V' *?a ;* V' ', ' . .. 'I. ,. (t "!'M «« ssiisHfiiasM ÂXl $1.00 per y « ».':l(.>l>!M:',l'"Ht.i, ,• %, M̂iŴWS. i s s 'wewwpiiPlsiiiwiieyM̂ ' A f f i b i c s t d c ^ J r i o i i y b t i i U i d ^V» I f SS«9» ' Li w , ' O u n d a f a v e 6c per copy at newiitanda* IMli Vol IX ̂ f»' ̂ 5* t* * rVER, B .C •». 1934 N o . 12 f in a l ELECnON BETURISS (Official) ' E E.. :• M;-. v ■E'E«.' " * M*»" '*' jMUfS#.JLI« uTf ' 'i>* ' Leary Mathei^oii Steeves Whitham Alfoniont ............ O'- /̂ 88'* %"■."..... 64 0 Dundarave ......... ;SS - ' ok? - • Hollyburn .......... 6 / « ' - m West B a y ............ 0 . . .5 8 •■V Weston . .̂......... fr v?-:;; .;■; f§o',: Whytecltff ...... ■•■. 9 . , ' ^v' , Jil# -' , •' m m m M i ;.. Bowen IslancJ - Capilano :.......... - 28 Dollarton ...... . .-J -̂ Gambier Island ..i Keith - Lynn........ 7 / Lvnnmour .......... 0 Lvnn V a l l e y J 9 North Lonsdale.. IB Nth. V^incouver.. 62 Absentee '...... 1 ' ' .̂'1809 ' ' 118>'-V• r"V 'r 1176 '7 .; v: 4 0 0 1 V221,; 124.: 1102 57 f M' ; 8,6 281 :"228' 1286 60 7* 150 - Rejected--r78«^ 2289 2797 41 ii* ■v TO >N PROPOSED m e m o r ia l'V> An cvenini sifSlI TY\ rrtIV T ATVV' " . Jl\ir / JaaliJDl̂ JL4«lLjt JEw FRANCIS W. CAULFBILD % : . I nr ̂? Afl.» *** %i ■ \ . . . : ; ® 3 ,-s in th< 'immmrn . « The residents of the MunicL Hi !2 a j "8 ,Z -X 'S.-S- ' . .M Oaul(end,,CypreM. Park, G len-, ' J'<.\ a a M K U N j p ^ ^ Five rinks from the iocaWnb " ^t journeye(i to GrandvieW la st Panning to^erect a memorial, in ter Jkno^n.to alLof.u8,.gerhapa, wee¥ where'they the the church to the late Mr. .Oaul- Grhndview Club by a ,score of B. '-■ " m is / steeves '-*r®.'C3WSi»8ldate*-Elect^^^^ ^IE T n E JOHNSON; SCHOOL ^ O Y N B -A N N IV E ^ A R y ^ riais Ixiaders in -A n n u a l;^ 0 i,..jT h e 16<alJ)range M Class ^ a a w a the'Orange H all at. 7 a.m. last ° ' *nf first rank pupllS" r«s^'Thursday- for*the celebratton of- names ol first rana puimD ...-, iu - feild. . Qurte"a number of"the' local The form which this memorial bowlers will be taking, part this will take was discussed rMentljr week In the B. C. Tournament in «t a general meeting of resl- Vancouver, which started last <ionts, when several proposals Monday and ^wlll be, continued were considercf The form mrat iihfil 54+iirdflv ' : favored is a stained glass win- ,7Vo rinks the Home „Oil dow..it being moved* seconded HistriButors Ltd. played ? two and unanimously carreid by the rihka.of ..the.JW est..,ya«JW S -Bowling Club on Tuesday 6ven- consist of a stained g l^ s E^st ,ing on the club grounds. Both window representing St. F>an- matches were close and 8levei*al "7-?-H i ^4̂ ' kVf«̂ * t f|(£[ . ; tribouw w e_P (M W t t o , ^ Thursday-lor-tne ceieorauon-oi.------ The"HG.D:Eh -Garden-"Party^*i:he-game." Mossrs.^HutchmB^^ J;;auireua, ^ - the 244th anniversary o f the under the convenership of and Atchison wore skips for th e will shortly be started so that as eeiving Honc^ur Rolls, . . . g u ttle o f the Boyne. ̂ A t 7:80 Mrs W B & 1 Home^ Oil, J. Banks and: Peter many people as possible, who Trade 6A - J a L s Afider- sh a ^ ;the .lo d g e je ft the hall ^ g r o i u l S R " Watt aclug In that'capacity for w .