"f'(m i m ■ ' SPEOIAL*- • -[ M K ^ s o K m n N x f a w m m T A n m lo c l i t i P. t»d Mw; J*. X. . . . . . . . . . . . . Qj,^ jj , j j ^ , Bl«lr..wH9ji ' Stanley Lett- on Konday £w Gamp turned to fcter duties El^tric Co. here. 6 th and Marine Drive ;; ■S'. West m HitIf ,j Iv4 ̂ ^ Artabani Gambler. Island. "• Mrs, T. K. Lightly, who has R. Whelan» driver fo r -------- been a ^ tien t in tbe North Van- mann's Products, whovw^aa i ^ - been a patient in the North Van- o u ^ injured recently when ^ FOR Dependable ' '*'•' '̂>'H '̂■'̂i ; *' ' DAVE A N D E R SO N , ,West Vancouver Representative P h o n e s -w est 691JL. ;or North 1810 . , sufflcient& recovered, to return delivery trucks ran into4he r ^ to her home a t 2186 Gordon w i l on Marine Drive at. We»J Avenue, where she is convalesc- Bay, has sufficiently recovered *": l n g c * : ; t : . ' t o leave* the;:NorthvVehC|tefKr To the P eople o f ttie M,., ̂ I ' |l%5 \o a h o r e : f ■ îjKi *6 »' f f j . ,r? . .1 ,1 wish to express my sincci^Jappreciation of' the support given tp the C, C. F. Movement and to myself, as its?rc]p>rcsehtatĥ c, in the re* cent byî Iqction m North V s^ o W r Wdlng;' airtd'also to extend my heartfelt thanks to the men and women WHotgavc of their vvork and time unsiintingiy dnring the catnpaign. and- through whose efforts the C.C.F. victory at,the polls vyas made possible!; ' , * • , , DOROTHY a STEEVES\ -!■' n 'I - _ ,te . ____ Avenue, where she is convalesc- Bay, has sufficiently recovered ,'to leave* tho;:North' • • ,* . General Hospital. Building Inspector Haggarfc of % *. * , j Vancouver, with his wife and Mr. and Mrs. George Herring family recently sp6nt a week end and fam ily^ave left for Bridge at **Dreamy ^Topk/' ,-26th and River, where Mr. H erring. o?(;t , Bellevue Avenue. He is contem- pects to go Into business. , Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson of Hop- ' . . * kins Landing, have purchased a" ' Rev. A. Harding Priest, the bouse on Marine Drive between former redtor of S t .' Stehen^ 18th and 14th Streets. Church, is at Camp Artaban on \ Gambler Island, ̂ Miss Ida Brealey, 1295 Fulton. • * * Avenue, has returned from a ' at City Prtcei. . (leaniiri ftig Stwe Th« Storw «f Barrlea. 1102 M arina D r if t Weai 87 or Weot 607 Bmarreney Phono Wool 881 fA fte r 10 p.m.) > Stratton's BAKERY Everything of the Best in CAKES & PASTRIES, Christening, Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 Marine Drive ' Phon^W est27 ih% ' been Miss Ann Ormond, who has holiday ^ en t at the Baptist Asy en the guest of Councillor and senibly Camp at Keat^s Island. ;.,, VI A. 1.. '-- .:m: r ■ > a.: . m S*̂ ̂ F̂ V >', ' >i •Wllia >-#w > 4 To the E lectors : 4 ™ r • ~ 1/ ' .!«I f tn^Kr f r, Hf Vf . ..(>*1 i, ivIMllf-t 1 wish to express my sincere thanks-to -all-those workers and voters w ho in any way assisted me in my candidature, in the recent by-election. L MACitENZiE MATHESON , A.' ?