^ N M * W 8 lY lW C IB n 8 series of g t ^ es on the fll «iW tww* tt'fts Jnaupirttfid when* F / J r i 'a H e r w n ^ave a N«w Bntnmck.* Another of the mrl&t h l^elag given on Nova I fair or Wholi^............... per lb. HOe n,\('ON*--SVi'ift'ii Premium l»e ŴVWliTle- S«*r" ANNUAL SALE WEEK March 29th to April 7th $ 1 . 0 0 O f f h a l f g a l lo m 5 0 c O f f q u a r t s 2 5 c O f f pintu ENAMEL . VARNI5W - SATIN FINISH Do t,uxo KBlaomlnOi rojfulttr price 65c S a le P r ic e 50c. #» Scotia by Min: ("hilton on.Tliurs- , day, April I2th, at the usual ' time and place. .Ko\ a Scotia pre- lorlcal interest that the address of Mrs. Chilton is sure to he worth;;heimiig, especially as she 2 0 c has taken a gootl deal of trouble rJHrhcr's ib. p k g . m to in v es tip te tin-circumstances LAim - H w i f V 0................per Ib. !6c making the widest appeal. All IVUIDIK KllXfirr................ p e r Ib. 16c friends who are interested in the 1 IN.VAN IIADDIB ......... p e r Ib. J6c « « h je c t a re wel( omo to be pros- ................._ 2 lb « . for25e Ont. - . IMCANUT HUITKH..... ,2 IIw. far 2 5 e t ^ -------------------------- ^ nn.vHTiNC riiiCKKN-- ̂ SCOUT ANJIJ r u n DISPLAY pEckajKc... I'nali killed IJOI^.INC FOWL ....• I'KMIK ICIHS HEEF DII.I.H ............' ......... •I'OT HDAST...... ..... m :c;k o f i .a m h ...... per Ib. 28c?:.: ̂ per Ib, 22c 1934 CHBVUOLKT STANDARD SIX Monday evening, A priL 9th, per Ib. 15c "the Scouts and Cubs of St. Step- ...■*. for loc.. hen's, TroopfcavilLiiolcî per Ib. i 2 * / t c biiion of their v\lork under the , ............. ' !»««' lb. 24c leadership of Scoutma.ster, Ver- I'l VI Lester, at St. Stephen's l l \ u m r COD '•--'rjiiEItitING Parish Hall. All interested are cordially invited to attend. and all Buildinfr Material o f Beat d u a iiiy a t Low Prices. H U I'L D - N 0 W .;i WEST VANCOUVER Phone West 115 a . u ..4 15th and Marine |t^ i |! |t |4 k W e 8 t- 368L ■ "Right Service -- Right...................... .............. . scat, five-passenger special coach ami the two-passenger coupe. The. Standard Chevrolet is be- The Chevrolet Standard Six jpg built with the highest pos- greatest efl'ic ioncy from the for 1934, lowest priced of all ' siblc Canadian content. All cars' p so lin e select<?d without engine Canadian Cars, yet very similar bearing the Chevrolet name are > to the famous Master Six, is art- built of the same materials with Imprpved Hiick-type brakes nounced by General Motors Pro- Oh* sanie preQision and fine p e used and the braking area 'ducts of Canada, Limited, : "craftsmanship h oYf the same has been increased. Front and The new Standard Six has a maimi'aeturing " and assembly treads an; now each 56 wheelbase of ,107 inches, longer Jiiu's of Genoral Motors of Can- ouches. Another chassis im- and wider Fisher Bodies, and a ada, Jiimited, as a Master series. uoted in the stab- greatly improved CO-horsepower The ('iigineering resources of front end construction. CLASSIFIED A^ibS The rate for Classified Advertlseinenti Is 2 cents p«r word, minimun 25 cents. Except in the c îse of thoee hnvtng regular accounts, all clasull Hods are payable strictly m advance. , ,, Remember Classifieds in the West Van Newa get Immediate results. . FOR KENT o il SALE -- l^>ur good . WANTED tone violins; 2508 Malhcrs Avenue. conditior Phone'West 488L.____________ __ West 136. J , , ^ k l n g Stove, pood condition and cheap for cash. PhoiiP West. FOR SALE ~ Lawn Roller; 4SHANNON'S TAXI--Phone North 60Day or night service. Ambleside to /a/ \ .r-f North Vancouver Genera,! iHospital, ..*1 OR ■ ̂ Coupe; ag in good shape. 2245 Fu......................... • ■'ton" Street, '̂Wekt̂ *282R'.'"~ ' ' ' WEBB'S ■ BEST SHOE REPAIRS WEAR - Dundarave. HIIIIIUVUU uu-nuiorpwvvci i no {'nginC(3ring rG.SOUrCCS 01 «;r u^iivii. -motor, The-resemblance to:thO" Chi'vb'olct- have -bocn""dir6Cted" There have-bcon several major Master Six is ....... .... ̂ - ' ■ - - -n... the slanting hoidzontal hoo<l iv o v ;iiiM m jiv .u v u b iiv IlU V e 00011 a i r e C t C a , lu u jw i H easy to follow in from year to year toward the in the pjIM Fisher rnrliator, the smart pcrfocling of the valveXn-head on the ('liovrolet Stand- mn/l louvres,'"' thO vi,!fK iU.r. XI.- aivl Six. all nf f hohi odrliiKr HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave, ... .Easter Cards;_Eggs;-Notions;_Re onable prices. See windows. HOME-MADE ̂ HOT CROSS BUNS- • Mrs. Ross, the Pantry, 14th & Mar- ine Drive. deep-skirted fenilers extending FOR RENT -- Cottage, full plu....- ing, firepipce, furnace, phone West 128L, ' "('iigiiK!, with the re.sult that the of thehi addingtcu Lujiuuin uAwî iiutiiK J9<'M Chevrolet valve-in-head strengih. As a protec- well over the tires and covering' power plant is the most eflficient ̂ rain-or snow when the chassis construction. The new and economical engine ever pro- No-Draft ventilator.