( A K W iH . 9pmm < * MMMMMWMMM e-S.-i'f'Ysir̂ Suihtojr SeW l ^ Bibb CbM mmitm _ M k a l Servteflb Inic. May 6th, 7 : » </< ' wflS ? k o w n k y ); th e W, "the Tree* and tlw % IMaihewa) j By B aW d if# I f i t # ,•. . A. ^ Sommero ~Petn/f€(nettt$ am Bm rnifttiip^B W ifW if^^rm is G lhbihr lo in 4'»K.Wi".H!fiu' •SlfS-rf ijtw S Solos -«• O' Bxy .Thoi# Tamil 0 #l EufoK Mm. '0 < » '" l|ji^ * ean; Soul of Mine (Bayna),. 'm, R iv '* ' \ Q u a r te t te A l i t a n y . f A m - E'Jsr ■1 .S B m m * ilit moat aomfortabta and aa, wavaa: leavJna tbe hair fuU of Ufa, natural In appear*, anca frith Rlnybt endi. Aik anyoim' who haa bad i Bommarb at the Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe IMS Marina Brlra For appolntmenb l»IIOKB WEST U 7 i i ̂ 0 *Domieli, Messrs, Flddes ' ' 'H- ■ . •;;i 'it I J rf.M Hi i § Eno's Fruit Salta, 79 cents WamMeb GraiM Salt 50c and $1.00 Andrewb Liver Salt 35c and 60c Giant Kruschen Salt..., 69c ANBLESIDE flARNACY W. L. KER, Prop Phone W est BIS FREE DELIVERY „ Proud. The Church In tUe Wildwood# Cod is Love (Shelley), West^ Vancouver Male Quartette. .T _ ' Next Sabbath th^ minister -ir lll fKJCupy the pulpit In thd morning and will have as his subject' "God's Trysting Places, where He has promised to m eet Seeking PeopTcr" In the evening the service will he jn the hands of the choir who o*v,i '"Win nresont a program of sacred 10:00 "aim.--Adult Bible oiaas gong! ' n.00#a.m .-- The Piistor. 8:00 p.m., Wednesday-- Prayer 7:80 p.m.-- Mr. Puller (Canadi- Service in the Hall. an Railway Mission). Monday, 8:00 'Qro ICOOVER B Science r M M BlMFICh. anil aaiilp^pnU # flurijrb ;̂: " ' '■.iiyiiCT:bi'ii Ft'ff"** ™ m T l S r r Chora 'fteJJ» it.C |p ira of , HasMifhuftttf lltSO •-" " SlBaw rM BE «ri98< SnbjM t!'- ' • "JBV EBI.A STIN G PO N ISH M B N r ■ "-«B6air8eK«r.ripioo TuUmony Umiing ttejne.d*)' ̂ atO ilfipJo* 'The puWIcJls* cordially in vited to attend our strvjceu and meetings. s t ^ N ^ f 7 I 4 l 4 M i a " % ■ -313 B A PtIBT CHURCH Services 9:46 a.mt-- Sunday School. PEAS -- Orchard City, Sieve TOMATOES - Orchard City, ^ , COT OREBN BEANS--Pra«iC^;P!4dif^ " ( lim it PORK & BEANS -- Aylmer, *««, CORN -- Aylmer Golden Ban CORN --.Aylmer White, No, W' h>' >•' r. ' J a r I7e lOe A. V i£ 'S la. iii.ii,iMiil|̂ i»Wi>i.#iUJl . fbi* ISe 10c :̂ :iipieh'. s«CORN --.Aylmer wniie, i'#w. >« TOJIIATO JUICE --, Aylmer, Mp. •^X.Swh 6^c PINEAPPLE -- Singapore ------- --- tlna 16e PEARS - Aylmer Fey" CATSUP -- Burlington, 12 oa. bottb^..-- .. TUNA -- Birk's Flaked, No. TUNA -- King's Fancy Whita,l'JNo..,l^,^tln» f#iMU,ww#iiw»*w#Aach.-i. 16c *' • SAHDINES - K M W COFFEE -- Highway ----- -------------------------- .................. lb. 23c SOAP - P.,& G........ We reserve the right to limit quanttUes. SAFEWAY STORES UNITED J . . ; V i t f n , ' ■ M , i . » ¥ > ■ * » * » d i s t r i b u t i o n WI THOU 1 WASTE #1 X O 1 7 :ir> p:m., Friday -- C.G.I.T. Monday, 8:00 p.m. meeting. Girls froml. 12 Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. to 14 are cordially invited and praise, to join these groups, Thursday, 8:00 p.m. ---------- Practice, The Women's Association held Rriday, 7:30 .p.m. its regular meeting on Tuesday, "jC.'G.I.T. B.Y.P.U. - Prayer SPLENDID RECITAL BY PUPILS OF MOLLY EDWARDS;Choir Junior D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marino Dr. Offleo Hourn 9 to 6 p.m. Evaninga by appointment. Phone Weat 72 R GALLANT. D.C., e W R O P R A a r O R ........... • ■ ■■,'■■■.■..■•• ..