I le .8 l* -a ■ I'i h e M t t 8(" t: in any quantity. ThAi'f S«rvic« C e n n i U 'i 9 ^ t e FOR __ Dili FEND ABLE «}»« h'li¥ e drawing held by the L.Q. moved on ^eeday into lihi lifw: No* 1[08,v liut Wednesday, hcmie at 1488 Insdewopd Avenne. " "\No. 187*_, Mrs, Victor Blanc ̂ , Altamont, left on Mondf̂ ,;fbr;a DAVE ANDERS6iSj|;M«| PhonesiiVire»V#l'liior.NolBlhjd8|0.J^ - r '.... -- ■- ■ • .. .. ....... . ' . Miss; Helen rSjteve 1919 trip to tho Old.Coutttrŷ ̂ , < >>BeUevtie*.i'»Aveniie, and<̂" Miss m * .»■ ■ 1 '̂ 'G l ^ s r V a n c o u v e r . . A. ■ ̂ Î thjO':orihO ' Th« 8tM4 •! Bervle*. U«S Mwfae Dtif* West 37 or W««t 607 Bntrteney l̂ioiio Weil Oil . .. (After 10.P.W,) . miotored down i< it their holidays staff, has retained to duty to TacomarJKortland and Sea- a weeks vac îon. JmI jJ JkK IdiMtHbll* UH Jt w w ̂ w , ̂ ^ 1 4̂ '*'/ Hi '4Vi 11 ■•"' '-A ■iiutttmVttt'itotmljero of the' StreeVin;TlSlM-Kî ^^ side Park. ^ ̂ A » >■ W. J. Wonmoth, U > t̂. ... ......... r-5**'V*'| ■' ' ' ' ■ ' ' I *» aaaw.MWM.w v*. v.»« To --"3' .irST't 'est'*Vali couver Baptist Mission - >• motiL ■'■'leit '-̂0 0 ' * Sundaŷ morulnof P Circle andtheir friends enjoyed for Victoria, where the latter „ 17th ^ d a successfuMuncheon picnic on will attend l^ununer School. away' Tuesday at West!'Bay.'A pleas- * * * , veaT̂ ant time washed by a ll.; Miss McB^ybh xiitj ueucaaciA «3ivou Oversess . * .;*. .* buHi School staff, and Miss with"thdTISh Battalion Chilton, Who underwent an Eileen Hampsort of the Pauline S d S S , ® operation last ,Monday in the .Johnson staff, left here on ;Fri-; Stratton't BAKERY Everything of the Best in CAKES & PASTRliCS, Christening^ Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 ' K ^ ' f IGbnSiSil Hospital ̂ is day eveniri^ to htiihd iS bisfactory progress. School. " ^ I X C i O i 9̂ . A . C 4J l U O C C , A l A V I A l U t ^ U O . X X t J ~ ^ I ORANGE HALL - never recovered from the effects U tt • , / of his Wahservice and had been ^r. and Mra.̂ George FRIDAY, JULY 13th,. .. In. failing health ever since, ivyr.fi,... JunlrBon anrl familv. 1248 20th t m ™ „(Mu.siA^l_Community .,v,.̂ - iiyr*.fl - Singing 7 :45 to 8:15 p.m.>: ; .: - son and:Mrs.;Keh Robinson, also , ̂ Mr. ^ d , Mrs. , * onA hrnthfer* HAB- fiarlfttid. all 1766 Esquimalt ? l-Speakers-ratrS" Miss Mary Fraser, 11th and Duchess Avenu% and Miss -Nancy--Kearns.--1248--Duchess- nine n p 51TFFJVES ' funeml'^'interment beihir made months, has sufficiently recov- , ^ j-txr t'MRS. R. P. luneiji^^^ made . ^ » a j (Our Candidate) v ' m the Reiser Cemgtery. •. ered to i^ura ro ms nome at .jj, ^Ita., - : ' ♦. ;♦ where E. J. Dodd is postmaster, is ependidg,Mv^o"^ l ^ "S Newman,. father . of _the ̂ guests (Our Candidate) REV. E. BAKER . »(. 1 A IJ 'tV'*• ' ' M ̂*r ,r . ti' ' * X.it '.> ) V- Miss'E;-*"' M V -* ' M r f' ̂ i' . /r . s i ihnbleside^S Jiee l u- M e t a l L. SPECK. ' « Proprietor W O r J £ S IS spending, a two wdekŝ .wa<̂ .. 9.1 and Aiv George Bryan, 16th and Duchess M e * passed away last Avenue TOe party are making _A^JiFulton_AY^ ----- ̂ -- a_month^_tour_olB.X!.