wmmmmmmrn0'm». w. i*i I® IS uttmhmiK - n u n » w m m m H * a ■ 1" inmAmm • . r'V̂ 'h. re BUSH idiwiur • M#IN mm i aaim ;o « little more author- ty'ihan H& been customary 2.m« fA hMP throwT) Victoria ftmtm I » l Cteoceiries"-^^ » 0 H- H lb, H « a d ' narfiia ■ ̂ .»»*»*«i»<>M*»i«*.'i»i.«»<#«i»»«!*wi» P h o n e .W est 3 7 0 *.;' ■ • -, , ■ ■ I I ; u . . . . , i w ..(-ifw .U . - . iiiuj A eatm m T "libV^«^Sn'" reAIBIlES.-rrid.7 t & t , lh«b 23, » y 4_ th a t'the awereign power of the |gb|^': for^ y^ fs nas ruin, the aooner httTTBR-ktMa Val4..^J Ibc'ISc ^SL P T :f I itWw Ma.ii.bw « ih.. are democracies the^ better,HUTTKIt -̂OoldMi Meadow, 2 iMU oTc ||, ggujun ^ jĵ ĝ even if that is HWIKTS LAUD;..:.......... ptr^lh. l»c Mr. PattuUo's intention, which m;itN*8 bacoK..,. Vt ib. p««lu>t i»« at present la not a t all clear. _ He CHKB8B--TI»r Monterey, Mwli 20e cAn't dO worse than has: pKANiJT BUITEK 2 Ib4 tik done In any case, and, should he L f A itiiT ^ «>«ko gdod, n l i t t le t le s s p o r eHiiouLDBft.OF LAMB, t»er lb. 1 ^ reasonably full stomach ĵ EtiB OF LAMB..............per lb. 2!k jjj,g pjvgfcralbl^ to starvation and all the power in i 3 e f f e r i e $ ' : Govt v:^ T S I S f ^ I i »i» t e t r isV-i't - ^ 7 PHONI . 1 J» iff i ̂ > i? r ■ nj idm /. «iHS M * WUU UiBfrrBI, K:h,*ll».7^ ru e , q u ilt, SIWKIBT OttANCKS, Wcb«rt. «eL Sttosi Siyor, per dotiaM*. ,1^ F ltl^H ASPABAGUS...... 2 Ibs* TBA, Nabob PAOTBY FLOUB. WIU.jR4w T lb. iiuit U« j I'ii I ' I ».Û - *? Bed It White PBAB, eler# 4, 2 tins 25« Good Qunirty, ungraded, pot tin lOe, Bed lfc„White BBANB. ent rinirleee . I t . ntrinirleee ..®. »»•«,**,«.*«**•**# JR Uns m Bod It While ,.FBA^BB6im>J!4s. iti pi^h nypiip*fM*b»»***A»b**̂ fB*p̂p M0 iwC SEEDLESS BAI81NS........ 2 IIm. 2«e DATES, fre*h etock ..........2 Ibe. 16e BLACK FIGS ir,«ABJ F» fc, A fc,(*-*|b* *#!»•*•« 2 ibe. 17e GINGER SNAPS .......... 6 doeen U t per lb. .per ih, PRIME IUB& per Jb. 14« all th'e power in the world. If POT ROAST.............per Ib. .1214c ho fails, thejo try another dic tator and) ditch democracy until W0 are oub and can af- ACADIA COD 2 lb. box 85e and all Building Material o f B i»t J b u i j l p / n c w i V A Phone West 115 LTD. ■ fh , »*#«"»v IIADDIE FILLEl'S..̂ -----P«r, lb., .16c.» " V. PINNAN IIADDIE......... per lb. 15c ™ t extravagance. iriii>i*i/i;a 9 1k« 9JHi> ♦ * • JBeSb Phm ieJrtSbaeSL 15th and Marine . . .. **Rjght Service -- R ight Gradcgf! Ltc./. K UPPERS ........ ........ :........ 2 Ibi. 25c BEEF, PORK. LAMB. VEAL. Hulikut,' Cod and Freeh Herring for Friday .r f h! CORRESPONDENCE Editor, West Van Now4 for shutting away some of the best hikes on the Ridge, and it's Gerry, McGeer says no man s life is safe In Vancouver. He s quite right, but the police can not be blamed for it until we c^n afford, to have a constable , 25 cental CLASSIFIED A D S T b. r . t . f . r CIM.IW J ' r L . 'K ?entii. Except in the case of tnoae having regular accounting all ciassk in ■ 3wiyjW3C®a: ^****Remembe^CIas^^^ ̂ Vm> Newa get immedlato^rMuUs. every fifty yards on every street about time an issue was. made and one in every store, or fail- FOB SALE--Ibach Piano, g ( ^ 0 n - dition, $76. Phone West 494L. tri*f'.'i.-. ®®" *' ®"'= , H®®' Vancouver will un- .lnVno" " dTv or'nieht VmiceV AmWeilde to I have been recently informed doubtodly suffer and i t hardly t r . North Vancouver General Hospital, on some, of these things, be- ing that, abolish the auto from cause West Vancouver will un- the city altogether. Ihe bandit SHANNON'S TAXI- -Phone North 50 FOR SALE -- Two hundred cocker- els, four weeks old, 8 cents. Pour hundred more May delivery. Chick, en manure. $8 load. Stuart Mc Intyre, 11th and Kings. th a t i t is no longer w saible-fbr- aeeraa fair,ir*po»i hikers to climb Mt. Strachan or Let's have a few more ideas llyl may also be "out of bounds" for Black and th a t Hollyburii Peak on this m atter. well, thank you, and . they are going to do still Ijetter until we sit down in cold blood and figure $1.25. - "public prisoners" shortly. "According to theTlnformhtion given, the water-board claims N. J. SEWELL. out ju s t what chancesythe police' eati CANADIAN RUGBY the danger of 'pollution* as the At a well attended, organiza- have not got of beating that combination. Then we may ar rive a t the real solution, a very old one, namely . that all ^he citizenry go armed, for the only WEBB'S ' BEST • SHOE REPAIRS - Dundarave. WEAR ?