PA V g AHPEESOHt Wfiiti Vimcowvoi* ~ '^ T » B SKS8r W S ^ ^ ... . . 5 t 1; Headlines fo r , [ X b e ^ H d s t . a z ^ H ^ m d i . Brinir in your Eftitor Hat ftnd J«i us ctmU « stylo MulU*)l«, For tho '̂Dsche Hslo*' we sug* gest the coiffure details broutcnt to the fsce< The feathered beret* demands duster curls. The most stuhnintf heir style is feature<l for the new swash* bucklinK buccaneer hst, where i)ert bsnits are swunidr on the eft of the forehead to comple* ment the dashini; uiiward sweep of the pirate brimlme. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe HOLLYBURN HALL ' |l4lh>A ilncliMi jphiDAy, Slarch 16 at 7:80 p.m. Vounir People's Lantern Serrlce 1546 Marine Drive For appointments PUONE iWEBT 117 SiJNDAy KVENING, Mar. 18th at 7:80 MK. H. MOHRrSON, t Hubjeclt •'Art* You Prepared" lU'KSDAy, Mur. 20, ai 8 p.m. An address MU. JOHN WALLACE .Subject:* "Three Doors in Revelation" .Sunday School 10 a.m. ..... 2001 and BfciuiwsJt, Hollyburo This 8<ilety i« a Branch of tile. Mother Church . . . ^ H r » t 'Cbu«h of Christ, Hdentlst. in Boston, " Mtiwachtisettf Sunday Service: 11:80 a.ia. Sunday, Marcli 18, 1934. Subjeet: "SUBS'rA.VCK" . Sunday Shhoo! at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Medina Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. ST. ANTHON Y'S CHURCH PRICES \fFECTIVE FRIDAY AHWOOR &.SATUB0AY. NASCH 16 4c ly COHN-~.Aylffler, tthiUs No. 2 fof tv* ( OBN--A> liner, (ialdrn BanUutt, No, 2 tin.................... 2 fo/i9e l*E.\S--Aylmer, No. 2 tin, ^eve T.....2 for 2Se I'KAS--Orchard City, No, 2̂ tin, Sievê 6̂...,.....,.M...«yi..,„.„.,„„ 3 for 25e T()>;ATOKS--Aylhier, N̂o. W i tfna 2 for 17c l OMA'rO JL'ICE^Libbv'H plcnle tin (limit each Sc 1'INEAriT,K--Singapore sliced 2 for 15c tJA y im er, Tomato A Clreett P e a 2 for̂ 13c (TIEBltlES--Aylmer, Bed Pitted, No. 2 aq. tln....^...........2 for 25c PEACHES--Boadla ............ 2 for 25c BASI'IIEUKIES--Brentwood, No. 2 aq. tin............ ......... 2 for 25c COI-TEFi--Blue Hihbon, lb. tin............. - ...... ........ .......... each 33c O.WDOL--Large package »................................. each 17c UNITED CHURCH 8:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m,- W ESf VAN UNITED CHUltCII Rov, llillis WriRht, Minister Sunday Services 11:15 a.m., 7:15 p.m. Sunday School and Biblo Claas . 10 o.m., StrunRors & Vlaltora Welcomo, N(*-xt Habbath three new hyni/iH will be UHcd at the morn ing: Horvice in "WoHt Vancouver United Church. These :hymns were written by George King ston of Toronto, brother of Mrs. Hilli.s W right of West Vancou- Sunday -Holy - Ser- ■ moTP -Holy Ma,ss -- Ser- .mon. 2:15 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 ;80 p.m;--Devotions. Week Days 8 :00 a.m.--Holy Mass, 7:80 p.m., l^iday--Dovoiion.s, Confessions of Children. • 7:30 p.m., Saturday •-- Confes- ̂ sionsi We reserve the right to limit quahtllles sAfiway stores limited DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT WASTE DR. G. D. H. SjHALE DENTIST Hay Block, 14lh and Marino Dr. OlDco Houra 0 to 6 p.m. Evaninga by appointment. Phone Waat 72____ , Philip C. Chapman General Insurance' Agent ' Flrie, Automobile, Burglary, Accident and Slckneas, etc. 2557 King's Ave. Phone W. 42Y8 PHOTO SUPPLIES Ko(lak_,and Agfa FILMS Printing and Enlarging^ ; by Crystal Finish LuK a Rbleside pharmacy W. L.