I iSf L B C ipN .■;vi:W */»• lW •"Si*."* m .>,'r'ii 11 noidrillM. Hftfreshm ente 25c ■ ' jmpm •MAltaMI W-̂ r,>, ~~immK~̂ ii^m.... ...... ......... ....... for;© N«̂ lUiidoy'^t^pw-.;; 'A * o rl« liw w M M '% J 8 ? ¥ ™ ^ ^ asiicbopt Very special. kobin hood 4 (j2, „...... A f ^ yi ,4,ji lii ,A-. 1»? >* lOe iF F B B Ib 1 lb. *Uf" . . -!, " <|"̂ t*'i lit ' A'"' •'(' * t% "M- HA'S r a w w ® & o » { > fJ S o ,S ^ ^ ^ ^ , 'l O t K ' " sp©»mn#'tlif' ,% # , • *!:«% »w*l>eim|i3^iiii i i i t t a i l ,v«»at>ii oCw«PCanM ijP'w .* -■ '** • ̂ >.- . , which p o n v e y ^ o n r a ih i m . Chief Fnmk Squlws of the - ' ■' •:• i ' -•••Weet'TMioouveif Wiee,,wh«r^^^ ^ »way owing to.sickneeer is 116614th Street mto a house a t i;«ck 1267 Clyde Avenue. medley O F ; K0.tvlnr SHARDS, ¥SSSe,"" T k M d a j ^ l i a r f i l f c .8 . 3 0 m Ad tifil88ioii*'25cv*w?T*^ ̂ -̂ 3̂5c a «n?ŵ V * * ( *■ * * ,i , .. I a Q .F o r d .2710BdlovoejLve- ------- i t o t to - nU6, h«s movod to Now West- itovement. in 4h e condition of minster. - ........... i|i ; : :r ^ - m 4 0 C a \ IT .WOEK8 .: i i . . O em ndH V D rag S to re Tha Store of Servlco.- 40 OOrar '.(.■prOWOw op. .rwOto,' ; -.'v.:. ,. '......n, 1402 Marino Drive ;■ W wtai ' Bmergeaey Phone Weat 821 (After 10 p.w.) Si„ :w-i mmm -Y Hhi/ki There hMM.̂ b̂ n a Blight iU at ids'horntw West Bay■A' '. '0 >*■ Vass who:is very seriously ̂ "̂ e ia tW f-^ ^ -- e'̂ :;'lo ■ ■ ,* Owing to the to e Sundays ^ this winter the ferries have been Arrangemente are bring made carrying mote people than usual, to have the .West Vancouver hut last Sunday established' ii Public Schools play a series of , accord, 2687 passengers" using before the end of " *.va v.aa4-«'" - HOLtYBUim B a r b e r S h o p 15th & Morino E X P E R T S E R V I C H E. MARSH, Proprietor. 7 'tnS ':'\ iH t - f i 'A.jvê f»y»5a<W J . . ' v-*e • * TEAR0 E& Phone 8 4 West it ̂ I Sand, Gravfeli, _ Builders^ S u p p lie s '"" "■ W o o d 5 " C d a i "'^ '« y ' Dump Truck W ork; ' j. layiay ̂ ̂. - * l̂ CQIVD ^ games before the end of the boats; this term. V , ♦ : Aubrey'A. Clarto is appearing „ ' „ ' * * „ . . Mr. and Mrs. C. Ray, 18th and * 6 n ;t«e .pi-ogram of ; the St. Mr. Patterson moved Monday Kejtj, Hoad, have moved Into s David's"' Celebration tonight in from 24th and Bellevue Avenue (.],eir house at 14th and Bellevue the. city. - into the Dewar house nearby. Avenue..„ . » ̂ » «t«w» i|i 1)1 Hi c l a s s ! LEADEHS- ., " L f?'* *" "■ At a meeting last 'Tuesday of ^'^'̂ O P "raB HIGH SCHOOLS ilv. ?<>th and Marine Drive, are t),e Provincial District Libhra! moving Into the Power house at Association a unanimous resri"- 28th and Marine Drive. tion Was passed asking the kov- * • * ' ernment in Victoria to extend i5«. Commercial Department Division HI.Division HI. ̂ ernment in victoria to exienan 1 Tuev A fire brpke out Sunday mom- the moratorium to cover inter- Graaeaifi.-i^^^ -th e ;-home of- Mr̂ -^ y -r • ŝt* "and" principal ■ pn ta x e s' to Smith; 2, R^tz. nolds, 13th and Inglewood Ave- unable to pay. Graije 11 Commercial - 1, „„e. 'The fire brigade turned out unaoie to pay.