-W!leei4.iMs*S>i»S^ Laven- Carrm- HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundwave, Easter Cards; Eggs; NotionsjjiReas- ' onable prices. See [Windows. - - , tions, Spireas, Hollies, Varigated Wiegelia, Boxwood. Honeysuckle and other varieties to clear. Call, •price .and .choose, . or phone Geo, Gburlay,- W est-2 .--......................... reason for this. H fbig is s ^ meeting of the West Van- persons"who can stop a hold-up why are people allowed to fish in x___ ...x,.. Bome rescrvolrB in the States ' which I om told Is the case? 11 was decided to hold the team s Also, don't you think it would fu'At practice on the night of bo advisable for the ' W ater A pril. 10th. Several old-time Board to corral all the livestock players of the Canadian code such as bears, rabbits, coneys, have consented to coach the ^rat8,_mice, jlice, etc., _etc,_, and_boyii.__Jl is hoped to have the run avblood tes t on them? We „_team ready to enter the fall ses- are those around who are j i a i FOR RENT -- Cottage, full plumb ing, fireplace, furnace, phone W est ' 128L. - ■____________L \ - :r: -are^old-Lhat-even-animals-ai^e--sioii®-ot-4he- being held up. It's the one com- FOR SALE--Royal Vacuum Cleaner bination tha t can beat a bandit attachments, $12.00. ., and'an auto: Just think it out west 436Y._____________ - for yourselves. ̂ ^ WEST VANCOUVER The epitaphs ■' in English ' SCHOOL BAND chtoehyards have long been a r By g^rlield White, ' « .'a j_V ,Vr • A l i i I , KINDERGARTEN GROUPS on the ' sariijs West Bay, Tuesdays and Pri- ' days from lO to-12 a.m.; Ambleside Mondays and Wednesdays, .1:30 to ^ t3 ^ .m . . Phone W est 104Y1. The .i Cnllaren's Guest Home. Minimum charge 10c. : FOR SALE--^New bed, no reasonable'i - offer refused. W est 696L1. FOR, ROOM AND BOARD W est-226..- . Phone ,T, l-T , . _ If we are- to believe the "stufT' crested, between the ages of 17 .handed out to us by some of the and 21, are asked to get In touch people who are supposed to know with I^g . H a m ilte i^ ^ h o has all about these things, we'd all been appointed manager of the die of frigh t in no time. They team. make it quite apparent th a t we , Arrangements have been com- haven't a chance to escape the pleted to hold indoor practices billions of germs th a t arc and i t should not be long before anxious to got a t us. West Vancouver is represented It seems pretty apparent tha t in this ever-growing Canadian theM are rather weak reasons game. _ ® Junio^Jieague o f ...spni^e.o f ,g y ^ t amusement, and ci Q iffiict. All i«t- . two ju st given me by my friend, .FuBUCjRf^«gerc^^v»iaiio-r>oyB The flrsM s- Having attended the Concert not entirely fro© from diseases. Vancouver and l^ sm c t. a u mt- juou e*vw ,„c uy xuy Atî cim, . . -Here lies Charlotte and her two daughters, Dead from drinking Ghelten- ' ham watersT -^given -by -the West Vancouver School Band last Wednesday evening, March 14, in the Ingle-^ wdddTAudTtorium. I would, jus® FERRY TALES Are Good and Some o f t h e m fresh;' Hut the stock of: ̂ popular C igarettes,. Cigars' and To*' baccos are a lw ays; fresh at the J Ambleside Tea. Rooms. Si; T- 1, ,, , 1 , 1 TY like to take this opportunity of If they d only stuck to Ep- congratulating the tm em tos of X. ̂' • fbe Band on the spleiidid pro- They wouldnt be lying m g^egg they have made within vaults. - - such^a comparatively short per- and the second^-- -- .. iod.