■ ■■■ . : 8 ' ., . ̂ / , . . . . . \J i ..fe. '̂ Si«̂ «-̂ »̂a(«j%ji«4SisM»>;ŝ ^ r ' - 8. i I ^̂'■■ ■ M '* \i » ■'sV -, S I -. •g'o-r I ■BBli if i ^ » f d 4 ^\ i \ \ * ' ' V :'" ' ^ d u SPECIAL WA! lents -i.ah > < • > •« mI® A dm iasio tt'^dS c oifc:tlii.»Roy«i:^W«St V M C 0 IO T « t^ ~ » s « ® B a n k s t a f f , h a s b e e n tran sfe lh m d U N E M P L O Y M E N T A S S N 1 #aii>ia!ii ■iMKhiiijuiiii. r L ' J T s t h i r a h S t a S e - . T - „ tween 13Uj^an" .. " R B A E m " is ttie tweett ■" - ah^vs*-Aiiodail<m«ipir:'hA «1M _;,|j3 ^ a n d :H p (i^ S ti^ e t8 'toanch. ' th is * *"' """i ' ' *"'iPayMn®4Jto1hi3wdii?*'AiPkî %Aw •ead in a l l C hu rcheg ................................. ̂ _______________ i"®i^SniVa8 to th*e co sT o f G eherS H osV ta l * vw. v* importance wlll% bfe eningf th e la n e the sam e. . . b r o u g h t b e f o r e , t h i s m e e t in g * . T h e ' 'M isse s S te v e n s o n h a v e -T he R e e v e a n d .^*^tin c il .h a v e b a p t is t CHUItCH a n d ' g rav e llin g . ■ âanii.. _ >ieiw«tMnin wee 'miSSOB OlUVeilHOn nBVO V j " ' I ----P T t7/T.Ti.!a7ii' illJl. JW ______ JLI- '1 ' "iw 'th': A a H i v ^ t n f l n n 4 * 1 1 0 . . i n W v i l e o r A ' . o f Services .. q-45 a . m . -- Sunday S ch p p l. :,* ; 10*00 a.m.--Adult'Biblev'GIass. 11.00 a.m .-The Pastor, 7:30 p . n i . -- The Pajitor^j^ 8: .................. . A ir ib ^ ^ t h e c ita t io n s w h ic h C o m p rise th e ;L e s 8 o n - S erm o n i s ^yjhe-^'foUpV^ng sfr6 j^ th e B ib le , -K ioveu ir v m w w v^xHcnun i n w r*"T'^'i i r " MU»tiAfy/i rtf ^*T he iw ^ rk s o f t h e L o rd a r e t h e ir h o m e a t th e n o r th -w e s t .g r e a f c / 'a o u g h t 'O u t o f a ll th e m c o m e r o f ' 2 5 t h U n d B e lle v u e W d i n g a T h g D a y a h a t ^ a v e p le a s u r e th e r e in . H is A v e n u e . t io n p u m o ^ s o n S a tu r d a y ♦ w p r j M ^ o l u ^ W e j a t t d ^ g l o r b ^ • ^ A r c h . ,8 1 s t , . ,a n b > a n . . , ' a n d % ¥ ; ^ ^ ^ N o r m a n W lllin g to n an d B ill t o t h e * « s ld e n ts f o r e v e h ' '- / f ? a a I m B m : 2 , 8 .^_ A t w o o d , . j u n io r , - e a c h c u t h im -. Piveri Lij[>'SHck Gemnil's 0rui| Store Mxaa,SMim*^8aKvlta.^,«v .4 ll02 Marin* Drira ' *, W#*l 8T, >* , * # , • ifc. fimergen«y Pliona Wait 821 (After 10 p.m.) . . ------ - ----- -^--. 7 - li , pital for treatment.,,,.... 8;00,p.m-» Friday^ . . Baker . JBddy:.^J*T^ grasp^ the ggjj 1jq|^ iji North miiflir* wilLbe Order ofbm ng.in its Vancouver General Hospital onSpecial Easter music w iu .pe ggjgjjge, you m ust begin by « r . x , . . rti_i. r e n d e r e d b y the Choir'the Choir. . ^reckoning/)God as the divine At close of morning ^ rv ic e p rinc ip le -o f all th a t really ,is. the ordinance of Lord's Supper will be observed. EASTER LILIES WHY carry your P l a n t s ■ and Flowers,^from», Vancouver. We de liver in West 'Van couver . and N orth Vancouver? - ^ ^ ^ ^ t V c m r F k m s t - l8th and Marine Phone West 305 All substance, intelligenpe, wis- dom r being, immortality, cause andl effect belong to God." (p. 276). ^ MOVING PICTURES AT ORANGE HALL On Tuesday, April 3rd, the Wednesday, the-21st instant^ to Mr. and Mrs, Pollitt of E(ist Beach. ' .......... . A,*" . * . 