■■:■•■;. -.V.. v, I • .. ■ ■■••■.' Urine -Driv4V-Dundarav«,-,- Monday, Wedneaday «& Friday Kveiiinga, 6:30 to 8.30 p.m. Vancouver' Office: 712 Robson Seymour B790 j i i S f f l i f M b l P i f f i f ' ' BBJVO tVim ASSOCIATION A fter a close felimination coii- The recital put on last Satui^^*; testinX^hic^^ triĝ day evening in the lower Orange ger fingers toed the line, "The Muy i, with Mrs. A. M 0>Don- 5,,^ Ordinanco of the Lord's P"Pi'| f " " "A o sw nell ...presiding. Reports were Supper will be observed at close ^ j Ohief «*«̂ pr(*sented"̂ ôn '-Social/Service ■"by*-'-rtf m orning'service ' " ■ ........... order and» .reflected gieat cred't ^̂ jQj2gja,i)les,iU.Assdciatien ..,conipe>- Mr.s. Hillis Wright, on behalf of b^h on the many p M s and tition at-Capilano Rang^ ̂ Mrs. Geo. Baldwin who, through sary of the founding o f C a n a d i- '̂^^eir te^^ The hall was day, p iling up a,score of 1409 X illne.MH. was unable to be present; «« Bantist Mis.sionary Society, crowded by an appreciative audi--- 1500 for th is shObt, and boosting Mrs. W. C. Thompson, visiting; S erv ices w ill be of a missionary many of whom had to last year's score by 16 points, .and Mrs. W. P. Merrick, welfare, character and special. offering s t^ d . .;The team J^ thu^ p laced for Plan.s~for "tho"fall~bazaar-were ^ f^ ^ ^ fd r^ h d m e and "fdreipT Considerable- artistry - was "the "Dommioirtirals t o be shot shown not only in the selection off in the near, future, and there. of the various items which up the program but also in theff Golutnbia^W^^ the; execution taken from the stand- ̂ much coVeted trophy from the . point of fancy and < interpretive i^ M tern in t ^ S t s .", dancing or gymlnastics, this ap- ^ i g a c b ^ - t h ^ V e members of p l« g ^ a r t ic u la r ly to. "HoIk ; the ?teS5i?^fild twelve yards rapid fire and sons were depicted in dance. A s twenty yards , deliberate. Indiv- , a resu lt was wholly idual scores: Chief Geo. Gauld' delightful.'. - 294; Sgt. Jake Young 294; ^ifee^stage-setting-exeeuted-by-- Gonstr-Gharles~ftailstbne-^280| di.sni.Hsed and conveners appoint ed were: fancy work, Mrs. Eric Lauder; aprons, Mrs. J.; D av is; novelties, Mrs. A. D. Chisholm. The Association accepted the offer of the Bowling Club to serve, refreshments in the hall, on the official opening- of the Bowling .Green, Saturday, May missions. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC 23rd & Inglewood;-Ave. J. Millay,- 19th, ami Mrs. A, Cromar Bruce ?^asidence: 2323 .Inglewood Ave. will have charge^of the arrange- Sunday Services monts.-~X_-------- 1------------------- -- Low-Mass------8:46~a.m.------ vIX-̂.STT' X f l l tLliil _44.i4fi.|XI ^ ! '?,'«? U fX i|^ i ^ '.r I J'| l | " I Atl -J i > | |S "i' 1 i |.if H 'M M H rA iii f h X-l. ■ "4 W 'j ,\'j '■ "I aIi 'A - ^ X 4 |g k .X;'3T|P® &f-fl IM ii lii l-l X 'fm Eitabllahedl on North Shore 20 Yeer*. (l>ady Assiatiint) - H A R R O N B R O S . & W IL L IA M S O N ifunrraliBicectocr; North Vancouver Parlors 122 -W est-Sixth-Street-- Phone , North 134 Vancouver Parlors '65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 At the close o f the business High Mass and germon -- 10:46 tea was served by Mrs. J. T. . a.m. Watt, Mrs. P. Wait, and Mrs. Catechism and_Bible_CIass-r-3:00 George Williamson, assisted by p.m. Mrs. G. D. EEIgar, and Mrs. E. Vespers and Benediction--1 :30 Bell. p.m. - , Week»day Service -S T t-BTEPHEN'S CHURCH----- ^Massrdaily-- 8 a.m.- ^ "------Fridays: ' May 6th -- Rogation Sunday. i^nediction. Rosary, Confes- Anniversary of The King's Ac- sions -- 7 :30. cessiomi Miss Madge Farmer, was m.p^t Chief W.XJ.>. Deyitt;; 260; Sgt - artistic, as were the many cos- Pete K elsberg 281. tumes. Mention should also be Two refereejs and a represent- made of the .excellent- work of ative of the'Dom inion Cartridge the-Black Diamond Orchestra, Company -w ere .present. who accompanied the v a r io u s---------- - -- r-- ----1.