West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 May 1934, p. 3

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I * »^^'^SUtaSbi?^»^" See with Ringlet Ask «nyo»?Ĥ **° ^Sommer# at the * » . "I - w ̂J*i' t , J . - . s •tiiSiSiiw .......... .. I - I IIIIHII Mlllllll#Wf Ss^slfl •MW ' . W M t V M iw iV M a n d V a n e b u - H r . a n d M m . jv . - v « T " 3 ir im c l ie r i t f ■ th e " 1 k o tt lB h W a t G r ey , h& ve m o v e d i n t o « ,̂ jCo un t i y J D a n ceJ 3 a c ie t y .4 > f J t o it w J io u e » 4 i^ " . i s h Ck>Iuaibla w e r e e n te r ta in e d ♦ • • ALLSORTS Ck>mmua- . Mrs. H. G. Selwood, 2 M «nd I aa Beauty Shoppe ,-646 Biarine D rlre For ftppotataiente PHONE WBST 117 l«»diir, Jfpta»MA»y & Friday Bveniaga. 6tS0 to 8.S0 J».m. Vandcitiver Office: 718 Robaon |V»*W O.BS; SPRING TBA ity*Centre,' Eleventh and. Oak, Nelson Avenue, has accepted a t one of thavmost successful invitation to s ^ a k o n ........... receptions since the society was Vancouver P.-T. A-. inaiurdratea. *r^delightful pro- extension educaUt gram o f ' reels and country F raser Valley D istrict Ai dances in charge of John Ny- tion of P.«T. A.'s Conference on land and some Vancouver mem« Tth"June a t Coquitlam, hers was enjoyed. ̂ •/. . . •'■ M r.;landry of y a t i m v e r i : i | | . Miss Ola MeX^an, 21st and purchased the Reveley house a t half pound 15c. 5-Rs Tht Store of Sorrieo. 140a Mnriao Driwi Wont 37 or W,o«t S07 Entorconcy Phono Wont 1M1 (After 10 p,«i.) i-i. ,̂ "4 :-V»5 A Gainera, The Univex Camera i» not a Toy . . It takes good pictures lV 6,X .lw ._ Camera 75 cento Films. 15c each AMBLESIDE PHARMA0f W. L. KBR, Prop 1401 Marine Drive Phone WesJ 828 ; fr e e DELIVERY , hom e' of * the W orthy M atwn, Bates (nee Jean MacLaren). Mrs. H. L. Thompson, 81st and * * ♦ Tom Lightly, jr.> F rankA. vraa* iiiu p J*' *9 "k' acasaaii son" and Michael Savory left Week for the Cariboo. Philip C. Chapman General Insurance AReiiit Fire, Automobile, Burglary^ ...Accident 2567 King's Ave7!JP^one^^ ̂ ,i S C H O O L U B R A R I B S : 31ieiT '^wM .officially;opened. - Mr.-and Mra.-G by f lffiss FIodk^^ Livingstone, family, 2177 Bellevue Avenue, . Up to date over five hundred^ E a s t Grand' M atrM , who^ was have moved into 6 house a t 23rd received for the of a' small g ift in appreciation. ̂ ♦ .*> • During the past two weeks, T he^tea teble,. centwd with Mr. rand Mrs. Barker of Sher- books^have been donated by the beautiful tulips flanked by ^ e e n man, left here on Monday for up ??-q candles in silver sconces, and en- coast,-where they expect to re^ Canavaii, Mr. Dentom Mrs. U circled; with bridal vtreath,^^ m ain.for some months. a very delightful setting; R. Hastings, Mrs. J. Henshaw, During the Afternoon a Colonel K. W. Savory, 27th W. Johncox, Mrs. D. Mac- cal .program arranged by and Ottawa Avenue, has gone MileS^wastaken part m b y Mrs. for a short; motor trip up the K**?.; ?V Fred"^'Stainsby,'»«--'Mr8. > * * > C « . . - ' H ' u n t , '■ -<weiii,.jyLrs»,J> ^ormanci. and, Miss Madge Farm er. Mrs. - ' ♦ ♦ . * Alexander acted as accompanist Sbittra'i BAKERY B R E A D - All... / " 'A iy r "r ' HomeC A K E S M a d e PASTRES ALL KINDS OF