'Mr. and M r i JS'. Bowman and fam ily ,. 19th and W aterfront, moved oh Tuesday into a house a t 23rd arid King's Avenue. 41 ' * ' Mf Reg . Hamilton while not man-, ager of the proposed local team, has agreed to lend any assist ance he. can to those boys who are interested in learning the rudiments of this-game. Organization; of a team has not yet been Undertaken. Stratton 's BAKERY Order your HOT.. CROSS '■" " l u l l s : NOW Delivered Fresh Friday Morning ■■ ■■ •*.■..■ . i .. , ■; ■ . 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 WEST VAN. BANGERS .The W est Vancouver Rangers^ , - , , rt. . A Tr 'In® w est Vancouver iwuiif«rH- t,*A.,„,McGuinness „of ..Van*?,,.,,, lŷriu *»plRy -the""Vanco\iver'«Garri- - ebuver, has .taken over the Gjac- qq„ -ŷ ggt pojnt Grey on Sat-On* Tiipqdav Auril ord, tne -- eon a t vv«hl jtuiul w ey uuw»«>- W est ^ n ^ ^ ^ r (Grange Lodge han:Hotel, moving m last Mon-> urday aftemoon a t 3 p.m.. All i . _ j T A *r> A ,..ni o«, rtrtnri Clay. nilAV0m Are Raked to fifet in tOUCil TEAROE A SON Concrete Contractors Cement Floors Garden Walks , -Lily-Eools- Gravel and Cement 1474 ____ Phone Marine Drive W est 84 and L.O.B.A. will hold an open n igh t to which th e citizens of the -municipality^are^^ordialty invited to be present. . A very good program has been arranged of songs, recita tions, etc., also th e showing of the C.P.B. films--a trip from Coast to Coast and the Old Land. The^ specia l/featu re of the Mrs. Edi Minions, 1436 Clyde "Avenue, was hostess last Tues days afternoon a t a most enjoy able party in honor of the 11th birthday of , her daughter Norma. A thoroughly good'time . was spent by the children?, foL players are asked to get in touch with George Guipan between 6 ' anM . p.m. M d a y -to arrange;for traimportation. Phone -West 98R2. LEGION NOTES The "Mock Trial" entertain ment held .last Thursday , at theTKPi aneeiaK feature o f - t h e lowing ̂which ■ .dainty refresh- m eni nera m si rnuxauay ™ e v B a fr wfll be the first s to w in g Pie" 's were s e m d . Amon^g th e Legip„, greatly appreci- of t t o C h ilto n 's S in th e guests _'W?re: ^Dorothy G r^n- by the.m any members and T oval Protestant Home at N ew w ood ,, Mmsie Kitchen, Dorothy friends who attended, and many W estm inster. This picture will |^ ^ * S i / M a ^ " ' C h 3 ' , Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY March 80th and 31 at Alice in Wonderland SpocinI Mntinoo a t 2 p.m. FRIDAY MON,, TUBS. & WEDNESDAY April'2nd,-3rd and 4th" . BELOW THE SEA A story roi; sunken cold with • ' ' ' olor.some scenes in tochico ' ' also "THE VOICE" OF THE VATICAN" Ten minutes with the Pope. Special Matinee Monday . a t 2 p.m. . Wilson, .Mary Chappell, , Ama ,' fteVwards, upon,,the splendid to , take lil^«F~^and:^ern ie^^P leeherJn^uehne-- ?