I Vol. IX F S O M O T B N dB S raS H O aB SWIM , < ,5 i>x̂ j < • * , >, i : / G;HBL BwniB, a Newfound- "■̂ Two r e c d r d r W ^ ^ « f |W ^ ' Sunday ̂^darave-Weston Swim ;̂ B o ^ d burf, LBYI.ANO APPOl TO PBOymOlAL BCONOHIC BOARb FAREWELL TO MR. . AND MRS. PATTERSON There ;Atani»aj«i 4m,% nM ||Hunte^^ 24' tarine iMve^ l̂twas )m a North the distance r d « X ? r f S I clwdian ®te ^ " idditlonia » 9 ml' " of 15 mm. Xeirlbi? N A&eil was amvdnti tho council, which waŝ not ......... ... ...... race Edith W h^ war feat,and r it was wrapped in Batehelor s ^ ^ r y .pro tern. the winner of tl ................ .. " Moore trophy in J ) an evening (Friday) at 8 United Church bers,.and, including Mr* Leylam Hall, in order that all old friends and fomer pupils may have the opportunity of bidding farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Patterson and Eraine before they leave for the Yukon. An Excellent musical program has been provided and there will be refreshments. 40 sec., there among the wom^ the winner failed , 'the course. Billie. Simpsoni-10 'years old, won the cup for tHe youngest competitor, out Atec ANiBWHOME. HOLtYBURN HALL At the 7:80 p.m. service next Sunday, July 29th, in Hollybum Hall, the speaker will ho Jd B. E. tsa iO N NOTES close from Comrado'Tomi Turner, stat ing-th^t as a rbsult of Comrade "■ hll COOKING STORE HERE*' ' «« tirti Blanchflower'a efforts he was It wfll be. of interest'to local McLaren, who will giVe a gospel Oh * -k. > f 1,*.4 • A< addreas. Sunday School as usual at 10 a.nx. ' • to COMMUNITY PLAYERS TO 'A Ml nUJuJL# J91!4AL/Jrl 1 Am JL X ̂ ̂; • ' .Ool entert lookers, the-weathef; and; s ^ con- ditions being idem*.,. q "̂ The Dundarave - H ollyoum nouhced «, i.ya«avxi.ca ___ _______ Swim will take placd 5tĥ Aug- ĵay, Au^sit. 2nd. Members, and , Followings Athe' toast to^the ing' at the end of tĥ ust, and' the Championship Re- frfends are invited to attend. proposed by Comrade F. P. above the Royal Bank, gatta on 18th August.., ; > . % . - ................. -------------- ... . 3rd."VINSON memorial ̂ SWIMMING CUP PROPOSED \vES»r yAN. BOWLERS ;ale q u a l i f i e d ; t o j . Benne&Enounces that as' It has been suggested to ,us; that a public subscription:.be -takeuMiprtitough;i^iH5<^lhnto«^ forT the purchase Of û-:V|h^i] •Memorial Peipetual ;G H U ^ " , MAKE sport and particularly , First, rieturns/to the municl- jility; the newly created ̂ Kenyon, hei ri,room, 419 North van-1 Wednesday, ........................ n j iatockn«o£ici^niture> ■, I f # feabyiftirwade vision for seryihg afteynopnfeas' ana effects, valued at $1600. For in tlie near future. ' . further particulars please see , , advertisement in this issue. ■■rF-'i'iV*'■ i 1,' •"u. to Oie*^S^^ncouve?Amatew . . Gborge Pringle, ffe well known Swimming Club .to W competed- war_j. chaplain and:, ihissio fo r-annuallŷ in-a"̂ race" to-be:^^®^§F ̂ -different competi-- who spoke of: fnendship being BOYS BAND TO GIVE CONCERT DR. PLUMB WILL BRING ___ "HOUSE OF MAGIC" HERE designated by them. We were' rviimav patyip at nrize k?vn?te of returned mens direction of Mr. A beam of light that plays, | V naturally only too pleased to of-:. orpnizations, as .̂ t ;Was of his HUig will give a musical pro- sings, and talks, colors that ^ fer our columns for this puiTiose,- distnb^wn ^ gram Monday, August 6th; at change, disappear and reappear.. . . Ir * mrpugh which acknowledgemeiit .