HMMtsms 4 |i S"' ' ' P f ' * ^ - r i r I 'I ̂p fIE I •» 1 1 1: ' f:tTF %ii ̂vi1xf J?/ )■ '# I' ■! i y . I I' f,v̂ mi n n^wi " a; m- mpS-: y3i -' i r & f - >3 * 5S I- l l i;:,i "1 'rJI ,t' ' ̂ I " A t h tiw m if»>#i ,y .. j||t |-n^ .^ -t» tS 'i»4iti 8and«]r School'-MMl Biblt-CkuMi I# IliJHIU' ̂ I . >.- |U' f ■ i' f** • .. .» vv! * •"* "■ ' ' ' ------- --------------------- ' * s w n t ...1_j E!»i'WW®Vip-»f I < j# r Hi« -Xhurch Hull .on Tuenday* after- in. May 15th, at 2:16. Mrs. * I SCOOVEB Science i n . A N IM O N T T B C A l H p U C n " C B t n t C H • T m m m y B n n m n i i i B x : 4Ur. A ll U d ie» co rd U U y in v ite d . 23rd t Inclewood Ave, Pay Kext Sunday will be Mother** ly in West Vancouver United Priest if} €harg e î^*^p**^Ulburch'ii'*' A «{»eelal Mothera^ Pay. Bev* .W#'X M i n a y , w i l l be 'held 'a f 'l l i lo . Heaidence: 2323 Inaiewood Aye, ^ .̂a.m. when the school will join lUTsidence Phone West 240B. the congregation In doing honor E.....-w ' lS) m The speaker for the ........... Sunday Serrlcea . ...... i^^eccasion will be Eev. George A. Low Mass •*--8 145a,in«- - .Wilson, D.IX,. Supt. of Howe, High Massand Sermon -- 10:4,6 MissioriH m B. C. _ ujjj • The Beginners Department Catechism and Bible ClaaSrr^:(K) under Mrs. Bennett, and the nm. Juniors under Mrs. O'Donnell, Vespers and Benediction--7:80 will assist in the servicc\ , , p,tn, ' I« the evening the minister • ' Week-day Services ----- - will preach and vî ill have as his Mass, daily -- 8 a,m, subject, "Sin and Disease, A re. Fridays: T hey Heal or Imaginary7 ' <'■ «-•" ^.^Itiia ik t. 801 VICE feUiig kidJiJtaiUsiaJt* H<dlyhara tli*llotli«r*Cburch ' •" 8dtaail|»î ,"in Boitooi Saoday 8«rrle«: 1J:80 •.«. •'•""SittidiyrMay I3r"l084, , S ttb ie c lg _ ' "* ^ ^ S lS iO ^ P " " . FALLEN MAN** Sandsy School «t lOsOQ a.B̂ ' Testimony MftUn<f Wednesdsy vA»t;«ll6 P.». • The public is cordially in vited to attend our aervicea and meetings. C. C. F. ,»v. ,vi W ■ ? : ^ A i i f Ik". Store So. 3t; tOf<M ■ ^•8t 31 itth, 12thPRicb c m c m t AYtMBB 8TIUWBBRKim"-,«ASP^ and LOGANBBR1UB8, dM>le*.H4.«»».J for iSc PEAltS - Aylmer, Fancy QuiOity for 25* FINEAPPIB -- Bhrk'i I 21t PINEAPPLE CUBES -- is*" ' SALMON Premium SockSj| (̂,JfW«f I| la*wî iî y '1̂1 \ lech 20c KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP --rlSMi as* Jsr.,«n.»*-<»w-..w»»..,M..«mMch 17c wp Ekiriinston, 12 ai& 10c ^ CORN STARCH Canada, pkg*'fUmlt 3)«""****»*"»*w»*»M«i...«es<sh 8c CRISCO 3 Ih. tin Cl pl® platcr'firae).***»**'«»**»***»****"«****«'**<*as<ii 50c TOMATO JUICE -- Llbby'a Htt; < U ^ 6e JELLY POWDERS Max*l**Biam,'« » . < , » « . . * 6 *iAas» I8c ,...1 - EejlH Naphtba ClimIt .0L»"*"*."***'y****"****̂*'*******'**,*****̂*8 'bars .:10c JjB COFFEE -- Nabob, ib. tin..................... J........aach S5c ^ BAKING POWDER -- Empr|ps» 12'os. tin.....:...V.:.----- ;..̂ ;*each'15c __. ,, , 1 . C.C.F, Club of Capilano an- BenedlcUon, Rbsary, Confeii^'"' Make the United Church your " ^ounces an address by Sam* slons -- 7:80;_. church home. Shearer of Vancouver, in the old ------- on.Wcdnes-- Capilano, Idonday, May ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH" day evening at 8 p.m. Meeting at 8 p.m. sharp. -- ^ A short variety program will May 13th, 1934 -- Sunday BASEBALL precede the ,mpin feature. , All We rcjerve the right to limit quantities d i s t r i b u t i o n :.SA||f#pf<|Rp„^I^ITED W I T H O U T WASTE V after Ascension. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 & 11:15 a.m.--Sunday School All boys of the age of 16 years cordially invited. and under wishing to play base ball (hardballrare t ̂ »< I v < i. - The death occurred in 'Seattle^ Chas. and/E.' Murray of Dun- on Saturday, May 5th, of Fred darave, left^ttiis week for Bridge | W. Bjorkblade; who leaves two: ' River,. B.C.r aa^did .also Georgê ̂ _________ requested to. The U.B.C. nursinq graduat- sisters here, Mrs. Einar Nelson Hawkes, where they expect to 11:15.a.m.