-KER, Prop__ , • 1401 Marine Drive ' ■ • Phone tl^est 323 FREE DELIVERY ' ................ . ...... ....:-- Death of Mi^s C. M. Mulcahy -- --XMBEESIPE SHEET METAL WORKS L. SPECK S. CRdSiSON Proprietors If w h«v* WOMEMI rutfiHvt for PR. tadihlng po<r. bet an OOMMENDElb AMD Hr tudf a oanton. no racatpiiMprioa.idnum. ImcaODUBtKSCBa^llBMBDT 00 M Vktoain 8t. 'Eetabliahed^on North Shore 20 Yenra. , _ ,1 -------- (Lady . Assistant) HARRON BROS. & , WILLIAMSON IFuitgcal S t r e c t a r s North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phono Nortii-184------ Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair, 134 C. J . Overington PIONEER BARBER Expert Work 14th and Marino Phone West 135 THE W e s t y a n N e w s -Published Every-Thuraday_____ ver. _ ---- T----------- ' regular monthly mcTetling' FRANCIS ULFpiI.T) ' oT Die W. M. Society will be held PASSES-AWAY IN ENGLAND in,,Die Church Hall next Tues- -- ----- (lay at '2;15 p.m. Mrs. Steele Francis W; Cauireild, thQ or- will .Hpeak~on-4he-ncxt^Chapter-™iginal-owner~of"Gaulfeild-,AandT-^ of tlie Study Book and Mrs. B. after whom, that .sedioirof the K. Ilarrisoii will give a talk on municipality is named, passed 'China." All members and away last week in his 94th year friends are invited. according to cabled advices re- - - ------- . ceived here. He was only pre- An event anticipated with deceased by hi.s wife by a few , great interest is the' annual (lays. The deceased was a i^al 'Daffodil Tea' to bo held,in the pioneer, purchasing Caulfeild in cahy, sister United Church hall, by the. the nineties after being struck Rathie 1311 Women's Association on the aft- with its beauty and cliarm while „q«apr/ nwnxr eniooii of-\\|'edne.sday, inst., rowing alo^ng Die shore in a Th(' general*'coiiverier is Mrs. A; rowboat. He was of a very gen- Cromar Bruc(?; who-has 3ecured,__erQU3jdispnsiD herame a____ ______ __________ ___ ___________ _ , .. .__________________ n.s speaker, Mrs. W. A.. Clark, of true benefactor to the munici- sided with her sister here for Vib|et A. Maddison wrote to th(C Pioneers. Association. Her', pality, presenting it-with two -.qpveral- vears Shp leaves ' the council, offering to purchase addrass will, be "Looking Back- parks and a long strelch of wat- ® ^ Lot 42, .Block'SI, D.L. 430. % ward and forw ard m Canada, erfront .besides donating the i was advised th a t the council was 'rhe hall will be tastetiilly decor- land on which St. , brother, Arthur P. Mulcahy willipg to sell the lot for half ated with daffocfils and other Woods Churcli now stands. of Point Tbpper, Nova Scotia, the assessed value, i.e., $202.50, Passionately fond of trees, he celebrated at subject to. the usual terms goy- developed his property alon.g ® b y Rev. erning .of Tax Sale Lands .picturesque Old Country lines, ̂ W. Millay, at 10 a.m. and. providing th a t the munici- and w as an accomp]lshe(i dassie; '^ ^ \ ^®®"^y'-̂ ^̂ ^®̂ T̂ ®̂ t being pality was not obligated to'any .scholar, having gi-aduated from ^̂ 59® ^̂ UapilMio yi€ŵ ^̂ Ĉ ' expendituTe in