MSA . . . MWMM 1I'l T̂rtffi-fVtWH'tlii'tflfTi- -riffr̂ '^w »,. . *,| «IMmi i*,W«(,l nsB ..., DUPZHDADUr. I DAVE ANDIES I *?• ifMfMfM ■I ■•*!«;, ■ V? : I I m i ^ H r n Demand a V(r fc. ! I fi - r .....iia«iii»sii®« Perfect Permanent HOLLYBURN HAU ' |4Ul « « '. To make »ur« of jwiYectlon hiivo' one of our Chic Hnlr Cuti And a Sommer'e Wave *-- th«n you can be aurc you won't nave a dry frizz. - Our wavoa ore aoft, luitroua and nc»ed no aeUinif. ! :i . Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe IC U H w tM D r in F o r AppointmfinUi PHONE W F^T 111 Lt Pwscri|tions, J J ^ otndbd T h u « d .y ^ ta r^29 , Vouna People'a U nU rn B^H ee ... h, .Z "'5 * t ¥ Uri" Speaker: M«. C. B. CIOG6 \ s i 'NUAY EVENING. April la t a t 7:30 p.m. 'Vrhe Good News of the Gospel/' Sunday. SchooL 10 . a,.m!.' All heurtlly welcome. r c o u m ice ..... ^ iftittTiMjii EPIFICB '*̂1̂ ' f m i d e t e r I t t Branch of Tut 1C<## Otureh *.,t *» of Chrift, ■ ^ iS ? S ( g ty » . lltSO a.itt«Simdap Sunday, April l, 1934, 8ub|«n: 'BB'AiILITY" - < ■. i . ■ ■ .■ Id Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15. p.m. ^ M M PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AMTUlWAt i|iwjinf<Ŵîijiii & 31 SUGAR ....*Hw» , 82e TOMATO'e S -- Aylmer, No. 2' oqImM; ifor 18c PINEAPPLE -- Singapore -------------------- iliis I6c* i* ' ~ JELLY POWDERS -- ( J r a i ^ a COf' lOC Wild Rbee, 7 lb. paper ■aek...»..»..».»each 25e .......„...each 25c 0'n^lB 17c,* r'J' ̂ ..14 lb. 22c PASTRY FIX)UR WALNUT PIFX'HIS -- Light Amber, lb. cello TOILET TISSUE r - Canadian a**)** * 1 ** ' . TEA -- Safeway Orange Pekoe SOAP -- Palmolive ........... .8 for 17c SOAP -- Pearl While gOyjĵ p --j Kirk̂ H Castllt* ......... ...................5c CHOCOLATE EASTEIt EGGS 8 for 25c FIGS -- Mat t lbs. I5c MIllACLE WHIP *" ^ V z oz. ja r 4.......»...............¥C»MM<......«.«.each 17c CHEESE -- Kraft Canadian, V z l b , carton...........----- .....1:«..... . ISc 1 |4u» . i4 ^ i ANBLESIDE PflARNAGY W. L. KER, Prop 1401 Marine Drive Phone West 328 FREE DELIVERY t ' J '( -V- DR. g . D. H. SE A LE -'VEkJd S SB Z" Hay Block. _14th and Marine Dr. Offlco Houra 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone WCflt 72 UNITED CHURCH ' 'Pht) regular monthly meeting of tl)(! Women's Association of the UnitecI Church will be held on 'I'liesday, April 3, a t 2:15 p,m., in the Church hall. All irternbers ami women interested are invited to attend. 'rhe choir will give the can tata "Olivet to Calvary" .in the *" ' church ioiiighrat 8;15 p;m; Col^.... lection in aid of the Church Organ Fund. Special Easter "services will be held next Sabbath in West Van couver United Church. Hymns, anthems and solos appropriate V to the lOa.ster season will be sung Communion of the Lord's . Supper will be held at- the Morning Service. The minister will preach a t both services. ' Preparatory service-, will be held in the Church on Friday night of this week at 8 o'clock. Sunday- School scholars will remember to bring Easter Eggs for the -United Church Girlsv TjtemelmBuriTKb^ WEST VAN UNITED CHURCH .-d:.pev. HUHS Wright, Minister r 11:15 a.m., 7:U> P-m. Sunday. School and Hibie Class 10 a.m. Strangers & Vlaitora Welcome. We feserve the right to limit quantities SAFEWAY STORES' LIMITED 0jgY jj-|ggY rO T. » p ■ C H E V R O L E T W O M S H lI luiTV tliqd eyvryih ST, ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH -'.II iu ^ or, \- ttSMBDT 00. - ■ p i , I ■' . '■ M i : !f' 1 I f; -- - f i >*, I I Eatabliahcd on North Shore 20 Ycnra. . (Lady AaaiRtant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. W. J.,Millay. , Priest in Charge. _ ' Holy Thursday j âjJd . 