-. I ,'<■?> 'fl 1̂5 C /<• .j , t . ̂jT ̂ ' i G BIJ8H that iht Iwf^ I ̂,1 »-•««•« Ai -1 f," , J e f e M E S 5 .lHMrfty'̂ te-"4h®'- M ^kbam hjw Government I » « t f'-' .»*;,/ ^f.'l t ' I , . ■ V ^ P r k e i G o o d M a r d i ^ Z o d t o M a r e l i 8 t l i ^ u S r « b ^ ^^ r n c e i u o q b d i w c b f o o w b i w s b « « » w m . would h»ve ^weiipeiyww'iw « . «»P* O t 0 € € t i € § ?i! *1 ,*i*-**» )).J?K»«* 8W##."l'. » sotrr,'iHw liUiui *!#•##•##•'»<»**#*w#*i*i*#»*#»f-#'******w*̂^̂*'** WwwA«fj VieOBTABleB SOUPe per Mu....... »« M A WhllA W W A fO m 2 tteo % 1 tiAo..:......70ci 12 tiiia \ IIJ»- • R«d A WbtU GttBKN BEANS,; No. 2 lino..., .-• tin 13c{ 3 tino 25e» GOLDEN COHN. Blue A W h lte^ No. 2 tiM ..... .... tin 12c; 3 Um 85« WHITE COHN, I«uo A White Oil « • a« * 4-14 « . W#*« « * * « l ie ; 3 Wiii 22c ItwIA.WIiltoPBAS. No, 2tliw r Sio¥0 4 ......... Uii lie ; 3 Uno 38e MAttMALADB^yMorroy'*. ' * - *"40 o«.' fir* '330.» Rod A WhItiJ PEANUT BUTTER Frooh mode 2 lb. Uam 20c Red A White WHOLE CLAMS Toll tino 4»n»»**r >*a ft***.** **•,•**■»» •>*t*»'»*0**» ;' C* i" Red A WhIto SALMON, Flat* 2 tine....... 35e; toll tino....... 34c Phone West 370 and, because aei^e have not the art to paint nature as she there is all the more reason why PRIME RIBS OF bbeE, per Ib. I4« we should Bot have our eyes in- PHIMB POT B O A S T per lb. I2« suited with their futuristic mon>^ AYJIHIIIRE BACON, Sliced,,.,, lb 23c strosItiM Under which they SW ^^^^ BACON, P, Ib. pkt 15c to 'camouflage their utter inabU- BURNS' IIRBADEI) SAUSAGE & JStr^hifH L A ^r^^w o^k Ĉ OuTdper lb, .. ,a*«#t.**#an(»***e«»*¥»*»i**M**«****M*Me*e jworiCî c ^,««r« ,,**,««« «*•*•*>*« •«ee*« BOILING FOWL, iS'reah Killed, lb 20c O^SVin'S PURE LARD, per Ib. I5e CHEESE Mild, per Ib 20c CIIEF'HE Old OnUrlo, per Ib....... 33c BUTTER, Golden M«adoir..2 Ibo. 60C BU'JTER. Mald-n Vale,... 2 Ibo. 55c ACADIA COD ..; ..;..;.;....2 Ib. bo* 404 IIADIHE FILLETS, per Ib.......... 16c FINNAN IIADDIE per Ib.......... I6c KIPPERS .......................... 2 Ibo. 25c DILLS ....................................4 .for. 10c WEST VAN. UNITED F.C. The West Bay grpup met a t the Black Cat Tea Rooms, the Alta- iiV': By defeating Renfrew Sham -« mont group a t the home of Mr. rocks 3 to 2 a t Powell St. grounds ami Mrs. Milton Cunningham, last Saturday United have ent- and Dundarave group a t the ored the riialnlnnd final for the home of Mr. and Mrs, F. Le- Provincial Championship (0 . B, feaux.. Tonight a Hollyburn • ' ®4 j _ _ -- _ . . tunes we have to dance to nowa- even i^ in t a board fence decent ly* , The futuristic poets are in the same class. There is neither sense nor rhythm in any pf their efforts, which would not make decent proser leave alone poetry. Real poetry is made up of great thoughts conveyed in simple words, not a splurge of six syl labled words not in the diction ary which, viewed in cold blood, only, make it plain that the writer ought to be in Essondale. And none of the futurists have ever heard of scanning. In music we have jazz, which was bom in the West African jungles. Any decent nigger would.revolt at,some of the jazz L U and all Building Maierlal of M ^ B U IL D W E S T V A N C O U V E R L 0 B . B E R C O ; t W Phone West 115 Res. Phone cWMt 368L 15th and Marine "Right Service -- Right Grader* . ■WMnimifiiP r«s-fe«©̂V e I F I E D A D S The rate for ClaaBifled AllMi;tJiieB«nta la 2 eenU per w w d, minimum 25 e«itJ TS^cept in the caae o f l S e h iv in f re fu in r neeountn, aU dnaal. " -♦v.ii.fW In adranee.' 