-I-wish also to- pay -tribute Here lies my wife, Susannah ^ Mr. Jack Condon, manager of FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and ' acreage 1 for : sale. John Lawson, 17th and Marine, Phone West 55. PRINTING -- F or all kinds of printing phone West, Van News, West 363. CRUISE the ! J 50 Proctor, Dead because doctor^ Her time was* up. to go. Praise "God from whom Llessiiigs flow. she wouldn't She had M the Band, through whose faith ful, loyal and persistent efforts, the Band has -grown to some thing successful, and having ' great possibilities for the future. -May I also congratulate my good LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED with special machine;' all makes. West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine Drive. RADIO TECHNICIAN -- Your Radio troubles given prompt expert at̂ , tension--aerials, tubes. Tom Brown ̂ - West-266R-- ---------------- friend-Arthur-WrDelamont, who- f V < ' i ' 1̂ ' stSBid- tewK over the leadership of this ai;dised life usually-place on a Band just a little over two gravestone one of about half a months ago, and who has.gradu- dozen texts or phrases. But in ally brought same to the class » ® individualistic days of our in which it now stands. Speak-®- was apparently ing as an individual, I say to the THE^WEtFA&E^ASWClATlON rê quires discarded clothing. Phone West 37 and truck-wiU collect. forefathers it the custom of the family-to con- boys in the Band, stick with it, practice ' diligently and .. often! and success will be your ulti- S u t^ iL ^ while they were mate attainment. The Band is W. CARLET buys and sePo furniture, paints, oils, glass; ̂etc. French Polishing. Phone W est 71Y. MARCELLE SH O PPE,-- Thermique Perm anent Way6 without danger of burning. Marcel 60c; reset 36c;; Finger Wave 50c. ' Phone Mrs. King .West_8_04,JL520-Marine. T " 'I ■ji- ■1.- VICTOR . SMteOf IVoM 189*80- Cb>HpMt wOh taiu R A D I O WEST VANCOUVER UNITED tion from the School Board ao"d FOOTBALL CLUB people of West Vancouvier, which Last Saturday United lost achievementsr I am grateful for s p f lrd ^ a " ? ^ il^ \n d " ^ c o S i^ r? 14th a t Pefry. .Best' material andP e ^ . , workznansbp; -lv: H i i i i p'i a rpond-trip ticket to Europe by radh today and know that compel- this opportunity of having a ■ '•'C- .O-. B- Alton Cup chance-to wish the~West Van- when they were defeated 4-1 by couver School Band under Arth- Fprsts Radio a t Con Jones Park, ur Delamont's b^ton, every During the t o t half United had measure of-successTin-the-future the ^ s t of the j)lay and should for under such a man, they can- have left the field a t least 2 not go far wrong ! goals up. In the second period ' _______ fFoi'sts started to press and it SCHOOL LIBRARIES was not long' before th e . score FOR PLUMBINOf REPAIRS -- idence Phone West '241R. . Sii' f- -V ' t Vr-jC' v>7" Mi KSaasi you can turn,, to the fascinating enter tainment ot^p^sms arid North American short-wave Iri^d^sts by daylightt times without number.; This new Y»«tor, with Us s M and one dial, la an amazing let^YeT -- and today's outotandtogv^fc..Ea^.teriii!s. • .Stratton, _ The Duncan Lawson Chapter, GORDON ROBSON Barrister -- Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447, Marine Drive Phone W est 4d3;- ' 10 to 12. VANCOUVER: OFFICE-- Suite 601: 61© Hastings St. W. Phone,.Seymour, 4199. 2 to 6. •f iSr T-w>.r Ti I?' who played ;, a splendid game I.O.D.E., wish to actoowledle throughout, collected West Van's, donations of books-rec^^iveTi flw! only goal when he scored on a week from the^fSloWtegt^M^^^^ penalty. S h -o r^ .^ ^ ^ r^ F o ^ s K j . m M ■ r f >■ & BARRACLOUGH'S RADIO STORES 102 Wwl Sail stmt. NofMi Vancouver \fi*.»YS*2'M.illi»OiIvt,-WMtVaiicoiiver , • , -- -- ------- Wind* North 17 , : » o n « i K t 3 6 6 team in th e iM igue h a v e n o t e n t- added their fp i^ A n d tost goal. Mrs. I. WfCra^^rf^Sfa R w ' United are still in the running Davies, Mrs. P E a S m!;' " <» <5eo. ■ F a u W - M r "'" " ' i ^ " - Should stand a good^chance of mantle. VERY E A S lifting it, as .Forateltoato;'~whS i& r 'G e o P a ^ e .............. S f S i a A v S s ! s v s ■ S S U S - w - f i - * i MM '1 rW o* •# a I M ■ Nitary PaM . Real Estate & . InsuranceV-. t a ~ '.... ,-v' U sttn g s W to te d ' 14054 Marine 'Drive Phone W ek 21 or Seymour 1260 Evenings ^ t 204K wm ■ iiiis 'r> s. mr'-^IV .•tf , 's-, V V - ̂ *