^: are open, a Fisher Bodies have the exclusive <Iuc*e(i by Chevrolet, placing it in fvough has ^ c n placed at the /ivenue, jcil onu-vveanesaay lor Fisher , No-Draft ventilating a position of mechanical excel-" front-door immeili- England, going by way of the system and many comfort a n d ' lence far above tha t of any eng- above the ventilator so Panama Canal. ^ luxury features. ̂ im* in the low-priced field. Some may ,be opened two or DANCE the Ballfboifff-Cariol^irndW Tango, Orange Hall, Friday even- ings. ,Beginners* ballroom, private or .class. -Phone West 436R1. W. Morris, 14th and Bellevue Avenue, 'left oruWednesday for AiJiy j,uui-ur«H. ' HU! in uie jow-pricea Held. Som e iuay ,ut; ufiinuu two or ------^ An ideal car for the fleet user of the features which contribute inches without admitting . Cantain R Shaw nf +hp id commercial traveller, the towards th is improvement are ' ^Tioisture wh^n ,the car is in -- * t. bhaw of the bal- SNAPS IN SHRUBS "Laurels,, Blue Hydrangeas, Laven der, Cotoneasters,' Yellow Carna- tions, Spireas, Hollies,. Varigated Wiegelia, Boxwood, Honeysuckle and other varieties to dear. Call, price and choose, or phone Geo. Gourlay, W est 2. i n ? I and ^mmorciul traveller, the ...... .. ^ ~rrew^StimdaiTi~; îx is nor"6nly flie new intake manifold and veil .economical from" the standpoint carburetor, new thermostatic tUntor. now open.s towards thi 1...X . . . - windshield, assuring improved _vation_Army--was--present--at- ;of first cost, but also, iiiLrespcct heat control, and new four-point 'vindshield, assuring inipro to maintenance and' operation, cushion-balanced engine mount- .ventilation through the cowl. A sa companion car to the Ma.s- ings. Sixty horsepower is devel- . ^^^ve are many luxury itc ter Six, it is sure to have a wide oped at 3,000 R.P.M. and a feat- low-priced car; the sun appeal among buyers who .want ure of the performance is the adjustable to the front towardslhe 'g impro\'ed „ the" cowl There are many luxuiy items „ere under discussion; , the council 'meeting .Regarding graiit. He was informed that this ̂ would be considered when the council's regular estimates FOR ROOM AND BOARD --W est^S.-- T-- ----- ---- --.Phone FERRY TALES Are Good and Some of them fresh, but the" stock of popular Cigarettes,-. Cigars and To baccos are always fresh at the Ambleside Tea Rooms. wuu.»v«j.t Uiv Ui Ulu periormance 1» tne lh Uio uuriL 'Stenog (a husband hunter): "When a well-built and economical car smooth acceleration a t all speeds models have rear you're blue and lonesome, don't you in the . lowest-priced bracket. The".Octane Selectbv'is a feat- -Vision mirror, windshield wiper, often wish you had a lovintr wifA?" Models available are the five- ure of Standard Chevrolet equip- pocket. Closed passenger regular coach, four- ment. This device permits the models arc wired for radio, passenger roadster with rumble use of all types of gasoline with .of course not, girlie. 'Then I wouldn't be able to step out with you," v: FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, Jpts, and acreage for sale. John Lawsdn, 17th and Marine, Phone West 55. PRINTING -- For all kinds of printing : phone.: West Van News, W est 3637 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED with special machine; all rpakes. West Vancouver , Machine Shop, Marine Drive; ' i 1449 RADIO TECHNICIAN - - Your Radio troubles given prompt expert at tention--aerials; tube's. Tom Brow- West 266R.. ' : THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re quires discarded clothing. Phone West 37 and truck will collect. W. CARLEY buys and.sePs furniture, paints, oils, glass, etc. French Polishing. Phone W est 71Y. /^^^f^CELLE .s h o p p e . : ^ Tlm.rmique Permanent Wave, without danger of burning. Marcel^50c; reset 35c; Pinger Wave 50c. Phone Mrs. King West 304. 1520 Marine. ^ ie s t -c l a s s s h o e REPAIRING- . 14 th a t-F erry . Best material and workmanship, ,, strain comej from poor II round-trip ticket to Europe by radio today -- and^now that you cau turn to tho/aseinaUn^ enter- tpnment of otiersm and Nortli American short-wave broadcasts by 'daylight, iimfis . without number* This now Victor, with ; Its short ami tongrVMm 6n one dial, is an amazing receiver-- and today's outstanding value* terms. Jr BARRAGLOUGH'S JtADlOr iSTORES V E R Y " 7-'" ~ ^ ............ .. .... . . . 102 West 2nd Street, North Vancouver Rhode North 17 not too much light. Remem ber, jummer daylight in theihade is Ip O ,times as brighf a7|}ght from a lOO-wattlamp three feet â yay. Your eyes need p^ntyof light but-be sure to shade and diffuse it. GORDON ROBSON B arrister -- Solicitor WEST liA N C O U V E ^ Office No,' 1447, Marine Drive Phone. W est 403. - 10 to 12. v a n g o u v e e - o p p i c e ^ - Suite 601: 510 Hastings St. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. 2 to 6. .'4 I. ..n- • • - y . . . ' Notary Public ReaUj^ate'^^&.'Insnrance Xistififis 1405 Hairiii^ Drive Phone W est 21f or Seymour 1260 Evenings West 204X