1 - °"*^*RimeK*r%ia*aaVai!i in t h ^ w S Van News fe t Immedltato rsaulta. SHANNON'S TAXI-Phone North 50 WANTED - - Girl for m ^ help ® Davor niSit service. Ambleside to by day. Phone West 467L, irfomingB North Vancouver General Hospital, o»ly« ^ $ 1 . 2 5 . ^ - ■, ' ' ' ".. WEBB'S BEST SHOE REPAIRS - Dundarave. ' -- RESPONSIBLE PARTY would rent WEAR small furnished or At-tha'rcat parlod Shamrock, home of Mr, and Mrs. P r^ Had-, 5"" f C " LANDSCAPE g a r d b n i n g - U w» , "pileTPh»* wS s s " woro leading 1 top but tK local win. 1470 B y w o o d _ . ^ t h ^ t o ^ m d?ummfng ------------ jungle ancestors. But we have ___ ____ _________ Haywood . Avenue boys were not to be denied Apd' 15th) at 8 pjm Ahe.secQnd_PfiriiKlJbajdmly-BtMt-' ed when B rO avie, acored on penalty kick. A few minutes later Fiddes pu t ih the second welcome. and to make sure the game was theirs Blackburn scored the WEST VANCOUVER third. The last goal was a hard drive which left the goal-keeper without a chance to sav^ it. Shamrocks scored their second UNEMPLOYED ASSN. Tonight the Hard Time.s dance of the West Vancouver Unem- The above is a great load off my chest. Am now feeling "al ways merry and, bright", and all that kind of thing. I hope I see Caddy, as he has now honored the waters near Vancouver with his presence. I Rockeries, Walls. Fences, Septic Tanks, Land Clearing, Chimneys cleaned and repaired; Cement Work "Day~or~contract;-Excavating.-Ehone- T. Barnott. -West 290R.__________ HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave, Everything reduced! Sale commenc- „ ing, March 1st to 10 th ..,,,______ I,OST--Gold W rist Watch and Brac<^ let, between the ferry and 17th and Esquimait. Reward. Phone West 2.36R;- WANTED--Small piano -in> good con dition, cheap for'€«Bh.;iPhone even- ings. West 879L2. • WEST VANCOUVER PROPERTIES For Sale and Wanted. C. J. Archer FOR RENT -- Cottage, full plumb- - ing, fireplace, furnace, phone West . 128L. goal in a last effort towarda the ployed Association wiii be held V an^uver wJth his presence, i end of the game. in the Legion Hall, beginning at don't-w a n t to be too close to. m _ . , . • Vi irW' Vi/MirAlTdnvi AVI I'l n 1«Mr nrir Ltd., 1415 .Marine, Drive. West 225, Seymour 5954. Phone -- February 25th from 1483 The team and committee much - B pirn. him; however, .and. certainly-not. SPIRELLA CORSETIERE :..:W esM 87L...-.-.'................. Phone Duchess Avenue, small white Spitz dog. North Vancouver license tag. West 28SR. . . >'1® FOli SALE -- Rose comb Black Min-in a rowboat, i l t wou Id be too, thrilling to have him snort yeah" fn One's . back hafr Snhon'l then upset the/boat after COACHING-By Experienced 'Teach will bo Wfll having bitten a ' piece- out of «r. Elementary subjects. Phone a l s o r e p S t^ on th e M a s T M ^ t ^ --------------------- ing of the North Shore Federa- v few Jewish very C. C. P. STUDY GROUPS- tion in the K.P. HalJ, North Van- sn,l --------- couver,-on - February- l^ r d ; the - 4 i th ~ ^ d u e ^ ~ WILL EXCHANGE^ALIANOT*AND Toverlô " Vancouver nronerty. Box 14, West nipii the date of which will be an nounced in the next iasue of this paper. ^overlooking. Active: Pass fo r West