■f y s , * ^ I m V a, ^ 'f ■? Gircu $1.00 p«r y e a r .; - - - . : . in thê Diŝ ct - ?»i. •■. S*V«* « V■■ *,1 • •., V*. ,U r '. •' ' 'v -_____ ̂ ĈypressJPark, Caul^ild, Whytecliffy Etc. S c per copy a t pewaatanda^ «. r-s-f w4f -4 Vol VIII - '■ "•--- I y y *•*»,I'l* tv HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH ilsth. 1934p'fii:!!S:tt***. " '■"It.* .f. ■■ , < i- ■ -. ■ • , t . , ■ I ^ ****'*'**'**'**********"*******̂ ****!*******̂ ̂ .. I I i' ' • No. 48 ■"r***' ,,.!l«V<'**" -J«A Y DAY COMMITTBB ■ .'..u* . ......... " " , • St'ftiEX.REBVE VINSON : PASSfiS SUDDENLY BOWLING CLUB . WHIST A DANCE The suddsS comparatively;! pality this VM th of 'm l i . ___ state liT^lonJ'and service It is only rig h t and . I|» hte d ^ t h -West Van. coiTCr has lost a vciif true and faithfu l citizen and we a A t the nam ing of tW May ,, ..._ . , . Day Committi^ last n ight in the Ex-Reeve ̂Valient V» Vinson couttcil chamKer, Trustee T. E. PM»aod away suddenly aa rly Ŝ^̂ ^̂^ W Russell asked to he relieved morning a t his home» 1425 v..»aa w«i«ai,,,utavva oim uauvuo o f the chaimianship, which he which have proved such a draw- has held ever since ftay Day has ? P-.T' been k w t in W est Vancouver. ia^SJ??' in i" Reeve iLeylandtf moved a very ■ r A ^ '*]?j! ^here will be good prises and[ The West Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club are giving another of their whist,,drives and dances i m . H I sW;V \*.i ViI viisforv. fell in love^/yidth; Its beautyi and -worked and ivHiohf for i t throughout, as is rjBViddnCed by the fac t that he sat ^he S® record during those dnrfnwgrowth and p r o g r e s s made; by vthe municipality dunng that period, for w hich>s reeve he was chiefly responsible. ' One always-;<krieW'*.exsihtlyi;A^h f̂ei;he.,4.,Stpod| ,̂,.,fpr,,,4h.e. never beat about the biish and hie^MT î? w ent behind anyr Sne's back. He a lw a y s' fp d g h rk ^ ^ ^ looking for trouble, hd never sidestepped a fight and oncd in it; he stayed there to the end. , - " , . , , Probably his chief characteristic . was his c h a rity .' His heart and.his.pui:^$estw»ia..woio..always:op.enio. an^^^ one in distress and in th e ..years we * c will ue Kvou piTiEeB Ml's. Vinson noticed he hAd-left a special hidden prize, refresh- his M r and? on m v e^ ig a ^ n g r "hiontrand thr^^^s^ referred .,to thp amount of hard wi^irafl aM Dlffbon^ Orchestra and valuable , work done by Mr. for the dances. Admission 25 Russell as c h a i^ a h . The latter " j * in a. brief reply stated he hoped - , lived here for oyer -------- -̂------------- It would never be forgotten that and,^besides being , M ay. Pay.* w as for the -kiddfes primarily, / Thd election o f of- 1922,4927, fleers resulted as follows: Presi- l?28,and 1929. He was immedi- ' n.! \ • ii*; LEGION SMOKER was always to the fore in any effort which was for the relief of the poor and needy. He was a good friend to the • ft I t. - /"I..:. . T' AM .' tf-kiM ' ,4*#v rk iVm e m b e i^ f the Canadian Legion and ,to all ex-seryice men in West Vancouteri'and assisted^ them in m any Ways in the early struggles b f t o - ^ V = And'with tha t, if therp is anything in the teachings- of the Christiah-faith,; we