West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Jul 1934, p. 2

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"'I ̂ ": --sar ■\»■> / ' k4 .....mill'll'■■MWii--If - » jit)(cte..*««.. ̂ «.«- ]|«v, HiliJ* Wilflit, in if i 7:1s IMM. Simdajr S eM «a4 Btbit CiMMt r HOUYNni^ ] i4Ui 0ai D mkm lkb(Mui) artd Voulur M«n*f Ĉm» «IM>AV jwmiT *Tb« «r b l i iM** 4 I *■* I- jmm- v COUVEB Science rBCH BUIF -W .1. * ̂ f. BUll'ICB *aj!iaiS2i ' < '«4 ' jSWiM » f,T c u e n from Paris S*.|vke, Sunday AfUsmo«a, |liljr Utb. a t 3 o'clock, on the lawn ladnif the w attr a t *'»mk* hur«t." 2K18 Bollevua Avemw. • Braack of . „ flA li^ iir Ckurek, a r ia t . B o i^ i . '.f>||eslii|Mtsetts .BiiiMti^..B«filpi' IIM. a ^ SumlAy, JTiiiy 15,1934 * < O O D " StoreNo.31, 1414 Mi PRICES EfFEaiVE FRIDAY t o m a t o e s « - Aylmer, UVt : cm 'GKE®̂: beans--- priii EINC OSCAE SAKWNE8 JELLO -- pkf. TBA *" HlRliway, lh> COFFEE -- Nabob, ib. Un (limit Utb. •te*waadb 5« r^"*forI7eI -- ' -- E* I .aadi io« > I,<«/,'•,r*' . • 5c aack 34c UNITED CHURCH ̂V ^fhe Kcv. J. Deneen Hobden "Very ShoH" la tko dtetum kf rjw lll Ik.* th e preacher J n - the Pnrii hairatyiista for iummer United (Jhurch next Sabbath coinuf"' woniiny. He will give an acr^ For Ihla atyle w« auggati a count of h is w ork amongst thd l»nniin.ni on tW »d.,T»vto* prisoners from Esson- ' dale and Oakalla jail. Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Tettimony HcatifUf Wednesday at OtU p.»v The poklie 'in cordially in­ vited to attend k«r services and meetinipi. BREAD - .W h ite or Whole WSpat 4. SUGAR -- B. C. Granulated -»etck 25c ike top hair flat. ; Gwendolyn- v Beauty Shoppe ■■̂ ':;;-'[-'Hawkea-î " Grossman...■ , . . . -,,, u t Tuesday, July 3, at 11 Thy minister will preach in o'clock, the marriaRc of Margar- i""the (fvcmng at 7: lo p.m; : ot Grace," third daughter of SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR <Undt B). prbt2:elettes - pkg...... . gc PUFFED ' WHEAT "--• pkg. *»w4«*4N6.»i#*i4#iw«wi*awi*i»6aM".$iiii&5'Maach ' *9c' mm* FnranrFQ_nir̂ ** BAKBASY: SHORTENING 17c' CBRTO -- Bottle (limit 2) .. .... CIIEESB^-^ Ontario; Mild 'y ^ t;4 ^ i:ii;! ib .'i7 c ' MACARONI -- 2 lb, cello bag ..'...■■.■«.i>ii..«.i...i....*---in.li...... ........- ----- -' I I- f " 1548 Maiina Drive For appointm ent PHONE WEST 117 ST. S T E P H E N 'S C H U R C H Rector; R«*v. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. Major and Mrs. C. Grossman of Chilliwack, to Mr. Wilfred G. W* rcstrve th« rtgbt to limit quantltl^ '1ft m' Neale Hawkea of 17th and Esquinfalt Avenue, wa.s celebrat­ ed in St. 'niomas' ('hurch. The DISTRIBUTION W IT H O U T W ASTE We Deliver ArcHc ICE CREAM in Bricks and Bulk Vanllf^ Neapolitan^ TuUl Fm ttl" Telephone order and time re- • lired and wo can deliver.fjuired ANBLESIDE PHARHACY 1401 Marine Drlre P h o n iW e a lB S S * ■ FREE DELIVERY■r ■ , ■ \ DR. G. D. H. SE ALE p .D .a , L.D.S. D E N T I S T Hay B l^k, Uth and Marine Dr. Officr-Houra 8 to 6~--------- _ pimT Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 ' E. g a l l a n t ; D.C., C m R O n t A C T O i R 2444 Marine Drive, Duadarave, Monday. " Wednesday & Fridisy Evenings. 