomsr at tb -- Ferry Wharf... ' ; ' ^ WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS W EAR^J'®^ KENT BEST__-- -Dundarave.-- - ____ ' ______on__Waterfront. .Cheap for_May..and . 4 .--c ---------------------------------------• -- June. West 350X. RADIO TECHNICIAN -- Your Radio troubles given prompt expert at­ tention--aerials, tubes. Tom Brown West 266R. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and -aci'cage'-fbr -sale.- "John "Lawson, 17th and Marine, Thone West 65. % rl W :r CHANGE OF ■ I iH iP i l i f i ; V-::"'* , ,/v liSpiiSpRiS' L f vjx r- ' EFFECTIVE MAY 12. ■ • BetweeH" " . North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Caulfeild, Horseshoe Bay '■■7 -.Si- Ichv .J 41- % -'V ,.r- 'f.f- , ~•• -•r, W I R E Y O U R H O M E F O R WESTBOUND-WEEKDAY SERVICE • • AM^rAM AM,: Lv. North Vancouver........... 8.00 8.20 Ambleside .................. , 7.20 ' 8.08 8,30 Ar. CaulfeUd ...... ....... ..... ...............7.40; 8.20 Ar, Itorseshoo Bay AM AM: 9.20 11.20 9.S0 .11.30 9.45 11,45. 10.00 12,00 X--Denotes' Wednesdays and Saturdays Only X PM PM 1.40 2JJ0 1.50- 2.30 2.05 2.45 2.20 3.00 PM PM PM AM 4.20 5.40 .6.40 12.00 4.30 5.50 - 6.50 12.10 4.45 6.05 7.05 12.25 7.20 12.40 -"^VKiJTBOUN»--i«UNDAy SERViti'" Lv. North Vancouver ----- Amhlesldo- Ar. Catilfelld Ar.-Dorseshoo Bay ̂ j- f " •• I •Vlo;* ««•.*. :AM® 9.20 9.30 .9,45 10.00 It■liiM am: AM 10.20 11.20 10.30 lf.30 10.45 11.45 11.00 12.00 PM 1.20 1.30 1,45 2.00 PM 2J50 2.30 2.45 3.00 PM PM 4.20 6.20 4.30 6.30 '4.45 6.45 5.00 7.00 NOTE; All trips. Wc.stbound and Eastbound. route via West Vancouver Perry Dock PM PM 7JJ0 1Q.45 7.30 10.55 7.45 11.10 AOO ...... E L E C T R IC A L C O N V E N IE N C E TT costs ye^ little to bring the wiring of your X. home up-to-date for-all the help and con- -VenienccLthat-electricity brings.: EASTBOUND--WEEKDAY SERVICE . AM. AM. PM -PM PM PM PM .... ' ' - 3.30' ---- - 5.30 ----- -7.30 7.40' 8.20 ib.io 1*05 3.40 " 5.00 5.40 oioS 7!40 AtoMcsldc .... .................**..*̂ .̂̂ *̂ .7*40 ; 8*00' \ 8.40 10.30 1«2S 4«00 5»15 *6.00' - 0»30 8*00 North Voncoaver ...... * " 1 TA5 8.15 8.55 10.45 1.35 * X--Denotes Wednesdays and, Saturdays Only 5.30 6.15 6.20 8.JK) 6i35----Silo-- EASIDOVND-SUNDAY $ER\nh^ Lv. .Ilt>rseshoe Bay . Lv. CaulfeUd - Amble«ide Ar. North Vancouver «.hV. V. Mn 9A5 1145 12.15 U 5 4.15 5U5 6.15 8.15 9J5 NOTE: AU trips. Westbound mad. Eastbound, route via West Vancouver B r̂ry Dock ..; r ] im § i i i a s i i TELEP] '1I - : - \W B S T 12, S E Y , 7131 m Ifci S"f .i,, -r . mm ■ """'J? - . > ' -- -- Plenty of "plugs" suitably placed add inuneasur- ably to the comfort of the oldest siyie hoine. lAmps and labor-saving appliances ̂can be 'P̂ ^̂ gcd-in̂ 'whereverandTwh^^er necessary . . . reheving iyou of unsightly And ih-the-way extension cords. T J j ' ^ The cosrof such work is iowi: no^^ and wiU be more than paid:fot by the added _ convenience saving-.bf tunejdhe: improve­ ment will biihe. 7 4 ^angementS :for an estimateiby your neigh­ borhood elec^ical contractbr>inaay*rbe ̂ made through yout neatest B. OElectttt^Sfiik X'.; 11 «« ^ iT IS H C Q LUMBiA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CC. i a i I * z¥--z ̂ S '.y'<7.V ,V .'U. mm: IMM. mrnm Itea