can safely- leave" him to the • great God who has taken him, to Himself. He has answer ed the last call, and our sym pathy m ust go ouij^ow ,'n"ot to him, but to the loved ones he has le ft behmd. ■1 ' ft ' ^ 'w T fr r t-K rw rn c i pxircnase, ouuwns u ueemeu w i- HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY , LOCAL JUVENILES v isab lepub lic ity , Captain F. F . TTT--j. t r __)i:Trt.r+i_ r l l N A l j o T .nvA irrA ve- r .h i i i r m a D : r e f r e s h . West Vancouver Brarich of licers resuitea as toiiows: rresi- *-««,««« **̂*" *«"/: Canadian Legion.will hold a dpwf PrinMnal J R Mifrhpll* m aster of King David amok^r.m the Legion,Hall to- secretarv L^Brooks* treasurer ^ A. M., and past night a t 8:30 o'clock.- Members Mrs. W.^B. S i^ l l ; w m m ittees-I , ^^ler of. N orth Vancou- are-requested to keep this . .f to c e , CoMnpillor ^̂ R,. Fiddes, -------------------open, and^to bring along their Mrs. W7i3. Small, the chairman h enter- of funds committee; donations, H h b I B B B H m H H B B '• P.iiT. A .; jirize. committee. Dr. eyeiyone having ,a good Vance, chairman; sports, West e. .Vancouver Teachers. May.Queen LO.D.E.; parade, Canadian l«egi- DEATH OP on; dance. Legion W. A .; supper, MRS. ROBERT KINLOCH S t . . Stephen's - W.A.; grounds,- --- ------ ' Councillor G. p . Elgar,' chair- Mrs., Robert Kinloch, a former; man i' programii; L* V. Thirkell, West Vancouver resident, passed chairm an; buttons, left to fin- away last Saturday a t her home, ahee com m ittee with power to , 9170 West 3rd Avenue, Vancou- ptirchase, buttons if deemed ad- yer. The decea^d who was in^ > ti ( ' '* A her 56th The West Vancouver 'H ofti- i-axnaxâ Lovegrove, chairman; refresh- her loss her husband, two daugh- __________________ Vancou ver lit 55 E ast loth Avenue> Reyi i 4 ' NiW . 1 " 'J ! * W S' 1 3 !I i" V* 'sV .dl- d m I'*'n' Alfred Wilson and Rev. Gordo)i_: Dickie officiating, and interm ent' ̂Will uc P Orange ts^-m has reached tl^ se finals, pointed a committee to investi- pickie officiating, and interm ent U n show sfo they ask th e ir supporters to at- gate and report; loud-speaker, .ver Lodge; B.P.O.E. He owned was made in Ocean View Burial Hall, where a 1 future s h O T S ^ to ld . . . t .f p»ii t o one of the oldest established Park. th iry e a r 'w ii 'b e 'h d ^ Details. *¥"*• ______________ will be published in our next : ^ e LFARE ASSOCIAT'ION ISSÛ* t ' i 1 . - -Three special prizes, of committee to call fo r public ten- one of the oldest established ders and inspect, Equipm ent; photographic studios in Vancou- stand; W est Vancouver-Scottish ver and\was a t ,one time presi- Society; guest committee, Reeve dent of / the A m erican Photo- HOLLYBURN HALL m a J v j :S? Three snecial prizes of $20, ---- 1 - S o c i e t y ; guest committee, Reeye aenr o i / tne ^ e n c a n r ^ w w - ■Slfand $10 for the best bou^^^ Leyland, chairman, w ith power g ra p h e r | Association. He is v e a r ' soo^s this. Saturday, 31st inst., act " ' ' survived by his wife and three The W est Vancouver School vards will be given tlu s y e ^ , lo to 3 n.m. a t the W elfare these -pnzes having been dona^ Alsociation'/q u a r te rs , 22nd and oArtio+V V»V .T.hfi COUnCll. ni^ . - ------Td to the society by ih e cojm<g. At least ten entries . AThefe Ts an urgent need for made, and any m^n's 'b o o t^ sizes 7 to 9, boys' asked to - fio6ts, and qlsoa' baby buggy, soon as possible to the secretary* ̂ . SrTfust7l-471^uchess'Avenue; . 