___ Malsie -Busst; 2, Margaret Bent- extinguished the blaze, p„„e™i of A T Heath : ley ; 3, Mary. Gibson . gUght damage being done. . * ot a . x. iieau i --- G rade^lO --Commercial----- It------- ^ ---------------- K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive . Ambleside Phone W est 340n '7 ,i ' Kathleen Love and Kobert MC- jyj g Bingham has moved into yfith ^ ^ arat ^ rtn ey ,.tied : 3. Bum.ee Bab- the ' ^ f ^ K r a r s t r a w b ^ ^ H l l t --'^ m d e9C om n^ ercia l-::l, Har- , -H® >®®̂ ®® *® ^ old Johnson and Mairjbrie Wood- ♦ *■ ,wd "u'; '.I • •- 4̂2 - 'jvA w.l rv#%' . .... --- . ■■■;.■ ■ HoIIyburB Theatre FRIDAY Olid SATURDAY March 2nd and 3rd 'The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi' MON., TUES. & WEDNESDAY Murch 5th, 0th and Tth " THE SECRET OF THE BLUE ROOM" 'with -MONEIt-ATWIWv, PAUL LUKAS, GLORIA STUART P- y i "fibI'V'vVb'*"- .1 » r« 1 VI tnB*. 9it>& i !« 'A' V' ■' . "*vAVi1. iv 1 • , ! I,, y,r ,i i' * U iilir >'• '̂i", 'Ml •"V;'v7i, t i s ' " i bid Johnson and Marjorie wooQ- . . .» , 5?®l,*^"®SinT®rir^^^ ^ rd , tied ;_3,Aylene Meuse and . a . ;^Thomfield, Travers M iss^W l^W ea?^ at heme, anci Margaret Powell, tied, ■ Avenue, left here last Sunday Mrg ' H H Price of Vancouver; • for a M p to the Old Country, also one son, Theodore, at home, jorie .C raw for^,^2,. goiUgr by way. of the Panama funeral services were held at - . - . L . - , . . ,7^..;. 2:30.p,m.JIpnd_aymNewWes.L uRnce I (- _ tgnes Division IV. F H. Caudwell ------------ 2, Verschoyle Martin; S, i^to a house at ,^618 Fulton a Gray. Avenue. Division V. I*-, .♦ ♦\7* Tf,^Si® M - % ' '* a n S ' I T ' The death last Thurs- - AMBLESIDE r ,. Diviston' v i . ■ . M C oW ess pf ' o^M i** Laura SHEET METAL WORK'S Grade ,8-- 1, Brenda W icking, jj| possession March 1st. „ Rarnnm 19th and Belle- L SPECK S. CROSSON ^■Sheila Edwards: 3, Dorothy form er will a t that tim e a- . .?"aves to Lpr.ot„;; Chappell. D _ .^ ^ VIL S h ' ^ ^ f / c o S o r& th a to T " J** c"^Hiil' ------- ' Grades--L I^ a ld H o w eso n ; Bellevue Avenue.;, . ; ^ Ohpen'charlrit|-Is^^^^^ Division V H I . 7 - Mr., and Mrs. R. C. Mitten, 1®̂ ^ Mrs. E. E. Barnum Passes. Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Bamburies, ; ° .Almond Varieties, Birthday, Christening, 7^and Wedding Cakes 1468lW[arine D riv ^ Phone W est,27 ' I Vi V.17!M'. 'f w I.. . I ,.■ t , .Hjfr'j'/ . \ii ii \ h ' Ii 'k ' 'Yw il 4 i VERNON A.X. SEARLE Phone West Sr - Fertilizers of All Kinds ? Wood, Coal,7'. J Builders' Supplies i' ' I i.',;! I'V; DR. STAINSBY'S Division V Ill. ̂ - Mr. and Mrs. R.^ C. Mitten, A la ^ F o ra ^ fS id Hi^^^ .1 7K nn .^It2091 S - ada. Fdneral services were held Johnson Sta'msby 4 w -T ff+ o T k r e a u 3 ^ ^ ' Rev. C. Dr.-£.,Stamsby_, m ishi K a to a ^ .^ u . - - v„e Avenue.^ ̂ ̂ ^ officiating, and inter- ine Drive, passed aw, f a t h e r PASSES- 'iL_lVd .. Grade 7 -- 1, Jessie Davies Jam es. r erguson anu n . x. .: and May Ray,, equal; 3, Kathleen, Atwood spent a- few days last J^uriai J-arK. Davies and Claire Richardson,. jn Chilliwack, B;C., attend- equal. - - ing the convention of the Grand Division X. . ; Lodge of the Orange Order ' ------- - . -.byT 'toee'sons, Dr. Fred Stain- . Grade 8 -- 1, Geoffrey Ajello; there. The next regular meehng of - George W of Saska- Q .T.L. - the West Vancouver Orange. W father of aaxuraay-iiii^V auw ^uycL , Avcv. w. t x;FA.