>.vear» -■ ' - - •> . - - • » - .. »**< 4 iit'V*'. ,-A» ' *• V C a u tfm , Whyteciw. Etc. ■ - »c ,mr copy »t m y ..., n.u h,m,.iirave' tadlBS'̂ Cholr under th e direction of.lfcs. v ' lS ^ ^ S n L A sT w ith Mrs. J . E . Durbin as ^ o m p a n is t , • L f - l e a ^ n M rt aV̂ ft̂ ^̂ ̂ >" , * « r * fe Hall. Tickets are 25 cents. ■° T he fo llo w in g i s t h e . iw o g r a m : ,; : ■ ^ ................... '".'p a r t ' I. ■ ." ' •............................. (b 3. (a(b) DANDELION • Ethel Donohoe: 4 (a) SAPPHIC ODE ,. *: IbVA B IB TpA yS m V . Wffloaghby. Gray and Stevena , (a) LARBOARD; WATCH .............. -v-...... ............. ■(b) ..Brahms ..Manney TO OUR Re a d e r s B .C *» T H U R S O A Y i IV lA iP lC H It t * 1934 > N o a 44 H O L L Y B U l ^ R A l i i i ' T E N f U S Cl^UB MEETING The editor will esteem It a th v e r If »»y T^esW?pt West Vaiicimver, whether a iuhsorlboRSM <4hemlie, who should he accidentally missed any. week by the de- llverjr boys,- w ill- kindly phone W est 863, when the omisidon will be Immediate ly rectified. West Vancou ver is a : difficult place in wBch to deliver, and oc- c^lonally pn^ns: to the reg eiiular boy being a l ^ t through sickneM or to a new oiie being placed on his route, mistakes may occur. Duncan Seid will g}ve;an U- Tho lustrated address bn ;"n»e W - of the W est Vancouver Tennis p f f i o f S S t o K on-s Parish Hall, V«ncour ' «7n'8V ofi5bS?nT l" W 'i'he^^^ei?' oi ^ i M n d ^ ; an{ re"7 :8 0 T m . c o n & ' flne w -iathS service Wilnam Paterson tennis enthusiasts are busily en-service wiuiam raTOrson wdu vcmua «iu^uuo*»ova ̂ --- speak on "Three Withouts," and gaged examining their ratiuots . Ifo. Tait will addroBB the Sunday and m, making P r e W '|» " " J " School a t 10 a.m. another season of healthiul cn- A hearty invitation is given to joyment. At any rate tho season all,, both old and young, to come should get away to and listen to these interesting sta rt this year finPAkd r̂s crested in this branch of sport 1 _ « _________ are cordially invited to attend GARIBALDI HIGHWAY tho meeting. • . , v ^ W 4 W,'ik '.'A ,M AS RELIEF MEASURE l a s t l e g io n W. A. The council endorsed th e foj- ^ ̂ , ---- i"-,,.. q,.i . j _____ ' lowing resolution from the North Saturday, March 17th ~ Swe The regular monthly meeting Vancouver Board of IVade and of the W. A. to the Canadian ^ordered th a t copies of th e same Stephens Auxiliary. School, r iin o n was held last Moridd|^";te forwarded Hon. A. Wells Inglewood Avenue. Mrs. Greem mtt ITARY W H IST AND in the chair. There was a good and Hon. G. S. Pearson: u ^ n Tiivnr nA N PE k t S a n c e and }evy excellent "That w h e m a ; a wqrk ^ HARD. TIME DANCE rd^horts were submitted by all wages policy has iWow adppW com m ittees.-A rrahgem entsjyere..3y„JM -_P_roY in^l::go^^ tnr a lanm for unemnloyment relieLl' and COMING EVENTS ft v-S^r i [f *'v' f i'sl ̂*}{> I'd' M ^ .S ra d X H o lC A d d y and Ftoud Mesars. Kdd . ^ ^ A E d V e R......:............ I S ' ' ^ Dundarave laadies Choir r«rpv ib) OPEtJ^raT*BLTO^EY^^^^ s' (a) THE d r e a m i n g .....•••■r -'®'="S l d "■ (b) ™ N (?OFm BS^^ ........■•■:•'....... ' ̂ Dundarave Ladies Choir 10 (a) I DREAtdT I DWELT IN MARBLE HALLS ..................... lb STEAL AWAY ................. .................... •:"1T.......... ....... •............... ̂ ̂ Weirt; Vancouver Male Quartette PART II. i m . t ^ 1 i ; - 'bi'.uVi commrttees.--Arrahgemehts w ere .._3y„3 .e ..p.rpvmm^^ made to nrepare for a large for unemployment re lie fr and, Party tonight, m e un^mp^y bazaar to be held on Saturday, whereas there are atill thous- ed Association are f^ h a-^ th of ^November, Mrs. ands of able bodied . workers itary W hist and Hal'd rifniigx vnlimteered to be con*0̂ on- w ithout employment^and where-. . D an ce^ ostu m e, cards, niodern S in d f t ĥ ^̂ ̂ a s .th e constrictio ô^^^^^^^^ ̂ and old time a biffger success than the rbad connecting Vancouver with ments, singing, and even a QfVi TlrifaTmia- Sciiiamish vallev and Forget your troubles for.cfcoiiight Ll I CANTATA-- '® in g^ R «n ^ P M N C E S ? : 1 0 ^ - (Sop.), Joan burbin - MARTA - - - (Mezzo) I^ m a Grwnway " ^ M ^ C E . - - -■ (Con.) Madge Farm er H A N D M A ID ^^-- ^^^ WiUoughby and Ybung « hio-ffpr success than the rOad connecting Vancouver wwn menLa, firtf bavaar held December 9th Britannia, SquamisH valley and Forgetfirst bazaar held Garibaldi P ark ia an undertak- p d come down to the legion -_last* . . rnQa+ suitable as a relief Hall and enjoy yourself and re- • '• . 'I,W • ■■ ll'-*' ■ gi' tifjlJV** ■ ' ■■ ■ ■ v% V' vf. **;. vw -- -- w . ing most suitable as a relief Hall and enjoy yourself and re work scheme for the Lower member! cash prizes. • t j -1 „ -.1--I rvir&£kTincy ( S t o r v * S 5 ^ g % d from- h i m H W .1. OVE R T ^ . ^ . j . -- Vi nt aeeM- • t^ R W A N p .S u S - « S e e Hoŵ .̂ ^̂ ^ 4. D U E f'& ' C H O R U ^^ is a Fair M aid"....M arta^a^^^ 5 . - RECIT. & A IR r-"FromjHer. g o ^ 'r " .... M arta 6. Q U A R T p T E -"Who H a th ^ S « ^ - t to _ ^ o » b . ^ r ^ 7. DUET AND CHO IR .-"T h e -S lg l H as W r g g ^ ' -- ^ - 1: GrnTTT^^k SOCIETY .w o rk scheme for the Lower memDerj ca»u pxi^«. - ^TviTA R Y -W IIl8T..Jdainland ; and whereas ..the con-___ Executive me^tjng at 7 p.m. struction of such a road, wojild prior to the dance. . -i ^ __ /X. o miHtnrv the province by the attraction o f ".f * *>i !'i ■i' s'; S o S ty ^ a re giving a m f f lW ^ ^ S S l i f a h f w ^ i r i S ™ D A N C E l a r g e l y ATTENDED 2* j ftt T i 6 way to Powell River, an outlet to --------- ■, v p"m. K ^ w l i m p r e s t a e n t s the Squamish and Pemberton The annual dance given last , .V 'C ■ ■ f i 4 -Wt>P' <u 'R ' ---- rnu«x.« Txriii Ka w frpsbm ents the squam isn ana rem uertou . xnc annual u«iivx. ---- farm ing-areas, and with exten- Friday evening in the Orange ^ o t e ^ ^ t t e S d ^ S n l S Sion In time would provide a dii-.