i i I ^ .- - - <,̂ -'- , •, 'uf>|| etisitsiieci boot® S A V E H O N E ir-F riiltir J Sat , M arch 0 and 10 -- - ^ ■ a s W T ' ■f" r XfV-f t ,1-9̂ ' i >. «Vf^. î- ̂ f. ^ . l 5 t e a a J t e i f e tS B K W nNG BUSH ~ J tp i* « a w ■ im the other day, th it *»- of it coBteliieil «ome RED A»nOW 80DAH la r f t pkf. It« , iiinalf p««itag«i AUNT MAItY'8 TEA, per lb..... JMk KELM>OG'8 A tU HItAN, per pkl 18c KEtUlGG'B COHN FUAKEg 2 pkg«, 1 Jc FIGB--Smyrna, Fre*h.«l. 2 lb«.,18« PATBSi Stir 2 •««. IIEANS, Swaib WhlUf ' 2 Um. «C B U G A It-Idng ................. 2J b t . YeUow ......... ......... ......... 2 Iba. lOc TOMATOFJ#, GItBBN MEANS, COHN or ....................................fl« »« Aylmer FtUMS, Greengage Tall 1« o*. Una............ .. .2 for 18c Nabob HTHAWHEHKV JAM -- ^ 4 Mil' till .......................'■/■.....l»2c Ked & White COCOA, »/i lb tin 16e Had & While (MIOCOCA'l'K, Premium Making, unaweetened, '/i lb. cake 18c Med & White FU)OR WAX, I Ib. tin ................................ . 37c Phone W e«t 370 englo eollce 5 ! l MIM MOAST from PRIME BEEF per lb. ................... .......................... PMI.MB I W ItOABT........ per lb. 12c AYKHIIIUB MACON............per Ib. 25c SWIFT'S BACK MACON, My the piece - ............... per Ib. 28c MOItING FOWL ...per lb. 20c "U?A oFa ^ g ie hoalth and adu- cational system, comes to a steide public works administration the case s dif ferent. Every municipality knows its own needs much oe^ ter than could any central auth ority in VictoHa,.fOi^"t9 hand all Government Inspected Only 1 Store a t H oliyhatri, 3 : gr./....."* • ... -- niilifie* works in S* '0. 'over to MitKADBD FORK SAUSAGE, Ib. 18c P . central authority could MEKF SAUSAGE...............per, lb. 11c rcsult in a xreat deal of IIAUOIE FILLETS per lb. 16c of action in many munici- FINNAN IIADDIE............per lb, 16c Arabia cod fish 2 ib. bo* 4oc MROOK FI ELI) SPREADING CJIEESe ......................... Fj Ib. 13e SWIFT'S PURE LARD....per lb. 16c dissatisfaction in many mumci- palltleB. So fa r as hi» contention is concerned,, that the lyictoria Government rouse all Canada to the need of a national systeni of banking and currency, they l u m b e r and all Building Material of B U l h P N O W ! W EST VANCOUVER LUM BER C O . W D . lie Res. Phone West 868L Phone WdBt 115 „ „ ,„ e ' „ /♦Right Service --- Right Grades WEBT VANCOUVER UNEMPLOYED ASSN. ............. ............... uailiViliK r---., CiiEESF.~OiitarI»--Mild, per lb. 23c not rouse all Canada more ciiEEHii--Matured ......fidr lb. .33c,,. fjjan, jit is already roused. And, -------- ------------------------------- there is quite a difference of DUNDAKAVE LADIESt-- 1 . - : ^ opinion In Canada over the benc- CHOm IN FINE CONCERT f/ts or otherwise of a national c l a s s i f i e d a d s .... . . . . r i...ie « l AdTwiUMment. i . 2 cant, per wni^, ^Inimnm 25 e«u^™ ^eept b.vto* repuUr . . . . . a t . , .U in t h /w S t Vm N ew , get ImmedUU rwiiilte. The next regular meeting of the above Aasoclation will bo hold in Pauline Johnson School .