West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Mar 1934, p. 3

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IS. Î KI L S • > ; 1 |. r̂| Th«raiith«odd ■ W - d i i i a ^ Mrs. Georg'S Jefferson Camp the fern«A ■•.•ku.a.i MnaaAMfwAi«« lout' Cough around.^ «* n I ' ^ ...-s.̂ immmmLmjimkmmi., l ^ ^ P E i r ^ r » M l i l l I > . «l a. •* FRIDAY. MA«Cla i6 t ! i r 1934 ■ B.C.. RAfcio522^FCHBei:|^._... ■ drAWINC' T i c K e T 6 ; ' '^ 5 c '.. ' t i'< i-# ,) "W thSil̂ft i»tui;»< T V< f Avenue. • -•■ j '« S f fS _______________ ,& S '& J :STaift • • , • ^ - England and nmy not ■ return Mrs. Pidmer of MeiwJy B w , here for some time. formerly Mm . Sellera of Wad. • » » sley, is visiting in W est Van? Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Dent and couver. , , , & o v f d t o S S S ' ' ' ' " "'̂ ' Mr. and Mrs. John Nesbitt have moved to uapi^ano. Avenue, celebwjted K2"lffffi*.S'SHi iSl !!«nS«i>!fsSSS.». >» kii "--.jRa A A **The L li t l i t i i i i i t f ---------CeilttHfTSjrfWp^** Cemnili'j.Dng Store Tht StoM of BarvlM. flSf iw 140S Biarim Drlvt W«tt Sf Kmersene, Phone Woot Ufl (Aftor 10 p.m.) " ose It^LEW O O D BRANCH OF ST> STEPHEN-S.W,A. SALE OF . ! , * « , wbo.jOL,kindly remembered them kenzie.and .Mrs. M. McGlbbon, »" « « * 2932 Marine Drive, are leaving to spend a couple of months in. GUIDE NOTES The West - Vancouver .Girl Guides are holding their meet- AMBLESIDE home furnishing new -1586 Marine ; Phone W est 136 USED WE INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR STORE. l-t f FURNimRE West Van Florist CUT FLOWERS', bedding p l a n t s f u n e r a l -DESIGNS . j; POT PLANTS- ,r ' w. /> 18th and Marina , Phona West 3 0 5 CHURCHES OF C H R IST,, s c ie n t is t ' Miss'Margaret. McIntyre moy- M ed today from Appleton Court p®nt in s^ad of M y , into the Markham house a t S lst and Procter Avenue. S - r B ^ d g ^ i S d ' 5" prepar- ■ ' ; inc? for others. They are al6o Hollyburn School soccer team, preparing to take p a rt in ' the playing in ih e fotcr-School Sei- gection to take place in ies, defeated^ Pauline Johnson | j pageant of Guiding to School last week by 2-0., They ?„*the Arena on May , . also last Thursday played Grade g.,, jp ^h ich Guides from all ̂.Special-to^;!, scoreless d̂̂ ......parts of--Vancouver-..vWill.v.tftH.e ' " * ♦ * ■ __i uvA oalrnr] trt rG- Hollyburn Tbeatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY March 10th and ,17th, THELMA TODD and STANLEY LUPINO In You Made Me Love You MON., TUES. & WEDNESDAY March 19th, 20th and 2lBt, MAURICE CHEVALIER in The, WAY TO LOVE 4. ■ ifc' ■'ffii'Ws • ■ M t i S4 'V V i'H -------------- --. . ...-- .........parts ■ of -»Vancouvet-jvWiH ■f * „ * j ' ...lu part. Guides are asked to re- Misb Buddy . Hodgson, 24th member the hike ou.t to the *: >; .i ,i'k'iA ■* QPiFNTTI^siT ' Miss xJuddy nodgson, member the hike ou.t; lo biit . • , . and Marine Drive, is making lighthouse on Saturday, apd "SUBSTANCE" is the subject progress a t ,her studied In those attending to take the ip - *of -the 7fLe$soh.--~Sermon-wmch,-. London,' England. -Both .-she-and - o'clock bus to -West B a y . .. .. T,,,will,'be;;read in all Churches-df m other and Miss M. Jack ---- ---------- ------- ;:;f\ChriBt.J .