6:30 to 8.30 p.m. Vancouver Office: 712 Robson Seymour 8700 Not Neceasary to Ask *'I hope you didn't ask for a second piepiece-of pie whon you-^were-over at- Johnny Smith's to ' dinner." said his mother. 10:00 ami.-^AduIt Class; it, ^and she gave me another piece wtthout my asking for it a t all." Batabliahed on North Shore 20 Years.̂ (lAdy Aaabtant) July 15th -t- 7th Sunday after rector, Canon M. W. Holdom, of tt , i : nciated, asslatod by ^he Rev. F. , A. Ramaey of St. Stephen s. 10 & 11:15 a.ni,--Sunday School 'pjje church wag jno.st tastefully 11:15 a.m.--Matins & Seimion. decorated with fragrant sum- 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- mer blooms. The service was . Auxiliary.;Schbol;,.w.«.*,..;. lUh and Inglewood with Major Grossman " Sunday School, 10 the wedding music. -« St. I rancis-ln-the-Vroods, Caulfeild -Sunday, .3-_pjn.r=Eviinsong.^and sermon, CHURCHES OF CHRIST, t h r h w v e ^ glory be SCIENTIST ■ (Psalms W t'V B f: The Lessop .;Serm on also in-, , , „ GOD" is the subject of. the , , , „ , ______ _ ™ u n y .c & n -h o ;« o7thetoid^ I^ M o n S e rm o n which will be C T r i r t f t l e n S who was a member of the^choir,. .read m_alLChurches of with Major Grossman playing Scientist.on'Sunday, July 15tji. Key to the Scrlptuies"b v Mnr! the w ed d W music. , The Golden T ^ isT ^B ressir^M fe^ ' Led by the choir the bridal i„g^ g^d glory, and wisdom, and strongly emphasizes the thought party prweeded .slowly up the thanksgiving, and honour, and . th a t God is hot ' corporeal but aisle-in-which^tcMKj-eignt-smaii--Tjowerrand-mightr benintor-our-^ncornoaf^liP^^igt '^ is -- flower girls wha later threw rose Qod for ever and ever." (Reve- Mortals a re conioraal but Godi« * ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ^ ta l s in the path of the bride, lation 7; 1 2 ) __________ _____ incorporeal."£j(^.4l6)'. Given in mairiag^ by her broth- Aihong th e »citations which er, Mr. Geojcge. Grossman, the comprise the Lesson - Sermon is ,U>w Mass^-- 8:45 a.m. ^fghillassTmd-SernrOin :t0r46" side with clusters of orange Tr. A "blossoms, and the bridal bouquet Catechism and Bible Class--3:00 Qf Ophelia roses and lilies Vespers and Benediction--7 ;30 ^f the valley. . w I j Miss Patricia Grossnian, ,who Wwk^d&y Services attended her sister as brides- Mass, daily 8 a.m, maid, wore an attractive frock rridays; yellow organdie falling in l^nedlction, Rosarjs Confes- flares to the ground, with triple sions ̂ 7:30. ruffles enhancing the shoulder . ______________ ___ line. A sash of green velvet BAPTIST CHURCH . made a pleasing contrast. Miss Eagle Harbor Picuic Grounds, Tennis Courts, -==Bathing. Boatingr-Fishingi-- _TeadHM)xns,_SaudyJBeackea« Cottages for rent . . ... » : T - -- . , • t . . I O C V l l C J L « 7 0 0 V / I 1 ~ l w 7 C J . l l l \ A 1 4 ^ 23rd & l i ^ t e W l Ave. i w i b ffif Drive, t o ; , J r f t f o r a short? Priest in Charge. ' wUh ^ "Be Thou exalted. 0 God.-above hohday. . . . y . , . •! ^^ '̂"'oodo T ruffles trimiming the flaringResidence: 2 3 ^ Inglew o^ Ave. gash of hyacinth blue Residence Phone West 240R. " added an intewsting tough. The - ̂ was .arranged with' an em- Si^»day Scryicjes -----------^hr^idered-capr-oadght-o 2 H E W E T T AUCTIONEERS ^ F T O S W E f r i s S T H 8 9 -r-*- FR A N K RIVERS FOr '"\ ■ _ FISH - EGGS - CHICKEN - BUTTER Local ^ring ' , ' . Phone W est 410L Locri guaranteed 2820 Marine DriveA _Pa8_tor:.;Bhy-"IL,_P. Humphreys -Grossman carried a muff trim- Sunday, July 15th. 9 ;4N7a,mT^unday School. med with flowers of yellow org-- _andie.