̂....... _ Annex, 22nd and IngloWOod, a t * appreciative audience; The 8 p.m. on Thureday, March 8th. 8™,m w"^ v "ried an_d Matters of importance will be undojr diflcuBsipn, including re ports of delegates to .Victoria, " North Shore Fcderation~of-Un employed Associations, Ways & Means Committee, etc. There will also be an Executive meet^ ing a t 7:15 p.m. prior to the general meeting. Members are requested to.at tend this meeting in order to understand and take their part in present devolop- mpnts and discuss them intelli- '"gmitly. . - . u r s > £ = " s ? . V • ; = r " 4 w £ s ,." " S E f f t f o 'S ;Oranite llnll btfpre a la jp a wa HQUBe.,.WP.uId be ataosVeer- , . tain to resent anything that WEBFS looked like interference with their pnvileges from any prov ince, more especially from one which has Asked for monetai^ SHANNON'S T A X I-Phone North BO PROFICIENT P R ^ fC H TEACHER n lS itt^ v Ic e . Anibleside to, ' --W ish esp u p ils, juveniles or adults,^ North Vancouver General Hospital, ̂ reasonable rates. ;PheneJWeBt ̂63L1 $1.25. ___________ ----- and the choir was ably assisted by Mrs. Charles Donohoe, a pop ular ex-member of the choir, and the-West -Vancouver-Male-Quar SHOE REPAIRS BBS'jF -- Dundarave. WEAR FOR SALE a-- W estinghouse Electric ... Stove, high.oven..nearly,.new. Phone West 201L. . • ' . WANTED---By Higlv-School Studei^; Home and board m return for light 'services. Phone West ooOY. LO^T ^ Black Driving Dloyea_on Drive between, 24th • and 14th pts. Phone West 444; SENIOR HIGH SCHQOI K J V i I S X f "r l i M I Si&xz?srsi.i!S» Tho Wcat Vancouver Male Quar- *̂ T?iere*" hould HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave, tettc proved themselves to .be " S ; r i n e ^ "n such M conUnuea. See vundows for wortliy of the good reputation P"* - they, already have and sang important m attei. their numbers delightfully. The f * n n f n f n V R I T l o f . R FERRY TALES Are Good and Some of them "fresh, but the Stock of popular Cigarettes, Cigars and To baccos are always ; fresh at the "Ambleside Tea Rooms. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage for sale. John Lawson^ ■ 17th and Marine; Phone West 65. oaie cuijuuuca. KJVC bargains. Everything reduced. PRINTING - - For aU kinds of printing phone West Van News, West 363., ♦ j* .imoers aeiigniiuuy. - -------a cantata ."King Eene's " ^ IH,SCHOOL n.niVyV,tnr'»'wWrWp^rtm^ ̂ «ntly appeared in the. press CL-ASS-LEADERS--J^'J^f^^^^^^ :^^^^ 'V rog^ Divi.sion I. Grade XII--1, Laurence Le- feaux; 2, Robert Prebble; 3, Tom Grieve. Grade XI.--1, Wendell Hayes; 2, Geraldine Johnson ; 3;"Gordon Harr. Division II. Grade X.--1, KUoen Small wood; 2, John Bradley; 3, Ruth Williams. ™ r?i!lf?i™ *bv tK o T r 'th» thPtjrpaSrby establishing lega: d S eafaeclanv India, and Abyssinia andsoloists doing especial y . g ^ , rountrics where the color- SALESMAN WANTED -- Resident - W est -Vancouver.-Good proposition. , Bond required. Apply G. S. Barker, Mgr. Singer Sewing Machine r C o.j' ~"742~Grdnvill^St:^Vane6UV"ei:; ^ LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED with special machine; all makes. West Vancouver " Machine' "Shop, "1449 Marine Drive. • ' " work. Mrs. J. E. Durbin acted n.s accompanist and also played a duet with Carolyne Marsh, which was much enjoyed. other, countries where the color ed man predominates and by other means was endeavoring to constitute herself as the leader He th a t riseth late must tro t all day and shall scarce overtake ' his business a t night. RADIO TECHNICIAN -- Your Radio troubles given prompt expert at- 1 tendon--aerials, tubes. Tom Brown West 266R. THE W ELFARE ASSOCIATION re quires discarded clothing. Phone West 37 and truck will'collect. "Will turpentine remove g ^ n paint from the seat of a pair of white duck pants?" ' Yes, but be sure you take the pants off first." of the^.