^ tw »t? fl™ ,on- 2 BUI Gracey; 3; Isobel hdaded by the fife " ><1^™" J. BT Leyland's.residence was a the Icwial club. Tea was 3 Sdw d s ^so^thft^^ma'J Ranks ' ■ band and paraded to AmMemde. decided success, the grounds be- by .the ladies of the cIttVgnd cente ® ^ 1, PauUne Greer; A st<^ w as m ^ e a t the Memor- ^„g .brilliantly iUuminated in the owing to the v isitors W ^^»K fffi* m„™ori»l to th t who\ -Air ■ ji-.'iur«.«. loi . A'w/vii. .xiriiAwa n WAS r>n.,i c!vMi4.i« Tv/fT. cfArMsarirViflf It. wAfl ipearlv lois mcmoriai 10 inp n^n wnp - W tr*' y ' vtk . ' % ri^^" firafip 6B -- 1. Pauline Greer; A st<^ w as m M e a i vne m em o.- ,j„g brilliantly lUuminated in tne owing to in e v is iw is - 7 : - ' 2 loan Luke and t u r e e n Mar- lal Arch where a wreath was evening.-Mrs.. Paul Smith, M.L. ao™ewhat late, it w a s^ n w tt ^ fh a wonderf^^^ 2, Joan Luke and , as a to ten of reU^^^ A -I^ rfo rm ed the o p e ^ " ?**"*" r w ^ ^ S u v ^ ^ ^ ^ Honour R olls,-_P roflc ien ey; hra"51;.. "I t were concluded. freely of his land for Pm k and nr TTnnniiT* rLOllS ■"'"* Jl jTOUC'AiJŵ ŷ .* i'*i \ ̂ *il>/JlXt5Dy •'Ull.X aaÎ WXiiw** Xu jwOtfj vXw Tim Anderson ; Deportment, macie tp North yancouver where ^jjci. ' a telegram; to T»r» a i>t\ xr/vri?d Church bilrnoses Pnhv T(niipu.«4* Regularity and _ the .members, joined with vL.O.L. j.ggj,^ttJngW SCHOOL BOARD NOTES. . , P P 'ffJfimiitv---^aulin¥77^reeH -^4Q ^^^^^P^£feH f^Ig:lhgrl»^ r - :sence-r and--wishing^him--ev-eiy--^-7The-Hoayd¥av€7 i?AKWt»B" .JOiF^HAlP'ib.rthev Ĵ ̂ TP >WarTn™omat;Ottawa;anWmfmfVYion ■filV r' *■; ? r ■Vv,,'!"!?;,'?* i v : Punctuality;;-- Maisie Grieve, OhveVB<^bins, v ^ F e i , m l | t o l o w i n g appoinfhients: ; , • EXAM. R L a u i 4 e n Jones, Jack Cliihie," Lil̂ ̂ ' A-t,* ' \,ra^hn \A At 5 p.m. and-not in response to t Junior High School __________ .Lauieen doii«a, --- -T he parade this year was ^ d .^his a;wire was received from Principal,J,E.Condon; " dn^the City of A^neouver.-,^e him: wishing the chapter good tq High?^Schbbr^iN^fe 1- .len^hv processKHi comprising arfd . statmor his assurance R/ra;r;;rir.Tr ' Martyn, Maureen Martin; Division II; RESULTS 2 Margarft iilb om T I, B r n S ' ̂to^he pmk. The highland dross -"Tg^ booths were, very b'eau> '̂ p t r i g s l l Edwards ̂ " of;the pipe bands, the fife and -fuj ̂ .j-hat o f .Mrs. -Hirst for ice Hollyburn: J. R. Allan to 'onour Rolls -- Proficiency,.: drOm̂ bands d ressy creaip, and soft drinks tairing- replace W. R. Hamilton, granted i t - Deportment,; ian d;_thejrn ^ ycolorfu lJ^ the. form of .a ship, ̂W s t ^ n - i year's leave of absence. ' • . Barbara Edwards; Regularity of the l o t o s added color to the couver No. 7. The home cook- xhe following appointments ~Sidiunctuality,-Nonhalell6w.S,r::P^.Me. „„̂ ^̂ ̂ were confirjned: ' Audrey Luke, Donald Moore,, 1 ije^park was the Hon. Dr. J. T. ̂ CTUhapman was .very attr^tive Hollyburn: D. Davidson, M. _T. 7 ean Allan-Bobby^Glover^^lbrta--^ ^ -^ son ^ w h a^ stw ssed .loy^ ltL ^nd-M acfieHM r-M pI f c & m y t m E S o m ; - - L e a n , B. CurA; Grade VI (Intermediate) Pass -- Grandi, George (Violin); Ware, Eileen. Grade V (Higher) Pass -- Cross, Madeline-Helen. Grade III"(Transitional) Hpn- h 4 .1 u'-î orable Mention--Beaty, Delwyn. Grade II (Elementary) Pass -- Grieve,"Maisie; Harrop, Dor othy; Howieson, Donald. '^Grade I (Primary) Distinc- , -tion -Minions, - Norma.