V riTA'irf' If ĉ ji' ft f- I * !■" « VAlff ' • '̂)t9il«<%'«i».«Nie,$wi»«Mt|.. Ufj ' wW% « ^ .-*■> HI -■ >.i4fi î.'»'l*ii»M..i.i.iiM«i I •.-' « .111 »N8CHOOt , ig .^ a in i Pro- in a t io n * with ill re-, W*i Gf»d« 1. Special SALE aiid S a t^ J bS S d i M /ision _ . . 1, Margaret K>;dd; VWHwe* W,-g»> i*41lh6«WiWBWie M A WMt# B P A O H S m ,Id M 4la â Nabeli MIivhjmltvm w w ^ rAUi.TLB88 PIN8API*l4j P h on « W«mt^S70 <B -- 1, G «J«e Wil- Jefferies; , 8,. Fat Jeff* , flliig'giiiirg ai|#fiii MA^fioNL toag «r J M r oi« aaeiuif jANinrftiliyi 16 > «-» «|| SŴy a ite« fir 'i>{ #S(Vr g 5 S % ® a % 'B f ^ L "' 8 Red A Whit* TOMAtOJUICB ^ T Red A Whit* JELl.y POWOBfS AiuMMrted Flavora ..........4 Red A Whit# BAKING Nothin# heiUir..........12 o*. tin I0e lIrfUah C^Miobl# CIIABM^T ' _ I For Halad#.... .̂......... Vt Jb. tfa !•« CORNED BB*^ ^ ^ (Limit 4) ...... 2 tliin 16c AUNT MARY'S COFFEE, ^lla; Proficiency. H.MHT.NO cH io cra , tH • . . 1 ^ Freeh hilkNlg iMi#' lhw#wuw»w«-»*«w 34# nnA Hficftilarity Bartisra )3lower. Ftry ROASTS OF B E l^ lb..»-.». 12« Ella Fred Davies. Eric LKt.'B OF WKJAL LAME tb...j»..i 27# p6acoclL"Ajrtfiiir WIlsoWi HU'ITER- . / r r ^ ' j g io n II. MAIDA VALE .... ...... 2 lb#, for 45# Grade 5 A ^ 1 John Kvdd ;^. i u N o ^ A " » : 3- ;■" J l! ton; B ob ert AlacAdam, Lloyd f fa r a n ^ 1 1 ^ iK ^ , • < M f l l A M r r e r r . ^ . . : . r . l E , Credo 6B ------------ " "" Eow den; 2 ; Takeshi K alaoka; d. Brooks/ JEFFERIES' -Goffft, V <.HS«»V V ' ^; ■ ■■ ■ iic a x T C I tMil '1*.. >fjf* .. C ori'AGB ROLLS. p«r lb, 23# New Fach »n,ii».«»»>»*r>»«»'32 o#« "||jsr Ited Arrow FIG BARS. Freeh from the oven. ;«jar si# 2 Ibo. 2i« HHUEDDED WIIIBAt BiSCUlT 3 pkra. (Limit Nabob Ik ox, Una FORE A BEANS' ' -i " tiflE a . • . ■ ««Va.« *o#«o«»ftaii««*oe*,f>o*«li,d»i A imritALIAN SEEDLESS _ RAISINS....................«... 3 iba. 29c Honour Rolls -- Proficiency, John Kydd; Deportment, Cath erine Lowden; ReKularity, Mary >O w prK ^'$m < A f ] |^ ,' a i . any obababli ■ W;| î^Saver' and . ■ Phone U8 for Quotations on Your Requirem ents WEST VANCO«VErpM BE|tp^^^ -fo b BBA L 'flA TliFA C TlbN l" ;Vfr^ ' ' Phone West 115 Rm - glum e: W, J- Turghull^ Went 3 68L yg;asBfsaŷ »ag.iM.'t»a-xsiy.C5aai8̂ ^ INS erine Lowden; ReKularity, Mary .;; 29c: -w iIs^ rm W n a Whipple, Take- ^ Shi Katoaka, Hilly Hill, Ronpie MacAuIay. Roy Knight. a «» .»» 1* » f Mwa 4- ± T o m a k e s u r e o f a h a p p y h o l i d a y ' Peppl# sometimes spoil their holidays by taking along things they, won't need and leaving behind things they will need. If yoo're going away, there arc many things ypu'll want to find oyt in odvancc'-what to take, where you're going to stay, etc; The quickest and most ef fective way to get this infbrmaiion is by long-distance telephone. Call op someone at the place where you're going. ords"ovcrthirtclephone in^advance may ; pr I m e r u , ------------------- 1 _ ---------- --̂ O n-- jD lv is io n m . GradS'aA' -- 1, Louise M^a-. singer; 2, Dorothy NelsohT 8, Norman Ogden. 