-colored p e o p le s 'a g a in s t- ju s t-w h a t .- th e ^ W; CARLET Buys aad sell, (ufnitirV, the white man. Side b y side outi o f o u r civilization and laugh . paints, oils, glass, etc, French ---■! with this is the fact that Jap- a t the rest as the immature anese goods are forcing the ideas and actions of a younger white, man's goods out of the civilization lacking in\ wisdom, world's markets. It is simply a And naturally the present mess case, of pnee, in_ which Japan-- in .west^n. ci_vilization_confirm.s has the advantage by reason of this opinion. The only other sol- the low standard of living among ution is a boycott of Japanese her people as compared with goods, which-in_yievv of jra j^ ii's. Polishing. Phone W est 71Y. MARCELLE SHO PPE -- Thermique Permanent Wave vnthout danger of J burning. MarceT 50c; reset 35g; ._Finger W ave-50c.-iPhone Mrs. King- West 304, 1520 Marine. ours. It is a m atter of either inducing the Jap to raise his standards to ours or of our present necessity to dispose tof them would certainly mean war. FIRST-CLASS SHOE R E PA IR IN G - __ 14th_.at .-Eerry.__Best-material __ and workmanship. ' ■ v X l %<■*** ■ ■ vVA/LCa.VA. ■ V w i* . l lA ^ C v X J I, "':Y.f C4X • ' e - i ^ v x " ' i - x * ' ' ' ' ■ • ,-v ■;v:. As a m atter of fact the solving R^iU RS -- Res- " idence Phone W est 241R.coming down to his. The latter of the above questions is far solution is unthinkable as well more urgent to the world than as impossible, while unfortun- just what kind of economic or, ately for the former, the Ori- " political system should be adop- ental peoples have already taken,,, ted. ' Sale of Ranges Y o u r w o r k s h o p , t h e k i t c h e n , s h o u l d b e . b r i g h t l y l i g h t e d , j u s t f o a v o i d _ ---- - f, > ̂ t , jriSucil- corner with light from a l50-watt , - _ - . V ' l a m p i n a d i f f u s i n g g l o b e . Y o u 'll s a v e in f o o d , d i s h e s a n d t e m p e r . Beautiful 32-Piece Handpaiht- ed China Breakfast S et; given absolutely free with the pur chase of a new range. See this beautiful cream enamel range -- wonderful economy and baking quality, Only ®38oq ' Plds-yotir**dld' range ' Term s; $5 per months This Wonderful Bargain for three days only Thur.*, Friday, Saturday Telephone our North Vancouver Store and a repre sentative will gladly call. 66 Lonsdale LTD. N . 525 C. GEMMILL , Agent for Radio Department in 1 West Vancouver . GORDON RdBSON Barrister -- Solicitor ' WEST VANCOUVERr-- ' Office No. 1447, Marine Drive .Phone W est 403. , .1D to 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 501: 510 H astings St. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. 2 to 5. G E » . H A Y Notary Public Real Estate & Insurance Listtngs W anted 1405 Marine Drive Phone W est 21 or Seymour 1260 Evenings W m t 204X The couneiji received letters from the Canadian Merchant .S e rv i^ Guild-.and"^tfte=-National. Association of Marine Engineers re ferry agreem ent 1934 and 1935. The m atte r was referred to the chairman of the transpor tation and committee to negoti ate renewal of th e agreements on the sam e basis as last year. , Jit. ^1. • J, HW / ; 5* I ̂ ' f \ ., „ Geo. .Woodl and ' Thos. Greer wrote the council r ^ holes on Fulton Avenue w est: of bridge and up 19th to" (Jordon Avenue, also the cu tting of brush on 19th Street? The work -was ordered done. "l - .S, + •* ,_>t"iiH '̂1 ̂ "V_r r-T - "-T- I ^ B i l