7 . "Phone-West 170L.-- -------- 1- _ - is LITERARY SOCIETY 4iast; Thursday evening, before fhe^ L iterary Society JT. Porter Band were asked to officiate, and M iss'Elliott requested, to organ ize the first aid ,post,' the Boy Scouts being als6.,asked to send a representative. The folk dancing wias turned over tq Miss Margaret-Wilson.- C. R. Clogg will be the speaker the young people's lantern service illustrating "The Life of Our Lord," which will be heldJ. •_ ' I f m ̂ ■ •« ••« •. • ff OLD TIME DANCE _ _ --------- . . The Legion W.A. - uhdfer, the gave, a most interesting exhibi- convenership of Mrs. F. Rivers^ Ai^h of .lanterfi^hides illustrating will give another of'Aheir very, thjs London of his^stjudent days, popular Old Time Dances a t 8:30 ,,Mfs. H. G. Selwood .read the p.m. Saturday, 31st March',, in m anuscript. Pictures were shown the Legion Hall. Dancing will o f^ a n y of the historic buildings take place from 8:30 tilM 2 'an d a i^ of the life of people, also the music will be su p p li^ by the ' o f5the g reat political figures of Txr-_j rr p pp„i -Black-Diamond-Orehestra.-i^A -tto-period .- One_particula|lv i p t . . m r i i e r t ^ Ww>^ special feature will be a waltz, eresting slide was t h a t ,of H. G. feild, who died l a s r Sunday ___j?_________..Yxr.A.11... 4vi 1x10-ofti/lAn'f Hqv.si ■ nA nfi- land, E. E. Vinson of Berkeley, and H. H. Vinson of Bellingham', tonight instead of Friday night ser- ^ d a t 7 p.m.', not 7:30 p.m., in vices under Masonic rites were Hollyburn Hall. On Sunday, 1st held a t 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in th e ' April, a t the 7:30. p.m. service WestJVancouver United Church,, the subject will be "The Good liiro-flrAr vviisoii ' which was/filled to the doors News of the Gospel." Sunday rru^ nAVf rr,AA+i'« i wiiTTa TiaM witH thc ihany'who came to pay School a t 10 a.m. All heartily T «lh Anr 1 the ir la ^ re sp e c ts to the deceas- welcome. ' ^ ' ®d. -nT m em bers of King David m the council cnamoer. - - s I* i- ir Vti-r i.' 'iV ea. xne memoers 01 rvixig u<xvm - ------------------r-v ^ Lodge, A. -F: & a . M„ marched ST, STEPHEN'S CHU-ROT from the Masonic Hall to tbe CHOIR CONCERT church, Where, there were alsoFUNERAL OF ^xiu.cix, wxxcxa.. __ MISS BARBARA WOOD present members of the Naomi ^ concert under the auspices --;-----1'- nr* -o Chapter, Order of the E a s t ^ of St. Stephen's Church Choir ' -Funeral services for Miss Bar-, s ta r , and members of the North will be given in the parish hall bara M ona-W c(^;_daught^ of -Vancouver Lodge, B.P.O.E. Rev. -- •m.-u-.