^H alL by the Naomi Chapter No. ed to who attend. Admission Eastern Star, 25 cents. . - 10. TRIO--"Now Amulet and Speli;\.^.Beatrice, M arta ^ 11. DUET AND C H O IR -"Sweet the^A ngel^ 12. RECifi' AND cS w■T3rrFmALE="Rene7thV'K1ng"::::MaT^7*Beatricer^Iolanthe^an(d^^ ect coast outlet to River mining field: . Be it therefore resolved that the honorable the minister of _ p_ublic_works for the Province of B ritish Columbia be asked to earnestly consider ' the__above, the BH^^ 26, Order of the Eastern Star, proved to be ohe of the most de lightful social affairs of the sea son. As always happens in the case of the annual dance of the chapter, there was a very large attendance.' I t is almost need- V'I4 H Accompa'^st--Mrs. J . ■ E. Durbin OLD TIME DANCE Another Old Time Dapce is be ing given by the Legion W-. in S n n t'iTfthe earnestly consiaer ine^aouve. atLenuaixce. xt lo ann^^v Saturday, the mentioned scheme in connection- less to say th a t the music played -^^ ^ ^ V S t r J ^ l l - s S v i h e with-any worlpand wages policy_Jjx G a r d e n :s J 3 r c h e s te a ^ ^ mpnd Orehestra OT supply t he effective by the govern- cellent an<T repeated encores m u s i c . - p p c i n g ^ ^ W a k e ^ i a c e - -- --- ^ ^ -- - ^ - w c ^ e ^ 7 h e - o r d e l ^ 'o f - ^ d l e ^ e v e n l n g ; from 8:30 to 12, and free m- u,.:-- „ri+t, rio«r._ -struction- from 8 _to. 8.:30ŝ _ Ad - I ' l l d { *!*'*■ iJ' V. RHYME, S6NG. AND d IN C E MEDLEYT- w » 2. < KINDLING- -V The Chesterfield Woodyard is' ]____a; ..: .. .. .. {..'4.1..'.. 4 /.r .. .n 'n c n c n t a l .A medley of rhyme, song, and dance featuring Hattie Young, Ivy Miles an iM olly Edwards will be Thursday, March 8th,; a t 8:3Q^p.:^. m Admission, 25 cents; resei^ed, 35 cbnts. The following mission 25 cents. C.C.P. LECTURE AND SOCIAL ^ v e r tis in g in. this issue a"special _______ in shmglelight dry kindling--50 :v 'W h at We Can Learn from bundles a t $8.50 and 25 bun^dles during t he interval. ■■ ^ V* w.«» ■ ■» ---- w • • -- , r the floor being filled with danc ers fp r every numberv--Novelties were introduced from time to tim e,. and .dainty refreshments were served in th e lower hall . j program: 1t -SON(!1S-^ 7 Program; (a) Carmina - (b) Everybody Galls Me Honey. 2. MUSICAL MONOLOGUES-- (a) Fineesh--tI Go. (b) The Modest Curate* ? 3. TAP DANCES-- - / ' (a) Bye Bye Blues. (b) Tiirkey in the Straw-' 4. INTERPRETIViE-T"Masqueraae." , Intermission--Orchestra - lT - A N I T R A 'S - j ^ N ( 3 B . ; : . ,> "W hat we uan ixearxi xiwm v---- ------- ----- Russia, is the theme of an ad- J2 -0 0 - dehvery-phone dress to be given tinder th e aus- N orth lo 2. Dices of the° West Vahcouver -7 -- ----- : TT C .aP . on Tuesday, M ^ c h ; 6th , ^ fo terest m principles pays a t 8 p.m. in the Legion H a ll dividends.^ Arnold Webster;' th^ speaker, " well known and widely travelled ̂i\}J ̂ /■ Clouds always pass. Many big successes result .from many little achievements. 