FANCIES 1 4 6 8 M a rin e D r iv e Phone West 27 - , ..........Miss H. Morris, 811 17th i w ^ k i r k i i aiiu^«*o^ rendered several selec- Avenue, has left for Gibson's W O M t N I A;fj0hs a t intervals. Landing. -~"ifyou have tried everythintoUejHndf*^-- "#-The Grand Officers p tesent in- : „ *...................... Mâ toiv'SPEcn£Lf\̂ «̂ cluded MrSi G r ^ Wilcox, Miss Miss' Florence • Dodd has re- * * " Effie JPorget, Miss Florence Liv- turned from the North Vancou- ingstone,. Vancouver, Mrs. Alice ver-General Hospital, ..where, she. SavagerLadner; and MissyBetsy ' recehtly underw ehta.seriousop- Srr^th"of N orth Vancouver, Mrs. eration. She is;now recuperat- Jeannie Murdock; Douglas, Mrs. ihg a t her home, 22nd and Bef^hiee Marshall, Marpole, Mrs. Queen's Avenue. ̂ Sara'Oam pbellsAlexaitdra, Mrs. ♦ ^ Julia : ^ r t i n ', P r i n t s P atrim ^ Isabel Rhodea, daughter of Mrs. ;^ G ra c e a © u ^ ^ .SMifabnd Mrs. Elva. Patteraon, Iftiumph^_formerly, resided here, won U R A T E P A Y E R S ' M E E T IN G MOruJi B ,* thing, new. but an old recominonded and:. so „ CENTURY. No Dangerous Drugs, Newous- ness, Backache, Heatiachdi DiffldMSS, DELAYED and PAINFUL Menetoation. Srfd- only in Sealed Hinge Cover TIN'Box Ynth Signature Knickerbocker Remedy C o .' A meeting will be held in the Legion Hall on. Tuesday next, May 16th, a t 8 p.ra., for the purpose of form ing a Ratepay­ ers' Association. A collection will be taken to defray expenses for th is meeting,. All ratepayers interested in above are welcome. THE BAND VISITS VICTORIA Everyone should know by now th a t the W est'Vancouver School Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY Muy 11th and 12th X jinib . ImlMnPllu&s , . IUiEtSI VllTD r* A C V **1VXUI1bV I!iIA' lrfiA91!i . 1with WILLIAM.P„OW.ELL MARY ASTOR MON., TUES., & WEDNESDAY ■ May' 14th; 15th and 10th , ~ VICTOR McLAGGEN .... in The LOST PATROL A Liberty 4-Star- Picture. 1448-Marinet-JlWYC, Amijtlj^ide Phone West 340 - Evenings, West 1^3 and Miss Jess!? C o lto t '-M^^ lu /B and.com peted in a contest in v.Mrs. J . W ,.Neill a a e d asjKen- K S ^ M u s U h l ^ s t i r i . e5cpr^_s,our.ap^eei- f f eral;(Jon ♦ . ation to the citizens of West Vancouver for the financial sup- Listings Wanted R e a l E s t a t e dohyenef, M rs..Jam es. Dun- ^ r g e * ^ ^ th ^ 'H ^ ^ " ( S n g „ f*'**'"S '>'6̂ gave, the band in its sSl^whU^Mr^ W °C dth^ son ' 9"^?.® ?/ D"ndarave, have left Concert, Dance' dhd Raifle. It Mfi. R J f e ^ e a a * Kootenay country. can Macmillan had chargeiof the Needlework.. TEAROElTSCHr was this support which helped , ' 'V . make- the trip a complete suc- The delay in the fe rry service cess a t no charge to the mem- ______________ last F riday-w as due to slight bers o f the" Band. The citizens _ _ ' j nir r< -CY R/r engine trouble suddenly develop- Qf West Vancouver may be sure Mr. and Mrs. ing on the Sonrisa. . ̂ the . money was ^ ,en t in a sens- haye moved from i12687 Ott§,wa Avenue, into a house a t 26th and PaJm^rston Avenue. . . f - -- ̂ t U. I n s u r a n c e - - V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E " Ambleside M ie ta l : .. A. G. SEARLE Phone .West 9■ J . ' aJ V" r '• .. F