-...-. '■ . numbers and later supplied the Mr. Shaver, who has been rlPtb and "Wateffroht7~ Jhas-4noved-Jba WSM'MBi Communion. Sermon. Y:T6 p.m: CHURCHES OF CHRIST, "TSCIENTLST_______ Evensong & Sermon PhOip C. Chapman General Insurance Aitent Fire. AntemohUe, Enrtlary, AecidcBt end Slckneea. etc. 1667 Kinre Av«u Phone W. 4IY3 ig< Preacher The Rev. H. B, Allen, St. Clement's, Lynn Valley. Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.-- ^W.A. busi- . , . . ness meeting. Anxiiiaiy Sunday School , V ; ' n t h and Inglewood 10:00 a.m,---Sunday School. : St. Francis-in-the-Woods Ĉ aulfeild 3:00 p.m.--Evensong & Sermon ' "EVERLASTING" PUNISHX MENT" is the subject of the Lesson -Sermon which will be read in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, May 6. The Golden Text is: "Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" (Genesis 18:'.25>^ , Among the citetions which comprise the .Lesson - Sermon , is the following from the Bible W O M E N I m MM KArMirythii »*w, bot m old Ooc^'K prWnntioa Mnd Mid tor mwL :(aLF Mia»#TO«* {bnin. Norvou*. that covei^th h is sins shall St, Stephen's-- Monday,- Tues- . not nr^sner •' hnf x»hnc^ Rogation s e th ^ d ^ foV.4keth^them" ^ t l l 1 ^ 6 a.m,-- Holy Communion. .mmraduy,- Aoconsion ootMipi 10:15 a,m.-- Holy Communion. --.AO. . uiKdaoMt, Op t̂ TIN 8** Kriih rRotoodyCo. SOFTBALL swaggiKKawir m f f W R'.'ÂJCaJOb ■ W e s t . V a n N e w s L u m ^ by Pahliilied Erery Thurwitty the following passage from the Christian Science text book, "Science ^and Health with ̂ Key t o the Scriptures" bv Marv ,T he Softball season opened on Baker Eddy: "To put down the Tuesday ,nteht last b^oi^ a fair claim of sin, you m W detect it, ^ w d a t Ambleside Park when remove the mask, point out the Fortune Cup Inn, a newly form- ilIusion,and thus g e t th e victory J - ... - r fO ^ F v-'V, "" ......... Pabllrii«r---- F, P. LOVEGROVE I F i l m W est 363 «Baai«M» «nd Editor tel Office: 17th aad M«ri«« Drive <N«xt to Hollyham P, 0.) Phone W est 363 -Moll Addroos: F. fh Boa ayBoByham, EC. North Vancouver Office: IBS Ltmsdale Av& ed . lie score pf 7 to 3. ity." (p. 447). Considering it w ^ ^the first --------- game th e season a creditable brand o f S o f t M viras played by at In view of the fact that Ernest C.C.P. CLUB --.londay, Winch. M.L.A.rWfll S d t e ^ « a t^ :1 6 p.m. when the meeting in the W est.Y an. Lumber and Seed's, Hay 9 th th e r ^ i^ ii;^ also ̂i n ^ % - -fo m ed team, ing of the G A * tangle. TOcre will also be a .iram; ^ L.C.R Clnb this week. a t t o n i g h t O lay 8) , w . a T . H ..'" J e West V a m iu W W C T .^ w d .w iB .b e on hand to ly m eeting.at the Ltheee gam es. c . W. s t f l ^ R corrioTi moil. iv." J J l^ 00:*,3re*r C. W. Stevenson, 1919 Bellevue has- 10th ,^ i r <rf Vancouver, bas"̂ at 2:15 pin! memheimemb^^ are pres- both soul ̂and north <J Bumnd Inlê , with their stores, BieidtM and owe.thejr_axistonco to ihe rsbeet railway. fares cany ŷott making it easy for man of modest 4 meanstoenloyagardihiftriitiuhiiihs. f Since 1697 the R C hat'. provided th» service. ; . sine*; 1 6 ^ < hy its predecessors. For all^hel; tune, ;; fi^ng to bulM op.Voncoim M & ___In'ima*^^ K.mass' cssenfa'al to Vancouver's oinlenee "' rS'lB' i ' "Bt? C O L U A \ B l A E L E C T R I C r a i l w a y C O is i i' .("i M% 9 ^ s & S p-. M WA Ws0M- mm'MSSSi m sm s ii Smmim A t t i. , ~ MIMt-- -- M111 - • I - - I' - ■--̂ -r I 'i^ » *"l • ̂ •^•r'-r-y 1 ■ I "•1'-t'*"'-i r 'n ftii t i^ - iV r t" i