- f I I - «• B& :̂*.'*/'V.;.r •-';'V"v"v""V i~.£tisu. tifeS E l|*#'C:ESSS5'="iijl &-j- i lifiS'y'S tiS#' I _iyii . ' 'i " ■ , ■"toSia***-' | ^ » | f satWfsi rnlmm Circula U ; - J , : : C y p r ^ - P " f i , C a u l f f U d , W h > « l i f f , E i c . 'esiJe, HoUybum̂ )Ve$t(̂ % Dundamvi ..■:i Be per co|>y a t newisUnds. \'ol. IX ' . : . HfOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, MAY 1■ ................ ................... . .......... iiii.liai,ift«i1>i.... . i ■ .................. , .... ................. ^ 1934 IS N o i 2 VANCOUVER'S 1M8 FIN A N CU U STATEMENT MAY d a y p a r a d e The financial s t8tem©ni":bf'̂ the^"ittUnicliwilty-for '1W 8, wWch has just been pubUsHed,'J[ft a t ^ a r l ^ l e one conslder- Z ^\ho times in wHibh we liyoY^and reflects very great credit The Parade jpopiinitt^e of the General May ; Day Committee WEST VANCOUVER HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY LEGION AND LEGION,-W.~A. .......... "CAFE CHANTANT' imr the times in wnicn we uyoY »nu on the reeve and council. '".. V;. * ' • ' " -•#ru <k',p , - * • u j ij Th® Tulip S h o w , held last have arrangem ents in hand fo r Thursday in the Orange Hall The latter were fa c e d - il th a ^ ^ o u p l i n t a u ^ ^ pnue in that government gran ts amounting, to $W»00Q (this «Af imluding the reduction in school g ran ts), were not forth- ?omi^g " v re to fia^T p t:!^ ... _________ ___ Canadian Legion and the the various seeijotta of the par- ^ a s a g reat success." The\floWers I>egion W, A., West Vancouver, ade and i t is „ hoped th a t the of a very high standard, »u'e endeavoring to stage a "Cafe citizens of the municipality and ^ rg Allen and Mrs. McTavish* Chantant" In the Legion hall on Udren will ■ Hi - >• ' ./.:Vf U H u 1 T • S e was an added burdenipf;$7,000 to tie.m et fo r social ser- IS well as a larjge .part^ of the money .required for un- " e S o y m S r d l e X T i a ^ ^ l p S r o r p ^ Wv was actually, collected, , ' ; ' , , ■ , ■ > In spite (of all thesfe-. draiwbabk^, the., bank ove^raf^» always a source-of heartburning, was r^ u c e d by $5,000 last ® a /b e in g $23,000 as compared with- $51,800^at the end of. Q̂̂ n̂ The surplus of assets over liabilities'last 31st December, S ' a t $943T87 86, t^hile, tliere w as.a .surplus of ,?80,700.34 **"^*ere'hM^teen no Increase in itaxatipp for the past five vears nor has it been necessary to put,, .on. an imlprovement tflx as so often predicted by the doubters., , .. , ̂ ' All these things will be a source 6^ . g reat satisfaction rtxjidPTits Thev have* in fact, a ttracted the attention' of S e r a f i n a n c i a r c i r c & t o » ^ of Toronto stated th a t the;financid admmistrataon of W est Vancouver was the best , in W estern Canada, And tha t, com ing^ ' from such a source, is very high praise indeed. . particularly the children will ex- beingrthe first and second pri*e Saturday, May 19th, a t 8 :1 6 . " ercise every/endeavo wimmrs respectively. p ml The entire net proceeds are the day a. huge^success. Prizes The large«~audience en jo y ed be donated to the Protestant are being arranged and will be entertmriment. The program Orphanage Home a t New West- awarded in the"following "ch^^ ̂ consisted of i f f i minster. Four hours crammed ^ Vehicle C lass-r-B est Decorat- talented voung dancers aild'aero- of-entertainm ent will greet ed ^ o a t ; Beat Decorated Priv- bats toge^ther wlt^ a reading by Oie public oh this occasion and . ate Car. (It is moped tha t the Mjgg p Evans and a song by everyone is assured of a good merchants of the municipality Marguerite Powell. Mrs, C, P . 