̂v^ ̂ on;,Sunday,, jj^ve been under the weather " '/ ^ a r c f c j i s . with colds. ■ - wVmcihg' the citations which * , ♦ . ♦ +l-iv» T .ooorkTi _ So'P'iYift'n isi • i i i r * - . ^ H A / » T v » f - i r v / % ' Viafl l e g i o n n o t e s The- next general meeting o f '. « • . • • u ill 1% aI w. rt fcomprise the-Lesson - Sermon is ]y[igg M argaret McIntyre has the local branch will be held a t th e following from the Bible: opened a studio at 17th and g p.m . F rid ay next in the Legi- "Now fa ith is the substance of Marine D riv e above Hollyburn on Memorial Hall, and a large things hoped for, the evidence j^g^ Office fo r the convenience attendance of members is urged of things not. seen." (Hebrews i^er pupils residing east of in order to learn the day to day 11 : T ). oKfii .cifrPAt. arising oiit of the VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLB Phone Weat 9 Fertilizers of Ail Kinds Wood, C6al, . ■ ' I-"' ■ ■ ' ' i Builders' Supplies HJ ! - " '̂ 'u'1'*̂ ^ F A R O E l r S O N Concrete Contractors Cement Floors . Garden Walks , - Lily Pools - Gravel an d ,Cement ' .1474 Phone Marine Drive W est 84 . . 25th Street. developments arising out of the The Lesson - Seympn also ip- . , . ♦ *. * .. .. deliberations of the, delegates at ' • '"J 1'■ ' '■ ■ Ji 11 ' """"v^rt o'OQ'rv^ ........... ' ■ ' ' ■ ■ • • ' " ' " .-J-S ^ ■ ri4*eludes . the following passage ^ young people's party was the Domimori Convention a t Ot- ---fi!,ĉ plrJthe;̂ hrisrî '̂ -'̂ 9̂ ®?̂ "̂̂ '̂ ^̂ ^̂ ■̂̂ --̂h^?i~la"st""Friday"'evehing'^st--the-̂ --̂ tawa;: book, "Science and Health w th , - Bowmaii, 19th.and Ar; --^h™~lasi rTidayrevenmg-a.i'-wie^iawa;-------- 2nce and Health w th Bowman, 19th .and Arrangem ents are being made W aterfront, when a very enjoy- by Comrade H. Dayison, chair^ iy : Faith , if it^be-- «u i -wo ̂ spent, in games, ' m an of the education ^commit- K e y to the ^ W aterfront, wnen a very enjuy- uy. -v.vL/ixnrtuc x.... x .« .-- Baker. Eddy: Faith , able time w as spent, in games, ' man of the education commi^^ mere belief, is a pendulum dancing, etc. The in- tee, to stage a "Mock Trial with swinging between nothing and guests were th e Misses Gordon Robson as judge, to something, having no . ^ y . Qj^dys and Violet McNair, Mur-, be. held the Hal] .at 8 p.m.. Faith , advanced to spintual „ ,j Eleanor .Lennox, Teresa Thursday, March 22nd, and the understanding,, is th e evidence jr jg^jj Eleanor-Eager, Betty talent secured for same prom- gained -from Spirit, which re- Jane Beattie, Winnie ises to make it an bukes sin of every kind and est- Nora Bowmaii, Messrs. Rup- evening. Ladies of the W. A., ablishes the claims of God. °(p. , Harrison, Dick Bradley^ members, and their fainilics, Alex. S ie v e ', Dave Todden, are cordi^ly. - ipyited,.^^^^^ Stratton's BAKERY. ... ...... . --t:.', ■ '.. 'A :.' • "... ."T , . ' Bread, Cakes, P a s t i f e r Bamburies, Almond Varieties, Birthday, Christening, and Wedding Cakes 1468 Marine Drive Phone W est 27 . , V" K' '.rtCV' ■*!' V' ' V 'l!,) ,1'r? 23). LEGION W.A. ST. PA'BaiCK'S Old-Time Frolic and Masquerade SATURDAY, M ARCHlnth. ™ """IN LEGION HALL 8.30 to 12 ■ ' R e fr e sh m e n ts A d m iss io n 25c A negro mammy had four- Alex.- Grieve, JLiave are cuxuxrtjijr , ,7 ' ". boys who were so polite and welL- W ingett Irish, Ted Beard, Tom please bear in mind the time « T • TToT7-ixrat»rl̂ --.Tim anH dflf.fi. . ___ _ _____'WingeLL xixaxi, x p u X..V-M.1LV*, ~Lightly, Theo. Hayward)- Jim and date. Wfiir Jack Mercer, B ert Bow- - frfi«is man and Albert Kendrick. ̂ Mrs. Jackson: "Yo' lazy Nig-̂ behaved th a t they_excited, the interest~of" the mammy s-miST^ March 21st STARTS the A. C. PLUG DRIVE Enjoyable R ^ o Broadcast'every Wednesday a t 8.15~P.S.TT7-over-N.B.C .. _ . I /I _______J will Foil Vml ».h01lt J-iilJU J dDiw XVdvllV/ JL̂* vdV4w»0 V v wi. jr '**7 '*o" , New Car Given Away every week. Come inland we will tell you about it (Shell) W E S T V A N m o t o r s (Shell) 1451 Marine b r . 