> ________ _ , and Eula ,'Patterson>' Airily and riavf in staff,!!!!? .a trulv clever. K.W. Savory i 443 Marine Drive Ambleside o Phone West 340 Evenings, West. 143 Listinĝ : Wanted Real EstSe Finance Insurance ipTace as fu ture icitizens; of our ^Dominion. ' . In the past the local lodges h a v ^ made heavy contributions to this deserving work made possible ' by the generosity of th e pro testan t citizens, and now an opportunity is afforded to see ju s t how th is money is spent. arid Eula Patterson^ Alriia, and Hazel Chisholm, ^Gprmen John son, Dorothy and Jim m y Leeson of Vancouverp Ross: and Mac Minions, and Norma Minions. Mrs. Ash, a form er West Vancouver resident; h a s ; arrived here from the prairie , and issee ju s t now tn is money ajpexxi'. = Mrq A silver collection will be taken . ^ aid of the Home and Mr. Crane, 24th and Marine D r i^ .in - A -- m --- ♦ ' *1'Knowles from Vancouver, secre- , ̂ r. n/r-x i. n 4? taiw of the institu tion , will give p art in staging a tru ly clever, clean and humorous show. . Comrade G. McNeil who was- the branch delegate to the Dom inion Convention a t Ottawa,, has re tu rn ed , arid a full report of proceedings of same will be given a t t h e . next general meeting, Friday,. April 6th. The Ladies of the 'W . A. are cordially invited to attend this riieeting' a t 9 p.m. The whist drive and dance V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies T to o r t tS k " e w t o W est ViSicouver Schools will be last Friday evening in theXegi- on ™ toha"f of t h t needy the chairman this year of B. C. on Hall was most successful and on, on a ,FpfIprn.tion - Conven- all liiid a most en.loyable time. w h o l e TOWN'S --------------- TALKING" Protestan t child. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Teachers' Federation tion in the city. • * ■ ♦ * ■• • * - Mrs. Shaver has taken the Irwin house a t 19th"and W ater front, and will take possession Good Friday-- * . 9:30 a.m.--Children's Service,. 10.30. a.m.-^M atins & Ante-Com^ shortly. ̂ ^ 2 to 3 p.m.--The Watch Hour. Mrs. H.. G. Selwpod, 23rd and Conven- all had a most enjnyable time. Roy Lowes and George Childs played their usual brand of snappy music for the dancers. The w inners-at cards were A. J. Gleam, J. S. Sands, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett. SCHOOL LIBRARIES 8;b0 p.m;-- Cantata, "Penitence, Nelson Avenue, has ^cep ted an AMBLESilDE SHEET METAL WORKS L. SPECK S.^CROSSON , . Proprietors , Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent --Fire,- Automobile, -Burglary, . Accident and* Sickness,'etc. ' 2557 King's Ave.* Phone W.-42Y8 Pardon and Peace." E aster Day-- 7 . a.m., 8 a.ml, 11:15 a.m. - Holy Communion. " 7:15 p:m.--Festal Evensong.. Auxiliary Sunday School 11th and Inglewood 11:00 a .m .-^ u n d ay School. St. Francis-in-the-Woods, Caulfeild E aster Da y-- . 9:45 a.m:--Holy Communion. 3:00 p.m^--Evensong. invitation to speak onlthe theme '̂ What an Average L/itizeri Can Do fo r the Uneniployed Youth," before the Provincial vi Parent- Teacher Federation of B. C. on Thursday, April 5th. ♦ * * , "The Whole Town's Talking" by John Emersqme Anita Loos was recommended to the W est Vancouver Community F layers, by Frank Vyvyan as on^ of the .most amusing comedies written. The Players were fortunate in having the benefit of Mr. Vyvy- ari's experience for several re hearsals -before his pew duties with the International Players absorbed