orca^ittine^egy,- : a . n ^ e s t j m - _ . , |g g " ^ ^ West 428R. U nderihe auspices of the C.C, P„ study groups ihave been anTpundarw°,AUCccs3ful%Tt- .gates attenjlngJ^C ^rnkp^^^ . P®lN'nN6_-- For aO kinds of Unemployed Conference in the p ran g e Hall on March 25th and a report from Federation dele- few Jewish vei^ denadC^ a -powerful autocrats who hope to lord it ____con- over the rest of the.'world and decorum. Wfth luck will do so unless the Thrills don't appeal to me -- saw vî orld wakes up, Roosevelt ia th& too many in the War -- but like supreme boss in, the U.S. even FERRY'̂ ^ALEiS Are Good and Some of-them fresh,., but Uie stock of popular' Cigarettesr-Cigars and To baccos are always fresh-vUt the Ambleside Tea Rooms. " " FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots,- and acreage for sale. John Lawson,; 17th and Marine, Phone West 65. districts during the past week.^ on Monday March 5th. even IX X ttiji uiuy a your juurnai- iiaiiuiiai ? nero joynaoerg, ana-- iStTiia'W sracirriot supposed to Canada has ME Bem eff w ii^^ ' K , be either respectable or respons- no hope, Mr. Mackenzie King .............* ' ^ble. . . .who thinks he sees a hope, Mr. • *-.* * ' Woodsworth who's sure of it, - Democracy- is getting-^badly and -our--own- Duff,_jwh_o.Jias addled. France has a new gov- both work and wages, God bless ernment about every five min- him! And the average Canadi- utes and riots every, second of an, reviewing these matters, the five7 Russia is ruled by a says, "What a hope!" LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED with special machine; all makes. West Vancouver Machine. .-.Shop,, 1449 Marine Drive. V- *. RADIO TECHNICIAN._rrJTonr Radio troubles given prompt expert at-tfiUtnnil--wHOl'lllla fpAjw'TlnA'tin'itention^--aerials, tubes. Tom'Brown West 266R. »«iriVAv<«, When a-lamp burns out ̂do yoa T THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re^ quires discarded clothing. Phone ^W est 37 and truck will collect. Announcing the selection of SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Htouse P ^ nte - Varnishea I r- • " d i e n e e j - o f ~ t h e t " - l i 0 h t ~ a f } o t h 0 T ' ' t i m e ? B u y l a m p s b y t l i e ^ c a r t o n . U s e 6 o - w a t t s i z e ; t h e y c o s t h o . ' , w . i .1 ' » ( ^ more to buy than AO's. ! s M C ̂ ̂i I ̂ B l A P L t C T R J L .-/\Y C O , LTD, Rogers Enamel M a r in e P a im th e P ain trf> ^artm ent of ' ~ J. S.I YATES, Plumber " West Vancouver B.C.1435 M arine Drive COMPLETE STOCKS OP Window Qass - ?nttf - Plumbing SnppUes ' Fninace and Store Pipes: 'REPAIRS AT SHORt NOTICE IT- 7W. .CARLEY buys and sells furniture, paints, oils,- glass, etc. FriSnch Polishing.-Fhone W est 71Y. - - ' MARCELLE. SHOPPE -- Thermique Permanent Wave , without danger of burning. Marcel 50c; reset 35c; Mrs. King West 304, 1520 Marine. REPAIRING-- Hth at Perry. Best material and workmanship. • ■ V', f o r PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Ron- idence Phone W est 241B. ! , GORDON ROBSON Barrister n-. Solidtor .. WEST VANCOUVER-- , Office 1447^Jlarine Drive -Phone-Weat-4O3r^t)-t07l2.-- V^COUVER OFFICE--. Suite 501: 510'^Haatiiigs St. W. Seymomr 4199, 2 to 6. GEO. MSSMMMiSSf, N otary Pnldie Real E d a te & Insinanee L te t in g s D W a a te O -J Marine Even^^ 1405 _____ _ Pi'?neW est21^R 1269 liSililiiSIIISi tr̂ '-