mmmwm . I Ulii •'■V' ' , 4:0^ |m<|ip>iW!|> mA >'*»y':.; Twt*« ■psiP 8Sâ «!5?ŷ l mifSUim H« *• * "555̂ '■■'*■■■'...yr"~ "T'*""'"..Kĵ '?■?"* -rn" •*'̂ irf'Jft'""# 'i«»»i*«»ambI eside 1586 Marine " " " " " T 2 S t - 3 * " i « ™ «WE INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR SyOWE .. * ai îivwu i « . i i i j r i iv i ic TvisaE'jioO an O' ■ .■» •. ( •. ' ' * ■ • , ". r ■ ̂ USED Hplme8-Mid"-- ThS' Nortb ion held* a me School. ^ jCamiJy* . w e r r tim ____ _______________ luStaSf ^ y « » c o u v w : ^ 8 A j ± w r f s iSJJ conUnar to the *old' eaw, yet the that three of them weremoved Into a house at 2886 fa-t Marine Drive. ^ n^lced last Sunday by W ;;^ tearoe & s6|i Concrete Conlmctiwi Cement Floors Garden W alks. Lily "Pools .Gravel a n d 'Cement-, 1474 Phone i|arine Drive West 84 BAND CONCERT * V hfrs.^ X 'Newiwin land, was the id e s t______ _ ------ . of her brother and sister-in-law, G R B A t SUCCESS Mr. and MrSi Ed Black, 26th and Mnrine Drive# W.JJ'! 'V .. , A i .♦ ..................... / r 1 T Watson in his garden at JATT,* Avenue, argue* : p r ^ last Sunday ' conclusively th a t spring h46 ' '■ ■ The .li krge narowd which filled "W e; come to stay. Also' the waeps are out again, so doubtless somebody will be stung# mm * - BEECiUtAX T The Ideial Laxative Wfiimm (TeinillV Dni< Store Tbf Store ef flifvlea n e t MStiat iMve Wiit ST » Bmergeney Pkokte Weel 811 " ' ' (After! 10 ,») 5f t4l l^ r^ ® ' 3^4w>o<l. j Stevenson enter- The fire brigade turned out on . ?* Tuesday m orning to a chim nw ,.i. in g ^ th a :1 4 tf instent, on.the,ocr . _a.doligbtfuLd8nce ;n the Clach-v fire a t the home -of 'Mw.' T . B. Stratton's BAKERY Dear Sir; ^ -^sio iuo fi t j i^ im u a i conM rt.o t m ta honw of their.niece, Miss Snelgrbve, 992 D uchete A SeK p ^.^5fp»^nte«!S?a^ . . . No d a m a p w a s t d o h e ; ; ^ * ^ ^Band.were given armusical treat. e » .» ® * o * ■ n [ r '̂ ' 2!qaiff«W Brb8n d - w h I p M o r l p g e , . a hiiinber bf W embers b I lh o !c o f t :^ te a : th e ,a p ie n c e , an ag- 24th and Bellevue, are leaving HollybUrn-Paclfic and Vahhoui - - , gregatlonL,;whieh in' accuracy of next week fw England, going by ver Ski Clubs p i d a sootelfvls^^ _____________ ,:playtog,. r ^ ^ and the; inter- . way of the P ® n ^ a Canal. Ust Sunday to .the ski club a t , ; ;v S ! S ^ i £ ^ S . ^ , »™. i . . . whole compared favorably, with Wednesday from .the North S tratton's Bakery have pur- the best o f " Canada's bands. Vancouver Geiiei'al Hospital and c h a s # a ha^^ new feM ' That the ir, "conductor, C. W. is convalescing a t the home of Chevrolet truck from the Mc- Delamont. .of the Kitsilano Bays her daughter, Mrs. E. T. Welsh, Millah-Hartness Motors Ltd. of Band; should ĥ ViB made such an Procter Avenue. ' North V ancouver.' itt^ rovem entih only two months *,. ♦ * - -i * si Order your HOT CROSS-. BUNS NOW Delivered Fresh Friday Morning f V ' Editor, ' ; , West Van News.. Re a Ratepayers' Association in West Vancouver^ 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 VlA Afj.. H r Z 4 ' Hollyburn th e a tre To the ratepayers of W est speaks voluxhes no t only for him Mw. R. Reed of Bowker Ave., The W est Vancouver Boys Vancouver as a r a te p W e i^ r - i^ M t- fw ^ ^ J ir b#^^^ prom inenf FRIDAY and SATURDAY . March 23rd and 24th iiVff to know why there and, as-li« hitnself said in his Mrs, L. McDougall, 17th and part in the Benefit Concert to be - • aqflociation in Marine Drive, has returned to given a t 9 p.m. next Sunday in,isno ratepayers a s s ^ a tw n in ^ fj,® Orpheum Theatre. jVest Vancouver?_I have bw n * • , , * , ̂ ♦ told that we have one,^but anb BoySi^Band.