------ ,----- l ' f« ̂X y v. 1 " <?• |W. Heirih, inuiiicipal clerk, is -ver; dJujBS Jji__ J|L ■ oh h is ahriual-vacation, and he and Mrs." Herrinchave: left for a motor trip in the south. ■ -^,:v < JV. . *•'•ff,, "vi-k "t r'fj' )t V, .. * i#Philip C. Cnapmlm General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobile,.£lurglâ , ̂ .Accident - and -Sickaes8,-letc. 2557 King's Ave. Phone W. 42Y3 Ni9; FERGUSSON, F.T.C.L.y i r , W ' Gold Medallist Dramatic A rt; Elocution; Public ' Speaking; Singing; Verse ' ' Speaking Choir; French Studio-over-HollyburnPost OfMi , flee. Phone W est 378L~6r S08L , , . . Mrsi Edgley, 14th and Marine Mrs., Norman MCLeod, whb Drive, is taking a week's vaca- has been spending a holiday at tion. ' * her- summer home on Savory Is- ♦ ♦ • land, has returned to her home Miss D. Buck, 2235 Mathers at 2296 Mathers Avenue. Avenue, has. moved to Vancou- '■"■'V ,i ^y/* s, • ver. R l H . Watson of Seattle, spent * *. * . * ' the week-end with bis' parents, Mrs. Martm-Richards of Van- Mr. and Mrs.'W. T. Watson, 1477 couver, is occupying, one of Mrs. Fulton Avenue. " ,..,Bulkley's cottages at "Dreamy _____ * ♦ ' r .: . L Nook,"_ 26th .and Bellevue Ave-_ Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY nnd SATURDAY '"July 18th ond 14th. '̂ HI.NFIIIF"111 ** lluL iIalK j - with PAUL MUNI and . GiiENDA-FARRELL MON., TUES. & WEDNESDAY July 10th ,17th and 18th "CAROLINA** With'* JANET GAYNOR and LIONEL BARRYMORE THURSDAY -- July 19th MYSTERY LINIR' and " Empror Jones" '■f ■ • )I* ■ *■ <J " ' ^ i h j n '.h ! '1; " X i y -I »A; v"f )' s'? '• ]i. ,, *̂\Ai ' I ' ' '1 («4t l(, J S f \ ' "-T" >x • . . . ..#y ' u ^ Vs Mm Room i . W . S a v 6 i T 1* .̂ / Ifl umcJv^l CH - lavuiii Foot of Oxley Street : ' ; West Bay Sea Front 1 ICE CREAM,-SOFT DRINKS, •'..M- .̂ Playgrounds, ̂Sand ' H i e . . J80ATS . - PHONE. ;X̂ :FpR-HIBÊ West 698L2 1443 Marine Drivr Ambleside ; " " ̂rM '. r' Phone West 340 . ' ^ Evenings, West 143;,, Listings Wanted-; _ r-- ,1̂ -- « ---wa,: -" y- 'o ■■ r:„i pk: '̂'T " i\C k i w ' : B i O a c ; l i ' 'Bathikg; B oitiig , Pishtag - Summer Cottages ' Marine Dr. West VancouverReal Estate "r̂v r-si' V " ' r' "7 ■ '<*■ J, Finance aiid 1-' rf- ;Mineral- Spring, on the propertyct « a «. ) ' - "'; <■" - Insurance ; V' ' U's / ; IVERNON f e e d STO R E-V. rv X - Sherman StorOX 3900 Marine Di;ivct>i/ . Bertha JrCfî pScKx * Phone West 248X3. V V 'r 'v:, - ' , ' .- ■ :< ;<;^ilSEAELB Eton. WMt» S%«tiHzera of iiU Ktod» fTT^ r 'T 'X * t -- •̂-r :: >'V'/\ •«" - I ' '̂ 1̂' j> fj , : ' .w o o d . .c ^ -■ ,'?2" "BHilderrf;";Snw(U» : ' Mrs. Truman Ormond and her daughter Anne, with:Miss Mary-- V Gosnell, R.N., all of Byron, Ont;, Herbert Thwaites has movedTr.„„, A-------- Mrs. Lance Garihorii^- 2203 a house at 2442 Lawson Avenue. Marine Drive. They are making X ^ 1 * , „ - a tour of the'West, having stdp- -Major G. M. Turnbull of Los -- --------- ----- - - - * - ~"»les,-Cal;;iis-the:guest ofihis- Banff, and are spending a fewj mother, Mrs. A. B. Turnbull, days this week in Victoria. Mrs. 1319 Fulton Avenue. Garthome has'goiie with them - • TEAROE & SON Concrete Contractors Cement Floors Garden Walks Lily Pools Gravel and Cement 1474 ' Phone Marine Drive---- -West-84- f I '-1̂ 'r ■* ' ̂ K > Tl (in to the Capital.