^ ... . , , C. Owen officiating, and inter- in e D r iv e , passed" away w W Jam es. Ferguson and" W. T. ment was made liTOceanrVievir^ n esd a y a fh is home in-Vaneou- ' - L i i 1.. L. 0 . L. No. 2990 , ver. The deceased, who was in hfs 78th year, leaves, to mourn his loss two daughters; Miss Sue Stainsby and Miss Ada Stains- ■ ';h -,v'I' 5' , 2, Kenneth McNair; 3, John Coleman and Michael Parson, * - the West Vancouver , orange. \ no„Hp V of Fernie Mrs. W. A. Adair returned Lodge will be held in the Orange *°°2' services* will be laeFThursday to h erh om e in. Hall on Tuesday, March 6th. f o ^ " in V - :7 i 1 ' ' equal. last jLiiuisuaĵ w **Yx. *w***v̂ , tomorrow at i:i>u p.m. - A-soft answer-may-pot always^-- -------- ------------------------- ""Caulfeild after spendm'g the-past--Several T-eports-wnll-be present-- ^ GfKitchem turn away wrath, blit it saves a . . Cheerfulness is a magnet that months with Mrs. Sydney ed a t th is meeting. 'The Rev. ^dating and interment will lot of time. :Ij ': * 7 'draws friends. Sinclair Petrie of-Vancm iver, R am ^y will address S e in the New Masonic Cem- ____ . -'r.'-' __________________ rrmLnrinff through the Southern bers taking for his topic, "Dis- ~ ~ ' a n d - Eastern United States. armament.- The.tickets^are_now :: -- '-------- =-̂ * * * on sa le 'for the monster dance be + 'WEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETY on sale. lor tne monsrer aance.' xxrj^am trAxr fjAiwrwna The spell of supny weather to be held on March 16th and WEST .VAN, RANGEKb which began on Friday, Febru- may be procured from membersf ___i-r. «Q+_' «4J +1..̂ T rr T? A 4-Vi« T.nT, I MILITARY WHIST FRIDAY, ■ AND DANCE March 2 ad, at 8 . 1 5 ________ 7. ̂ a t th e C lachan _ _ _ _. __ ^ J ■ which began on r riaay, r e.oru- m ay be procurer irom memoers i. tr ■ arv 9th, came to an end on Sat- of the L.O.B.A. and the L.O.L. , . TheI urdav t h e 24thTnstant, when T h e h o l d e r o f t h e l u c k y ticket . ;Will play St. Phillips team from - the s k y was obscured nearly all will receive a 32-piece breakfast I dav ^ in did not fall, howeirer, set which will be presented dur- J" Ambleside ■ v̂ icyLti arid pven then ine' thfi dance. The usual team is asked 1 ; \ ̂ iPi . ' _ i f: ^ R efreshm ents ,. ' • ■* S ■ JT' r yj~ 1 i '* ADMISSION 2 5 c ,m. next tn fsu ^ a y night; an d 'even tW ing the dance. team js asked to turn I it only amounted to two, hund- The well known B. C. Rangers- -■ -redths at Duchess Avenue by Orchestra_haye_again_been_ent. ■ .8 a.m. on Monday. But 1.22 gaged to play for this dance and ,7;. .. • flllA flATtl A ; r%11 /V n cresf • ci v/aol 7 l < , t -? , A vatc,, V > " , 7^ f '■ 8 a.m. on Monaay.. d u v gaged to play for this dance ana '̂Anyone ever comment on the inches were recorded at the same all attending are assured a real way you dnve I hour ou Tuesday. ̂ i *° "̂'* " « y dTuars a " n d -c » t |- -^ ' Thers_jeill... be a musical ser- ' 1 7 7 4 0 , IT"S .HPUSE-CLEANING TIME ' ' -A ' - , 4 1 ;, , - Dispose of th a t tPo--rG et Our Price _ L vice at the West Vancouver United Church n e x t, Sunday evening with solos, quartettes and anthems. ; H S tu art Yates m ov^ yester day from 24th and Haywood A ven u e in to the Ray house at 13th and Keith Rq̂ . • J ti- - ' •? .',L; ■'\>i ""nil Mrs. Hines, who has been iting in Moose Jaw, has return-' ed to her home at 14th. and Mar ine Drive. SHINGLELIGHT DRY KINDLING 50 B undles fo r $3.50 25 B u n d le fo r f2.00 C fiK STER FliX .b W O O D Y ^ D P i u m e N O v t i i ■V"' ' /7-F; ,.7 i »ii ' r I. < 'L i L # % : W I0 M 4 & id i 7# ' ■