regard to access, Miss Catherine 'Mildred ,Mul- of MrSi E. A. 1315 Gordon Avenue, passed, away last Saturday in Vancouver. The deceased was in her 46th vear.i and formerly re- K .W . S a v o r y 1443 , Marine Drive Ambleside Phonie West 340 Eyenitigs, West 143 „,, -- listiiigSTWanted - Real Estate< ' ' 4 t Finance and .spring blossoms and an attrac- •W.und ww 7 tJve program, has been arranged by Miss M. Frame, tho^o taking part beiiifc Mrs. J. D. Donovan, soprmio; Miss MacJge Farmer, contralto L_Mrs. L. C. Reid, vio linist; Miss Hattie Young, read er ; Mrs. G. Alexander and Miss Frame piano duet. Tlie guests will be received by the presi dent, Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell, and asked to preside at the urns are Mrs. J. B. Leyland, Mrs. llillis Wright, Mrs. Gordon Robson and Mrs, G .JI. Bain; Homecook ing will be directed by Mrs. J. MpntcriefF, and sale of work by Mrs, Dewar. BAPTIST CHURCH -Scrv-ices 9:45 a.m .'-^unday School. lOiOO a.m,--A(iu|t Bible Class, 11:00 a.ra.--^Rev. H. P. Hump- reys, 7 :30 p.m.--Rev. H. P. Humph reys. 8:00 p.m,, Monday--B.Y.P.U, 8:00 p.m., Wednesday-T-Prayer and. praise, 8:00 p.m„ Thursday -- Choir Practice 8:00, Friday--Junior C.G. Oxford with high honors. When he last came here in 1026.he was the recipient of an illuminated address from • the municipality ip.recognition of all . he had done for West Vancou ver. - ■ He is survived by his son,' Vice-Admind F. W. Caulfeild (Retired), who Had a 'dlstni- 'giiished career in- the Royal ■"Navy, and who visited here a few years ago, and by one daughter, Mrs. Basil Williams, wife of a former, professor ._of_ JMcGill, and now of Edinburgh University. , . A civic memorial service will be'held at 3 p.m. next Sunday in St. Francis Church, when Arch bishop de Pencier will be the preacher. ery. roads, etc. §.mv:t . The following is the copy^of a telegram sent by Reeve Leyland to Admiral Caulfeild: March 10th, 1934. To Admiral Wade Caulfeild, Hookland, Midhurst, Sussex, England. ' u a s ^ ™ : _ M a e s ; ; r a i f ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH in ih e sh a d e ̂ I i'f-l 'E c / ."' . Publl«hec_^ F. P. LOVEGRbVE Phone West 363 Baainess and Bdilorial Office: 17th and Marine Drive (Next to Hollyburn P. 0.) Phone WesHI63 Mall Addresa:^ P. O. Box 61, HoHybum,- B.C. Nwth Vancouver Office: 123 Igonsdaie Ave. North Vancouv^. ' " t iv ' t ^ f 7:16 p.m.--Ck)nfirmation by His K S l m J f ^ ® Grace the Archbishop. t » . Thijrsday. 8-p.m.--Evensong and . J . B. LEYLAND. Auxiliary Sunday School 11th and Iiaglewood 11:00 a.ra.^-^unday School. St. Francis-in-the-Woods, - Caulfeild 3:00 p.m; -- Memorial Sendee » fo r the late F. W. Caul- -- ThevPi«acher will ̂People who can?t stand adver- , be His Grace the Arch- sity would simply, be ruined bv bishop,! prosperity. ^ as ; on CARD OF THANKS , Lawson Chapter, LQ.D.L., wish to thank all those whb in any way, assisted the Chapter m their year's work, HELEN R. HAYES, ___ ' _______ ' . Regent Normal summer "of irT o o limes as that produced by a lOO-watt'lanip a book three feet away. You can't hjiye too much light. . . it merel^ neids to be shaded and diffused. : . __-- , '■'.'r.-Tir'isi- - _ '_