-: . > E. X Pearce has moved R. Bastick, 2523 King's Ave- don't recollect any m ;.;'Thle-lumbers put on by ,the fi^om The (Sables' .'at West B ay nue, has moved to New W est- thpnasttwo years. Now I have' assisting , artists-w ere also ex- mto a suite minster. 1 , , veTconfideLe in ' ̂ * S Council and I have no'Axe ■ were the recipients of the moat - * - • JACK OAKIB and BING CROSBY in "TOO MUCH HARMONY" ■V Mrs. G. W. Anderson of North MON., TUBS. & WEDNESDAY . March 26th, 27th' and 28th CLAUDETTE COLBERT meeting near future. selections from H.M.S. Pinafore, gagement of th e ir elder daugh- with .ah \ accompaniment from ^ te r , Hilda May, to Mrs. CharlesT?ntKviri' 'fVii c T" qIyciII Pfill 5J ' lYlî hAf'i ' ySiI sv flCCOIIipflllilllCIlv .vli *,.v vv* > .XXllQci Jŷ ŷp 470 1Y1TS« vJXl&x 16S . *cl6>L , ,X Ucoilc w L ihe nurn^e ̂ the band; West Vancouver Ifole Williani Hadfield; ' eldbr son of party at Hui Quintette W :'X arb 'oar^ ine Drive, 1ing a; ratepayers' association in ■^W r̂VaiTCOTver^ Mrs. Rqbei^ Weir entertained last Tuesday a t a delightful H unter's,, 24th and Mar in honor of the sev- in The TORCH SINGER ' T*'f: ',%I S' i\ ' h i h J jr I , tV;'-«L H. FOOTE. Mary; Bradshaw, selected read- • sted, Herefordsliirt,' England.' Sheila# The little gueste speht.a and-y-ilpixiudly^s^the-iE agle-al--.andJVIfa.JH[adfieIfL^Qf Berkham-r enth birthday of her daughter V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E A. C. SBARLB Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds " Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies CHURCHES OF GHmST. SCIENTIST ' r . and Barbiara Hall in comedy Wood, Caulfeild. ' in the main.dining room. Among V. songs and .dances, who fa ir ly / _ ♦ * the g i^sts were: Isabel and Bar- MATTER IS the subject of The West Vancouver. United bara Whitehead, Celinda Paish, the Lesson _ Sermon whi(^. will / , Mrs J , E, Durbin accompani- Church Choir are . presenting Marion and Baby Hall, Llewellyn be read in all Churches of C lm st eXth'e aiiists; ̂ ' / Maunder's sacred caihtata "Qlivet Peck, Master Roddy and Teddy Scientist, on Sunday, March:25. - - Reeve Leyland and Trustee to Calvary," a t 8 ;15T p;m r^urs- Peck and Sheila Weir. - Among the citations which R u s^ ll spoke briefly, and X E; day, th e 29th instahti in th e * ♦ ♦ comprise the Lesson rSermon Js Condon, the band's m anager,. United-Church.- - r. -- - Messrs. Broder and Callaghan the following from the * B ible:/w as-'called to the platform, and - * * - . . , came before the council to speak "Hearken^unto me,, my people; gave, a few details of what they The Vancouver '.parent Tea- to their letter re Neon sign at and give ear unto me, 0^myi,na- had been try ing to. do, empha- cheer Federation have launched the ferry wharf. l tion: for a law shall p roceed /siz ing ,'as did M r. Delamont, the a weekly b ro ad cast over Radio .They were Informed that, from me, and I will make ipy co-operation received a t all times Station, CJOR, on each„Wednes- there being no funds for such -judgment to rest to r a light of from^the school authorities. day morning from 10:16 a.m. to an undertaking a t the present the people." (Isaiah 51: 4 )., r ' In /the afternoon the band and 1Q:30 a.m. Program s, will be time, their proposal would he_ -- The Lesson-Serm on also 'in- ̂assistang-^rtists-gave a -conoer/ iaH phases.of the P aren t Teacher borne m mind should conditions, u i, dudes^the following -passage, t o - % school cbildran. , ' . __________ - "Thank,heav'en, I lived clean L k ,% c fe ^ e Sid h S S t th '7 '.The,cemetery board wrote the Musical niSibers will b i a i j l DEATH OF E. A. GARRARD - t h e y 've given me a harp,i' ^Key to the Scriptures" bycMary - council re alternative road and tu re of the pro^am m es. Rfllfov* Tr.