4B ............... ' ^ C L A SSIFIE D A D S ̂ ' The rate for Classified Adrertlaementa ia 2 cent#, per word, minimum 26 cenU. Except in the case of thoM having regular/n#counta. aU dassl* fled# are payable strictly In ^TMC ̂ ^ Remember Claaaifieda in the West Van New# get Immediate reaulta. OVERHAULED ^ Singer Agent. W. Arnold, 1076'K ing'sj^eat 418R Grade 4B ~ 1, Jacqueline WANTED TO BENT ^ About Aug- HAVE YOUR lB w iN G '1 ^ ^ Vknee; 2, Ruby Bourgeois; 3, ugt loth; small modern houw in ------ --------- lX)Ia Yateij.. West Vancouver; j>e , alonOj J a S S n e V a ilce 'lo b ta h lS " % Tes"^6L?'between"?:30 and 11:80 " RADIO REPAIRS -- W eit Van. Radio ' Regular and* Punctual Attend- SHOE REPAIRS-- Get the best'mat. a n ^ M u g c r o sb y , Jean Gam- age, Houri I'Nakashima, Davin WANTED -- Light Rowboat lo to ------------------ :----------------- ;___ _ Bill, F ran cis Morris, Wallie Bree- J2 feet. Apply Box 5, West Van HEADQUARTERS for All Popular den,""Peter Dawson, Teddie Pick, -JiSiB -- :---- ' ^ Douglas Smithers, Ruth Nesbitt. SPIRELLA CORSKHERE Division IV. * West 487L. _ __ Phone also Fishing Gadgifcs for lodal wat' ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. B.C. TELEPHONE COMPANY 'y*'®®" ' WANTED -7 Paying guests, lovely PRINTING -- For aU kinds of 2, Eric-White; 3, Eula Patterson. Grade SB --A, Dallas Ingram; 2, .Billy Slater; 3, MarionwLa. Maicphe. ____ Henpur-Rolls -- Proficiency, Gladys Wilson; Deportment, Eula Paterson;, Regularity and .Punctuality. William ,Hughes, -=Lucy-^^ jimaga 1 George Knowles. D n » T V . modern home. Room with double* bed. Also large room with accom modation for four. Very reasonable. Phone West 21SL.__________' printing phone West Van News, West 363. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED wi special machine; all makes. Wes i f HANDY ANN SHOPPE. DundarAye. . ______________ _______ __ Wools; Notions; D.M.C.; Cards; Vancouver Machine . Shop. 144 . Toys; Stationery; Hardware; Nails, Marine Drive.■*'"*'**"***'****"*w"w*™wi*w»wi*eeree™̂w**w*«**wê ŵ™* ------ -------------------------------------------- FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED .I Permanent Wave vjithout danger of burningi--Marcel~50c;-rreMt-::^c;- Ĝ rade 2A ^L Doreeii Kearns; 2, Georgie Edington; §, Beverly , Finger Wave 50c. Phone Mrs. King West 304. 1620 Marine. \ acreage for sale. John: Lawson. T7th andTMarine, Phone West 55. s;;*; THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re quires discarded clothing^ Phone West 37 and truck will collect. Ellis. Grade 2B -- 1, Elfeanor Wyc- ____________________________ fewifknr SWIMMING &.diviNg classes-- r>arouur. Dundarave and Ambleside, Phone Molly Edward '̂West 436R1. Dpreen K,earns, Good T/onduct, wprr'q ' qhap - rwp i> Nonie Barbour; Punctuality and _ DuSiaS^ Regularity, Lome Brotherton, Dundarave,r r r Joy CranwdI, Georgie Edington,. , <?KA ̂ water CRYSTALS: Phone Alfred--Hibberd,--T/~a~wT~e~n~c e~ ~ Free delivery, - GORDON ROBSON B a r r is te r S o lic ito r WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447, Marine Drive Phone West 403.- 10 to 127~ VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 601: 510 Hastings St. W. Phone,.Seymour 4199. 2 to '5. lie Careful with, fire in the forest a t all times. iffi By doing thls'you are Preserving-timber for Industries and helping m aintain |iertnanent payrolls. Hughes, Gordon Mitchell, Shoji Nakashinw, Isabel Whitehead. I Division VI. Grade lA -- 1, Eleanor Nel son; 2, Patricia Powell; 3, Hel ena Aldred. Grade si B -- 1, Joyce. Sagar; 2, Alex. Svendson; 3, Patricia Dawson. Honour Rols--r=-Broficiency, Eleanor Nelson; Deportment, Robert Gamage; Regularity and Punctuality, Helena Aldred. J. B. GEO. H A Y For Snaps in Real Estate Notary Public Real Estate & Insurance (Established 1912) 1405 Marine Drive Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260 Evenings West ,204X;; AUCTION SALE Thbrsclay, July 26th, 1934 Forest Flees ahnuuily destroy miich of our natural wealth and leave in their wake a^biackened and desolate -^country. R^erick W. W. McLeod, 1373 TORONTO CONSERVATORY ' injuries at 55;15^.m!