4 BILL GROUT W E S T 2 6 8 Is your Registered A. C. Plug S tation • _«. ' * - ̂ We have a.complete stock on hand of TUMBLER PRODUCTS ' For the: Protection of Your Car's Finish. Firestone ^ IR E S Good Year ...... ____ . xTxxij, - said thc mistrcss * * * - " ger! S'pose I -was took sick an _ ^«bow'did"'^Uu manage A high school basketball tour-^ ; coirldn't dp washings, how would boys so well?" na raent w a^staged k s t F nday you " "'® V . « au never "Ah'll tell you. missus," re- S i ^ ^ T L v a S 'd e f e a t e ^ ^ ^ ^ th " gh t oh d a V honey. ■ Ah'U S Furniture by, 21, to 15, th is hustle 'round tomorrow and git boys with ^ b ^ e l and Aft beinff one of the lowest scores to some health insurance' on you. raised em freque ._______ • . . which the la tter team has been --:----------- ----------------- -- -- held this season. In the other games-the-WestJ^ancou^r High School girls beat the North Van- ebuver H^h^girls, buL the legal high school boys lost to the N orth Vancouver High Schwl team.- In a third game, th a t be­ tween the high'school juniors and the high, school staff, the teachers were victorious. A deer came into the garden of Colonel K. W. Savory's resi­ dence a t 27th and Ottawa Ave­ nue last Friday, afterwards proi^eeding down the hill towards Marine Drive. ̂ ^ i_- 1- w . M A S O P E N E D A S T U D IO ̂ 'v w -i. ■" « • ' : at llth and Marine [over Hollyburn Post Office) tor the con venience of pupils living East oj 25th St. For furthe'r information Phone West 188L •'i-'HN, ' M ' ̂' t' a -T'-O L-No.- 2990 w ill hold-their XJ*̂ **̂ * ̂ i r» __ »rHC*lll I V/ w*l? wwifc* ^ GoldrSmelting & Refining fe. ~ ' " The House of-Courtesy'̂ 600 Robson S tte e T ^ -" T rin ity 3588 . ' ) y '- m n u in n i l im n i l in d regular m eeting-^^TT-m - Timsday the Orange Hall,-^wiesurty--^^----.^^^^ will r" c o n fS re d on two candidates. * Jc ♦ ■ . TTr W H. V askRadcliff Ave- BU? Who has beei^very serious- ill is now impj-ovmg^ rapidly, ^ e is being nursed by his sister- in-law, Mrs.. Flora Hill.. IlBriihch Storc-17th and Marine Drive (next te Telephone Office) Phone West 214 _______ A F E W O F O U R S P E C IA L S ,3 Piece Tapestry Chesterfield Suite . Mrs. '5 ' ' ^ ^ " ' w f J 14th 'S treet, n l T&'qie Logan, have left for Los Angeles, and other points, where they expect to spend a moiffh. . A N NO U N CEM EN T HEWETI'S HOME FORNISHINGS & AUCTIONEERS V" ' '5' * ' m - " I t f i • - its ' ,, $"79:50- 145.00 137.50 79.50 $9.50 each 29.50 14.95 3 'Piece Tapestry i./nesieriieiu ou«w ........... 3 Piece Heavy Built T apestir Ch^terfield S u i te ................. Restmore Mohair Chesterfield buite ..... ......................... . T w iifB ^ ^ ^ b ie^ S p rin K S , Spring-fiTw Mattresses.,........... 6 Piece Ivory Breakfast Suites ...... ......................... -........... 5 Picce^Nook Set ........... ................. . .......;.......;.... ................. A Full Line of Beddiiiff and Wteker Furniture always on hand. Term s or Trade-Ins can be arrangea. _ 3„a t , . H u^oni Bay Co. for many years, will he m charge. i V> -I'fe)" r-. •1*1 ^5