--Matins and Sermon . be at Ambloside Park a t 10 a.m. . ing class held a card party at and Mrs. Thomas Caudwell, of - remain for some tin^-in connec- ,, 7:15 p.m.--Evensong ASermom „oxt .Saturday, the 12th instant, the Clachan Tuesday, the 2nd 11th Street and Queens Avenue, tion with t h e , I Auxiliary Sunday School ,t „ni i ,̂ necessary for them to Instant. . The reiMins are being shipped first unit of the tovmsite. I ' 11th and Inglewood bring their baseball gloves. r ̂ * h e r e and will be laid .to rest in *' 10:00'a,m.'*^Sunday' School:"'"'"'*'̂ '̂ - ' ------- --- - ̂r - Mrs; Ap- Capilano View cemetery. The W. A. St. Stophen's-Iiigler Mr. and Mrs. Porter of Van- pleby, both of whom come from ♦ ♦ * r, 1274 Gordon Avenue, who has wood branch, will hold their reg- louver, have taken a house at Eastern Canada, moved on Mon- Miss B. Sturgess, 24th and been very seriously ill for the ular monthly meeting next Wed- West Bay ami are now residing day into a house at 1329 Marine Palmerston Ave., has moved to past six weeks, iis now conval- nesday a t 2:80 p.m. in the Ingle- t h e r e .__ Drive. _ . Vancouver. - escinfc ■ , wbod*smidny'SciToolr'- ^ ^ , ... _ .............-- ^ CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST -ADAM AND FALLEN MAN'; is the subject of the Lesson- Sermon which will be rend in all; Churche.s of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, May 18th. The Golden Text, is: "As in Adam all die, even so in^Christ "sFair all be made aliw."' inthfanB"! 6 : 22yr Amiong the citotions. iWhich comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: i ^ e thAt is pur Gml is the God of salvation; and unto God the Lord belong the issues from death." (Psalms 68 : 20)., - Thrtjesson-^Serm on'-m so-hi-" eludes the following passage from the CJhristian Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy; "Christian Science reveals (jod. not as the author of sin, sickness, and-,death.'but as divine Principle,. Supreme Be ing, Mind, exempt from all ev il's (p. 127). A number of Dr. and Mrs. Stainsby's friends gave them a delightful surprise party at their home last Saturday night! to celebrate the building of their new cruiser 'The Patomar.* All the guests wore sailor caps with "Batonwir" on the ribbon bandf and the doctor and his wife were presented with a life buoy ring, and a ship's lantern- A very enjoyable evening was spent in games and daiiping, fol lowed by supper, the tables be ing decorated with blue iris and pink columbine and blue tapers. Among-those present were Mr. Leggatt, Mr. ??•* J^odgson,4Ir^BH(i- V ^ l B. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Allan. Mr, and Mrs. J, T W att, Mr. and Mrs. J . H o lt.^ rs! Eager. Mr. and Mr.<>. Tudden-, Fhylis Neale, Miss Wylma Donaldson, Mr. Dave Stan Lettner, MissMuriel Bell ! X-- Bittbliskcd on North Shore 20 Yeere. (l-«dy A ssistan t) HARRON BROS. & . WUilAMSON fanrral Birretors NwUi-. V a n c o u v e r Parlors 122 Wes^ Sixth Street Phone North 134 " V a n c o u v e r P ark ira 56 Tenth Avenue East-- ̂ Phone Fair, 134 M ^. <k A ELDRID08 whoM &n ~ ~d«tenBlB«d th* uimurp<iM«d qtuoU- Um «if Home Gas. Is (ho President oI a fina oi Industrial engineere. who ior many years hare been one oi the lend* ln« InTestlgoUng ond technical Orms In Ckmada and whose unblosed Inveetlgo- tton proved the truth of the statement thot when you buy Home Gas, **You . eon buy DO boHsr.'" Mr, Q. 8 , Eldridge. with 21 yoots* serrlce to hto credit in this provtttce, has afSHafoas all octoss Canada, in the United Siatee. IBagland jBndjftĴ orope. THIS IS PROOF THAT L aSiSPSijr* *r*!̂ jif*.,« |,K»K2!3S5fe:M3H§i It n o cos*^ w ' '̂tVf "A; p p s i a ^ i l l i l i i i .....,