__The__wee_curlyriieaded- " ' '1 1 flower girl, Miss-Jill Ramsay, formed a .sweet picture in a blue rWtYT^tlCTRIC SERVICI IIARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral Birectnrs North Vancouver Parlors 1 ^ West Sixth Street IPhone North 134 Vaiicouver Parlors ~ 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 w ' V. ^nd forget-me-nots and V carried pink andblue sweet peas. V, e e 1 n g God-s-- Both- the bridesmaid and flower" Glory. Song Sen/ice. Wednesday, 8 p.m. - girl wore silver bracelets, the gift of the groonk Mr. C. L. HiL Mid-week born, 2657 Lawson Avenue, sup- A « , ,, poi*t^ the groom and Mr. Lyle A cordial invitation to all. •Swain and Dr., Ted Barton of­ ficiated as ushers. Over a hundred guests, in^ i h of C. A, W. Ashby The denth occum d last Fri- t^iuding many from Vancouver, tihy a t the family residence, 1468 _ the reception held on Argyte Avenue, of Colin Alfred spacious lawn a t Ardkeen. WiUis Ashby. The THE was in his 20th vear, had b e ^ bridal party received the guests^ ill fo r some time. ' He is survived ' ' ' T ensemble. - by h is parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. *: th r^ - tie r wedding cake W. A. Ashby and one sister a t ^be brides table which home. Funeral services were presided over by Mrs. J. held a t 3:30 p.m. last Tuesday Barton. in.Korth Vancouver, Rev. F A serving were the T V ^ S t V l M Ramsey officiating,'and' inter- r r r C»ff ment was made in Ocean View C- Barton, D. Barton, PttbUsh«d Bv«ry Tkuradar ^ v . . „„ « « . - s Fttkli«k«r F* F, LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 ' BatincM and EdUoriat Offiea: 17th and Mariaa Drive (Next to HoRybum F. 0.) Phone West 363 H ail Addreaai F. O, Em 81. aoUHram, R C .Burihd Park. ............ .. Maclachlan, B. Thiemer and 'V:*/- ̂ , Mrs. M. Waters. , r Miss Ruth Blair of the B. CL • Mr. and Mrs, Hawkes left dur- Electric Store here, who is on the afternoon for a short her;h()liaay8, has returned from trip, the bride wearing an a tr ip to thO Bridge River Dis- ®«smble of pink crepe with ^ a t is all the average Vancoiiver home pays for ele^iciservice.^; nbt only (oi lightihg-^butfor the numerous labor-saVmgJ s l i c e s ^electrlclty, now performs. 'What else ^omir 'X V. - trict. North Vueoaver Office; m I^^iaUle Ave. M ottrtttr: $8.00 a juar f «*»V,i ■'Ja"Lovite|f Hfiwoiy '(df uur ' ^ «»d Brother . llaBBitt BBLI. Who away July IS, J9S0. ■ 'And while ku lies in peuec^l fS la S J T ^ - **-' white accessorieis. On their re­ turn Mr^and Mrs. Hawkes will ,m id e on Esquimalt Avenue, West Vancouver; ' . your IT HEVfR WENT UP enter- excitement, "1 mon . -̂-1 'v mam I ^ l y ̂- (' \ you: ^ ^ v a h ^ i t e S r ->- ' r f " s S ' - ' r ' - ' I ̂tfii'•<. . ' I f • v'J- ■ j ' 'isl 'I •'-i y A B RbutIT HAS COME OOWN' OLUMRI A C i r . - T . . ^ . . - -- --_______ ____ '-'l u m b ia e l e c t r i c iLAlLWAY C P. LTD ■4 A yf:: •A' ̂ .