^^esd^^ , i^ n ih a r ie s Bur- | w , b S .'b S T S ^ -f® a?® bridge, ̂ fu| 8-day "mantel dock;: 3 occasionalotreets and foil on the sidewalk. r,...,*-- y-..-* . . . tnWr.0. ah ■D....Lnv. He was ■ Duly instructed .by Mrs. 'Captain Thompson, Pulton Avenue, West Van-. couver (who is leaving for England) For convenience o f sale, I will sell at 2462 Marine Drive, .'West.Vancou- ] ver, commencing at ..1:80 p.m., the following hous^old goods and effects; 8 pieces P. 0 . Dining Room Suite, practically new, costing $165; New dinner waggon with serving tray; General Electric Radio, cost $176.00; quartered oak side, hoard; new Singer effectric sewing machine; electric -toaster, (latest make),; ;:qua'rtered oak library table and writing' desk, ̂office chair, set Books ;qf Knowledge, gram ophone and records. Airway vacuumy»l 1. ____ ** ___ * _̂ V̂v -f 1 __ J.̂ sets and fell on the sidewalk. Junior Pianoforte* Honors 4.6 oak service table; Parker was taken home by relatives. Barbara Snarrow* P ain ^^*^«riess^-gun; Marconi .long and . short wave crystal*set> Westinghouse," Mrs .Tnbh W . PtTffAtWiv.1.1 Burbridge. , 5-tube battery' set; ibhihese round Mrs Wnlfor T Teacher: Mrs. Clara Wilson. tahje, 2 Chinese rice trays; haU settee U oil " Intermediate Piano * Pass Tpan 2 chairs,.SApieCe living room set;liam E. Dolnhin n«/l M»«q rr;ii a i«nu. jrajss, jean î nreiieK .™oiftvv4. ;; G E € 6 I I T i i n b C f f is British t^olum bia's assurance r®*" 5' Dolphin and Mrs.' Wil- Hill. C. Holmes are guests a t __ f i 'aeside^'-th e summer home English walnut, dressing .chest with side, mirrors; dressing ftahie; number iiyr„„ 777̂ -------^ pictures, books]! and china, 4' 6' of Miss Joan .^S . -Koss, 14th and-Marine c^eam baisteadK complete with Eesj> J e a T ' l t S at & l^y. ' » " ' 'a v Y o u have an interest in> |Itj^rv lng the tim ber of our province. DO N O t ABUSE IT. ■ * ■ \ - 1 ' ' ' s , bedstead .complete; 3'-:6" brass bed stead, complete;"3' ;bed-and springs; 1 double Winnipeg * couch, single Winnipeg; couch,' '2 ̂mirrors, largeis the time to Grind those Valves and j chest: ctawers; 'iset̂ ^̂ ;of̂ ̂ aluminum p u t your m otor in shape for ith<» «iiin *i ^»her.ware, electric iron, baby m erdrives. 5*** f MOTORS -™*-- |S|p&S|S!'- tSifSg S l i i i B. C* Foi H51 Marine drive (BILL GROUT) ■'1 ■'f' *-C - A w « ,» « 1 J. H«,1, s h e l l s t a t i o n Has ihe coriyct type pTequipment to accurately R ^e*. nnW r • j V Jv« «Kl ReaJa™f Tree" C v X W Other goods t^'hdm'erou^to mention. On vieW..:Bdor^gS'î ^̂ -5 I Mr, arid Mrs. Shirt o f Van-^ t> M r , a couver, ha\pe moved into their ■ -J<: . ' i;.' *"^house a t 19th and Marine Drive, iye, Ireland, r, -/V'W m ^ S 9 8 S § i.......... w §v-v„ W M i ̂VA i ' mm Yow do n o t need to take this job to town p. W«SPJ^A1^8^l;y PDRASINg the CUSTOMER.' "" """7 : '̂i. ̂"-I ... T , l- ' X , , ' . 'E xpete^iriJA iiiti^W ^^ente^ Bugs l^ te. o f the'Hiidsbh^i?:^ Go., -- WestV atid^NffTHi ̂Vancouver *.« .Vr»i « m ;A i-: 1 ». ■•rA,'- '•«V T- .> •«' .r - 1 f c S i i' ' ' • " l , ' ?r* ̂ .4 \ ' . , « ' ̂ i"L ̂ ' f ^ \ t - I / . . . .....,