'This home and children will f̂ nnnTMBsrpini vn-na Tf assisted a t the piano. aeed help and assistance and an The judge also gave a. tw k on |nad bulbs and general gardening Patronage on the ID thJnstant* ' bints * Admission 25 cents. Help the A The Rose Festival will be held children whilst helping your- on June-ie th . . J ^ . V*. t /fft, ,'*»? mi m Mf "»iV ^ will enter commercial vans. If sufficient numbdr avail them selves of this opportunity they will be. classed, by themselves and a suitable prize .awarded). . ^ e s t Decorated Bicycle; Best Decorated Tricycle; Best Decor ated Scooter;. Best Decorated Child s Wagon. ̂ ^ Character Class -- Patriotic 1-̂ ' %' 'f< ViAi I '1* . m a y d a y SPO RTS, Entries for the following races Couple; Most Humorous Boy; niust be sent in by;5:00 p.m. on Most Humorous Girl; Best Ad- May ,18th, on forms which.m«^y WEST VAN. SCHOOL BAND MAKES FAVORABLE ^ IMPRESSION AT VICTORIA i j p Competing in the same class P H ¥*i JL* I WEST VAN. RANGERS < WIN THE CUP L. 0 . L. No. 2990 The members of .th e above J n view of thq early spring 440 yards, Cpeqt220; yards* o' boys " rtw n'y a n n iv e r W 'of • a^rai^ed prize will be proud on Saturday,.■when.,, tbe fom iatibn of th e Idde-e, The' awarded-the h o r and girl enter- 1 e _ i. - j Q-' i ' ■... ' __ - iTi nr +Vm riovaHia' ttnrVi tmq Wlr»r.ol I . ist;ui c .wi. ■* yy .*■, -T ' night- by . -- r Cup.Final, arCambie"StYeefch^^^ "FnoW couver School B^iuI madeA y^ creditable sh owing^ Coming onei po in t-beh lhdp the- Band. Thef̂ ' boys re- Re'tum ull entrfes to E. .S ; *l"" Edgar, 2451.Lawson Avenue, or a t ' the W est. Vancouver High ® for his S c h o o l , - ' nne tone .m 'the oboe solo. Sev- Ti; ' 'hi!r ft h'.'I ' *1 eral scF^^ltprincipals and teach ers-froiii .Victoria and-Oak-Bay » ; 1 ■ i f i f ' any-inform n- iitEpj^aV ^please -We r t V A N m U V E R --.... - uis-.irojji-.vicw>na ana^uaK-Bay,- - S C 0 ^ I S I ^ 8 0 6 tE T y - 4 ^ £ * ; ^ ^ . t ; through, our local boya as usual;-,- give d e ^ e e ' of initiation, confer- communicate'with Mr, Lowea'of keeping _up_ _thel pressure ^ t ^ red.on five_.SDns:fif a Past-Maste r the Canadian Lemom. A. Stenh- ety i.g called for Friday evening. A special meeting of the soci- ~pand,-equ|HT)e turned out from a ig ize^ 'o rne '^^ hAo; , 'I a ' ,fT* ̂11 ,jl . j'l )te' t., _;T whole 45 minutes of the '̂ ame. ©f -Maple. L e a f -L o d g e .A . pro- enson,,.West 451L, dr any of.the Except for sr slight weakness of . gram of songs'and-m u»c follow- School teacners. 'No entrance feeh. B. C. SCOTTISH , ^ d a n c e SOCIETY the backs in the f ir t t few mfn-; the meeting; and the stirring utes the. whole team /played tiines played by the Orange classy football, t h e ' halves, Band were well received. especially doing good work, both freShments were served and a on defensive and attack. Gordon large birthday cake represent- Mastegqian^and Ab^ Prtpps d id _ ing twenty-five years of service -The regular annuaj meeting of "the _ s§dring, the first namied -adorned the tables. On Tuesday the Scottisn uouritry Dance So^ scoring his third hat,, trick, of . next L.O.L; No. 2990'will, hold ciety, West Vancouver Branch, the season. A . ; its regular meeting when th e was held a t the home of Mr. May 18th, a t 8:15 o'clock a t the Clachan, The object of the m eeting is to consider the^ suc cessful carrying on of the soci ety. P ast and pre's^ent members" and all residents of Scottish- b irth or descent are requestc^. to attend. '̂■ om e':^^srT ah : couver High School. On Saturday the boys will again compete a t the B.C. Musi- -caL Festival, -playing_in - the- school class a t 2 o'clock and in ' ' - f - 'A ■: 'V I f>. r# -the., open class jn tbe-Ovening at 8 o'clock. A large turnout of parents and friends will encour age -the boys. . - -DICK LESTER.- ̂v'* * (J r* I*--'i'*̂ 4 ' > 4h . r- - . 'J _M f l S " P.-T. A. NEWS The boys were quite justified initiatory degree will be confer- John Nyland, 2,863" Marine Drive The annual Oratorical Contest 1 -11 XI-- • ■ J T _____ j : rnv. « __> ii/r___r»„ j _____ i . x i-_ j f - i i__ l : ___ n-P ,+'Urt W x»af - X raT inm rirov T-TurVi RUTH No. 703, L70.B.A. The regular meeting of the in making a big noiSe all .the -.red".on a will: also candidate. The l^ g e .on May 2nd, and the following of the West Vancouver High above lo ^ € was held m the complete a t th is meet- officers were elected: President,. School students sponsored by x*' M on^y last.- nv-ii_ XT_ Ti__ 1 1 __ .' TTi. T> A will The Grand Mistress rtf H. r, Anri --S\-/f three drawji,_one early th e . this) meeting. Refreshments w ill, Committee, F.'Somerville; Social ' onor.r>v> n ...J X.i..M {.M. XImm. ' b 6 SC rV fed r^nlYlTWl + f <30 IVT1 «Wil. .T/lVin »season, and two in the second half. As there were ten.clubs in their division, th is is c e i^ in ly a good record which 1 under- stand was_onIy equalled. seven years ago. In their play th is _seAson_th'ey_have.