e r t i l iz e r s o f A ll K in d s L. SPECK, -1 ' - Proprietor W O r K S - W o o d , C o a l, a - B u ild e r s ' S u p p lie s -- UNDER- AUSPICES O F T H E CANADIAN LEGION . ^ v M k ^ l N G ' ' WiII .be held on s p . n in the LEGION MEMORIAL HALL Pensioners and Noh.Pensioners are invited to discuss questions of vital ifhportahce to All ex-service men.. -- ----- _ - 7- - - - -ible-m anner-and-M aV the boys- Canon D^Easum _ is a, patient thoroughly enjqyed themselves, in Shaughnessy M ilitary .Hospit- Saturday night the boys spent al, where he IS making favorable "on .their own," the majority^ progres^. : __ . _____ -- went7.tQ. th e .Crystal .Garden, to. \ ^ .„ . swim. On Sunday morning the Rev. F. A. l^m sey will give a Band visited the famious Butch- stamp talk at 8 p.m. Friday oyer a r t's Gardens and also saw the CRCV. * * notable sights in the city. The V , . ■ . visit to. .Victoria was concluded ̂Among those gyaduatmg from by the taking of a sound picture St. Paul's Hospital on Tuesday, of AV W. Delamont's bands in :1st M ayrwas Eunice May Davis, action, playing in front of the a-?native daughter of Hollybura. Hotel. But the most_. ♦ ♦ ♦. enjoyable thing pf the trip was .Among .those who assisted in. th a t the boys knew th a t- th e y entertaining the Earl of. Lauder- lived in a community which welL and his son, Viscount Mait- supported 100% the West Van- land = and Thirlestane. was Mrs. couver School Band. C. J. , Marshall, Thirlestane Lodge, Altamont, who is , a cousin of the earl. They are leaving today for the Okanagan accompanied by Colonel and Mrs: Richard ~ ^Bell-Irving who are motoring them to Banff, where they wilPentrain for Scbtland.~ The Earl is very interested in, British Columbia. Concrete Contractors Cement Floors Garden Walks ' Lily Pools Gravel and Cement 1474 Phone Marine Drive West 84 WEST VAN Sheet Metol Works Phone West 39 Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burner's - C. J. Overington PIONEER^ARBER Expert Work 14th and Marine Phone West 135 The Sonrisa. has ju s t passed her .annual inspection, the o th er ' two ferries having already, pass­ ed their tests. THERE T S 'A REASGN ;w hy'we buy the-am ount C/.-of / - / ^ designed Pacifiii: G^^Smieitmg Co. Tune Ba^o **( over. CKMO eVery; mormiig ̂lO-'fo 10:l5 6 0 0 R o b so n t'S te ee 4 A " " / T r in ity 3 5 8 8 COOK THE MODERN WAY ' A R A N G E *;ioa. B t ik i^ R M o t h e r s ' D a y SUNDAY,-MayJSth S A Y IT W IT H F L O W E R S Careful delivery anywhere in West Vancouver Cut F low ers " . P ot P lants H anging Baskets WEST V A T FLORISTS 18th and Marine West 305 IN YOUR KITCHEN STOVE Absolutely clean, Cheaprto operate i FORST'S-LTD. i A?*? Eyenlncs WcstMflB W o r tn 0 40 ANDEEW HEID . B u rra rd L au n d ry L td. LAlJBibRir SERVICEFOR ' . DBiPENDABLK DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative . Phones--West 69lL>or,North 1310 -¥ '•a -V ■ H f : ̂ \ 1 : r. ■PM - ".A "♦1 liiUjfLiN ' ̂ ! J} fi «,L' 'v-Tty n i" tiS'i ■ Wi ' ■4; - i t'^r Al t> 4 4 i t 'I / P i * T t r f i ' '■(' i'v)- ̂ t'n ■*, - K'J '.h ' A..-' « . vffi V >fJ i m i r J - i fd" /; V B li4-, 'i si-'Vr 'a ' M (>f-1' /iA- -.4^ .i-. iE®S .. } 'V " /■