- a--.M wi.,. _,l r . -- ■/vI* v,«iiv.v/i*vv.x ^ on Friday, April 6th, a t 8 p.m. Hillis W right conducted the ser- Tjig program will consist of a_ T>_.. tY T> T3nxi««4>--7rii7iW?? ZTrrrr <irrii ----ttv-v------.1--ispeciai leature win ue a. waiuis. «ie&LnxB ------------- --- *---- - ---- -- - ̂ .3 / ^®^* giving p w "The Three Widows,"~'tHe competition for which two priz- Wells in h is'student days, he be- the result of an au to accident, the address, and J. London sang cantata "King Rene's Daughter" H u b ^ v e n f S t L ^ Cjiutempoi^ij a n d jr ie n ^ ,> ® 'l7 „ i ; ! S »>y the DundaraveXadiee' Choir April. WEST VAKCOUVER MIJNICIPAL FERRIES a contemporary and in en a were neiu a t wiin grea.u letsxxxiK, v oy tp e yundaraveTLadie^^^^^ couple Admisrioh ' 25 cents. o fM r. Porter a t college. Follow- day in Vancouver, Archbishop Wipe Away All Tears. J. Haydn un^er the direction of Mrs. F. The next dance wili be held on ih^ the period for discussion W. de Pencier and Rev. F. A. Ram- Young presided a t the organ, x . Hodgson, L.A.B., and a Chin- the following Saturday -7 th n l r r in proposed and J. Duncan . sey-'ofKciatmg. In term ent was The "floral tributes were many eg^ Monologue by Mrs. J. P. ' ^ ,.-.11 J.. _j*A,-- 1.„ made in the family plot, Ocean , and very beautiful.^ A t the con- Fergusson, who is also directing View Burial Park. The deceas- elusion, of the service the coitin the play. Admission, 25 cents; ed, who was in her 19th year, is was opened to .perm it those who,, proceeds for'choir funds, survived by her fa th e r and two wished to take a last look at the ____;_________ brothers, Archie and Philip, a t deceased, a fte r which the meih- COMING EVENTS bers of King David Lodge foim- 1 ^ . *: s^b h d ed the vote of thanks. Half Houdy Senrice f ifroughout the Day AMBLESIDE -- F irs t Bdaf leaves a t 6 a.m. '. L ast B(^t' leaves^at 1 1 :30 p.m? ̂ ' CITY DOCK --i F irs t Boat leaves'S t 6 :30 a.m. - ' L a s r Boat M v % ;a t 12 midniglTt. . Buses m eet alKfernes. u home. k k :i i 9 ux XVAXXÎ ------- ---------- ------ . . . . ed two; lines outside the church- April 2nd -- LO.D.E. LECTURE ON B. C. MINING for th e funeral cortege to pass E aster Dance for the younger --------- . " through to th e . hearse. Inter- IfUiSi't. r* m-w . inrougn w w ie ,u e< * x D c . - tse t. - Thomas Elliott of 'th e Cham- m eht wa^. made in the Masomc. ■/ - , ' - -rr„„ ber of Mines, will give an illust- ^ t i o n of ^ p ila n o View Ceme-. rated lecture (m "Mimng in te ry under Masonic rites. , tenoral society s uon British Columbia" ̂ at 8:15 p.m. . Honorary pallbearers were D. cert. Monday, 9th April, in the Unit- M o r^ n , J . Lawson, George Hay, ^T hursday , April 19th -- B. C. .ed Church H airuftder the aus- Sydney Gisby, W. C. ^ o m p ^ n Products Luncheon a t David Dices of the UhitedUhiirch W. A: and W , Jackman. T ne/active Spencer's^ under auspices, of Specimens of ore. trill be bn ex- pallbearers were R. United Church W. A. and Ad hibit and the lecture should be Young, J. Yates, J. T. watt,, dress by Mrs. Rex. Eaton. ^ f interest particu la r^ to men. g e ^ « « CUrke a ^ B . Mm V |ot.- ^ j, 20th--West Van- . Musical numbew by th e Haraon Bros. ^ couver Liberal Association Orchestra under the direction of N orth Vancouver , W hist Drive and Old TimeMrs D. McLelland and collection to rs, w ere in charge of a rran g e-: • im v e and in 5 d of the W. A. funds. ments. ; ' . ̂ v 'J M ' I 7 * J f U ■MPm ' A P M f 7 h 's.'/ - i t s-H 'a :r t-j ■ ' «,V ,f " " • 4