î rTTr* , ̂ xxrQ'fAti arkwrilrHno* ovafg r̂n T*Hpa#» ' , 'V M i Vvii H/'l '^ -1 / ' ̂V ' VV i V ' t.V"* . w\r : r / '■'i A% k {>!*' A motorist had ju s t crashed- a telephone pole. Wire, pole and everything came down about his ears. They found him unconsci ous in the wreckage.- As they were untangling him. he reached out feebly, fingered the w ires; /f 'lT l 'I* % aXl \Jr I M ' s-r'Y f 4 Jl" If, Baker Eddy: "God never ord- w hter sprinkling system. These ' „ T, J / r Uarrard, 2879 Marine Bridget had been discharged, ained a. material law t o . annul": m atters were left to the en- , , D. McTavish and W. Blair of I>ive, passed away on Tuesday .-E x tra c tin g a $5 bill from her the spiritual law. . Jesus walk- . ;Rineer w ith power to act in col- the West Vancouver Horticul- a t Shaughnessy Military Hosp- wage roll, she threw it to Fido.--- ji • _ ' _rj-i- ii_/ ___4*iivo1 Qr»/»i/i'fTr ®̂/»oTYi£k .fMa-F/vî A X̂TiA 1TQI ̂YTl nia 54.̂ *n rt/i lOflVPQ ffiU > : X l 4 l Y l i S t / f O S S I _________„ ^ . ............................................ . ____________________ ______ ^0^ niaterial laws His*^^Cffi 'wiprJ "Sam, Ah je&' seen: a, alligator eat ̂ committee. . Mrs. E. E. Garrard, and one sis- helpin' me wash th 'd ish es .", W6. jxis acts .w ere - - ------- Y -̂---- ter, Mrs. W. Redfem, both of . WEST VAN. RANGERS Victoria. The funeral services The W^est Vancouver Rangers took place th is afternoon a t 2 will play a t 3 p.m. r^ext Satur- o'clock in the city. Rev. F. A. t i . t> } fc j ------------ ^Sm ______' .%>• the demonstratto^" orSM ence;nvorf.nrv,;« u-u Jfi V .- VUrii-uh! Shiy' nuff? ;You know, Ah overcoming the false claims, of- . thought sump'n been gittin' our chil- material sense or law/^ (p.'273)f.-. lun!?» . WEST VANCOUVER'DNITED GHURCO iCHOIR in Cantata 'O t t V E t m G A L K A R T in the United Church. THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, a t 8:15 P.M.. Collectipn in aid .'of th e Church Organ Fund.. • day a t Templeton ^Park in the ■ Ramsey officiating and were fol- second round of the Con Jones lowed by cremation. Cup. The following^ players are ? ' Magistrate: You've committed six burglaries in a week. Prisoner; That's right. If everyone 'worked as hard as I do we'd be on \the road to, prosperity. - ■ ti . . f a asked to turn out: T^afford, Johncox, Forrester,.; D'Easum, Cripps, B utt; M a s te ^ a n , Wed- ley, Grieve, McMillan, Cripps, Lennox, Stevens and G. 'Master- man. . . , 7 Realized iroid some diaearded (Sold Trinket is certainly \welcome^4diese4ay'8li/.f"i;?r?̂ X - i77.< Are you sure you; haven't awiie'OLD GOLD articles * , .long since useless; hxdden-'aWj^;)Mmewhere? b r in g .rTHeiW^^^ , BUY 'GOLD Gold Sinelting k Refininl Co. Death_o£-Mrs. RussdirrCblpitts, The death occurred last 'F>d,- " day in Vermilion, Alta., a fte r a , short illness of Mrs. Russell ► . : ^ ■; f . N /■* C ; i / - , ' ' c, r>'-̂ CANADIAN LEGION ^Military WhUt Drive and Danf;e iUmAY,7lMj9iSit Z 3rJ aiiAs7-5 Commencing-at-^ p.m. -2 '5C r -Refreshments % Colpitts, formerly a7resideht of W est. Vancouver afid.; a '; daugh-. 'v 'js t te r of Mr. and M rs;, X G. Tear, 12th and Inglewood/Avenue. She was in her 41st/ y ea r and leaves to mourn her Idite her hus band, one daughter; Mrs. Cliff Holland, and one son,7Stanfbrd, all residing in VemiKon; Mr.7 and Mrs. Tear left here on Sun day for the funeral, ;which took place this week in th a tp lace . L O O K Tbe Ideal S w ^ e c Wood ; $3 .00 U.5' 1 "■̂ 7 C C H ESlX R IIELlilW ^D .: YARD ;"7 ;7> " 7-" Phone N d ^ 7 i3 2 , '• i !VYr- ffe;- "' 5«; f , 'f : ' !*i, 'V-: , Af 'i:*"■*% 1<-I' ̂ I . '"tf' X ii "- ' I / / " # ; 'X h X % li' uJ i V , 7Ai^AX 1 f- Y r .'A A mil 'U SSm i