̂J: £* Jack, secreta^ ôt̂ t̂ ̂ on the ground we should hiteh -^nrbiepide Park, commencing_at at the wave of the hand,_ madê S^s^no/lh^inteiSibh Tywood̂ s&r, of, course, or we ° ask for anything^ut gutaU su is, C«S W «nWteh- L I L f ' "7 P-foi- shurp. This will be-the an electronic beam that p lants appearance of the an , "elrotric picture" of any - ■ sound made into a microphone, THF ^HOWlTTiLV North Vancouver had filiated with it: ,Moore, H. THE,.SHOTpu ^ average, of L12 1/5 .Collom, Keith Cameron, Harold are requested to give gener- ously in order; that many kiddies ,, n demonstration of the • mav eiiiov a dflv̂ ft'outincr before' latest developments of the Gen- & K fo S o l f ® F T i f Remember the date - F n d a y , j h a r a e t e r , but bo arranged andipresentedJby Dr, Pluinb and L-'iP. .W fis . .It ® L?"' August _ 6th,, Ambleside Park, put, his distance iwr'iWrtf Pprhans '-cniet. c rea it- lo r . ICO v. umncmiuwex,, xr. .vrxtser,: Leithfield, R. Phillips, A. Dona- b v ^ m i l s : With: Messrs, hue, T., BatohelorrN,]^!^^ ^; 7 p.m.~ sharp. 111/2 inches, and.hŷ ô ̂ bing is W ridg^s nn^: nu«, x, eligible to go to Hamilton, .the ,^sternmn ^ " ® BLAIR CLERK APPOINTED CITY WELFARE CAM PAIGN SECRETARY W. A. GIue$ing that the most startling effects are obtained in terms readily intelligible to thb __ _ lay mind. S y i n g ^mstanS'T e to g "4̂ ̂ announced later. , PAIGN SECR^JTARY , ^H yng Qisiance^oemg. e, ̂ -------/vifv. . ----------- ^ __ task of carrying the. message rAU<^ION|SALE Major Blair M. Clerk, 17th anda^(ppIishm ^ts^G .-:E!. re- ii> .. ....................... ................ _..... ............................... ................ ....................................... ...... __ _______ ____ lb -petitors to renresent the Canadi- waV to the*25th end w hen Seaton from F. J. Pattorson; 1487 Gor- and publicity director for this' W b y m any y ^ r s of experience an Schoftlq Ffn-hir^ drew level. - Seaton scored tw o don Avenue, Councillor R. Fid- yearns Vancouver W elfare Fed- in both scientific and englneer- Schoo^boys* n e ^ d rive.,H e has worked a s . fieWs. He h w been a Sac,her m r /; - W f l t t f i ' L ' '■ ■ ll'lls w S e ir a M d * d ^ ^ ^ * f r o m - : t ^ ^ ^ ' * +• ' ' T ~ • f r and^llStherrAvenue^^^^ search them will bb^SerL t^eK ^e c c ^ A ^ ^ ^ A cting ui^der, m str im to ^ -appointed cam paign secretaiy^ and he is highly qualified for thX.Y.X oK+v. Aviî -tirliATi f̂ eaton from F.' J. Patterson: 1487 Gor-- yiifa/»fnr fnr f-.hirt * job'bv manv vears of exnerieno held this ; 2 7 ^ head Fart^dge squared the-|:30 p.m. EWtoy, Srt^August, a ■ volunteer Ip three previous of chemist^, physios, and elec- » i i "aSE!?ss s srahA .'s.'"^ a » .S 3 & , g.t'ss ̂ As Murray from, West " rhATt npin uxf wicxx Jock ticulars pjease see the:hdverfcis€T Canadian City Bureau, being en-/going the G.-E., "test" courses wTih Jack Patterson, W.- me»t in this issue. ̂ ; gag«d in similar campaigns ajl . while an JinstrUctor at Pratt In- ........................................................................................... ................................................................................. I ' V f ' ' / 4 'V LEGION SlIO^R •'is i'-ri:.'!.*: / over this continent. He was stitute. -He hag taught also at of Canada's most prominent Ski\u \ UoWeFO and the Univer- "i letes in the fields of boxing, sity of Wisconsin, and for seven The Canadian .legion. West sWimminig;; rowing, lacrossê /. ydars. was in charge of the elec- MYiir Vancouver BranOh/. vnll .bold a rugby and hockey, and a member; triwl laboratories at Purdue rwiT smoker in the Legion Hall at of the West Vancouver Swim-: University, In 1903 and 1904 he ^ MbUc s u b ^ l ^ ^ & t ̂ 8=80 p m. next raur^y, August ming C3nb, Imsiield the Driscoe vras asetetent supenntendent of __________ ___ . -- -- îlway Test Commission. shSi ' cSreer in the WarJVAt Purdue he: ce 1932: He had a dis4 J"t J m f 'P' I *. V̂. " x iiiiPii