/ ■ Mrs. Garthome, 2203 Marine ^ Drive, has rieitumed to her home Misses Woodfordi;|4ph; in London, Ontario. and Esquimalt Avenue» hUve le f t ' to join their*"parentsHat The first iruh bf cohoe salmon Southampton, England. ^ / went up the .Capilano River lasr week- and another large run Mrs. H. Berry ,01 came in over the week end diir- Vancouver,'are occupying one of in^Uie flood condiiiOT^ t>'® MesSinger houses , on Tthe? '"S fm the h o a * M Waterfront ariS th StreSt."......... as the flood goes down they will ^ Honolulu, is 'be jumping in the Capilano Can- 'i, „ ■ yori. Thiai is ai pycle year and spending a vacatiim with .Ws poTisPoneTitlv therA should hî parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W v e ? r » u S in oiS! wa^ &>-e. 2396 King's Avenue. , .nrs.;.A* few, springs have arrived MU :■ Mr. and Mrs. A, F. Gibson, 590 17th Street, have as . their i zAmbleside: Sheet ^ H orsesh oe B a y ., Miss Gowan of Vancouver/ is , . * * ♦ staying at. the Clachan. [Morris Emierton-Court hss^r- Miss Peterson of Vancou- *; I? -, * ... rived back from Fhgland and is ■* ^ \ M e t a l . : • S o" S ^ y ^ M h t a • w S k ; Miss .PhyUisNeale. of the .B C. ol.Mr. and Mrs.' Garland, -Telephone staff here, -is on-her the.23rd of theL. SPECK.Proprietor Works 2251 Haywood Avenue; i p J staff annual vacation. Mrs.-Charies-3urbridge,L23M_ .Miss .P. Bond of Birmingham, month. ♦ ♦ ♦ In honor of Miss Ethel Elliott, Philip-C.-ChapiQî General Insurance Ageuf Fire, Automobilê ' Burglary, Accident and Sickness, etc; 2557 King's Are. Phone W.42Y3 --I / xiuiiu u± .xmiuiiigudm, j . ■]»»„ t p . JERGDSSON, F:T.C.L. sister Mbes H G Farrish "̂̂ ock̂ Brooks takes place July 23, -----1----------- ------ ,^.--------- -- m^m'hflra n f Ti TT R f l nh nrrnno-- Hollyburn Theatre <* «• FRIDAY and SATURDAY July.180th w g%g%wjrmiuf£^ V g % 0IrfUUIIJUNIir JvUii TROUBLE with _____ SPENCER TRACY and CONSTANCE CUMMINGS MONDAY and TUESDAY July 28rd and 24th BOMBSHELL* with JEAN HARLOW and LEE TRACY We d n e s d a y & Th u r s d a y July 25th 4ind~20tR T~* Soldiers of the King and -h- " Girl Without a Room" y- i'l., ■U-i'I ' ' I T M 'r'te'i (jf'tl V >)\ f, WAi) 'l«( » ,K ij"'; 'iu . W f ^ l Gold MedaUist - Dramatic Art; Elocution; Public Speaking; Singing; Verse Speaking Choir; French Studio over Hollybum Post Of- flee. Phone West 378L or 608L le^" W estT B ^ .' ♦ ♦ ♦ " members-of-B.H.B. club arrange ̂ •-1/S in A *. ■/-1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone Evenings, West 143 , 1.- V*' > j. , ' r Listings Wainted Real ■5̂ ̂ Foot of Oxley Street , , - West Bay Sea Front I€E CREAM, SOFT DRINKS, TEAS, TOBACCOS, CANDY Playgrounds, Sand Pile ' ̂BOATS - PHONE. FOR HIRE , WMfc 698L27 / F i n a n c e a n d - Mineral Spring on the propei^ ■ I n s u r a i i i ^ ; ^ i * - i t E E D S T O R E' " ' " a4c. SBABLB Phone West 9 V - - Fertilizers of All E n d s b i. ~ - ' > ; Wood, Coal, : ;' Builders' Supjilies " 1« *1 r -J 1 d'i S h e r m a n i S t o r e ! ' 1 3900 Marine.Driye;/;;:.. Bertha J. Campbell Phone West U i X S " * 4'î'4'4 rV -• -- ------ ' -c; ; iifsill V >, ■' iv' * a--- - » *- ed a variety' shower on Sunday Captain H. P. Sheet ol the. f T O is on his ^ u a l-v a ca ,- S - B - E i lK ^ e s id e d at the ♦ * * tea table, while Mrs. Cyril, Mor- . • Rev. and Mrs. J.