all his time. This a t 2991 MafinerBrive. ■ A set o f -"Harvard Classics" Comprising 48 volumes has beep donated for the u.se of b o ^ ----------- teachers and pupils, by Mr. J. F. .comedy will be presented a t the Jtoks-onr203 20th stree t. ' Holl^^urn Theatre Tuesday B ook s chave also been received . and Wednesday, April 10th and th is week from' the following 11th. Popular prices will pre donors: " tickets can be obtained Mrs *:A.. Cromar Bruce, Mrs. from any member of the cast, eiiuy jiciu wj' »»• Wm, "Guthbeftson, Mrs. Vm, ' or :Mr. Gemmills Drug Six^e, , .A. to St. S tephen 's 'Jng lew ^d Denmston,'- Mrs. S. Gisby, Mrs. ,̂ also a t the T h ^ tre on the nights • Branch,:..at .the new Sunday Hamilton, Mrs. L F. Jack-. of the production. A plan ot the School, proved a g re a t success g^jj .]y[rs; F./.Lefeaux, Mrs. J . ; reserved seats is being prepared o.vu and they wish to take th is op- Moncrieffi Miss Phillips, Mrs. J . i ^nd. can^ be seen next .week at April-4tfer-St. Stephen's W.A. portunity to express the ir ap- ^ S tratton; Mrs. R. A. Thomp^ Gemrnill^^s Store during the day Tea, 2:3d"i)-m:". < ^preciation to all those who don- j^gg Edith White, Miss A. ;-a n d -a tfb e Hollyburn box office ;; ----------^ . a t e d , a l s o the many friends who Woolgar, Teff Jleid. , during the evening. . Mrs. McLennap P ark La,ne, IS ;,pg^^o„ized them. . Over tw o hundred and fifty - -- - , ,u« moving th is week into a house ♦ ♦ ♦„ .. .• books have now been acknow- Miss Hazel Stratton, who has The, sale of plants, and home cooking recently held-by the W. V ^ . 1 f . r r n . tr- > * 4 f, *, ("I' P • , < ' ■ I*, ; w 't ,V's «v-: \i X ' .'I' " -V * 'tJ i t'■ I ( ' ' ' i,' *i 'n Am iSM J h ,u: I f :: ' A") I 'k S' V t. ' kh 'i» I 4 h '■311"' >j' 7 X ,T ^:I -i ■ ' 'if'# "7 l f i s ' ' ■ :V. I f ' 'fPl v S i 1 A , i"j ̂vi ^ 'n A Realized from some discarded G,old T rinket is certainly welcome these days! • ^ Are you surgi you haven't some OLD GOLD articles long sin3fe useless, hidden away somewhere ? ":r:- w Et b u y g o l db r in g t h e m . t o u s Pacific: Gold Smeltiiig &::Rofining Co. Tunc In to* Our* Radio BroadcasTover CKMO every morning 10 to io : i5 600 Robson Stroet' Trinity 3588 «r ̂ vrortî rtiiiyrtt- fArriAA Ipdffpd and further donations' , been visiting for some months ahalf-tourfeseJ. , wilPbe_^Ieome ator tto E a ^ j n 'rX m -' ' '■ t, '4, ' vice' throughout 'Good F ^ d a y . The first-boat will leave Amble- «ide a t 6 a.m; aiid the last &t 11*30 D.iUi From th e city dock .-t#; flrot boat w iffjl^ve a t .6:30 a . ^ and the t o t a t 12 midnigM- = .Buses meet all I to ts . Sm the advertisement in th is issue^ ' s * * '■' - "'ll The many friends of Mr. Murch, proprietor o f the Amb^^ side Meat Market, twU be g l ^ to hear th a t he has sufficiently . recovered to b c back ' a t , his store, . . ■. ^ ^ "I ' .W EST VANCOUVER L A W N .BOVVLING CLUB W H IS T D R IV E A N D T D A N G E S ax,?" ' ' "TUESiDAY, APRIL 3 r d 8 p.m.Cards a t 8.80 sharp .prizes and Refreshments Special Hidden Friz® A D M ISSIO N 2 5 c , I cX: p ' X i i J'*f mk 'f, K A ri '-a , ' f i L J *s, -* * la ,.A .,#yX t 'X--■> *. i .5.,,