2. - READINGSŝ : . . (a) Johnny Courteau. ' 7 (b) The Last Portage. ; 3. SONGS-- " . - (a) The Little, Irish G irli 4b)i^"SaBt8-Lueiar--~" --7t should prove an attraction in W est Vancouver. ' ' Following the address there will be a social hour of music, 'with refreshments and friendly discussion; th is p a rt of the pro gram to be convened by Mrs. Milton Cunningham. All mem bers - and-others-in terested- are cordially-invited tor attend. . _ THE WEST VANCOUVER BOWLING CLUB SHERWIN - WILLIAMS p a in t s ^ 4. DANGEi~«Carioca." ' . , , , ' Intermissibii-vUrchestra , _ 1- READING-- "A s Red^Meri Dî k̂ ? 2. SONG-^"Solveig's, Sdhg.»> \ ,v 3. DANCE-i'mwaiiah;*» . . : , „ 4. mTERPRETIVE;EINALE--r"W ia n T a b l^ ^ „ A ssisting th e fea:tib:'S *artists4n "Medley ,^nd Dance" will be ;Mrs.;Burbin; a ^ OTchestra! under the ̂ direction of'jHarold Thompson. Aqb y Clarke, W est Vancouver's xiopular-Master of Ceremonies, wi enact his usual role. " ^ ' • • r m / u An interesting feature o f +»*̂ »*«Trt<yram w ill be the "Carioca? presented by MoUie J S. Yates announces th a t he h as" im ^ ird ~ rp a iirf ;^ ^ in his store a t, 1435 Mannq Drive, where put^ m a The West V ^couver Lawn Bowling Club have ta^en over the new green a ^ e corner of 20th and Marine Drive and are making all arrangements for th is year's season. • Their new lo c a t t^ will be a ^ e a t asset," not *onJy to the club but also to bowling generally in g rea te r Vapc^^^^ ̂ is one of the finest greens m th e 126 feet squSe, and will a c co m o d a te eight Greatrcare was observed .in its construction bowline exnerts taken with th e resu lt th a t i t contorms to a% the ie/uIat?ons and rules of th e lA w n ®°wlmg Lawn bowling is an old game, a s .» o s t p e ^ le fhprp are few who have not seen engravings from the ceieorat S ^tetSre of I r P a n e ls Drake^and his ca,Pta" s - M T O ^ - t h e a p p r o a c h - J i a t o P ] 2 y E ? . . * 5 i J ? i " l '•f' •'V : ■hr!̂ : ' i ^ ' \I. tv on Plymouth Hoe. and iericy. Mathesoh. stock of Sherwin-Williams house paints and vamisheft Rogers enamel, and marine r . He also has on Imnd,epmplete stocks of window.-daBB, putty.- plumbing supplies, furnace and stove pil>es. Repairs, done at; , short notice." ̂ ̂ : An advertisement relative to . ; the abov^ appears in th is issue. ^ Of la te years lawn bowling has become very th rouS iou t e S a and in t^e Old Country There are leagues the Atantic to the Pacific and i t num bers its devotees by fre^hous^^^^^^ years ago-an English team toured r*anada Vancouver being included in the ir itinerary. ■ N ^kt w S S y a t 8:15 p.m. the W est V m » "Yer Bowl in e r iu b will hold a meeting- in this cou"®'* cham ter of the mmiirihal hall to organize fo r 'th e coming, season. I t is h o ^ d of the club and any others who are, m tereste^ get away to a go<^ s ta rt on -their fine new green. i t „ . v4i 'h*' (J 71;. U i"-i •r-?? ■ kJ .4t\. - .1 '/H .;, fi.-"s ' /r-T/V--', a 4 « Sffl' mMWM » a i « . * -r tw. S'r . .