- P. Dingle of f M r « . F n r l iP e ' T a b R n m n BUrnaby and Mr. ^hd Mrs. W y- assisted in the serving. Previ- J n r ^ J U > r u 6 S_ I .6R_-110_Q111-- South~New -W esi^inster,-- were the guests on'.Saturday of Miss Campbell of the Shermian r ? 1d4-rt«p Those present were Mrs. Charles Millar, Miss Alice Sharpe, Miss Mr. Cornish has returned from Murdoch, Winnipeg and is spending, th e . holidays at his home, 1713 Gor^vinn AvpniiP Margaret Tumbulh Miss Eileen don Avenue._ ̂ ♦ - Muir, Miss Maude .Haywood, Miss Barbara Allwork has Wintemute and Mrs. been appointed agent here for Ernest Pearson.^ ^ the'B , C. Telephone Company-----r; ̂ w and will assume her/duties short- . Captain and ly. Miss Phyllis Bell, the present . Gmham, ^ s t ® P ^ ^ v u e . agent, has resigned from the company in- view of her ap- ? ^ proaemng nmrriag^. . - ^ present ! ■ Captain Vince, mahagernf the' municipal ferries,, is away on his ' annual vacation. - Mrs. M. Butt and Mr. Haines. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Alton re TEAROE & SON Concrete Contractors Cement Floors Garden Walks, ___ Lily^Pools^__. _ Gravel and Cement 1474 Phone ^ Marine Drive . West 84 ■'45rT.-- .-Bathing, - Boating, Fishing •Summer Cottages -Marine Dr. West Vancouver F O R S T 'S L T D . - West Vancouver Branch 6TUBE CONSOLE RADIO-1934 SUPER-HET, 2 only......... . $69.50 5. M. GBMMILL - West 37 1402 Marine Drive The sea otter, .-^hich from , . , . , - - ........................................................ time to time during the past few George C McKill 23rd andvpars haft bppn seen in the low- weeks' boat trip to San Francisco ueorge mcAiii, ^ava anu years nas oeen sren in xne low ̂ _ Angeles Jefferson Avenue; has' returned er reaches of the Capilano Igver;;--®^^ ,, a week^s holiday in Vic- IS back in-his old haunts.,He IS ,,v tt 1 t j i .<? t̂nrin rlarffp animal fuliv six feet Miss Hansley Laudels of New -torn . , -large animal, xuiiy six . ieer ,n'flifin<r Mr and X " - * * l.*4 WEST. VAN Sheet Metal Works \ Phone West 39 ^ -Furnace and Range Repairs,t" ̂ ^ - 1.̂ Sawdust Burners ~ * * -a H m , 'fT > . -■ V ■ J i m ainTio- nnH wpII advahe^ in wara Westminster, IS visiting Mr. and " " < vv c -xi.long, and well a d v a ^ ip yeata. Battersby, .2308 Haywood .Miss Eve Hamilton^imth, Mr and Mrs Ray liemfce' <nee Avenue. ' - 'M r. ana Mrs. j w , ♦ * ♦ „ Artaban, Gambler Island. . Dons Reid), and smAil daughter, -_ i ond ♦ ♦ Af T.a Mpsa. California, with Mrs; George . Robinson and . - vn ________________^ : ° R S « 'R W -» F » lic |< !ig |S ia ^ % Iiin ,W '"CAA w "r* w - ^ 600 RiAsontS > oiroa Dniiiriaft Rpid'of San Dietb atp Helep and Mabel, of Waterous, \ A son was born to Mr. and a t Z f n ^ ^ h U n U ^ X 'm f . Sask!; are spending Ihe summer- Mrs. E. E. Salter (nee Almai ' A. E. Bibbs of Calgary, has ̂ moved-into a house A t'2347"Maij- rine Drive. Mrs. Bibbsland.fam- ily will join him th is.#^ k ..j -;W h ist D rive ̂ ORANGE-HALL■ '*-1 . v5' «•> • I t is reported that anglers -;x , July 20thV> K tI Jb t; f eardsrft to 10 .Dancing 9 to 12 . * „ BUCK DIAMOND ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 25? - ; C^b Prizes Refreshments a ':M '4 'ii'f