- If t w i r - IS-'r \ 4'ii . 4 Vnr*fii^uty,-Norma r-€iiows.--.-P*»gj4gf rp mg inwui lu uiiata c iw ataj.o. j. . were connrmea: ______ 'ey Luke, Donald Moore, , i the^park was the Hon. D r J . i . ' , Hollyburn:'D.'Davidsoi^ Mrr.' Grade I (Primary) Honorable ..A llan ,-B ob b y= G lover^ ^ lb rta75^ ej:son ,^ w h a^ stw §se^ lW ^ tL ^ th -its^ -- amatis, Billy Simpson; ' Tf an other yellow flower, wĥ ^̂ Lean, B. Cume; ^ ^ ^ Grade I (Primary), Pass -- n Division HI. - , , : w |s received^ith founds of ap- w . ;Blair's candy Jbcoriirpamed Pauline Johnson: G. E. Brea- peacock,' Eric, preliminary; .Grade 5B -- 1, Lois Colvm; Plapse from the vast gatton g^ I.O.D.E. and other^patnotic em- jgy, E. H. Crewson, H. Brovm,, Wyckoff, Mary Eleanor. mT-ẑ rri Ap-4 7̂-GordbnTLviifi -̂'----Other speakers. .-Wore J . R b.̂ "---blem8--Those--pounng;--tea-3^re-- Er*Hamtosohr-Er-J. Nai rny-Ex-M.----- - Grad e IVT^Grammar T>fHPtfuriTr-Ei-JT-Nair-ny-Er-M. , (Rudiments)--Grandi, George; ®^ooks, Hairdman, Margaret; Ware, Eil- ' leen; 1 IV All the above are pupils ofr T>* • 1' i T*r 1_ V7' ;"u is; As ̂ pA t * Ifi \ |n»: HOLLYBUBN HALL nfvn'cir.rrTV i . 'igtOr ôf Education; Bro. _P at Djcfc- Stahton as: soloist,.^the Grade 4A - l.^Robert' % S T & DANCE - . i f TMivwtS^ ■; i . # man dree_^ Grade_ _____- das; 2, Peter AjeIlo;.3i Marion Parker. Honour Rolls Marion Dundas Marion Parker •--V axe*.-------- - -- - . at the Orange Hall tomorrow, Arthur won the candy .raffle a t ' pri^jay, July 20th .' the_ candy booth snd the winners tajjje reservations jphone TTnrviiit/' Hall, j , G. Cochrane will give an n^f*A' address, taking- as- his subject, Dance «Most Astonishing Mfrcy." Sun day School as usual at 10 a.m. /> P u n c t u a U t y ,- D i i^ lB ^ V J m t 'h h M m t h e ^ clock; Mrs. Falron^rnmimn^^^ ' DUNDARAVE-WESTON Clarke Mearle Matheson - Lois day, July 24th, a t 8 p.m. _ ■ wave (Marcel Shtjipe),, . Mre. SWIM M inW ev'B^ ' C.'Grant MacNeiU wiU give Gordon Gray, boudoir pillow; V. . DW stohV' ' ' ' * ' - ' : . Williamson, .rock .garden;^Ca^ Grade 3A -- 1, Kdella' Elator; 2, Akip * Forrest Grade__ 2, Daynard LEGION NOTES . The^next general meeting of the local branch will be held in the Legion Hall, Friday evening, July 20th. - Roll Call, and the recent con- 'r «/' Jackson,•̂ xvav/xi, » . '7# ' JL/lVl»XWil. ^ V i f Honour Rolls r^f Pi-dfici^cy;; 7t<3rade lA -- l^Doreen Fletch- Ireida ' Jenyey; ' ^ D e p o r t m e n t , S i e b u r t h ^ S , June AkIO TTncViitm*' -'j two dhallenge-traphies for.toe,- ; ^ t , ehopld make a point of be- race toe- Blatt trophy for.-m g.present m order to get the •men, a:nd the WilKm and Moore . ;.!atestomfdrmation from^Domin- ' x' AUGTIOIŝ 'SALE *M1U wxc Tf«oMx* ------------------------- ------------- j | Bennett, late,<rf th e Hud- trophy for.w om en, K ie starter f'ton Oomnwnd in, th is connec- i' Bay Co., toto:ahie3q>ert,;iii will send off th e contestants a t • tion. . ,■ - ' r u lr « * "® t e " f '^ 2 ^ C ' a n n u a l D undarave-H oll7 GARDEN SERVICE f P M