♦ ♦ 'W Mrs. Alf. Chisholm gave a delightful party on July 4th in Mr. arid Mrs. Gifford and fam- honor of the Seventh birthday . ily of North Vancouver," havo.̂ of her younger daughter, Hazel, moved into a cottage at 23r^ and The children had_ a very enjoy- Haywood Avenue ̂t^ e r e they able rime "playing games. Dur- expect to stay for â riaonth. ing tKe afternoon dainty re- . ............ ..... ................... . f ■ ♦ ♦ freshments were served, th e . Bio«g.V)flftwAr has Mrs. Lort of Vancouver, and. table being decorated in i which her daughter, Mrs. Sharp of Kel- and white. Miss Winnie Brealey- ^ ck Ti/T-foc* A /̂ tTAwnrv4*An ̂jJOlUt SHC iVlIl S3f*- BICYCLES Ladies^ Gents from $ 2 9 . Z ? ' J , > W F O R S T 'S L T D . , ' EASY TERMS M. GBMMILL - West 87 1402 Marine Drive ~4 . !*.'* '4V ' s-'i-rtJM ' ! , I ' ' f owna, B.C., are suite at'the Forturi ___* ,, a and Miss Alice Overington as- '« Cup Inn/^ sisted Mrs. Chisholm in enter- ip point, she will sail for London, Eaglarii by the S.S. Letitia. ; .. .. taining the children. Among y ,« . . . . ̂ , _ Among those from .West Van- those present were: Ruby and i couver_who attended . thet-Pearl Bourgeois, G l^ys Wilson,.liPILthe fe^ es following his an--c o u v e r-----w au •„ VAAC----JTVaXl juuuxigcrvio, -VkACAUjro , , ----------- -- Hawkes - Grossman Wedding at ^Bernice Ward, Eula Patterson, > ;nual vacation. S t. Thomas Church/Chilfiwack, Norma Minions, Maisie KJtchen, ̂ ̂ • ♦ ♦ were: Mrs. Gordon Vance, ,Miss Freda Chisholm, Dorothy Smith, £*f Victor Blanchflower, Adjust- Jacqueline Vance, Mri/ahd Mrs/ Nora Kingsley, Alma and Hazel c meiit ̂ Officer for the T. V. Sec- Harry Turney, Tom Likely, Miss Chisholm,' Mrs. Kingsley,- Mrs. , tidn Of the Canadian Legion, has ■ I ;- f e l l * '•t ' :* w S 'j I ik»-v Mr: and Mrs. C. L. Ifilbom,.Miss Chisholm; Miss Alice Overmg- to. interview ex-service men,in Margaret Hilbom, Rey/and Mrs.: ton, Miss Winnie Brealey and ̂ .connection with their pension F. A. Ramsey, and Mrs/R, Silva- Mrs; Alf. Chisholm. ' c^ims. ^ White,-sister of the brides ------ ---------------------------- --------- --------------------------------------- V k , ' '.Ml.:/./?,," r '-,11: lirimiiimlm EngSwreik^' .? ' * t. W i . and Mrs. W .H; Parkin, 766 Boulevard, -Nerttti V a n o ver, announre the wgage^ t ^ , then:,. eldrat AUely, to Mr.^AleJ^aw Kenzie, eldest weddmg vrill home of the b n d e.^ ar^ te .oil ' D an c i^ Lawson I ' ~ y j Xs. t » (V r -* k I- yS ■f/' > [ 4- wV f A L O JD .E . - ,3 dh.the grounds of Reeve sihd 1^8, J. B. Xeyland's - residence, 28« m te 5 front , "' .Li * 5U°5's"̂r ̂ / f SA T inw A Y ,; ] |n ,T : ......... ■■?=s4'-'-"?Admlssioh:;;25c, in c lu ^ ^ |^ ^ :» iif id re ii , ',1 5 c . '.re rx -VaII V-', " • ! yf., / < fail ' * ' f 4>'f ■'■■ •■■- fV? ' " i '-v ' 4 . / ̂ ̂ ll f - - f .H':- ' ____ i=,s; 'V . / . t i