8:00 a.m.--Adoration, all day. ib»T. w* . 7:30 p.m.-r-Evening, service. Good Friday 8:00 a.m.--Mass of the Pre- .sanctified. 3:00 p.m,--^Veneration of tHe . Cross, Stations and Medi tation on the Seven Last Words. Cl........ .MOTORS PRODUCTS funeral Sirectors North" Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North' 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 184 7 :80 p.m.--Evening Service and 'Veneration of the Cross. Holy Saturday- 8 :00 a:m.--Blessing of the Holy P ire ;~ " CHEVROLET S T A N D A R 0 .■■• ..• '.■■'.■• ■■■ ■.. •••■■,■. >■ ■;••.• GHEV- , 'v J i ̂ . i , K ■ , ri ' 11-' C. J. Overihgtoh PIONEiBR BARBER■ tfc Expert Work 14th and Marine Phone West 135 ■ ; "THE W Bsi Van News Published Every Thursday , «>r*a^ v.,w-a..-.vaav*'■ tismal Pont; Blessing of - the Paschal Candle. 10:00 a;m.^--Easter Mass 4 :0G & 7:80 p.m.--Confessions. E aster Sunday High Maas a t 8:45. Sernion: "The ju st shall live for.evermoiMj/' Wiadom, v, 16. No Catechism or Bible Class today. • * Low Mass <fe Sermon a t 10:45. Vespers, Benediction and Ser mon a t 7 :30 p.m. Flowers are requested for the Altai^ of Repose on Holy Thurs day and also for Easter Sunday. The Lenten F ast ends on Sat urday noon. Visitors- are -welcome-to all the services. TNOES the idea of getting real GHE\ ROLET quality --- at the lowest price features diat make the Master Series Chev- , . . . _ , rolet the most revolutionary value in-the ]oranycarm(^nada appeal to you? Then\.,^low-price field. And they cost less for-caso- . see the new Chevrolet STANDARD-SIX line^ and oil, less for tires,"repairS'"̂ and ' models at our showrooms today! They're big and rugged in, appearance, and in fact --smartly styled in the new windstrCam manner with Bodies by Wisher. They're wonderful performers -- with a generous offering of those famous riding and driving upkeep than any other car you can buy! Don't all ^ese facts poiqt to th?«: onc'ines- capable conclusion: If you want to save'on your next car, and at the same time own a car of proved quality, you should see the' new STANDARD-CHEVROLET^ prsf! Wfti iM iJ i f i l i SisSij'SSMsAE..ISWiSiSSHfli L /■i ' ' K lip W "SIW i . -rmsmmm Publisher P. P. LOVEGROVE Phone W e st 363 Bualnesa and Editorial Office: 17th and Alarine Drive (Next to HoUybufn P. 0.) Phone West 363 ; ^ fttail Address: " ^ P» 0̂ Box 6i, Hollyburn, B.G Mrs, E; )S. Hill, 1372 Jefferson Avenue; has left fo r Pender Harbour. CARD OF THANKS North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave, -ift I ye«r ,b» MtiiW! 42.00 s year M •, byrnaU. -Mr, R; Kinloch and family wish tO" exi>r«ss their sincere thanks to tho'Officers and mem bers of L.O.L. No. 2990, L.O.B, A*;- Rath; Lodgoi Seottish Soci ety and Canadian Legion, and other ' personal expressions, of respect, and beautiful: floral tributes received during their , sad 'bereavement in, the passing, away -of a loving wife and mother* , mSMmfiSB '■"'rrg WM Ĉ 4C ■'f , V ' - v^ANDASD CHEVROLET 2;PASS. COUPE $721 standard -CHEVROLET.4-pass. roadster .The tAnve or* itUvend frius, at factory Oshawe Ont_j 4-PASS. ROADSITR. : ' und GovemmeHtUcense. only,^extra^Basy^MAClT€mt. ^ ■ X : "i liilliiliiiilli .-i >.' mMmsm McMillan-Hartness Motors Ltd. tNORTH VANCOUVER B.G; f ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ I aV « ̂ at ̂ Y " ̂0 ̂ ^ » ■ ' ' M-V' % ilfSfiUppp Mm■mm iffliis sii \ " ' w 'T' mV;v| ■-M?: J-1 f t ,. , (-lI - . > i4* <1̂ f a 'V&' ' mms ■* ', 'T-. '5/