-the-'dirtinctioh: LEGION NOTES Committee, M issl St. John; Membership, Mrs. ̂R o w I a n d Hastings; Publicity^ John Law- son; Provincial Executive, J. j There will be nine participants initiatory .degree on three candi-? ̂ who have qualified for final hon- dates. A large turnout of the +1, ^ ^ Nyland and W. Davie, the local branch was held Frr- Society has had) a ve day: evening. May 4th, with ors and a musical program wil| be also rendered in part by High School students. . Everyone interested in the _ . West-Vancouver sc h o o ls^ d th e . Grand Lodge officers. , welfare of our students should ̂ A fter the meeting refresh local. members was present also a large delegation . of visitors from VVancouver. Inspiring .ad dresses were delivered by the '"y.v- f/ /{ /i'x 'i /i •' '/(: ifseirffej........................ .1%4>S*-:;'s 'SSti..'!* ;■ '"' f r ' 't friendly__________ fte benefit , of thes.'W est Van. Christmas Cheer Fund, which program of, business, was dealt w ith ." . i U n a ' Dottnlon® C o S i d and lin i Til T?a ^ ^ ̂ «4. • T ^ i t h the policy adopted a t the ̂ ill Rangers boys are c e ^ n l y recent Ckinvention, closer co- a good ag^egation, and if they Operation is emphasized in deal- , . ihg/w ith the unemployed prob- lems of the m a l l pensioner, and uiey should make a renetition of ---------- oii ov-_«i3inrW tude are due Mr.. Nyland. and event. A collection will betaken- Miss Nyland for th e ir Hospital-' to help '.defray^cost of prizes C O U N C IL _ ^ S R E ^ L U ,'f.r on/i fi»i3 ,ici3 Af +1iatV iiA-m/3 ÂT* whicH Site being provided by the Ui< CUNDOLLiiNLRity and the use of th e ir home for the dances. MAY DAY DONATIONS P-"T' -- The Council passed the follow- . The regular monthly irigA riesolutjon _ a t __ their last of the..P.-T. A. will be ĥ eld on lUeetihg. "That this council Tuesday, May 15th, a t 8 . record its sincere appreciation -Donations of money and ^^J® of the splendid work done by the prizes are urgently needed by " son, M.L.A., the committee, which consists of whose public service in variousfiiiQ a >-- y. -non-penSioner of all .ex-service the W e T V a " S " ®^^'- ^ ! ^ JfeTR .'Pattosra^^^^^^ be the speaker with an appro- e ^ ^ id tie r 'o n «i'e"No?th'Sho?e tai% conttoue tb"e"™ L^" & I S y Hamilton, and L;;Brooks. P - t e topm^__________ ]>as been ex- • ' ^ If fkiL <v| ' , V \ r 'n V A continue the splendidsup^ .;,Tng^̂ is t o be held Friday « they, h av e .g iv en jh Js t t o S - t t S - . tta;: fi,T4W flfiP. ad. else- th is paper, tnrou^n rne coiurF o r fu rther details see ad. else- Twhere in th is paper. local q u a r t e t w i n s . Next general meetingr will be ' ■' AT' P E S T IV .^ , ' held a t 7 :30 p.m."- in the Club columns, of which they will., be acknow-r^ ledged. ^ NORTH SHORES, . IN TER HIGH SCHOOL tiremely valuable and extend to , his family and relatives their M e re s t sympathy in the sudden ,;K ' ft ^% i-y MAY D A I COMMITTEE ROAD. RELAY RACE) 5 passing o f ^one whose. Jkindly ,;Spirit and m cerity of convic- ■4 .̂y The handsomie trophy donated;/tions will long .be remembered .. b y th e B. C. Electric and the,;rhy his fellow citizens. *-1(7 fi'f { The next meetihsgr o f th e com- four individual cups are now ,LC" .mXXm... ..rill \taiA vo'f"'.'S' T* TYl ' ' i«t/y 'yUo-nldirxa/l of flla T? C, El,ing. displayed a t the B. C. Elec- A son was born yesterday a t show rooms on Marine . th e 'N orth Vancouver General The team s of both West."-.Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin "I f i j I W , Jy;K ]y A j; 4y^uW: Is' are asked to be :presentv,with. and :7 North. Vancouver High. -I.] Lane, 3063 Marine Drive. S ® s a t the M usicallF^valA ^any^^^ renorts , : : : - - > Schools are m -serious training: : . --------- -last Tuesdav-ft^itT^'^t^«fi:KR47i'=thlWnmeh"^:Aaxaiare:'are CO x̂ mMTiMG e v e n t sThe May Day Ball jwill he held and the race promises to be a'- COMING EVENTS in the Inglewood Auditorium. very keen contest, , / «fune 1st--^Young People's Dance IŜ ' -I'-K * ' V.: f '■r »MfJ